
Sr NoTypeSub TypeSubject
1 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-02-2025 
2 Notice Public Notice Regarding Preparation of 19th Annual Report of State Information Commission, Haryana. Notice Dated 28-02-2025 
3 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GC Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 27-02-2025 
4 Notice Public Notice राज्य एन०एस०एस० पुरस्कार 2023-24 हेतु नामांकन मंगवाने बारे। Notice Dated 25-02-2025 
5 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GC Palwal. Notice Dated 21-02-2025 
6 Notice Public Notice Invitation of Universities/Colleges Mathematics Faculty for Discussion Meeting on Madhava Mathematics Competition (MMC) on 24th Feb 2025 at 2:00 PM. Notice Dated 21-02-2025 
7 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the DDO Power of GCG Taraori, Karnal Notice Dated 20-02-2025 
8 Notice Public Notice पदोन्नति आदेश दिनांक 07.09.2022 के अनुसार एसोसिएट प्रोफसर/प्राचार्य / उपनिदेशक कार्यरत / सेवानिवृत का वेतन निर्धारण करने के लिए सेवा पुस्तिकाएं भेजने बारे। Notice Dated 17-02-2025 
9 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Smt. Kiran Miglani Associate Professor English. Notice Dated 11-02-2025 
10 Notice Public Notice Regarding Granting Benefit of Haryana Contractual Employees (Security of Service) Act, 2024. Notice Dated 11-02-2025 
11 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report w.r.t. engagement of MA Psychology students in internship at De-addiction centers. (Colleges) Notice Dated 11-02-2025 
12 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report w.r.t. engagement of MA Psychology students in internship at De-addiction centers. (Universities) Notice Dated 11-02-2025 
13 Notice Public Notice Request to send service books of Associate Professors/Principals/Deputy Directors working/retired for fixation of pay in view of promotion order dated 07.09.2022. Notice Dated 11-02-2025 
14 Notice Public Notice Regarding Swacchh Haryana Mission. Notice Dated 10-02-2025 
15 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report w.r.t. engagement of MA Psychology students in internship at De-addiction centres. (Universities) Notice Dated 08-02-2025 
16 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report w.r.t. engagement of MA Psychology students in internship at De-addiction centres. (Colleges) Notice Dated 08-02-2025 
17 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-02-2025 
18 Notice Public Notice Regarding granting benefit of Haryana Contractual Employees (Security of service) Act, 2024 Notice Dated 04-02-2025 
19 Notice Public Notice Regarding granting benefit of Haryana Contractual Employees (Security of service) Act, 2024. Notice Dated 03-02-2025 
20 Notice Public Notice Special Campaign for Institutionalizing Swachhata and minimizing pendency in Government offices under "Swachh Haryana Mission". Notice Dated 03-02-2025 
21 Notice Public Notice Subscription to N-LIST (INFLIBNET), National Digital Library of India, and British Council of India (BCI) Digital Library in Govt. Colleges Libraries in Haryana. Notice Dated 03-02-2025 
22 Notice Public Notice Final reminder Regarding extending the contact of HKRN employees working in Colleges and State/District/Sub-Divisional Libraries. Notice Dated 31-01-2025 
23 Notice Employee Circular Regarding extending the contract of HKRNL employees working in colleges and State/District/Sub-Divisional Libraries. Notice Dated 31-01-2025 
24 Notice Public Notice Regarding availability of 24*7 Library (Reading Room) for Public. Notice Dated 31-01-2025 
25 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of State Central Library, Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 31-01-2025 
26 Notice Public Notice सूर्यनमस्कार अभियान-2025 की कार्यप्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत करने हेतू दिनांक 30.01.2025 को आनलाईन बैठक में सम्मिलित होने बारे। Notice Dated 29-01-2025 
27 Notice Public Notice Regarding extending the contract of HKRNL employees working in colleges and State/District/Sub-Divisional Libraries. Notice Dated 29-01-2025 
28 Notice Public Notice Regarding Naming the Amarnath Bhagat Jairam Kanya Mahavidhlaya, Serdha (Kaithal) after taking over. Notice Dated 29-01-2025 
29 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals. Notice Dated 29-01-2025 
30 Notice Employee Circular Inviting Objections on the Provisional Graduation List of Lecturers/Assistant Professors Prepared on the basis of 31.12.2007. Notice Dated 29-01-2025 
31 Notice Public Notice Minutes of 9th Level Committee Meeting of Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana on 28.11.2024 at Main Committee Room, 4th Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh (Student Interships at De-addiction Centres). Notice Dated 28-01-2025 
32 Notice Public Notice Regarding Swacchh Haryana Mission. Notice Dated 28-01-2025 
33 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing Information of Contractual Employees Working in Government Colleges/Libraries of Library Cadre. Notice Dated 27-01-2025 
34 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Allotment of Station to Group-D candidates selected against advt. no. 01/2023 to the post of Peon. Notice Dated 21-01-2025 
35 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Allotment of Station to Group-D candidates selected against advt. no. 01/2023 to the post of Library Attendant. Notice Dated 21-01-2025 
36 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College. Notice Dated 20-01-2025 
37 Notice Public Notice Regarding National Voters Day (25th January) 2025 Notice Dated 17-01-2025 
38 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the DDO Power of Govt. College. Notice Dated 17-01-2025 
39 Notice Public Notice Regarding designing and distributing the poster of the preamble of the Constitution by framing it. Notice Dated 16-01-2025 
40 Notice Public Notice हमारा संविधान हमारा स्वाभिमान राज्यस्तरीय प्रस्तावना वाचन (Reading of Preamble of Constitution) कार्यक्रम- दिनांक 17.01.2025 को सुबह 11:00 बजे। Notice Dated 16-01-2025 
41 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Associate Professor of Govt. College. Notice Dated 16-01-2025 
42 Notice Public Notice स्वामी विवेकानंद जयंती (12 जनवरी 2025) से महर्षि दयानंद सरस्वती ज (12 फरवरी 2025) तक आयोजित होने वाले हर घर परिवार सूर्यनमस्कार अभियान अधिकतम भागीदारी हेतु दिशा- निर्देश जारी करने बारे। Notice Dated 14-01-2025 
43 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Score of Employees which transfer under Online Transfer Policy. Notice Dated 10-01-2025 
44 Notice Employee Circular Revised tentative schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Non-Teaching Cadre, NCC Cadre and Library Cadre. Notice Dated 10-01-2025 
45 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pay Fixation Order of Principals. Notice Dated 10-01-2025 
46 Notice Public Notice राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति- 2020: भारतीय शिक्षा, संस्कार, मूल्य और आपके सुझाव। Notice Dated 09-01-2025 
47 Notice Employee Circular Regarding repatriation order of Dr. Geeta Sukhija to Govt. College Chammu Kalan (Kurukshetra) Notice Dated 07-01-2025 
48 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Posting Order of Newly Selected Peons. Notice Dated 07-01-2025 
49 Notice Public Notice Release of Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 and inauguration of new Auditorium in the UGC office, New Delhi. Notice Dated 05-01-2025 
50 Notice Employee Circular दिनांक 01.12.2024 की स्थिति अनुसार लास्कर के पदों की वरिष्ठता सूची जारी करने बारे । Notice Dated 03-01-2025 
51 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting Order of Candidates on Group D Posts in NCC Units. Notice Dated 31-12-2024 
52 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Smt. Vijeta Narwal, Principal Notice Dated 31-12-2024 
53 Notice Employee Circular Regarding allotment of station to newly joined Peon. Notice Dated 29-12-2024 
54 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of displaced contractual employees due to joining of Peon against advt. no. 01/2023. Notice Dated 29-12-2024 
55 Notice Public Notice Regarding celebration of Bal Veer Divas to organize seminars on 26th December, 2024. Notice Dated 24-12-2024 
56 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GC Rajound (Kaithal) to Sh. Deepak Kumar Notice Dated 24-12-2024 
57 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Re-instate of Dr. Ruchira Khullar, Principal GC Tigaon. Notice Dated 24-12-2024 
58 Notice Employee Circular Deemed Promotion Order of Sh. Randhir Singh Suhag Associate Professor Psychology GC Bhiwani. Notice Dated 19-12-2024 
59 Notice Public Notice Direction for Seeking Prior Approval of the Competent Authority for Performing Duties During Summer Vacation. Notice Dated 19-12-2024 
60 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Associate professors to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 19-12-2024 
61 Notice Public Notice Request for Issuing Instructions to Universities for the Celebration of the First International Meditation Day on 21st December 2024. Notice Dated 18-12-2024 
62 Notice Public Notice Implementation of actions under stage-IV ( Severe Air Quality) of revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR- Step to be taken. Notice Dated 18-12-2024 
63 Notice Public Notice Regarding Submission of Action Taken Report on "Drug Awareness Rally using Posters and Slogans for community awareness (December Activity)" for the month of December, 2024. Notice Dated 17-12-2024 
64 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designated the DHEO of Sirsa District to Sh. Ram Kumar Principal GCW Sirsa. Notice Dated 17-12-2024 
65 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Sh. Sushil Kumar Principal GC Assandh (Karnal). Notice Dated 17-12-2024 
66 Notice Public Notice Supply of Information Regarding Statement of Assests in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: Outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of Haryana FRBM Act, 2005. Notice Dated 10-12-2024 
67 Notice Public Notice Regarding naming of Govt. college for women, Ratia (Fatehabad). Notice Dated 10-12-2024 
68 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. College. Notice Dated 10-12-2024 
69 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Launching of All Indian Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) for Survey Year 2023-24 for Uploading of data on -DCF Notice Dated 10-12-2024 
70 Notice Public Notice Tentative Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Non-Teaching Cadre, NCC Cadre and Library Cadre. Notice Dated 09-12-2024 
71 Notice Public Notice Haryana Contractual Employees (Security of Service) Ordinance, 2024-Appropriate Authority Thereof. Notice Dated 09-12-2024 
72 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-12-2024 
73 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Extension of time for newly Selected Clerks as per Candidates requests. Notice Dated 05-12-2024 
74 Notice Public Notice Regarding Designated the DHEO of Bhiwani District to Sh. Satya Pal Singh Principal GC Siwani (Bhiwani). Notice Dated 04-12-2024 
75 Notice Public Notice Regarding Supply & Installation Report of Desktop Computers. Notice Dated 04-12-2024 
76 Notice Public Notice Guidelines Regarding Visiting Head Quarter by Lecturers Especially with regard to Pay Fixation Matters. Notice Dated 02-12-2024 
77 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Sanjay Sharma Principal. Notice Dated 28-11-2024 
78 Notice Public Notice Participation in the Vikshit Bharat Yuva Festival - 2025. Notice Dated 27-11-2024 
79 Notice Employee Circular Extension of time to newly appointed Junior Librarians. Notice Dated 27-11-2024 
80 Notice Employee Circular Retirement order of Principals of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 27-11-2024 
81 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Voluntary Retirement Order of Smt. Chanchal Rani, Principal Notice Dated 26-11-2024 
82 Notice Public Notice Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November 2024 Notice Dated 23-11-2024 
83 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Extension of time for newly Selected Assistant as per Candidates request. Notice Dated 22-11-2024 
84 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Extension of time for newly Selected Clerks as per Candidates request. Notice Dated 22-11-2024 
85 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-11-2024 
86 Notice Public Notice Implementation of actions under stage IV (severe+ Air Quality) of revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi NCR-Step to be taken. Notice Dated 20-11-2024 
87 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding the eligibility criteria for CAS Promotions of University Teachers from Academic Level 12 to Academic Level 13A and Academic Level 13A to Academic Level 14. Notice Dated 14-11-2024 
88 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report on "Organizing Skits (Nukkad Natak) to create mass awareness on Drugs and its disadvantages" for the month of November, 2024. Notice Dated 14-11-2024 
89 Notice Public Notice Supply of Information Regarding Statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: Outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of Haryana FRBM Act, 2005. Notice Dated 11-11-2024 
90 Notice Public Notice Regarding designated the DHEO of Hisar and Nuh District. Notice Dated 11-11-2024 
91 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing NOC for Starting New Subject/course from the Session 2025-26 under Self Finance Scheme. Notice Dated 07-11-2024 
92 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Resource Persons for District-wise/intra-district Offline/Online workshops for AISHE Survey year 2023-24. Notice Dated 07-11-2024 
93 Notice Public Notice Regarding Indian International Trade Fair 2024 Notice Dated 05-11-2024 
94 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of Admission Portal 2024-25 of UG & PG for 1st Years. Notice Dated 05-11-2024 
95 Notice Public Notice Institute Registration - 2025 FOR National Institutional Ranking Framework. Notice Dated 04-11-2024 
96 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant Scale of Rs. 37,400-67,000+10000 GP in Academic Level 14 to the Associate Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 30-10-2024 
97 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-10-2024 
98 Notice Public Notice Implementation of Tuition Fees Waiver (TFW) Scheme of AICTE, New Delhi from Academic Calendar 2024-25. Notice Dated 28-10-2024 
99 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of Tuition Fees Waiver (TFW) Scheme of AICTE, New Delhi from Academic Calendar 2024-25. Notice Dated 28-10-2024 
100 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adjustment/Posting order of newly joined Assistants. Notice Dated 25-10-2024 
101 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment order of Sh. Anuj Kumar on the post of Junior Librarian. Notice Dated 25-10-2024 
102 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2023-24 through online medium Notice Dated 25-10-2024 
103 Notice Employee Circular Adjustment regarding place of Posting of Junior Librarians. Notice Dated 25-10-2024 
104 Notice Employee Circular Adjustment regarding place of Posting of Junior Librarian. Notice Dated 25-10-2024 
105 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adjustment/Posting order of newly joined Clerks. Notice Dated 25-10-2024 
106 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Sudesh Khatri Lather, Principal. Notice Dated 24-10-2024 
107 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges in Haryana Notice Dated 24-10-2024 
108 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of station to Newly Appointed Clerks. Notice Dated 23-10-2024 
109 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of station to Newly Appointed Assistants. Notice Dated 23-10-2024 
110 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of station to Newly Appointed Hotel Superintendent. Notice Dated 23-10-2024 
111 Notice Employee Circular Adjustment Regarding Place of Posting of Junior Librarians. Notice Dated 22-10-2024 
112 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Satbir Singh Sanga, Principal. Notice Dated 22-10-2024 
113 Notice Public Notice Appointment Letter for the post of Hostel Superintendent in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
114 Notice Public Notice Appointment Letter for the post of Assistant in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
115 Notice Public Notice Appointment Letter for the post of clerk in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
116 Notice Public Notice Appointment letter to the post of clerk against Advt. No. 04/2024 Cat. No. 380 in the Department of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula(H.Q.). Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
117 Notice Public Notice Appointment letter to the post of Assistant against Advt. No. 04/2024 Cat. No. 318 in the Department of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula(H.Q.). Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
118 Notice Public Notice Appointment letter to the post of Stastical Assistant against Advt. No. 11/2024 Cat. No. 138 in the Department of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula(H.Q.). Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
119 Notice Public Notice Appointment Letter for the post of clerk in NCC Units. Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
120 Notice Public Notice Appointment Letter for the post of Junior Librarians in Government Colleges/Public Libraries. Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
121 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of Admission Portal 2024-25 of UG & PG for all Years. Notice Dated 21-10-2024 
122 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion order of Peon/Library attendants to the post of Restorer. Notice Dated 18-10-2024 
123 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion order of Restorers to the post of Junior Librarian. Notice Dated 18-10-2024 
124 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment Order of Sh. Dhiren Panwar on the post of Clerk. Notice Dated 17-10-2024 
125 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation Order of Sh. Partap Singh Rohilla Principal. Notice Dated 14-10-2024 
126 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Scheme of Revision of Pay of Teachers and Equivalent Cadres in Universities and Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 11-10-2024 
127 Notice Public Notice Matter Regarding CAS Promotion form Associate Professor (Academic Level 13A) to Professor (Academic Level 14). Notice Dated 11-10-2024 
128 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant Scale of Rs. 37,400-67,000+10000 GP in Academic Level 14 to the Associate Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 11-10-2024 
129 Notice Public Notice Deemed Promotion Order of Sh. Rajvir Singh and Sh. Hoshiar Singh Associate Professor to the Post of Principal. Notice Dated 11-10-2024 
130 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-10-2024 
131 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Annual Increment to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-10-2024 
132 Notice Public Notice Facilities for Development of Computer Based Test (CBT) Centers. Notice Dated 10-10-2024 
133 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GCG Gohana (Sonipat) to Sh. Shamsher Singh Hooda. Notice Dated 10-10-2024 
134 Notice Employee Circular हरियाणा राज्य में स्थित राजकीय महाविद्यालयों के प्राचार्यों की वरिष्ठता सूची (as on 31.12.2023) निर्धारित / जारी करने बारे। Notice Dated 08-10-2024 
135 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Principals. Notice Dated 01-10-2024 
136 Notice Public Notice Peace rallies/ peace march on the occasion of "Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti" on 02.10.2024 Notice Dated 01-10-2024 
137 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report on "Exhibition of Poster & Slogan for Sensitizing the Students about the Drugs (October Activity)" for the month of October, 2024. Notice Dated 01-10-2024 
138 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Additional Charge of Deputy Director Sports to Dr. Satish Bhardwaj, Associate Professor Physical Education. Notice Dated 30-09-2024 
139 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-09-2024 
140 Notice Public Notice Declaration of holiday w.r.t written examination for the Primary Teachers (PRT) of Elementary Education Department Haryana against advt no. 05/2024 Notice Dated 27-09-2024 
141 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of UG/PG 2nd/3rd Year Admission Portal 2024-25. Notice Dated 24-09-2024 
142 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of UG 1st Year Admission Portal 2024-25. Notice Dated 24-09-2024 
143 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2023-24 through online medium. Notice Dated 19-09-2024 
144 Notice Public Notice Meeting Regarding Setting-up the Computer Based Test Centre (CBT) to be held on 20.09.2024 at 10:00 AM. Notice Dated 19-09-2024 
145 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the annual increment to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-09-2024 
146 Notice Public Notice Regarding To Organize a One Day Special Plantation Drive on 17th September 2024. Notice Dated 16-09-2024 
147 Notice Public Notice Joint Action Plan on Prevention of Drugs and Substance Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Notice Dated 13-09-2024 
148 Notice Public Notice Supply of Information Regarding Statement of Assests in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: Outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of Haryana FRBM Act, 2005. Notice Dated 13-09-2024 
149 Notice Public Notice To Celebrate the World Ozone Day. Notice Dated 11-09-2024 
150 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Annual Increment to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-09-2024 
151 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant to Child Care Leave for Smt. Neetu Rani, Clerk, Govt. College of Education Bhiwani Notice Dated 10-09-2024 
152 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of UG 1st Year Admission Portal 2024-25. Notice Dated 09-09-2024 
153 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Sh. Pawan Kumar, Principal, Govt. College, Charkhi Dadri. Notice Dated 06-09-2024 
154 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Sh. Satbir Singh Sanga, Principal, Govt. College, Uklana (Hisar) Notice Dated 06-09-2024 
155 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the annual increment to Sh. Rishi Pal, Principal, Govt. College, Bound Kalan (Charkhi Dadri). Notice Dated 06-09-2024 
156 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report on " One Day Seminar & Awarness program on Drug Abuse prevention" for the month of September, 2024. Notice Dated 06-09-2024 
157 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the annual increment to Principals Notice Dated 05-09-2024 
158 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of PG 1st Year and UG/PG 2nd/3rd Year Admission Portal 2024-25. Notice Dated 05-09-2024 
159 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of National De-Worming Day on 18.09.2024 & Mop up Day on 24.09.2024. Notice Dated 05-09-2024 
160 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-09-2024 
161 Notice Public Notice Regarding General Elections to Legislative Assembly in the State of Haryana and Other States. Notice Dated 02-09-2024 
162 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. College. Notice Dated 30-08-2024 
163 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-08-2024 
164 Notice Public Notice Regarding Verification Under All State Merit/Meritorious Scholarship Schemes of Students for the Year 2023-24. Notice Dated 29-08-2024 
165 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining charge report of Sh. Rahul Hooda, IAS to the post of Director, Higher Education Haryana & Special Secretary to Government Haryana. Notice Dated 27-08-2024 
166 Notice Public Notice General Election to Legislative Assembly of Haryana, 2024-Visit of Hon'ble Commission to review the poll preparedness in the State-regarding. Notice Dated 23-08-2024 
167 Notice Public Notice RB190Quiz-Nation-wide quiz for undergraduate students. Notice Dated 23-08-2024 
168 Notice Public Notice Supply of Information Regarding Statement of Assests in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: Outstandings in Form D-8 under the Rules of Haryana FRBM Act, 2005. Notice Dated 22-08-2024 
169 Notice Public Notice 7th Meeting of Haryana State Commission for Women to be held on 13.08.2024 at 11:00 AM in Conference Hall, Haryana Agro Industries Limited, Bays No. 15-20, Sector-4, Panchkula (First Floor WCD Office) under the Chairpersonship of Smt. Renu Bhatia. Notice Dated 21-08-2024 
170 Notice Public Notice राष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष दिवस (National Space Day) महोत्सव के प्रचार प्रसार हेतू प्रशिक्षित शिक्षकों द्वारा महाविद्यालयों / विश्वविद्यालयों एवं प्रदेश के छात्र/छात्राओं को जागरूक करने के सम्बन्ध में। Notice Dated 21-08-2024 
171 Notice Public Notice Regarding reopening of UG 1st Year and 2nd/3rd Year (UG/PG) Admission Portal 2024-25 Notice Dated 20-08-2024 
172 Notice Public Notice National Tuberculosis Elimination programme (NTEP) Ni-kshay 2.0 web-portal. Notice Dated 16-08-2024 
173 Notice Employee Circular Regarding designated the DHEO of Sonipat District to Smt. Tarana Negi Principal GC Kharkhoda. Notice Dated 16-08-2024 
174 Notice Public Notice Regarding deputation of Assistant Professor in UT, Chandigarh. Notice Dated 14-08-2024 
175 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating the DHEO of Panipat District to Smt. Rekha Tyagi. Notice Dated 14-08-2024 
176 Notice Employee Circular Regarding deputation order of Sh. Ram Pal, J.L.A Notice Dated 13-08-2024 
177 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 12-08-2024 
178 Notice Employee Circular Regarding deputation order of Peons of NCC Units. Notice Dated 12-08-2024 
179 Notice Public Notice D.O. Letter of Secretary, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment regarding Highlighting Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (NMBA) during the 78th Independence Day, with Theme "Viksit Bharat Ka Mantra, Bharat ho Nashe se Swatantra". Notice Dated 09-08-2024 
180 Notice Public Notice Directions in respect of NCTE approved colleges of Education affiliated to State Universities in Haryana. Notice Dated 09-08-2024 
181 Notice Public Notice Regarding Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign. Notice Dated 09-08-2024 
182 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of One Day Mass Plantation Drive Under the Campaign " Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam". Notice Dated 08-08-2024 
183 Notice Public Notice Regarding naming of Guru Gaurakshaknath Ji Govt. College, Hisar. Notice Dated 08-08-2024 
184 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the annual increment to Principals Notice Dated 07-08-2024 
185 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Partial Modification of order dated 10.07.2024 issued under endst. No.19/45-2023 Ad(2) dated 12.07.2024 Notice Dated 07-08-2024 
186 Notice Employee Circular Regarding deputation of Assistant Professor in UT, Chandigarh. Notice Dated 06-08-2024 
187 Notice Public Notice राज्य एन०एस० पुरस्कार 2022-23 हेतु नामांकन मंगवाने बारे। Notice Dated 06-08-2024 
188 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of UG 1st Year Admission Portal 2024-25. Notice Dated 05-08-2024 
189 Notice Public Notice Regarding Issuance of Directions to all the Departments to Comply the Orders of the Hon'ble High Court within the Stipulated time Granted by the Hon'ble High Court. Notice Dated 05-08-2024 
190 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised PG Admission Schedule for the Session 2024-25. Notice Dated 01-08-2024 
191 Notice Public Notice Regarding criteria for the canteen in Government Colleges situated in Haryana State. Notice Dated 01-08-2024 
192 Notice Public Notice Regarding Postponement of Online Workshop for Online Student Attendance System on 02.08.2024. Notice Dated 01-08-2024 
193 Notice Public Notice Regarding relinquish of the charge of Director General & Secretary to Government Haryana, Higher Education Department Notice Dated 30-07-2024 
194 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the annual increment to Sh. Deepak Kumar, Assistant Director Notice Dated 29-07-2024 
195 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the annual increment to officers Notice Dated 29-07-2024 
196 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-07-2024 
197 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Laboratory Attendants to the post of Junior Lecture Assistant. Notice Dated 29-07-2024 
198 Notice Public Notice Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2023-24 through online medium. Notice Dated 29.07.2024 Notice Dated 29-07-2024 
199 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-07-2024 
200 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Palwal to Smt. Archana Verma, Principal Notice Dated 25-07-2024 
201 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Palwal to Dr. Saroj Bishnoi, Principal Notice Dated 25-07-2024 
202 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Granting Arrears of Minimum Pay Scale to the Petitioners from 01.11.2017 to 26.06.2019 Notice Dated 25-07-2024 
203 Notice Public Notice Condemnation of various unserviceable items Notice Dated 25-07-2024 
204 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Principals. Notice Dated 24-07-2024 
205 Notice Public Notice SVEEP for 2nd Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls with reference to 1st July, 2024 as the qualifying date-regarding Notice Dated 24-07-2024 
206 Notice Public Notice To Seek Information of New Internet Connections Taken by the Govt. Colleges (Rural) under Bharat-Net Project. Notice Dated 24-07-2024 
207 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct State Level Student's Legal Literacy Competitions for Year 2023-24. Notice Dated 23-07-2024 
208 Notice Public Notice Condemnation of various unserviceable items. Notice Dated 23-07-2024 
209 Notice Public Notice Regarding naming of Govt. College, Bastli (Karnal). Notice Dated 23-07-2024 
210 Notice Public Notice Regarding to Update Current Demand of Furniture on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 23-07-2024 
211 Notice Public Notice Seeking Suggestions/Comments on draft of Surakshit School Vahan Policy. Notice Dated 23-07-2024 
212 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 01.07.2024 की स्थिति अनुसार स्टेनों टाईपिस्ट (उप-कार्यालय) कॉलेज कैडर ग्रुप-सी की अपडेट वरिष्ठता सूचि जारी करने बारे। Notice Dated 22-07-2024 
213 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Clerks of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 22-07-2024 
214 Notice Public Notice Regarding Deputing Officer's from HQ to Government Colleges for Submitting Report Regarding Rationalizing the Teaching Faculty According to Workload after Discussing it with concerned DHEOs and to monitor conduct of Classes in Smart Class rooms in the Government Colleges. Notice Dated 22-07-2024 
215 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment of Group-D (Peon) recommended by HSSC under ESP category against advt. no. 4/2019, Cat no. 1. Notice Dated 19-07-2024 
216 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Nahar (Rewari). Notice Dated 19-07-2024 
217 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Transfer Order of Dr. Vivek Kumar Saini Principal. Notice Dated 19-07-2024 
218 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Transfer Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-07-2024 
219 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-07-2024 
220 Notice Public Notice Regarding Funds for Payment of Pending Bills of Placement Cell for FY-2023-24. Notice Dated 18-07-2024 
221 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct State Level Student's Legal Literacy Competitions for the Year 2023-24. Notice Dated 18-07-2024 
222 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creation of exam centers for conduct of Entrance Test for Nursing/Physiotherapy/Paramedical courses for the Academic Session 2024-25 in Pt. BD Sharma UHS Rohtak. Notice Dated 17-07-2024 
223 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of District Library Rewari. Notice Dated 17-07-2024 
224 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of Online Student Attendance System and Monthly SMS Notification to Parents. Notice Dated 17-07-2024 
225 Notice Public Notice Regarding First Meeting of "Yoga Courses / Curriculum Review Committee" to be held on 19.07.2024 at 11:00 AM in Senate Hall, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra Notice Dated 15-07-2024 
226 Notice Public Notice Celebrating the International Youth Day on August 12, 2024 as an awareness day with organizing Drug Awareness Campaign and submission of report thereof. Notice Dated 15-07-2024 
227 Notice Public Notice Regarding to update Current Demand of Furniture on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 15-07-2024 
228 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct Division and State Level Student's Legal Literacy Competition for the year 2023-24. Notice Dated 15-07-2024 
229 Notice Public Notice Request for Report on Utilization of Existing Smart Classrooms. Notice Dated 12-07-2024 
230 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Principals. Notice Dated 12-07-2024 
231 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GCW Murthal Sonipat. Notice Dated 10-07-2024 
232 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised UG Admission Schedule for the Session 2024-25. Notice Dated 10-07-2024 
233 Notice Employee Circular Deputation order of Smt. Sushma Saini, Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 09-07-2024 
234 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-07-2024 
235 Notice Public Notice Instructions Regarding Biometric Attendance. Notice Dated 08-07-2024 
236 Notice Public Notice Regarding sending the nominations for National Service Scheme Awards for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 05-07-2024 
237 Notice Public Notice Regarding PG Admission Schedule for the Session 2024-25. Notice Dated 03-07-2024 
238 Notice Public Notice Regarding Admissions of 2nd / 3rd Year Students in UG/PG Programmes for the Session 2024-25 Notice Dated 03-07-2024 
239 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Clerks of NCC Cadre. Notice Dated 02-07-2024 
240 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-06-2024 
241 Notice Public Notice Best practice regarding Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti. Notice Dated 28-06-2024 
242 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised UG Admission Schedule for the Session 2024-25. Notice Dated 28-06-2024 
243 Notice Public Notice Permission to work during summer vacations for the period from 20.05.2024 to 30.06.2024. Notice Dated 27-06-2024 
244 Notice Public Notice Regarding naming of Govt. College, Hisar. Notice Dated 27-06-2024 
245 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 26-06-2024 
246 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Bawal (Rewari) to Dr. Namita, A.P. Political Science Notice Dated 26-06-2024 
247 Notice Public Notice Regarding Publicity for Creating Awareness of the Three New Criminal Laws . Notice Dated 25-06-2024 
248 Notice Public Notice Training for all under "Mission Karmayogi Haryana". Notice Dated 25-06-2024 
249 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 25-06-2024 
250 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Last date of Registration of Online Admissions towards UG Programmes for the Session 2024-25. Notice Dated 25-06-2024 
251 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Bhiwani. Notice Dated 25-06-2024 
252 Notice Public Notice Regarding Change in Venue and Dates for Training Under Mission Karmayogi Haryana. Notice Dated 25-06-2024 
253 Notice Public Notice General Election to house of the People (Lok Sabha), 2024 and State Legislative Assemblies in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh Odisha and Sikkim and certain bye-elections-Lifting of Model Code of Conduct-reg. Notice Dated 24-06-2024 
254 Notice Public Notice Feedback on celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2024 Notice Dated 21-06-2024 
255 Notice Public Notice Regarding starting of classes in new Govt. College for women, Manpur (Palwal) from academic session 2024-25. Notice Dated 21-06-2024 
256 Notice Public Notice Regarding Deputation Order of Head Quarter and Field Officer/Officials till 30.09.2024 Notice Dated 20-06-2024 
257 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing of new courses/subjects, seat increase, seat decrease and discontinuation of courses/subjects for the academic session 2024-25 Notice Dated 20-06-2024 
258 Notice Public Notice Regarding Deputation Order of Head Quarter and Field Officer/Officials till 30.09.2024 Notice Dated 20-06-2024 
259 Notice Employee Circular Allotment of Stations to Group D Employees as Peon Notice Dated 19-06-2024 
260 Notice Employee Circular Allotment of Stations to Group D Employees as Library Attendant. Notice Dated 19-06-2024 
261 Notice Public Notice Regarding State Level Function to be Organized on the Occasion of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2024 at Maharana Pratap Stadium, Guru Jumbheshwar University, Hisar Notice Dated 19-06-2024 
262 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2024. Notice Dated 19-06-2024 
263 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Promotion to the Regularized Employees of 2014. Notice Dated 18-06-2024 
264 Notice Public Notice Deemed promotion का लाभ प्रदान करने उपरांत पैशन में संशोधन करने बारे मामला। Notice Dated 18-06-2024 
265 Notice Public Notice Regarding "The Haryana Registration And Regulation of Private Coaching Institutes ACT No. 12 of 2024". Notice Dated 18-06-2024 
266 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Julana (Jind). Notice Dated 18-06-2024 
267 Notice Public Notice Regarding Designating the DHEO of Karnal and Bahadurgarh District. Notice Dated 12-06-2024 
268 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of Classes in New Govt. College, Sector-23 Ballabgarh from academic session 2024-25. Notice Dated 12-06-2024 
269 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Naraingarh (Ambala) to Dr. Ajit Singh. Notice Dated 12-06-2024 
270 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Mohinder Singh. Notice Dated 12-06-2024 
271 Notice Public Notice Regarding celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2024. Notice Dated 11-06-2024 
272 Notice Employee Circular Appointment order of Sanjeev Kumar, Tabla Player. Notice Dated 11-06-2024 
273 Notice Public Notice Regarding Deputation Order of Head Quarter and Field Officer/Officials till 20.06.2024 Notice Dated 10-06-2024 
274 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Principals. Notice Dated 07-06-2024 
275 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Smt. Anita Joon, Principal, Govt. College, Dadopur (Karnal) Notice Dated 07-06-2024 
276 Notice Public Notice Regarding Amendment in Haryana Right to Information Rules 2009. Notice Dated 06-06-2024 
277 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Smt. Arun Lekha Principal on granting the benefit of deemed promotion. Notice Dated 06-06-2024 
278 Notice Public Notice Regarding virtual meeting for Centralized Online Admissions. Notice Dated 06-06-2024 
279 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of NEP. Notice Dated 06-06-2024 
280 Notice Public Notice To Seek Information of New Internet Connections Taken by the Govt. Colleges (Rural) under Bharat-Net Project. Notice Dated 06-06-2024 
281 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding UG Honours/Vocational Programmes Under Interdisciplinary Scheme of NEP. Notice Dated 05-06-2024 
282 Notice Public Notice Regarding internet connection for Rural Govt. Colleges under Bharat-Net Project. Notice Dated 05-06-2024 
283 Notice Public Notice To provide the information about the Yoga clubs. Notice Dated 05-06-2024 
284 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report on " Inter/Intra college Debate/Declamation competition on Drug Awareness" for the month of April, 2024. Notice Dated 04-06-2024 
285 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report on " Inter/Intra college Debate/Declamation competition on Drug Awareness" for the month of April, 2024. Notice Dated 04-06-2024 
286 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report on " Inter/Intra college Debate/Declamation competition on Drug Awareness" for the month of April, 2024. Notice Dated 04-06-2024 
287 Notice Public Notice Submission of Action Taken Report on " Inter/Intra college Poster and Slogan making competition on Drug Awareness" for the month of March, 2024. Notice Dated 04-06-2024 
288 Notice Public Notice Regarding participating in Webinar on Environment Protection. Notice Dated 04-06-2024 
289 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of District Library, Narnaul. Notice Dated 03-06-2024 
290 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of NEP. Notice Dated 03-06-2024 
291 Notice Public Notice Regarding Composition of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Affiliated Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 31-05-2024 
292 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 31-05-2024 
293 Notice Public Notice To seek information of new internet connections taken by the Govt. Colleges (Rural) under Bharat-Net Project. Notice Dated 29-05-2024 
294 Notice Public Notice Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for UG Programmes for the Session 2024-25. Notice Dated 28-05-2024 
295 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-05-2024 
296 Notice Public Notice Regarding meeting of committee constituted to deliberate upon reviewing the centralized admission policy by Haryana State Higher Education Council. Notice Dated 23-05-2024 
297 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-05-2024 
298 Notice Public Notice चिकित्सा बिल, सामान्य भविष्य निधि मामले एवं अन्य प्रवृति के सभी मामलों की दोहरी प्रति भेजने बारे I Notice Dated 21-05-2024 
299 Notice Public Notice Permission regarding installation of internet services with bandwidth of 50Mbps on the lowest rates. Notice Dated 20-05-2024 
300 Notice Public Notice Information Regarding Distress Call Centre- EK Aasra (IVR facility Helpline No. 7419864999). Notice Dated 16-05-2024 
301 Notice Public Notice Admission Notice ( Batch 2024-2028) State Institute of Advanced Studies in Teacher Education Jhajjar, Gurugram and Kurukshetra (Haryana). Notice Dated 16-05-2024 
302 Notice Public Notice Best practice regarding Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti. Notice Dated 15-05-2024 
303 Notice Public Notice To provide the information about the Yoga Courses. Notice Dated 15-05-2024 
304 Notice Public Notice Chargeback Policy and Refund Policy of Directorate of Higher Education Haryana for Successful Transaction Through Online Admission Portal. Notice Dated 15-05-2024 
305 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of NEP in the affiliated colleges w.e.f 2024-25. Notice Dated 13-05-2024 
306 Notice Public Notice Regarding Provide the Furniture to Polling Party in General Lok Sabha Election 2024. Notice Dated 09-05-2024 
307 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-05-2024 
308 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Relieving Orders of Principals (Re-employed) of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-05-2024 
309 Notice Public Notice Organization of drug Awareness campaign at all Higher Education Institution of State. ( Agenda point for 7th State Level Committee (NCORD) meeting) Activity of March 2024. Notice Dated 02-05-2024 
310 Notice Public Notice Regarding conduct of examination by KUK University. Notice Dated 01-05-2024 
311 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Distress Call Centre - Ek Aasra (IVR facility Helpline no. 7419864999). Notice Dated 01-05-2024 
312 Notice Employee Circular Regarding sending the annual confidential report of Principals of Govt. Colleges for the year 2023-24 Notice Dated 01-05-2024 
313 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Associate Professor Govt. PG College for Girls, Sec-11 Chandigarh. Notice Dated 30-04-2024 
314 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-04-2024 
315 Notice Public Notice Regarding conduct of college level and District Level Competitions under Students Legal Literacy Mission for the year 2023-2024. Notice Dated 26-04-2024 
316 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Meham (Rohtak) to Sh. Rohit Kumar. Notice Dated 24-04-2024 
317 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Meham (Rohtak). Notice Dated 23-04-2024 
318 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating the DHEO of Mohindergarh and Panipat District. Notice Dated 19-04-2024 
319 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-04-2024 
320 Notice Public Notice Regarding conduct of college level and District Level Competitions under Students Legal Literacy Mission for the year 2023-2024. Notice Dated 18-04-2024 
321 Notice Public Notice Regarding starting of New Courses/subjects, discontinuation of Courses and increasing/decreasing of seats in the existing courses. Notice Dated 16-04-2024 
322 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating the Prem Kumar Mehta as DHEO of Fatehabad District. Notice Dated 16-04-2024 
323 Notice Public Notice Regarding conduct of college level Competitions under Students Legal Literacy Mission for the year 2023-2024. Notice Dated 16-04-2024 
324 Notice Public Notice Regarding Smooth Implementation and Rollout of "Extending Services of Bharat-Net Project" Notice Dated 15-04-2024 
325 Notice Public Notice To Provide the Information about the Yoga Courses. Notice Dated 15-04-2024 
326 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Israna (Panipat). Notice Dated 12-04-2024 
327 Notice Public Notice Regarding Tobacco Free Educational Institutions Notice Dated 08-04-2024 
328 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-04-2024 
329 Notice Public Notice Proceeding of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Smt. Hema Sharma, IAS, Addl. Chief Electoral Officer, Haryana with the members of the State Steering Committee on Accessible Election for General Parliamentary Elections-2024 on 18.03.2024. Notice Dated 02-04-2024 
330 Notice Employee Circular Regarding CWP No. 21964 of 2019 titled as Anita Rani and Others Versus State of Haryana and Others. Notice Dated 28-03-2024 
331 Notice Public Notice Releasing of Payment to M/s HLL Lifecare for Installation Incinerators Machine. Notice Dated 28-03-2024 
332 Notice Public Notice Regarding the Organization of "Cinevesture International Film Festival from 27th to 31st of March Notice Dated 28-03-2024 
333 Notice Public Notice Organization of drug Awareness campaign at all Higher Education Institution of State. ( Agenda point for 7th State Level Committee (NCORD) meeting) Notice Dated 26-03-2024 
334 Notice Public Notice Proceeding of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Smt. Hema Sharma, IAS, Addl. Chief Electoral Officer, Haryana with the members of the State Steering Committee on Accessible Election for General Parliamentary Elections-2024 on 18.03.2024. Notice Dated 26-03-2024 
335 Notice Public Notice Permission for Installation of 50 Mbps Internet Leased Line from Service Providers other than BSNL. Notice Dated 26-03-2024 
336 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 26-03-2024 
337 Notice Public Notice Regarding General Election to House of the People (Lok Sabha), 2024 Transfer/Posting of Officers/Officials . Notice Dated 22-03-2024 
338 Notice Public Notice Regarding Lok Sabha General Elections 2024 & Bye Election to 21 Karnal Assembly Constituency-Press release - Regarding enforcement of Model Code of Conduct. Notice Dated 22-03-2024 
339 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Annual Increment to Dr. Meenu Singh, Principal GC Narwana. Notice Dated 21-03-2024 
340 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 21-03-2024 
341 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-03-2024 
342 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Dr. Archana Verma, Principal GC Palwal to GCW Nachauli (Faridabad). Notice Dated 18-03-2024 
343 Notice Employee Circular Regarding give the Additional Charge of GC Palwal to Dr. Archana Verma. Notice Dated 18-03-2024 
344 Notice Public Notice Regarding Convert the Govt. College for Women Mokhra to Co-Education College. Notice Dated 15-03-2024 
345 Notice Public Notice NAAC Reforms - Stakeholders Consultation - Northern Region - Registration Notice Dated 14-03-2024 
346 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer & Allotment of Station to Group-D Employees (Library Attendant). Notice Dated 13-03-2024 
347 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-03-2024 
348 Notice Public Notice Regarding India Semiconductor Mission. Notice Dated 12-03-2024 
349 Notice Public Notice Campaign on Mera Pehla Vote Desh ke Liye from 06.03.2024 to 14.03.2024 Notice Dated 12-03-2024 
350 Notice Public Notice Regarding India Semiconductor Mission. Notice Dated 11-03-2024 
351 Notice Public Notice Regarding Lok Sabha Election-2024 Notice Dated 11-03-2024 
352 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment of Dr. Sharda Bharti as Nodal Officer & Campaign Officer to Monitor the Implementation of HIV Prevention Activities. Notice Dated 11-03-2024 
353 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Posting/Transfer Order of NCC Cadre Assistants. Notice Dated 07-03-2024 
354 Notice Public Notice Regarding Campaign on Mera Pehla Vote Desh ke Liye From 08.02.2024 to 06.03.2024 Notice Dated 05-03-2024 
355 Notice Public Notice PM Gati Shakti data layers:- Social Infrastructure including Sports. Notice Dated 04-03-2024 
356 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GC, Dujana (Jhajjar) to Sh. Dalbir Singh, Principal. Notice Dated 04-03-2024 
357 Notice Public Notice Regarding Lok Sabha General Election 2024. Notice Dated 04-03-2024 
358 Notice Public Notice Best practice regarding Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti. Notice Dated 04-03-2024 
359 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating of DHEO Charkhi Dadri Districts. Notice Dated 29-02-2024 
360 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-02-2024 
361 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Principals of Govt. College. Notice Dated 28-02-2024 
362 Notice Public Notice Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS) of the State Government Choice of Investment Pattern. Notice Dated 28-02-2024 
363 Notice Public Notice Integration of Skill Enhancement Online Training Programme in UG/PG Curriculum. Notice Dated 27-02-2024 
364 Notice Public Notice Releasing of Payment to M/s HLL Lifecare for Installation Incinerators Machine. Notice Dated 27-02-2024 
365 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-02-2024 
366 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deemed Promotion of Associate Professors (Retd.) to the Post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S-I. Notice Dated 27-02-2024 
367 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Dr. Sunidhi Principal GCW Nacholi to GCW Faridabad. Notice Dated 27-02-2024 
368 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Seniority List of Lascar and Clerk with disabilities in NCC Cadre. Notice Dated 26-02-2024 
369 Notice Public Notice Regarding Empanelment of Inquiry Officers. Notice Dated 26-02-2024 
370 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Anupma Principal GC Badli Notice Dated 23-02-2024 
371 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Posting/Transfer Order of Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 23-02-2024 
372 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating of DHEO Matanhail (Jhajjar) and Palwal (Kurukshetra) Districts. Notice Dated 23-02-2024 
373 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GC Chammu Kalan to Smt. Indu Bala. Notice Dated 23-02-2024 
374 Notice Public Notice Regarding Model Code of Conduct Instruction Election Campaign Notice Dated 22-02-2024 
375 Notice Public Notice Integration of Skill Enhancement Online Training Programme in UG/PG Curriculum. Notice Dated 21-02-2024 
376 Notice Employee Circular Revised Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Non-Teaching Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 20-02-2024 
377 Notice Public Notice Academic & Administrative Audit (A&A) of Government College of Haryana. Notice Dated 20-02-2024 
378 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Posting/Transfer Order of Senior Librarian, Junior Librarian and Restorer. Notice Dated 19-02-2024 
379 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Posting/Transfer Order of NCC Cadre Clerk and Lascar. Notice Dated 16-02-2024 
380 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Temporary Shift Headquarter of Dr. Geeta Sukhija, Principal, GC Chammu Kalan to Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 16-02-2024 
381 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Posting/Transfer Order of Class-C Employees (Assistant, JLA, Clerk, Deputy Superintendent). Notice Dated 16-02-2024 
382 Notice Public Notice Awarding of E-certificate of recognition/appreciation on timely contribution regarding uploading of DATA ON AISHE PORTAL SURVEY YEAR 2021-22 Notice Dated 09-02-2024 
383 Notice Public Notice Video Conference regarding updation of ERP Portal. Notice Dated 09-02-2024 
384 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Sharda Bharti. Notice Dated 09-02-2024 
385 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating of DHEO Gurugram and Rewari Districts. Notice Dated 09-02-2024 
386 Notice Public Notice To provide the information about the Yoga Courses. Notice Dated 09-02-2024 
387 Notice Public Notice Best practice regarding Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti. Notice Dated 08-02-2024 
388 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-02-2024 
389 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of Training details of Teaching Faculty on MIS Portal. Notice Dated 08-02-2024 
390 Notice Public Notice Regarding Advertisement of Certificate Course for Accountants of Panchayats and Municipal Bodies. Notice Dated 08-02-2024 
391 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Information of Various IT Modules on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 07-02-2024 
392 Notice Public Notice Regarding Convert the Govt. College for Girls, Bastli (Karnal) to Co-Education College. Notice Dated 07-02-2024 
393 Notice Public Notice Regarding Convert the Shri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji Govt. College for Girls,Taraori (Karnal) to Co-Education College. Notice Dated 07-02-2024 
394 Notice Employee Circular Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Non-Teaching Cadre, NCC Cadre and Library Cadre. Notice Dated 07-02-2024 
395 Notice Public Notice Request for facilitation of smooth travel of institute representatives on Government duty to conduct of (GATE 20241 and (JAM 2024] entrance examination 2024-reg Notice Dated 06-02-2024 
396 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges to Principals/ Associate Professors. Notice Dated 06-02-2024 
397 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct of Master Class cum Workshop on Green Hydrogen Project for all Stakeholders. Notice Dated 06-02-2024 
398 Notice Public Notice Regarding Change the Name of Government College for Girls, Pilli Khera Jind. Notice Dated 05-02-2024 
399 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Assistants of NCC Cadre Promoted to the Post of Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 05-02-2024 
400 Notice Public Notice Nomination of Welfare Officer for Ex-gratia Policy. Notice Dated 05-02-2024 
401 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of National De-Worming Day on 15.02.2024 and Mop Day on 20.02.2024 Notice Dated 02-02-2024 
402 Notice Public Notice Regarding to update the present status of Smart classroom on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 02-02-2024 
403 Notice Public Notice Regarding Presentation on success stories/good practices by States/UTs in Zonal Council. Notice Dated 01-02-2024 
404 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Nation-wide contests on energy conservation under 4E Wave. Notice Dated 01-02-2024 
405 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. College. Notice Dated 31-01-2024 
406 Notice Public Notice Regarding change the name of Government College for Girls, Mohana Sonipat to Shaheed Lance Naik Krishan Lal Government College for Girls, Village, Mohana, Sonipat. Notice Dated 31-01-2024 
407 Notice Public Notice State Level Competition on the theme "STARTUP for developing the qualities of ENTREPRENEURSHIP among the youth through NSS Volunteers for SWAWLAMBHI BHARAT." Notice Dated 30-01-2024 
408 Notice Public Notice Regarding Master Class cum Workshop on Green Hydrogen Projects for all Stakeholders. Notice Dated 30-01-2024 
409 Notice Public Notice Releasing of Payment to M/s HLL Lifecare for Installation Incinerators Machine. Notice Dated 30-01-2024 
410 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-01-2024 
411 Notice Public Notice Regarding Payment to BSNL for Internet Leased Line. Notice Dated 29-01-2024 
412 Notice Public Notice Regarding AMC Payment of Router and FCD Installed at Government Colleges for FY 2020-21 and 2021-22. Notice Dated 29-01-2024 
413 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Anupama, Principal. Notice Dated 25-01-2024 
414 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order and Allotment of Station of Group-D Employees (Library Attendant). Notice Dated 24-01-2024 
415 Notice Public Notice To Seek Comments of the Stakeholders/ Public on "The Haryana Coaching Institutes (Control and Regulation) Bill 2023". Notice Dated 24-01-2024 
416 Notice Employee Circular Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Non-Teaching Cadre, NCC Cadre and Library Cadre. Notice Dated 24-01-2024 
417 Notice Public Notice To Yoga Clubs in All Higher Education Institutions. Notice Dated 24-01-2024 
418 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order and Allotment of Station of Group-D Employees (Library Attendant). Notice Dated 19-01-2024 
419 Notice Public Notice Regarding to Provide Information of Available Sports Infrastructure. Notice Dated 19-01-2024 
420 Notice Public Notice Recognition of meritorious services of faculty working in Government, Government Aided Colleges and State Funded Universities in Haryana. Notice Dated 19-01-2024 
421 Notice Public Notice Regarding Master Class cum workshop on Green Hydrogen Projects for all stakeholders. Notice Dated 19-01-2024 
422 Notice Employee Circular Deemed promotion का लाभ प्रदान करने उपरांत पैंशन में संशोधन करने बारे मामला. Notice Dated 19-01-2024 
423 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of the Promoted Principals in Pay Level-14. Notice Dated 18-01-2024 
424 Notice Public Notice Sending Recovery/Calculation Sheets Submitted for Interest Verification of House Building Advance/ Vehicle Advance/ Computer Advance/ Marriage Advance. Notice Dated 18-01-2024 
425 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Various IT Modules on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 18-01-2024 
426 Notice Public Notice Phase-II of Mission Karmayogi Haryana- Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 12-01-2024 
427 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Group-D Employees (Library Attendant). Notice Dated 12-01-2024 
428 Notice Employee Circular Regarding designated the DHEO of Hisar District to Dr. Parveen Godara Principal GC Balasmand (Hisar). Notice Dated 12-01-2024 
429 Notice Public Notice Regarding Uploading the Data of Private Universities on ERP portal (2023-24). Notice Dated 12-01-2024 
430 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment of Dr. Sharda Rani Deputy Director as Technical Expert for the Curriculum Committee. Notice Dated 10-01-2024 
431 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to Principal/Associate Professors of Govt. College. Notice Dated 10-01-2024 
432 Notice Public Notice Regarding Launching of All Indian Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) for Survey Year 2022-23 for Uploading of data on -DCF Notice Dated 10-01-2024 
433 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion Order of IAS Officers of 2008 Batch to the Super Time Scale. Notice Dated 09-01-2024 
434 Notice Public Notice Annual Procurement Plan for Govt. Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 09-01-2024 
435 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Sandhya Kesarwani, Tabla Player Govt. College, Faridabad. Notice Dated 09-01-2024 
436 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment of Dr. Vishal Sharma as Nodal Officer for Finalizing and Fixing of High Quality Exhibits. Notice Dated 09-01-2024 
437 Notice Public Notice Regarding Participation in Science, Technology and Innovation Exhibition during India International Science Festival 2023. Notice Dated 09-01-2024 
438 Notice Public Notice Regarding on boarding of State Universities for survey of 18-25 age group. Notice Dated 08-01-2024 
439 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance ( Colleges). Notice Dated 05-01-2024 
440 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance (Law University). Notice Dated 05-01-2024 
441 Notice Public Notice Regarding Registration of the Colleges on the DHE B.Ed Portal. ( Notice Dated 05-01-2024 
442 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Break/Gap Period of Clerks. Notice Dated 04-01-2024 
443 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Renu GC Narwana. Notice Dated 04-01-2024 
444 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Posting Order of Newly Promoted Assistant Sh. Harish Chander. Notice Dated 04-01-2024 
445 Notice Tender Tender Notice regarding to setup and manage Startup incubators cum centers of excellence in 17 Government Colleges. Notice Dated 03-01-2024 
446 Notice Public Notice Regarding Registration of Self Finance B.Ed Colleges on the DHE B.Ed Portal. ( Notice Dated 02-01-2024 
447 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing Information about Rain Water Harvesting System. Notice Dated 02-01-2024 
448 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-01-2024 
449 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Training cum Workshop on National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Notice Dated 02-01-2024 
450 Notice Employee Circular Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Non-Teaching Cadre, NCC Cadre and Library Cadre. Notice Dated 02-01-2024 
451 Notice Employee Circular Supply of information regarding Statement of Assests in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: Outstandings in Form D-8 under the Rules of Haryana FRBM Act, 2005. Notice Dated 02-01-2024 
452 Notice Public Notice Regarding Review of the Learning Management Management System in Government College of Haryana State. Notice Dated 02-01-2024 
453 Notice Public Notice CM Announcement No. 25689 regarding starting the classes of B.Ed in any Govt. College in District Nuh. Notice Dated 01-01-2024 
454 Notice Public Notice Regarding to Provide Information of Available Sports Infrastructure. Notice Dated 29-12-2023 
455 Notice Public Notice Regarding Late Fee Amount of Rs. 62,52,119 to be received for 2022-23 and 50,86,453 for 2023-24 from Colleges. Notice Dated 29-12-2023 
456 Notice Employee Circular Deemed promotion का लाभ प्रदान करने उपरांत पैंशन में संशोधन करने बारे मामला Notice Dated 29-12-2023 
457 Notice Public Notice Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2022-23 through online medium. Notice Dated 28-12-2023 
458 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-12-2023 
459 Notice Employee Circular Request to Send information in format for granting the approval of earned leave for work done during summer vacations. Notice Dated 27-12-2023 
460 Notice Employee Circular Payment of difference of pay+ dearness allowance on account of leave encashment which accrued due to re-fixation of pay as Principal while granting the benefit of deemed promotion. Notice Dated 27-12-2023 
461 Notice Public Notice Supply of Information Regarding Statement of Assests in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: Outstandings in Form D-8 under the Rules of Haryana FRBM Act, 2005. Notice Dated 26-12-2023 
462 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of Dr. Jyoti Yadav Principal GCW Rewari. Notice Dated 26-12-2023 
463 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Clerks to the Post of Assistant. Notice Dated 26-12-2023 
464 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges to Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-12-2023 
465 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Training cum Workshop on National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Notice Dated 22-12-2023 
466 Notice Public Notice Regarding deputation of Assistant Professor in UT Chandigarh Notice Dated 22-12-2023 
467 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power to Principals of Government College. Notice Dated 21-12-2023 
468 Notice Public Notice Regarding on boarding of State Universities for survey of 18-25 age group. Notice Dated 21-12-2023 
469 Notice Employee Circular Regarding appointment of resource persons for District - level Training/Workshop for AISHE survey year 2022-23 & 2023-24. Notice Dated 20-12-2023 
470 Notice Public Notice Inviting of Applications for Filling up the Post of Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors on Deputation Basis for Implementation of New Education Policy in the Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula Notice Dated 19-12-2023 
471 Notice Public Notice Inviting of Applications for Filling up the Post of Deputy Director Libraries on Deputation Basis from Assistant Librarian (Senior Scale) / Assistant Librarian (Selection grade)/ University Deputy Librarian in the Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula Notice Dated 19-12-2023 
472 Notice Public Notice Regarding Transfer the case of Haryana Compulsory Marriage Registration to Citizen Resource Information Department, Haryana Notice Dated 19-12-2023 
473 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of deemed promoted principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 18-12-2023 
474 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GCW Jind to Sh. Jai Narain Gahlawat. Notice Dated 18-12-2023 
475 Notice Public Notice Schedule for Online Transfer of Non-Teaching Cadre Working in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-12-2023 
476 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges to Associate Professors. Notice Dated 15-12-2023 
477 Notice Public Notice Reviewing Pilot Run for the District Panchkula for the domain "" sharing credential for all Users. Notice Dated 14-12-2023 
478 Notice Public Notice Appointment of Nodal Officer to monitor the progress regarding uploading data of persons against whom charges are framed by a court for a sexual crime against a woman. Notice Dated 14-12-2023 
479 Notice Public Notice Regarding utilization of Kisan Bhawan, Sect or-14, Panchkula. Notice Dated 14-12-2023 
480 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy (OTP) Non Teaching/NCC Cadre/Library. Notice Dated 14-12-2023 
481 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-12-2023 
482 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Anil Kumar, Peon Govt. College Safidon (Jind) Notice Dated 14-12-2023 
483 Notice Public Notice MoU signed between Election Commission of India and Ministry of Education-reg. Notice Dated 13-12-2023 
484 Notice Public Notice Best practice regarding Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti. Notice Dated 13-12-2023 
485 Notice Public Notice Regarding on boarding of State Universities for survey of 18-25 age group. Notice Dated 13-12-2023 
486 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of DHEOs as District Level Nodal Officer for Spreading Awareness Regarding Alcoholism Amongst students. Notice Dated 12-12-2023 
487 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Sh. Dinesh Kumar SNO as Directorate Level Nodal Officer for Spreading Awareness Regarding Alcoholism Amongst students. Notice Dated 12-12-2023 
488 Notice Public Notice Provisional Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor ( College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Botany. Notice Dated 12-12-2023 
489 Notice Public Notice Regarding Deputation of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 12-12-2023 
490 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pay Fixation of the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-12-2023 
491 Notice Public Notice Regarding NAAC accreditation of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-12-2023 
492 Notice Public Notice Regarding NAAC accreditation of Govt. Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 11-12-2023 
493 Notice Public Notice Regarding posting order of Sh. Rakesh Kumar, Assistant Professor(Commerce). Notice Dated 11-12-2023 
494 Notice Public Notice Appointment Letter to the post of Clerk against Advt. No. 05/2019 Cat. No. 1 in the Department of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula (H.Q.). Notice Dated 11-12-2023 
495 Notice Public Notice Consultation on Vikshit Baharat @ 2047 via Video Conference Chaired by CEO NITI Aayog. Notice Dated 09-12-2023 
496 Notice Employee Circular Regarding District Higher Education Officer (DHEO) of Ambala and Palwal District. Notice Dated 08-12-2023 
497 Notice Public Notice Regarding ATL Marathon 2023-24. Notice Dated 08-12-2023 
498 Notice Public Notice Regarding organizing 30th District Level Youth Festival in the context of organizing State Level Youth Festival. Notice Dated 08-12-2023 
499 Notice Employee Circular Mission Karmayogi Haryana- Ethics & values in Governance- Show Cause Notice to Sh. Krishan. Notice Dated 08-12-2023 
500 Notice Public Notice Regarding Obtaining Fee Receipts Books. Notice Dated 07-12-2023 
501 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Ghanshyam Dass Principal. Notice Dated 07-12-2023 
502 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to Principals /Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-12-2023 
503 Notice Public Notice Regarding AI Translation of Judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab and Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 06-12-2023 
504 Notice Employee Circular Deputation Order of Sh. Amit Peon. Notice Dated 06-12-2023 
505 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of Nodal Officer to monitor the programs NILP. Notice Dated 06-12-2023 
506 Notice Public Notice Regarding master Class cum workshop on Green Hydrogen Projects for all stakeholders. Notice Dated 06-12-2023 
507 Notice Public Notice Schedule of meeting on setting up of Startup incubators in 17 Govt. Colleges on 06.12.2023 at 11:00 AM. Notice Dated 04-12-2023 
508 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 01-12-2023 
509 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rationalization of Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 01-12-2023 
510 Notice Public Notice Meeting regarding Rationalization of Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 30-11-2023 
511 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Annual Increment to Dr. Nirmal Atri, Principal (Retd) . Notice Dated 30-11-2023 
512 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-11-2023 
513 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. College. Notice Dated 30-11-2023 
514 Notice Public Notice Regarding the Concept of Yoga Break (Y-Break) to State Government in Their Offices. Notice Dated 29-11-2023 
515 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Correction in HRMS of Group-D employees Appointed after enactment of Group-D Act, 2018. Notice Dated 29-11-2023 
516 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct of Activities on the theme "Vikshit Bharay Sankaalp Yatra". Notice Dated 28-11-2023 
517 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rationalization of Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 28-11-2023 
518 Notice Public Notice Minutes of meeting with Director Secondary Education Haryana held on 03.08.2023 in order to involve students of Universities and Higher Education Institutions in New India Literacy Programme (NILP) as Volunteer Teachers. Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
519 Notice Public Notice Minutes of Meeting with Director Secondary Education, Haryana held on 03.08.2023 in Order to Involve Students of Universities and Higher Education Institutions in New India Literacy Programme (NILP) as Volunteer Teachers. Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
520 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of DHEOs as District Level Officer to monitor the programs New India Literacy Programme (NILP) of their respective districts. Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
521 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
522 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance- Show Cause Notice. Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
523 Notice Public Notice Regarding Constitute a Committee for Examine and Recommend the Categorization of Govt Colleges Student Strength between 1000 to 2000. Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
524 Notice Public Notice Regarding Constitute a Committee for Examine and Recommend the Categorization of Govt Colleges Student Strength more than 2000. Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
525 Notice Public Notice Regarding Constitute a Committee for Examine and Recommend the Categorization of Govt Colleges Student Strength Less than 1000 . Notice Dated 23-11-2023 
526 Notice Public Notice One week long programme on the occasion of "Constitution Day" Notice Dated 22-11-2023 
527 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct of Examination by KUK University. Notice Dated 22-11-2023 
528 Notice Public Notice Regarding Availing Benefit of 5% Interest Subsidy under Education Loan Scheme of Haryana Women Development Corporation. Notice Dated 22-11-2023 
529 Notice Employee Circular Regarding CAS Promotion Order of Dr. Hari Om Govt. College Bhiwani. Notice Dated 22-11-2023 
530 Notice Public Notice Regarding Malaviya Mission-Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP). Notice Dated 21-11-2023 
531 Notice Public Notice To open Yoga Clubs in all Higher Education Institutions. Notice Dated 21-11-2023 
532 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GCG Mandkola to Sh. Vinod Kumar. Notice Dated 21-11-2023 
533 Notice Public Notice Award to Women achievers on 08.03.2024 on occasion of International Women's Day. Notice Dated 21-11-2023 
534 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 21-11-2023 
535 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 21-11-2023 
536 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power of Dronacharya Government College, Gurugram to Sh. Bhup Singh. Notice Dated 20-11-2023 
537 Notice Public Notice Regarding Spreading Awareness Regarding Alcoholism among Students. Notice Dated 20-11-2023 
538 Notice Public Notice Information regarding usage of Learning Management System in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-11-2023 
539 Notice Public Notice Regarding providing information about Alcohol Awareness Campaign done. Notice Dated 20-11-2023 
540 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant CAS promotion from Associate Professor to Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-11-2023 
541 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 17-11-2023 
542 Notice Public Notice Provisional Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor ( College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Commerce. Notice Dated 16-11-2023 
543 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Himani, Clerk Government College, Matak Majri, Indri (Karnal). Notice Dated 16-11-2023 
544 Notice Public Notice Information regarding usage of Learning Management System in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-11-2023 
545 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to Sh. Satbir Singh Sanga of Govt. College Tohana (Fatehabad). Notice Dated 14-11-2023 
546 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Sharda Rani to Office of Director General Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 14-11-2023 
547 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing NOC for starting New Subject/Course from the session 2024-25 under Self Finance Scheme. Notice Dated 10-11-2023 
548 Notice Public Notice Regarding AI translation of judgements of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab and Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 10-11-2023 
549 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karmayogi Haryana- Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 10-11-2023 
550 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-11-2023 
551 Notice Public Notice Best practice regarding Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti. Notice Dated 09-11-2023 
552 Notice Public Notice Information regarding usage of Learning Management System in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-11-2023 
553 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Clerk of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-11-2023 
554 Notice Public Notice Regarding AI Translation of Judgements of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab and Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 07-11-2023 
555 Notice Public Notice Regarding demand of CCTV Cameras in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-11-2023 
556 Notice Public Notice Revised Academic Calendar 2023-24 as approved by Hon'ble Supreme Court. Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
557 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Botony). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
558 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Chemistry). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
559 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Commerce). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
560 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Computer Science). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
561 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Defence Studies). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
562 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Economics). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
563 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (English). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
564 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Geography). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
565 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (History). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
566 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Home Science). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
567 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Journalism and Mass Communication). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
568 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Mass Communication). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
569 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Mathematics). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
570 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Music (Instrumental)). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
571 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Music (Vocal)). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
572 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Physical Education). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
573 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Physics). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
574 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Polictcial Science). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
575 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Psychology). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
576 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Public Administration). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
577 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Punjabi). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
578 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Sanskrit). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
579 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Tourism Management). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
580 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Zoology). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
581 Notice Public Notice CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Hindi). Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
582 Notice Public Notice Regarding Assessment of Workload for Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 06-11-2023 
583 Notice Public Notice Regarding 6th Meeting on Rationalization of Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 05-11-2023 
584 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the annual increment to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-11-2023 
585 Notice Public Notice Regarding Voter Awareness Programmes in Colleges Fests/Cultural Events. Notice Dated 03-11-2023 
586 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Intrest Free Festival Advance to Class-IV Govt. Employees. Notice Dated 03-11-2023 
587 Notice Public Notice To open Yoga Clubs in all Higher Education Institutions. Notice Dated 03-11-2023 
588 Notice Public Notice Regarding Assessment of Workload for Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 03-11-2023 
589 Notice Public Notice Regarding Convert the Govt. College for Girls Kalanwali to Co-Education. Notice Dated 02-11-2023 
590 Notice Public Notice Regarding Ban on postings/Transfer of Officers/Officials who are engaged in conduct of bye-elections of the Municipal bodies in the State of Haryana. Notice Dated 02-11-2023 
591 Notice Public Notice Regarding Information of Payment of LMS for the Year 2020-21 and 2021-22. Notice Dated 31-10-2023 
592 Notice Public Notice Regarding conduct of Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test on 02.12.2023 & 03.12.2023. Notice Dated 31-10-2023 
593 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant Promotion on the Post of Principal to Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dahiya. Notice Dated 31-10-2023 
594 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Principals of Govt. College. Notice Dated 31-10-2023 
595 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Relieving Order of Smt. Babita Verma Principal (Re-employed) GC Sector-1 Panchkula. Notice Dated 30-10-2023 
596 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-10-2023 
597 Notice Public Notice Regarding Budget of 2023-24 (Non-recurring)- Human Resource Development of Teacher and the Taught and the Supporting Staff . Notice Dated 25-10-2023 
598 Notice Public Notice Budget 2023-24 (Non-recurring) 'Earn While You Learn' in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 25-10-2023 
599 Notice Public Notice Regarding Budget of 2023-24 (Non-Recurring) Empowerment of Girl Students in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 25-10-2023 
600 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Chakshu Sharma. Notice Dated 23-10-2023 
601 Notice Public Notice अवकाश / कार्यावकाश / स्थानावकाश के दौरान महाविद्यालय का कार्यभार वरिष्ठतम प्राध्यापक को सौंपने बारे I Notice Dated 23-10-2023 
602 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-10-2023 
603 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-10-2023 
604 Notice Public Notice Submission of Requests for No Dues Certificate/Loan Status Report to the office of Principal Accountant General (A&E) Haryana, Chandigarh. Notice Dated 18-10-2023 
605 Notice Public Notice Regarding AI Translation of Judgements of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab and Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 18-10-2023 
606 Notice Public Notice Regarding 18-25 age Group Survey Data. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
607 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Determining/Issuing the Seniority List of Principals of Govt Colleges Located in Haryana State. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
608 Notice Public Notice Declaration of Non Working day w.r.t Written Examination of CET Group D posts to be held on 21st & 22nd October 2023. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
609 Notice Public Notice Regarding Partial Modification of this office order No. 130019/19-2020 Ad(1) dated 07.09.2022. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
610 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video Conferencing on Socio Economic Survey to Increase GER in Higher Education NSS Survey thereof. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
611 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Dr. Bhupinder Kaur Principal. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
612 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Posting Order of Promoted Principals/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
613 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GC Kheri Gujran to Principal Dr. Archana Verma. Notice Dated 17-10-2023 
614 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2022-23 through online medium. Notice Dated 13-10-2023 
615 Notice Public Notice Regarding 5th Meeting on Rationalization of Higher Education Department Scheduled on 17.10.2023 under the Chairmanship of Sh. Rajan Gupta, IAS (Retd.) Rationalization Commission Haryana. Notice Dated 13-10-2023 
616 Notice Public Notice Matter regarding CAS Promotion from Associate Professor Academic Level 13-A to Professor Academic Level 14 (Government Colleges-Associate Professors). Notice Dated 12-10-2023 
617 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Provisional Appointment to the Post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) HES-II Group "B" in the Subject of Public Administration. Notice Dated 12-10-2023 
618 Notice Public Notice Regarding Special Summary Revision 2024-SVEEP Activity. Notice Dated 11-10-2023 
619 Notice Employee Circular Regarding designated the DHEO of Rohtak District to Sh. Param Bhushan Arya Principal GC Sampla. Notice Dated 11-10-2023 
620 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Reliving Order of Sh. Arvind Clerk from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 11-10-2023 
621 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Richa Setia Principal. Notice Dated 11-10-2023 
622 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Promila Malik Principal GC Naraingarh. Notice Dated 11-10-2023 
623 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principals of Govt College. Notice Dated 11-10-2023 
624 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Reliving Order of Sh. Krishan Singh Principal GC Adampur. Notice Dated 11-10-2023 
625 Notice Public Notice Regarding - Request to depute Girls student to participate in the Cyclothon on 12th October, 2023 at 08:00 AM onwards Sector-15 market to Sector 12, Stadium, Faridabad. Notice Dated 10-10-2023 
626 Notice Public Notice Regarding restructuring ( creating/increasing ) the number of posts in NCC Group Headquarters and NCC Battalions in the State. Notice Dated 10-10-2023 
627 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation Order. Notice Dated 10-10-2023 
628 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to Sh. Virender Pal Singh of GC Tohana. Notice Dated 10-10-2023 
629 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of Budget/Funds under Placement Cell in Govt. Colleges in the State of Haryana for the year 2023-24. Notice Dated 10-10-2023 
630 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Laboratory Assistant to the Post of Junior Lecture Assistant. Notice Dated 10-10-2023 
631 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Nodal Officer to Supervise and monitor the progress of AI translation of judgements of Hon'ble High Court of India and Punjab and Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 10-10-2023 
632 Notice Public Notice Regarding To Open Yoga Clubs in all Higher Education Institutions. Notice Dated 09-10-2023 
633 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana-Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 09-10-2023 
634 Notice Employee Circular Regarding annual increment of Smt. Khushila, Principal. Notice Dated 09-10-2023 
635 Notice Public Notice Identification and Intimation Regarding Volunteers Students for AI Translation of Judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab & Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 09-10-2023 
636 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Posting Order of Principals/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 09-10-2023 
637 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Posting Order of Newly Promoted Principals/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 09-10-2023 
638 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Annual Increment to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-10-2023 
639 Notice Public Notice Regarding providing information Environment (EVS) Fund available with the colleges in the Government and Government Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 06-10-2023 
640 Notice Public Notice Regarding Observance of International Girl Child Day on 11th October 2023. Notice Dated 06-10-2023 
641 Notice Public Notice Regarding Organizing Webinar dedicated to the memory of Sh. M.S. Swaminathan the eminent scientist and father of the Green Revolution on 06.10.2023 at 11:00 AM. Notice Dated 05-10-2023 
642 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mechananism/Module/Format for 100 point roster of Teaching cadre vacancies in Govt. Aided Private Colleges. Notice Dated 05-10-2023 
643 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rescheduling of Tests for Candidates in UK-Haryana Collaboration. Notice Dated 05-10-2023 
644 Notice Public Notice Identification and Intimation Regarding Volunteers Students for AI Translation of Judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab & Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 04-10-2023 
645 Notice Public Notice Meeting Regarding Discussing the Modalities of MoU on Promotion of Green Hydrogen in Haryana. Notice Dated 03-10-2023 
646 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing of new courses/subjects, seat increase, seat decrease and discontinuation of courses/subjects for the academic session 2023-24. Notice Dated 03-10-2023 
647 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Associate Professors of Govt College from Govt Service w.e.f. 30.09.2023. Notice Dated 29-09-2023 
648 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Orders of Principals/Deputy Director from Govt. Service w.e.f. 30.09.2023. Notice Dated 29-09-2023 
649 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Restored the services of Sh. Arun Kumar Assistant at GC Naraingarh. Notice Dated 29-09-2023 
650 Notice Public Notice Regarding request to increase the number of seats in B.A. Ist year. Notice Dated 27-09-2023 
651 Notice Public Notice guidelines to be implemented in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 27-09-2023 
652 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karmayogi Haryana- Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 27-09-2023 
653 Notice Public Notice Identification and intimation regarding volunteers students for AI translation of Judgments of Hon,ble Supreme Court of India and Punjab & Haryana High Court. Notice Dated 26-09-2023 
654 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Gurpreet Sharma, Clerk, Govt. College, Tohana. Notice Dated 26-09-2023 
655 Notice Public Notice Supply of information regarding statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 25-09-2023 
656 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Bharatiya Bhasha Diwas from 28.09.2023 to 11.12.2023. Notice Dated 25-09-2023 
657 Notice Public Notice Regarding reopening of UG 1st year Admission Portal 2023-24. Notice Dated 22-09-2023 
658 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karmayogi Haryana- Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 21-09-2023 
659 Notice Public Notice Regarding designate the Additional Director Administration /Joint Director Administration from HCS (Executive Branch) (Gazetted Class-I) to exercise the powers of Head of the Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 20-09-2023 
660 Notice Employee Circular Amended Online Transfer Policy of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-09-2023 
661 Notice Employee Circular Online Transfer Policy for the Assistant /Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 19-09-2023 
662 Notice Public Notice Regarding providing information about the Eco Clubs running in the Government and Government Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 19-09-2023 
663 Notice Public Notice Regarding Withdraw the Decision to Stop the Salary on the Principle of " No Work No Pay " for the clerks employees on strike. Notice Dated 19-09-2023 
664 Notice Public Notice Regarding Shifting of One Sanctioned Vacant Post of Assistant Professor in Public Administration. Notice Dated 19-09-2023 
665 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of Green Hydrogen in Haryana. Notice Dated 19-09-2023 
666 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana- Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 18-09-2023 
667 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of smt. Seema Aggarwal Deputy Secretary promoted Principal. Notice Dated 18-09-2023 
668 Notice Public Notice Meeting to be Held on 19.09.2023 with Hon'ble HEM regarding Various issues. Notice Dated 18-09-2023 
669 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Annual Increment to Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 18-09-2023 
670 Notice Public Notice Regarding collaboration of Department of Higher Education with Cambridge Regional College, United Kingdom. Notice Dated 18-09-2023 
671 Notice Public Notice Regarding Submission of Lab Proposal on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 15-09-2023 
672 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mission Karamyogi Haryana- Ethics & Values in Governance. Notice Dated 15-09-2023 
673 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. College Meham (Rohtak) till the Joining of the present incumbent in addition to her present duties. Notice Dated 14-09-2023 
674 Notice Public Notice Regarding incurring of an expenditure on Non- recurring basis under the scheme of strengthening of Library services in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-09-2023 
675 Notice Public Notice भारतीय भाषाओं में अर्तसम्बन्ध के संदर्भ में। Notice Dated 13-09-2023 
676 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Annual Increment of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-09-2023 
677 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Completion of Service Book Validation of all the employees in Human Resources Management System application (HRMS). Notice Dated 13-09-2023 
678 Notice Employee Circular माननीय मुख्य सचिव हरियाणा सरकार द्वारा जारी हिदायतें क्रमाक 22/59/2020-1एच०आर०- दिनांक 11.07.2023 की अनुपालना में शिक्षा निदेशालय हरियाणा, पंचकूला में कॉमन वरिष्ठता सूची मिनिस्ट्रीयल कॉडर के कार्यरत / सेवानिवृत दिव्यांगजन अधिकारियों/ कर्मचारियों ((दिनांक 01.01.1996 से 10.04.2023 तक) की अलग से जारी की जाने वाली वरिष्ठता सूची बारे। Notice Dated 12-09-2023 
679 Notice Employee Circular Provisional appointment to the post of Assistant Professor ( College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Botany. Notice Dated 11-09-2023 
680 Notice Employee Circular Provisional appointment to the post of Assistant Professor ( College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Zoology. Notice Dated 11-09-2023 
681 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions of 2nd/ 3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 08-09-2023 
682 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of PG 1st Year Admission Portal 2023-24. Notice Dated 08-09-2023 
683 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-09-2023 
684 Notice Public Notice Regarding Financial Limits related to Purchase of Stores without Inviting Tender. Notice Dated 08-09-2023 
685 Notice Public Notice Holiday on account of festival Janmashtami. Notice Dated 06-09-2023 
686 Notice Public Notice Regarding Verification about PMS to SC/BC Students for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 06-09-2023 
687 Notice Employee Circular राजकीय महाविद्यालयो में कार्यरत सहायक / एसोसिएट प्रोफेसरों की वर्ष 2022-23 की वार्षिक गोपनीय रिर्पोटस ऑनलाइन के माध्यम से लिखने बारे । Notice Dated 06-09-2023 
688 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2022-23 through online medium. Notice Dated 06-09-2023 
689 Notice Employee Circular Pay Fixation of Associate Professors/Principals. Notice Dated 05-09-2023 
690 Notice Employee Circular Revised Schedule for online Transfer Drive of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 04-09-2023 
691 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Incentives to the Students engaged in conducting Socio Economic Survey, DOB and Occupation tagging work of citizens of age group 18-25 years. Notice Dated 04-09-2023 
692 Notice Public Notice Celebration of World Investor Week (WIW) 2023 in Universities and Higher Education Institution. Notice Dated 04-09-2023 
693 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deputation of Assistant Professors in UT, Chandigarh. Notice Dated 01-09-2023 
694 Notice Employee Circular Regarding reservation of posts in recruitment in teaching faculties. Notice Dated 31-08-2023 
695 Notice Public Notice Regarding CD-539 of 2021 titled as Suo Moto Cognizance Vs ACS to Government Higher Education & another. Notice Dated 29-08-2023 
696 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. College. Notice Dated 29-08-2023 
697 Notice Public Notice Regarding Organization of Literacy Week from 1-8 September, 2023. Notice Dated 29-08-2023 
698 Notice Public Notice Regarding photography and drawing workshop on the theme "City and the Rain". Notice Dated 29-08-2023 
699 Notice Public Notice Minutes of meeting held on 16.08.2023 (V.C.) regarding Socio Economic Survey to increase GER in Higher Education : NSS Survey thereof. Notice Dated 29-08-2023 
700 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Smt. Geeta Rani Assistant Professor GC Adampur. Notice Dated 28-08-2023 
701 Notice Public Notice Regarding Action Taken Report of Tobacco Free Educational Institutions. Notice Dated 28-08-2023 
702 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Annual Increment to the Principals in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 25-08-2023 
703 Notice Employee Circular Clarifications Regarding Online Transfer Policy dated 22.06.2023 applicable to Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-08-2023 
704 Notice Employee Circular Revised Schedule for Online Transfer Drive of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 24-08-2023 
705 Notice Public Notice Notice for Open Admission Counselling for B.Sc. B.Ed (4 Year Integrated Course) in SIASTE Gurugram and Kurukshetra. Notice Dated 24-08-2023 
706 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 by the State Governments. Notice Dated 23-08-2023 
707 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Naresh Kumar. Notice Dated 23-08-2023 
708 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Clerks to the Post of Assistant. Notice Dated 23-08-2023 
709 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Sushma Saini Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 23-08-2023 
710 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of Screening Committee for Grant CAS Promotion for Associate Professor (of Academic Level 13A) to (Academic Level 14) Professor of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 22-08-2023 
711 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing the Details of the Canteen Running in the Government Colleges. Notice Dated 22-08-2023 
712 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Online Admissions of 2nd/3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 18-08-2023 
713 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding Online Admissions of PG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 18-08-2023 
714 Notice Public Notice Regarding reopening of UG 1st year Admission Portal 2023-24. Notice Dated 18-08-2023 
715 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Given the DDO Power of Govt. Colleges to the Principals. Notice Dated 17-08-2023 
716 Notice Public Notice Regarding Compilation of Data Pertaining to Sustainability Development Parameters. Notice Dated 16-08-2023 
717 Notice Employee Circular माननीय मुख्य सचिव हरियाणा सरकार द्वारा जारी हिदायतें क्रमांक 22/59/2020-1एच0आर0 दिनांक 11.07.2023 की अनुपालना में शिक्षा निदेशालय हरियाणा, पंचकूला में कॉमन वरिष्ठता सूची के कार्यरत / सेवानिवृत दिव्यांगजन अधिकारियों / कर्मचारियों मिनिस्ट्रयल कॉडर) की अलग से जारी की गई वरिष्ठता सूची के सन्दर्भ में आपत्तियां आमन्त्रित करने बारे। Notice Dated 16-08-2023 
718 Notice Public Notice Har Ghar tiranga campaign as a part of Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav. Notice Dated 14-08-2023 
719 Notice Public Notice Regarding ensuring educational activities of Manipur Students in Haryana state.Dated-14.08.2023 Notice Dated 14-08-2023 
720 Notice Public Notice Regarding flag hoisting on 15.O8 .2023 independence Day Dated-14.08.2023 Notice Dated 14-08-2023 
721 Notice Employee Circular Regarding revised schedule of Online Transfer Drive of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 14-08-2023 
722 Notice Public Notice Regarding Declaration of Holiday w.r.t. HCS (Executive Branch) & other Allied Services mains Examination-2022. Notice Dated 11-08-2023 
723 Notice Public Notice Regarding identification of lands for creation OF land bank for compensatory a forestation under forest conservation act 1980 as per "The Miyawaki Methodo'. Notice Dated 10-08-2023 
724 Notice Public Notice Regarding submissions of information regarding statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 10-08-2023 
725 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of Classes in New Govt. College for Women, Dhanauri (Kaithal) from academic session 2023-24. (CM Announcement No. 27454). Notice Dated 09-08-2023 
726 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Memorandum of Understanding for BSNL 50 Mbps Internet Lease Line for the Government Colleges of Haryana-Re: Seeking Report. Notice Dated 09-08-2023 
727 Notice Employee Circular Regarding to Stop the Salary of Employees on Strike. Notice Dated 08-08-2023 
728 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introducing of New Courses/Subjects, Seat Increase, Seat decrease and discontinuation of courses/subjects for the academic session 2023-24. Notice Dated 08-08-2023 
729 Notice Employee Circular Promotion orders (Deemed) of Associate Professors/Principals/Deputy Director with Benchmark Disabilities under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full participation) Act, 1995 to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 08-08-2023 
730 Notice Employee Circular Promotion orders (Deemed) of Associate Professors with Benchmark Disabilities under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full participation) Act, 1995 to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 08-08-2023 
731 Notice Employee Circular Promotion orders of Associate Professors of Govt Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 08-08-2023 
732 Notice Public Notice Regarding extension of Last date of Registration of Online Admissions towards PG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 05-08-2023 
733 Notice Public Notice Declaration of holiday w.r.t written examination (OMR Based) for group no. 56 against advt. No. 03/2023 under group C Posts CET (2nd phase). Notice Dated 05-08-2023 
734 Notice Public Notice Revised Schedule for Online Transfer Drive of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 04-08-2023 
735 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Online UG 1st Year Admissions 2023-24. Notice Dated 03-08-2023 
736 Notice Employee Circular General Advisory Related to Department of Higher Education. Notice Dated 03-08-2023 
737 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating of District Higher Education Officers. Notice Dated 03-08-2023 
738 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introducing of New Courses/ Subjects, Seat Increases, Seat Decrease and Discontinuation of course/subjects for the academic session 2023-24. Notice Dated 03-08-2023 
739 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Incentives to the Students engaged in conducting Socio Economic Survey, DOB and Occupation tagging work of citizens of age group 18-25 years. Notice Dated 02-08-2023 
740 Notice Public Notice Regarding Participation of Students of HEIs in National Students Paryavaran (NSCP) from 01.07.2023 to 21.08.2023. Notice Dated 02-08-2023 
741 Notice Public Notice Regarding Third Party Audit of AISHE SURVEY 2020-21, Scholarship. Notice Dated 01-08-2023 
742 Notice Public Notice Regarding extension of Last date of Registration of Online Admissions towards PG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 31-07-2023 
743 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of Centralized Scholarship Portal for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme and Other all Schemes for the Year 2023-24 from 01.08.2023 (for Colleges). Notice Dated 28-07-2023 
744 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of Centralized Scholarship Portal for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme and Other all Schemes for the Year 2023-24 from 01.08.2023 (for Departments). Notice Dated 28-07-2023 
745 Notice Employee Circular Retirement Order of Principals/Deputy Director from Govt. Service w.e.f. 31.07.2023. Notice Dated 28-07-2023 
746 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Memorandum of Understanding for BSNL 50 Mbps Internet Lease Line for the Government Colleges of Haryana-Re: Seeking Report. Notice Dated 28-07-2023 
747 Notice Employee Circular Revised Schedule for Online Transfer Drive of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 28-07-2023 
748 Notice Public Notice Regarding Wide Publicity of Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam (ABSS) held on 29th and 30th July 2023 at ITPO, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Notice Dated 28-07-2023 
749 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Sh. Avinash Kumar Associate Professor History. Notice Dated 27-07-2023 
750 Notice Public Notice Sports Policy for Department of Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 27-07-2023 
751 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appoint the Nodal Officer as HQ Level to attend the meetings. Notice Dated 26-07-2023 
752 Notice Public Notice Registrars of GJU and KUK are appointed as Nodal Officer to attend the meetings. Notice Dated 26-07-2023 
753 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of Classes in new Govt. College for Women, Kharak (Bhiwani) from academic session 2023-24. (CM Announcement No. 27360). Notice Dated 25-07-2023 
754 Notice Public Notice Regarding Create New Posts of Assistant Professor in Subject of Public Administration. Notice Dated 25-07-2023 
755 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Aman Deep Singh. Notice Dated 25-07-2023 
756 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Acceptance of Reversion Order of Sh. Deepak. Notice Dated 25-07-2023 
757 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Gap Period of Clerks who were appointed on the recommendation of HSSC advt. No. 5/2019 hereby treated as Compulsory Waiting Period. Notice Dated 25-07-2023 
758 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Last Date of Registration of Online Admissions towards PG Courses for session 2023-24. Notice Dated 24-07-2023 
759 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-07-2023 
760 Notice Public Notice Regarding Coverage Under Punjab Civil Services Rules (CSR) Vol-II (now Haryana Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 2016), in place of New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of those State Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment on or before 28.10.2005. Notice Dated 24-07-2023 
761 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of key components National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in the Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 21-07-2023 
762 Notice Employee Circular Transfer Order of Sh. Narender Siwach, Principal. Notice Dated 21-07-2023 
763 Notice Employee Circular Cancellation of Transfer Order of Sh. Narender Siwach, Principal. Notice Dated 21-07-2023 
764 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creation of Teaching and Non-Teaching Post for Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-07-2023 
765 Notice Public Notice Regarding Granting the Honorarium to the Saksham Yuva. Notice Dated 20-07-2023 
766 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order Sh. Yashwant Singh Assistant. Notice Dated 20-07-2023 
767 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Memorandum of Understanding for BSNL 50 Mbps Internet Lease Line for the Government Colleges of Haryana-Re: Seeking Report. Notice Dated 19-07-2023 
768 Notice Employee Circular Regarding given the DDO Power of Govt. College. Notice Dated 19-07-2023 
769 Notice Public Notice Regarding Coverage Under Punjab Civil Services Rules (CSR) Vol-II (now Haryana Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 2016), in place of New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of those State Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment on or before 28.10.2005. Notice Dated 18-07-2023 
770 Notice Public Notice Regarding Naming of Govt. College for Girls Taraori (Karnal). Notice Dated 18-07-2023 
771 Notice Public Notice CD-539 of 2021 titled as Suo Moto Cognizance Vs ACS to Government Higher Education & Another. Notice Dated 18-07-2023 
772 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of DHEOs as Nodal Officer to Conduct the Workshops/Seminars/Lectures. Notice Dated 18-07-2023 
773 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Online UG Admissions Schedule 2023-24. Notice Dated 15-07-2023 
774 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Police Verification of Newly Recruited Employees in Group A,B,C and D. Notice Dated 13-07-2023 
775 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Revised Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 13-07-2023 
776 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Termination Order of Dr. Piush Kumar Principal GCW Bastara, Karnal. Notice Dated 11-07-2023 
777 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Request to Send Service Verification Certificate upto 30.06.2023 for Granting Annual Increment w.e.f. 01.07.2023 to the Principals. Notice Dated 11-07-2023 
778 Notice Public Notice Request for Seeking Suggestions/Feedback on the report on the draft Report of the overarching Committee on Transformative Reforms for Strengthening Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions in India regarding. Notice Dated 10-07-2023 
779 Notice Public Notice Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for PG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 07-07-2023 
780 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Last Date of Registration of Online Admissions towards UG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 07-07-2023 
781 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions of 2nd / 3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 07-07-2023 
782 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment to the Post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Economics. Notice Dated 06-07-2023 
783 Notice Public Notice Regarding Accepting Physical Application for Online Admission of the Students hailing from Manipur State. Notice Dated 06-07-2023 
784 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for UG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 05-07-2023 
785 Notice Public Notice Regarding starting of classes in new Govt. College, Fatehabad (District Headquarter) from academic session 2023-24. Notice Dated 05-07-2023 
786 Notice Public Notice Revised Guidelines for Promotion Under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS). Notice Dated 03-07-2023 
787 Notice Public Notice Implementation of Govt. of Haryana Instruction 15.11.2021 regarding calculation of backlog vacancies for the Persons with Disabilities in accordance with PwD Act, 1995 & RPwD Act, 2016 and Govt. of Haryana Instruction dated 25.03.2022 & 01.07.2022 for providing deemed date reservation in promotion PH employees. Notice Dated 03-07-2023 
788 Notice Public Notice Regarding Circulation of AYUSH Medical Reimbursement Policy 2023. Notice Dated 03-07-2023 
789 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principal of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-07-2023 
790 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals/ Deputy Director. Notice Dated 30-06-2023 
791 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 30-06-2023 
792 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Last date of Registration of Online Admissions towards UG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 28-06-2023 
793 Notice Public Notice To obtain approval/Permission from the competent authority before sending TA bills for countersignature as well as to send TA bills once in a month of journey performed. Notice Dated 28-06-2023 
794 Notice Employee Circular Request to Send Service Books of Associate Professors/ Principals/ Deputy Directors working/ retired for fixation of pay in view of promotion order dated 07.09.2022. Notice Dated 27-06-2023 
795 Notice Employee Circular Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 27-06-2023 
796 Notice Employee Circular Request to Send Service Books of newly Promoted Principals. Notice Dated 27-06-2023 
797 Notice Employee Circular Award of Selection Grade to Assistant Professors working in different Govt. Colleges in the State of Haryana. Notice Dated 27-06-2023 
798 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for UG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 26-06-2023 
799 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deputation Order Dr. Anita, Principal. Notice Dated 23-06-2023 
800 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Award of Selection Grade to Assistant Professor working in different colleges in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 23-06-2023 
801 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Award of Selection Grade to Assistant Professor working in different colleges in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 23-06-2023 
802 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Amended Online Transfer Policy of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-06-2023 
803 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nomination for 27th Bhagwan Mahaveer Award. Notice Dated 22-06-2023 
804 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GCW Bastali (Karnal) to Ms. Rekha Tyagi Principal. Notice Dated 22-06-2023 
805 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement order of Smt. Neeta Samagh Deputy Director. Notice Dated 21-06-2023 
806 Notice Public Notice Regarding Training Need Analysis (TNA) for all employees in the Department of Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 19-06-2023 
807 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct of Har Ghar Dhyan Program. Notice Dated 19-06-2023 
808 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of New Govt. (Co-Edu) College in Gannuar (Sonipat). Notice Dated 15-06-2023 
809 Notice Public Notice Regarding Exemption in Rural Service to the disabled Assistant Professors in View of directions of Hon'ble State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (Panchkula) in the CD-344/2021 Dr. Madhusudan Goyal, CD-252/2021 Vishal Kumar, CD-259/2021 Deepak Gulyani and CD-388/2021 Rakesh. Notice Dated 15-06-2023 
810 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of Classes in New Govt. College Jakhauli (Sonipat) to be started from academic session 2023-24. Notice Dated 15-06-2023 
811 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principal of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-06-2023 
812 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct of Yog Protocol Training Program. Notice Dated 13-06-2023 
813 Notice Public Notice Deemed promotion का लाभ प्रदान करने उपरांत पेंशन में संशोधन करने बारे मामला I Notice Dated 12-06-2023 
814 Notice Public Notice Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for UG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 12-06-2023 
815 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Madhu Arora Principal GCW Salaheri. Notice Dated 12-06-2023 
816 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Dalbir Singh Principal. Notice Dated 09-06-2023 
817 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of the key Components of National Education Policy, 2020 in Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 09-06-2023 
818 Notice Employee Circular Request to Send Service Verification Certificate. Notice Dated 08-06-2023 
819 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of the key Components of National Education Policy, 2020 in Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 08-06-2023 
820 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of GNC Sirsa. Notice Dated 08-06-2023 
821 Notice Public Notice Regarding Renewal of 2 Years of Comprehensive Contract & Payment for Comprehensive Contract ( with spare parts) for heavy duty (20 Nos) Muratee Japan Digital Multifunctional Printer cum Copier Scanner A-3 machine MFX-1930/MFX 2725/2835 Duplex Machines installed at Govt. Colleges at field. Notice Dated 08-06-2023 
822 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Designating District Level Higher Education Officer (DHEO) Bhiwani. Notice Dated 07-06-2023 
823 Notice Public Notice Regarding Upload the Provisional Graduation List of Restorer/Junior Librarian/Senior Librarian with Benchmark Disabilities (Govt. Colleges/ Distt. Libraries w.e.f. 01.01.1996. Notice Dated 05-06-2023 
824 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introducing of New Courses/Subjects, Seat Increase, Seat Decrease and Discontinuation of Courses/Subjects for the academic session 2023-24. Notice Dated 03-06-2023 
825 Notice Public Notice अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस 2023 के अंर्तगत राज्य के सभी सरकारी एवं गैर-सरकारी महाविद्यालयों (Colleges) और विश्वविद्यालयों (Universities) में योग प्रोटोकॉल प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम एवं विचार गोष्ठी दिनांक 01 जून से 21 जून तक आयोजित करने बारे । Notice Dated 02-06-2023 
826 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Memorandum of Understanding for BSNL 50 Mbps Internet Lease Line for the Government Colleges of Haryana-Re: Seeking Report. Notice Dated 02-06-2023 
827 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Transfer Order of Ms Rekha Tayagi. Notice Dated 02-06-2023 
828 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principals of Govt. College. Notice Dated 02-06-2023 
829 Notice Public Notice Regarding postponement of Centralized Online Admission Schedule 2023-24 for UG Courses. Notice Dated 02-06-2023 
830 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Updation of Promotion Entry of Principals in HRMS Portal. Notice Dated 01-06-2023 
831 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Transfer Order of Principals/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 01-06-2023 
832 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Orders of Principals from Govt. Services. Notice Dated 31-05-2023 
833 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Nahar (Rewari) to Sh. Satyamanyu Yadav. Notice Dated 26-05-2023 
834 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Jhajjar to Smt. Anil Kumari. Notice Dated 26-05-2023 
835 Notice Public Notice Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for UG Courses for the Session 2023-24. Notice Dated 26-05-2023 
836 Notice Public Notice Edusat Telecast and E learning Schedule 29.05.2023 to 04.06.2023. Notice Dated 26-05-2023 
837 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Associate Professors from Govt. Service w.e.f. 31.05.2023 Notice Dated 25-05-2023 
838 Notice Public Notice Fixation of tenure for appointment of Nodal Officer Concerned for AISHE work for all levels of Institutions. Notice Dated 25-05-2023 
839 Notice Public Notice Regarding 18-25 age group survey data. Notice Dated 25-05-2023 
840 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Surinder kumar Principal GCG Shima. Notice Dated 25-05-2023 
841 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Sharvan Kumar Assistant Professor Hindi. Notice Dated 25-05-2023 
842 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power of Govt. College Assandh to Sh. Vikas Atri. Notice Dated 24-05-2023 
843 Notice Public Notice Fixation of tenure for appointment of Nodal Officer Concerned for AISHE work for all levels of Institutions. Notice Dated 23-05-2023 
844 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video Conferencing on Socio Economic Survey to Increase GER in Higher Education : NSS Survey thereof. Notice Dated 23-05-2023 
845 Notice Public Notice Regarding Advertisement for Inviting Application for Teaching Posts in Govt. Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 19-05-2023 
846 Notice Public Notice Edusat Telecast and E learning Schedule 22.05.2023 to 28.05.2023. Notice Dated 19-05-2023 
847 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of Zero Balance Subsidiary Current Account (ZBSA) of NSS Units in State Bank of India-reg. Notice Dated 19-05-2023 
848 Notice Public Notice भविष्य में आयोजित होने वाले एनएसएस शिविरों के आयोजन के दौरान महत्वपूर्ण बिन्दुओं पर ध्यान देने बारे। Notice Dated 19-05-2023 
849 Notice Public Notice एन०एस०एस० मैरिट सर्टिफिकेट जारी करने बारे । Notice Dated 19-05-2023 
850 Notice Employee Circular Posting Orders of promoted Principals/Deputy Directors. Notice Dated 19-05-2023 
851 Notice Public Notice Relinquishment Report of Sh. Deepak Kumar, HCS from the Post of Joint Director Admin. Notice Dated 17-05-2023 
852 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principal of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-05-2023 
853 Notice Public Notice Edusat Telecast and E-learnings Schedule 15.05.2023 to 21.05.2023 Notice Dated 12-05-2023 
854 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the DDO power to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-05-2023 
855 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Transfer Order of Sunita Yadav. Notice Dated 11-05-2023 
856 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updating Transport Facility for College Students. Notice Dated 11-05-2023 
857 Notice Public Notice Transport facility से संबंधित सूचना न भिजवाने के कारण संबंधित राजकीय महाविद्यालयों के प्राचार्यों से स्पष्टीकरण मांगने बारे। Notice Dated 10-05-2023 
858 Notice Public Notice To Award Additional 5 marks to the NSS Merit Certificate holder Volunteers during the Under Graduate courses/classes admission process from the academic session 2023-24. Notice Dated 10-05-2023 
859 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Modification in the order issued under endst no. 19/79-2022 Ad(1) dated 28.04.2023. Notice Dated 09-05-2023 
860 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Vikas Atri Principal GC Assandh. Notice Dated 09-05-2023 
861 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video Conferencing on Socio Economic Survey to Increase GER in Higher Education : NSS Survey thereof. Notice Dated 08-05-2023 
862 Notice Public Notice Edusat Telecast and E-learnings Schedule 08.05.2023 to 14.05.2023 Notice Dated 05-05-2023 
863 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Memorandum of Understanding for BSNL 50 Mbps Internet Lease Line for the Government Colleges of Haryana-Re: Seeking Report. Notice Dated 05-05-2023 
864 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-open online submission of Scholarship Applications on Centralized Scholarship portal for post Metric Scholarship Scheme and Other all schemes for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 05-05-2023 
865 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the DDO power to the Principals/Associate professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-05-2023 
866 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Nisha Kumari Clerk GC Ateli. Notice Dated 04-05-2023 
867 Notice Public Notice Regarding Fresh Registration for New Established University & Colleges on the Portal of AISHE PORTAL (All India Survey of Higher Education) for 2022-23. Notice Dated 04-05-2023 
868 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-open online submission of Scholarship Applications on Centralized Scholarship portal for post Metric Scholarship Scheme and Other all schemes for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 02-05-2023 
869 Notice Public Notice Regarding Charging of Fee and Funds under PMS Scholarship Schemes of Govt. of India. Notice Dated 02-05-2023 
870 Notice Public Notice Regarding Naming of Govt. College, Sultanpur, (Farrukhnagar) Gurugram. Notice Dated 01-05-2023 
871 Notice Public Notice फीस रसीद बुक्स प्राप्त करने बारे । Notice Dated 01-05-2023 
872 Notice Public Notice Acceptance of resignation of Prof. Brij Kishore Kuthiala. Notice Dated 30-04-2023 
873 Notice Public Notice Edusat Telecast and E-learnings Schedule 01.05.2023 to 07.05.2023. Notice Dated 28-04-2023 
874 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Partial Modification of this office order No. 130019/19-2020 Ad(1) dated 07.09.2022. Notice Dated 28-04-2023 
875 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Sh. Hawa Singh Principal from Govt. Services w.e.f. 30.04.2023. Notice Dated 28-04-2023 
876 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay fixation order of Principal on granting the benefit of deemed promotion. Notice Dated 28-04-2023 
877 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. Services. Notice Dated 27-04-2023 
878 Notice Public Notice Regarding Renewal of 2 Years of Comprehensive Contract & Payment for Comprehensive Contract ( with spare parts) for heavy duty (20 Nos) Muratee Japan Digital Multifunctional Printer cum Copier Scanner A-3 machine MFX-1930/MFX 2725/2835 Duplex Machines installed at Govt. Colleges at field. Notice Dated 25-04-2023 
879 Notice Public Notice Edusat Telecast and E learnings- Schedule 24.04.2023 to 30.04.2023. Notice Dated 24-04-2023 
880 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updating the Update the Information of Roof Top Harvesting Structures with full detail on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 21-04-2023 
881 Notice Public Notice Regarding Training Need Analysis (TNA) for all employees in the Department of Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 21-04-2023 
882 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयो में कार्यरत सहायक / एसोसिएट प्रोफेसरों की वर्ष 2021-22 की वार्षिक गोपनीय रिर्पोटस ऑनलाइन के माध्यम से लिखने बारे। Notice Dated 21-04-2023 
883 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Manisha, Clerk GC Narwana. Notice Dated 21-04-2023 
884 Notice Public Notice Regarding sending the annual confidential report for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 19-04-2023 
885 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Given the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of GC Ateli to Sh. Rajesh Kumar Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 18-04-2023 
886 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updating Transport Facility for College Students. Notice Dated 18-04-2023 
887 Notice Public Notice Revised Criteria for the Requirement of Assistant Professor and Principals in Govt. Aided Private Colleges in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 18-04-2023 
888 Notice Public Notice Regarding New Scheme Regulating Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for Visiting Home Town and any Place in Infor the State Government. Notice Dated 13-04-2023 
889 Notice Public Notice Regarding Edusat Telecast and E-Learning Schedule. Notice Dated 13-04-2023 
890 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Rajni Bala Clerk. Notice Dated 12-04-2023 
891 Notice Public Notice Regarding verification of draft of Chapter-XV of Revision of Rohtak District Gazetteer titled 'Education and Culture' Topic Higher Education. Notice Dated 12-04-2023 
892 Notice Public Notice Regarding Edusat Telecast and E-Learning. Notice Dated 12-04-2023 
893 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of University NSS Programme Coordinator. Notice Dated 11-04-2023 
894 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Adjustment Order of Group D Employees of Govt. College Sampla. Notice Dated 11-04-2023 
895 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Interest Free Advance to Group D Government Employees for the Purchase of Wheat During the Financial Year 2023-24. Notice Dated 10-04-2023 
896 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Revoke the name of Sh. Chetan Gupta Associate Professor from Promotion List issued on 05.04.2023. Notice Dated 07-04-2023 
897 Notice Public Notice राजकीय सहायता प्राप्त निजी महाविद्यालयों की प्रबंधक समितियों के चुनाव में विभागीय नोमिनी भेजने बारे। Notice Dated 07-04-2023 
898 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-open online submission of Scholarship Applications on Centralized Scholarship portal for post Metric Scholarship Scheme and Other all schemes for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 07-04-2023 
899 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of E-Office (Software) in the Offices of Government of Haryana. Notice Dated 05-04-2023 
900 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Associate Professors to the post of Principals/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 05-04-2023 
901 Notice Public Notice राज्य एन०एस० पुरस्कार 2021-22 हेतु नामांकन मंगवाने बारे । Notice Dated 03-04-2023 
902 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2023–24 में एन0एस0एस0 इकाईयों के आवंटन / वापसी बारे । Notice Dated 03-04-2023 
903 Notice Employee Circular Regarding CCL of Smt. Sushma Kumari Clerk GC Mandi Hariya. Notice Dated 29-03-2023 
904 Notice Public Notice Regarding Releasing of Payment to M/s HLL Lifecare Limited for Installation of Incinerators Machine. Notice Dated 29-03-2023 
905 Notice Public Notice Regarding Empanelment of Inquiry Officers. Notice Dated 29-03-2023 
906 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयो में कार्यरत सहायक / एसोसिएट प्रोफेसरों की वर्ष 2021-22 की वार्षिक गोपनीय रिर्पोटस ऑनलाइन के माध्यम से लिखने बारे। Notice Dated 29-03-2023 
907 Notice Public Notice Regarding conducting activities in society/clubs situated in the Colleges and updating it on the ERP Portal. Notice Dated 29-03-2023 
908 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Given the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of GCW Badoli to Smt. Kavita. Notice Dated 29-03-2023 
909 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-03-2023 
910 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Requisition for Starting of New Course/Subjects, Discontinuation of Courses, Increasing/Decreasing of Seats in the Existing Course (Govt. Colleges). Notice Dated 27-03-2023 
911 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Sh. Jagmesh Kumar Jakhar Principal. Notice Dated 27-03-2023 
912 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Termination Order of Sh. Amit Kumar Assistant Professor History GC Dubaldhan (Jhajjar). Notice Dated 27-03-2023 
913 Notice Public Notice Regarding Standard Format for Issuing Sanction Under Section 19 of PC Act. Notice Dated 24-03-2023 
914 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Global Money Week 2023 in Universities and Higher Education Institutions Across India. Notice Dated 22-03-2023 
915 Notice Public Notice Regarding Guidelines to Maintain Academic Standards in Govt. Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 21-03-2023 
916 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment Order of Sh. Tushar Jain. Notice Dated 20-03-2023 
917 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO power to Associate Professors of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 20-03-2023 
918 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video Conference w.r.t. Socio economic Survey on 21.03.2023. Notice Dated 20-03-2023 
919 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO power to Associate Professors of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 20-03-2023 
920 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Requisition for Starting of New Course/Subjects, Discontinuation of Courses, Increasing/Decreasing of Seats in the Existing Course (Private Universities). Notice Dated 17-03-2023 
921 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Requisition for Starting of New Course/Subjects, Discontinuation of Courses, Increasing/Decreasing of Seats in the Existing Course (Aided & Self Finance Colleges). Notice Dated 17-03-2023 
922 Notice Public Notice Schedule for Online Transfer Policy Library Cadre for Senior Librarian, Junior Librarian and Restorer of Haryana Colleges and Public Libraries of Group-C. Notice Dated 16-03-2023 
923 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO power to Principals of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 15-03-2023 
924 Notice Public Notice Regarding Correction in HRMS of Group-D Employees Appointed After Enactment of Group-D Act, 2018. Notice Dated 15-03-2023 
925 Notice Public Notice Regarding Police Verification Status Update on HRMS. Notice Dated 15-03-2023 
926 Notice Public Notice Regarding Committee Comprising to Ascertain the Roaster Point of Divyangjan Employees of State of Haryana. Notice Dated 13-03-2023 
927 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video Conference w.r.t Socio economic Survey on 14 March 2023. Notice Dated 13-03-2023 
928 Notice Public Notice Post Budget Webinar Regarding Empowerment of Women on 10.03.2023. Notice Dated 10-03-2023 
929 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Sanction to Count the Service of Sh. Balbir Singh Rathee, Principal Retd. GC Narwana. Notice Dated 10-03-2023 
930 Notice Public Notice Regarding Learning Management System. Notice Dated 09-03-2023 
931 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading the Data of Private Universities on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 07-03-2023 
932 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO power to Principals of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 07-03-2023 
933 Notice Public Notice Regarding Renewal of 2 Years of Comprehensive Contract & Payment for Comprehensive Contract. Notice Dated 07-03-2023 
934 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Posting Order of Sh. Sunil Dutt Sharma Assistant Professor Political Science. Notice Dated 06-03-2023 
935 Notice Public Notice Regarding Socio Economic Survey to Increase GER in Higher Education: NSS Survey thereof. Notice Dated 06-03-2023 
936 Notice Public Notice अधिकारियों/कर्मचारियों के सरकारी सेवा में नियुक्ति होने पर नई सामूहिक बीमा योजना-1985 के अन्तर्गत फार्म-I में तथा उनके एक ग्रुप से दूसरे ग्रुप में आने पर / नियमित पदोन्नति होने पर फार्म-II में इन्रोलमेंट सम्बन्धित सूचना भेजने बारे । Notice Dated 01-03-2023 
937 Notice Public Notice Regarding Break/Gap Period of Clerks who were appointed on the recommendation of Secretary Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Haryana hereby treated as Compulsory Waiting Period. Notice Dated 01-03-2023 
938 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Withdrawal of Adjustment Order of Sh. Ved Singh, Clerk (Contractual) Working Under Part-II of Outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 28-02-2023 
939 Notice Public Notice Regarding One day Offline Workshop on 02th March 2023 at GCW Sector14, Panchkula Organized by AISHE STATE UNIT HARYANA. Notice Dated 27-02-2023 
940 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment Order of Sh. Tushar Jain Clerk. Notice Dated 24-02-2023 
941 Notice Public Notice Regarding Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Government Servants, PSU/Autonomous Body Employees, et al. Notice Dated 23-02-2023 
942 Notice Public Notice Instructions Regarding Re-Appropriation of Fund Request and Submitting of Bills in Treasury in Month of March 2023. Notice Dated 23-02-2023 
943 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Principal Smt. Savita. Notice Dated 23-02-2023 
944 Notice Public Notice Regarding Economy Measures. Notice Dated 23-02-2023 
945 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. Service w.e.f. 28.02.2023. Notice Dated 23-02-2023 
946 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Various IT Modules on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 23-02-2023 
947 Notice Public Notice Regarding Correction in Sanctioned Posts Under HRMS Portal. Notice Dated 23-02-2023 
948 Notice Public Notice Regarding Changing Nomenclature of State Vigilance Bureau as Anti Corruption Bureau, Haryana and Nomenclature of Divisional Vigilance Bureau as Divisional Anti Corruption Bureau. Notice Dated 22-02-2023 
949 Notice Public Notice Regarding Launch of ECI Song Main Bharat Hoon, Hum Bharat ke Matdata Hain. Notice Dated 22-02-2023 
950 Notice Public Notice Inviting of Applications for Filling up the Post of Deputy Directors in Directorate Office by way of Selection. Notice Dated 22-02-2023 
951 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Smt. Banita GC Siwani. Notice Dated 20-02-2023 
952 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Online Service Related to Employees Such as CCL, EOL, Maternity / Paternity Leave NOC for Passport/Foreign Visits, NOC for Application Forward etc. Notice Dated 20-02-2023 
953 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Request to Send Service Book of Associate Professors/ Principals/ Deputy Directors Working/Retired for Fixation of Pay in View of Promotion Order Dated 07.09.2022. Notice Dated 17-02-2023 
954 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Last Date for Submitting the Data on PRaYAAS Portal. Notice Dated 17-02-2023 
955 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer / Deputation Order of Joni. Notice Dated 17-02-2023 
956 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Surender Singh Dhanda Principal. Notice Dated 17-02-2023 
957 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-constitution of State Literacy Mission Authority (SLMA), Haryana. Notice Dated 16-02-2023 
958 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Rajpal Principal. Notice Dated 16-02-2023 
959 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Suspension Order of Sh. Sandeep, Assistant GCW Narnaul. Notice Dated 16-02-2023 
960 Notice Public Notice Regarding Entry the Details of Employees Engaged Under Outsourcing Policy Part-II in Human Resource Management System Application (HRMS). Notice Dated 16-02-2023 
961 Notice Public Notice Regarding Enhancement in Original Contract Agreements. Notice Dated 15-02-2023 
962 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. College. Notice Dated 15-02-2023 
963 Notice Public Notice Regarding Open the Online Submission of Applications for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SD/BC for the Year 2019-20 for those Students who are Studying Outside Haryana. Notice Dated 15-02-2023 
964 Notice Public Notice Action Taken Report Regarding Drug Prevention Plan. Notice Dated 14-02-2023 
965 Notice Public Notice Grant of reservation in promotion to the persons with Benchmark Disabilities under the persons with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act, 1995 and 2016. Notice Dated 14-02-2023 
966 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Service w.e.f. 31.01.2023. Notice Dated 14-02-2023 
967 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Headquarter Officer as Nodal Officers for the Govt. Colleges of the State. Notice Dated 14-02-2023 
968 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pre Budget Consultation for the Budget 2023-24. Notice Dated 13-02-2023 
969 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of Comprehensive Cashless Health Insurance Scheme (CCHIS) for the Government Employees, Pensioners and their Dependent in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 13-02-2023 
970 Notice Employee Circular 01.01.2004 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्राध्यापक / सहायक / एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर वर्ग की वरिष्ठता सूची । Notice Dated 13-02-2023 
971 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Poonam, Clerk GCW Mahendergarh. Notice Dated 13-02-2023 
972 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005 and Rules framed thereunder, in its true letter and spirit. Notice Dated 10-02-2023 
973 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deemed Promotion Order of Smt. Punam Kashyap Associate Professor Mathematics. Notice Dated 09-02-2023 
974 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pre-Budget Consultation for the Budget 2023-24. Notice Dated 09-02-2023 
975 Notice Public Notice Regarding Correction in HRMS of Group D employees appointed after Enactment of Group D Act, 2018. Notice Dated 08-02-2023 
976 Notice Public Notice Regarding Assistance by Gazetted Officers in Traps/Raids/Searches etc. conducted by the State Vigilance Bureau, Haryana. Notice Dated 08-02-2023 
977 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO power to Principal / Associate Professor of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 07-02-2023 
978 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Last Date for Submitting the Data on PRaYAAS Portal. Notice Dated 06-02-2023 
979 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the DDO Power to the Principals/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-02-2023 
980 Notice Public Notice Submission of information regarding Statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005: Notice Dated 06-02-2023 
981 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Difference of Pay Scale between the post of Associate Professor and the Principal to Sh. Sh. Pratap Singh Rohila, Principal Govt College Hisar. Notice Dated 06-02-2023 
982 Notice Public Notice Regarding Attendance of Government Employees Through Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS). Notice Dated 03-02-2023 
983 Notice Public Notice Regarding Continuance of Suspension Beyond Six Months. Notice Dated 03-02-2023 
984 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation Order of Ravi Kumar Peon. Notice Dated 03-02-2023 
985 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order Of Smt. Sushila. Notice Dated 03-02-2023 
986 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Budget/Funds Under Placement Cell in Govt. Colleges in State of Haryana for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 03-02-2023 
987 Notice Public Notice Regarding NEP 2020-to increase GER in Higher Education: NSS survey thereof. Notice Dated 03-02-2023 
988 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-open Online Submission of Scholarship Applications on Centralized Scholarship Portal for Post Metric Scholarship Scheme and Other all Schemes for the Year 2022-23. Notice Dated 03-02-2023 
989 Notice Public Notice Regarding Hosting of the 1st Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting Planned at Gurugram on March 01-03, 2023 within the India's G20 Presidency Year-2023. Notice Dated 02-02-2023 
990 Notice Public Notice To Participate in State & District Level 75 Lakh Surya Namaskar Project to Commemorate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Reg. Notice Dated 02-02-2023 
991 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation Order of Sh. Dinesh Yadav. Notice Dated 02-02-2023 
992 Notice Public Notice Regarding Essay and Short Film Competition. Notice Dated 31-01-2023 
993 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-01-2023 
994 Notice Public Notice Regarding Provisional Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) HES-II Group B in the subject of Political Science. Notice Dated 30-01-2023 
995 Notice Employee Circular Extend the age of superannuation from 58 to 60 years. Notice Dated 27-01-2023 
996 Notice Public Notice Submission of information regarding Statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005: Notice Dated 27-01-2023 
997 Notice Public Notice Grant of reservation in promotion to the persons with Benchmark Disabilities under the persons with disability act 1995 and 2016. Notice Dated 27-01-2023 
998 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Sh. Sanjeet Kumar. Notice Dated 25-01-2023 
999 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Passing Percentage in 10th/12th/last exam passed on Har-Chhatravratti Portal. Notice Dated 24-01-2023 
1000 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of National Voters day on 25th Jan, 2023. Notice Dated 24-01-2023 
1001 Notice Public Notice Regarding National Voter's Day(25th January) 2023-reg. Notice Dated 24-01-2023 
1002 Notice Public Notice Regarding submissions of information regarding statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 23-01-2023 
1003 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extend the Date of Online Submission of Scholarship Application on Centralized Scholarship Portal for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme SC/BC Other state Schemes for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 20-01-2023 
1004 Notice Public Notice Regarding disposal of first appeals under the RTI Act,2005. Notice Dated 20-01-2023 
1005 Notice Public Notice Regarding Aadhar Link for Post Metric Scholarship Scheme for SC/BC Students. Notice Dated 19-01-2023 
1006 Notice Public Notice Regarding PRaYAAS (Performance Rating Yardstick for Academic Audit Standards) - A framework for Quality Improvement in Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 17-01-2023 
1007 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rolling Out Various New IT Modules on ERP Portal and Mobile App. Notice Dated 17-01-2023 
1008 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f. 31.01.2023. Notice Dated 16-01-2023 
1009 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Giving the DDO Power to the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-01-2023 
1010 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Jitender Lascar. Notice Dated 13-01-2023 
1011 Notice Public Notice Regarding submissions of information regarding statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 13-01-2023 
1012 Notice Public Notice Regarding Data Tagging on CRID Portal w.r.t. Occupation Status, Date of Birth. Notice Dated 13-01-2023 
1013 Notice Public Notice Regarding Participation of Sanrakshaks in Gram Sanrakshak Scheme. Notice Dated 13-01-2023 
1014 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Promotion Orders of Officials Working in GC Kanina to the Post of Clerk. Notice Dated 12-01-2023 
1015 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Giving the DDO Power of GC Ratia to Sh. Madan Gopal. Notice Dated 12-01-2023 
1016 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. Notice Dated 11-01-2023 
1017 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Adjustment Order of Clerks against Advt. No. 05/2019. Notice Dated 11-01-2023 
1018 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Promotion Order of Smt. Paramjit Kaur. Notice Dated 11-01-2023 
1019 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Neetu Rani, Clerk GC Education Bhiwani. Notice Dated 10-01-2023 
1020 Notice Employee Circular Regarding CCL of Smt. Sonia, Clerk GCG Taraori (Karnal). Notice Dated 05-01-2023 
1021 Notice Public Notice Action Taken Report Regarding Drug Prevention Plan. Notice Dated 05-01-2023 
1022 Notice Public Notice Regarding Update the Actual Category and Recruited on Category, Update Maritial Status (Date of Marriage, if married), Update Date of Joining at time of Joining of each Employee before January 2023. Notice Dated 04-01-2023 
1023 Notice Public Notice Regarding Scrapping of the Process of Engagement of Teaching Staff (Extension Lecturers) in State Institutes of Advance Studies in Teacher Education (SIASTEs) Jhajjar, Gurugram and Kurukshetra. Notice Dated 03-01-2023 
1024 Notice Public Notice Regarding Engagement Under Outsourcing Policy Part-II. Notice Dated 03-01-2023 
1025 Notice Public Notice Regarding conduct of College level & District level Competitions under Student Legacy Literacy Mission for the year 2022-2023. Notice Dated 02-01-2023 
1026 Notice Public Notice Regarding engagement under Outsourcing Policy Part II. Notice Dated 31-12-2022 
1027 Notice Public Notice Agenda of Meeting on 22.11.2022 regarding Accessible India Campaign under the Chairmanship of W/Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana. Notice Dated 27-12-2022 
1028 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Completing of Service Book Validation of all the employees in Human Resource Management System Application (HRMS). Notice Dated 27-12-2022 
1029 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power to Principal of Govt. College. Notice Dated 23-12-2022 
1030 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Kuldeep Singh Assistant Professor Computer Science. Notice Dated 23-12-2022 
1031 Notice Public Notice Regarding Publicity of Logo and Theme of G20 during India's Presidency Period. Notice Dated 22-12-2022 
1032 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adoption of Villages/Slums by Govt. Colleges under UBA (Unnat Bharat Abhiyan). Notice Dated 22-12-2022 
1033 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deemed Promotion of Smt. Renu Bhaskar, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 22-12-2022 
1034 Notice Public Notice Submission of Information regarding statement of Assets in form D-6 and statement of miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 21-12-2022 
1035 Notice Public Notice Agenda of Meeting on 22.11.2022 regarding Accessible India Campaign under the Chairmanship of W/Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana. Notice Dated 21-12-2022 
1036 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2021-22 through online medium. Notice Dated 21-12-2022 
1037 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Extension of Joining Time to Smt. Neeraja Malik. Notice Dated 21-12-2022 
1038 Notice Public Notice Regarding Engagement Under Outsourcing Policy Part-II. Notice Dated 20-12-2022 
1039 Notice Public Notice Regarding Auto Rejection of Applications Pending at the Institute/Student Level under PMS for the session 2021-22 after 30.12.2022 under Technical Education Department Haryana. Notice Dated 16-12-2022 
1040 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f. 31.12.2022. Notice Dated 16-12-2022 
1041 Notice Public Notice Regarding Data Tagging on CRID Portal w.r.t. Occupation Status, Date of Birth. Notice Dated 15-12-2022 
1042 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Kapil (Restorer). Notice Dated 15-12-2022 
1043 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Completing of Service Book Validation of all the employees in Human Resource Management System Application (HRMS). Notice Dated 14-12-2022 
1044 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Laboratory Attendants of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-12-2022 
1045 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power to Principal/Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-12-2022 
1046 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Deemed Promotion Order of Associate Professors/Principals/Deputy Director (Retd.) Notice Dated 14-12-2022 
1047 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised Criteria for the Recruitment of Assistant Professor and Principals in Govt. Aided Private Colleges in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 13-12-2022 
1048 Notice Public Notice Sharing of YouTube Link Regarding Uploading DCF on AISHE Portal 2021-22. Notice Dated 13-12-2022 
1049 Notice Public Notice Regarding Demand Assessment Through Web Portal. Notice Dated 13-12-2022 
1050 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order of Smt. Neeraja Malik. Notice Dated 13-12-2022 
1051 Notice Public Notice Regarding Timely Verification of Caste/Community Certificates. Notice Dated 12-12-2022 
1052 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Giving the DDO Power of GCG Palwal to Sh. Nirmal Atri. Notice Dated 12-12-2022 
1053 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Pending Property Return. Notice Dated 08-12-2022 
1054 Notice Public Notice Regarding Short Duration Certificate / Diploma Courses. Notice Dated 07-12-2022 
1055 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Appointment/Transfer Order of Sh. Mohit Dagar Clerk. Notice Dated 07-12-2022 
1056 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adoption of Various Recommendations of the UGC & MHRD with regard to minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in the Universities and Colleges and measures for the maintenance of the standards of Higher Education. Notice Dated 06-12-2022 
1057 Notice Public Notice Notice of Screening along with Status of Screening for Extension Lecturers in the Subject of Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology. Notice Dated 06-12-2022 
1058 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updating of Data of Posts in E-Posting Module. Notice Dated 06-12-2022 
1059 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Baljinder Assistant Professor Music. Notice Dated 06-12-2022 
1060 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised Guidelines for Assessment of Academic/Research Score for Promotion of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professors in Government and Govt. Aided Private Colleges under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS). Notice Dated 05-12-2022 
1061 Notice Public Notice Regarding registration/activation of Colleges/Institution on Scholarship portal for the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 05-12-2022 
1062 Notice Public Notice Regarding International Geeta Jayanti Mahotsava Celebration from 19th November to 06th December 2022. Notice Dated 02-12-2022 
1063 Notice Public Notice Regarding Filling up Backlog of Vacancies for PwDs in terms of PwD Act, RPwD Act, 2016. Notice Dated 02-12-2022 
1064 Notice Public Notice Submission of Information regarding statement of Assets in form D-6 and statement of miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 01-12-2022 
1065 Notice Public Notice Grant of reservation in promotion to the persons with Benchmark Disabilities under the persons with disability act 1995 and 2016. Notice Dated 01-12-2022 
1066 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment of Sh. Dinesh Kumar Assistant Professor as State NSS Officer. Notice Dated 01-12-2022 
1067 Notice Public Notice Advertisement Regarding Engagement of Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 30-11-2022 
1068 Notice Public Notice Regarding Completion of Service Book Validation of all the Employees in Human Resources Management System Application (HRMS). Notice Dated 30-11-2022 
1069 Notice Public Notice Regarding Demand Assessment Through Web Portal. Notice Dated 30-11-2022 
1070 Notice Public Notice Regarding usages of Universities / Colleges infrastructure for purposes of Training. Notice Dated 28-11-2022 
1071 Notice Public Notice Regarding scheduled Test Notification: Agniveervayu Intake 01/2023. Notice Dated 28-11-2022 
1072 Notice Employee Circular प्राचार्यो की डीम्ड पदोन्ति बारे मामले में लंबित सेवपंजिया उपलबध करवाने बारे I Notice Dated 28-11-2022 
1073 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2021-22 through online medium. Notice Dated 25-11-2022 
1074 Notice Public Notice Grant of reservation in promotion to the persons with Benchmark Disabilities under the persons with disability act 1995 and 2016. Notice Dated 25-11-2022 
1075 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principal/Deputy Director from Govt. Services w.e.f. 30.11.2022. Notice Dated 23-11-2022 
1076 Notice Public Notice Regarding Equal Opportunity Policy for Persons with Disabilities. Notice Dated 23-11-2022 
1077 Notice Public Notice Regarding Action to be Taken on the Recommendations of Haryana Lokayukta Annual Report 2021-22 (i.e. 19.07.2021 to 31.03.2022). Notice Dated 23-11-2022 
1078 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power to Principal of Govt. College. Notice Dated 23-11-2022 
1079 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Online Service Related to Employees Such as CCL, EOL, Maternity / Paternity Leave NOC for Passport/Foreign Visits, NOC for Application Forward etc. Notice Dated 23-11-2022 
1080 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Transport Facility Information on CRID Portal. Notice Dated 23-11-2022 
1081 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Attaining the age of Superannuation of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-11-2022 
1082 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2021-22 के लिए उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों का सर्वे I Notice Dated 22-11-2022 
1083 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power to Principal of Govt. College. Notice Dated 22-11-2022 
1084 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2022-23 में हुए दाखिलों के समय ली गयी डाO राधा कृष्ण फण्ड की राशि निदेशालय को भेजने बारेI Notice Dated 21-11-2022 
1085 Notice Public Notice Regarding transport facility for college students. Notice Dated 17-11-2022 
1086 Notice Public Notice Report Regarding Competitions to be Organized During the Year 2018-19, 2020-21 and 2021-22 at College level, District level, Divisional level and State level. Notice Dated 17-11-2022 
1087 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Completion of Service Book Validation of all the Employees in Human Resources Management System Application (HRMS). Notice Dated 16-11-2022 
1088 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Completion of Service Book Validation of all the Employees in Human Resources Management System Application (HRMS). Notice Dated 16-11-2022 
1089 Notice Employee Circular Regarding request to send service books of Associate Professors/Principals/Deputy Directors working/retired for fixation of pay in view of promotion order dated 07.09.2022. Notice Dated 15-11-2022 
1090 Notice Public Notice Action Taken Report Regarding Drug Prevention Plan. Notice Dated 15-11-2022 
1091 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Jitendera Malik Principal. Notice Dated 15-11-2022 
1092 Notice Public Notice Regarding revised minimum qualifications for appointment of teacher and other academic staff including Librarians and Directors of Physical Education and sports in Universities and Colleges and measures for the maintenance of Standards in Higher Education,2022 based on University Grants Commission Regulations 2018. Notice Dated 14-11-2022 
1093 Notice Public Notice Regarding Minutes of 2nd State Level Committee Meeting of Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) Under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to Government Haryana on dated 22.07.2022 at 03:00 PM in Main Committee Room, 4th Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat (Main Building), Chandigarh. Notice Dated 11-11-2022 
1094 Notice Public Notice To Organize Softball Women Tournament Instead of Baseball Tournament held at Government College Kalka. Notice Dated 11-11-2022 
1095 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power to Principal/Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-11-2022 
1096 Notice Public Notice Regarding handholding programme with NAAC on 16th & 17th November 2022. Notice Dated 11-11-2022 
1097 Notice Public Notice Regarding Minutes of 2nd State Level Committee Meeting of Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) Under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to Government Haryana on dated 22.07.2022 at 03:00 PM in Main Committee Room, 4th Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat (Main Building), Chandigarh. Notice Dated 10-11-2022 
1098 Notice Public Notice Regarding pilot survey of persons (age 18 to 24) who are not studying in any educational institution. Notice Dated 10-11-2022 
1099 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2021-22 through online medium. Notice Dated 09-11-2022 
1100 Notice Public Notice Regarding policy for usage of All Govt College's Playground/ Stadium of the State. Notice Dated 09-11-2022 
1101 Notice Public Notice Regarding request for wide publicity of new scheme 'Student Project Programme' Implemented by Haryana State Council for Science, Innovation and Technology (HSCSIT) Panchkula. Notice Dated 07-11-2022 
1102 Notice Public Notice Regarding Usages of Universities /Colleges Infrastructure for Purpose of Training. Notice Dated 07-11-2022 
1103 Notice Public Notice माननीय गृह , स्वास्थ एवं आयुष मंत्री महोदय , हरियाणा सरकार के आदेशानुसार आयुष योग सहायको की कार्य पद्धिति एवं योग-वयामशालाओं से सबंधित दिशा-निर्देश जारी करने बारे I Notice Dated 07-11-2022 
1104 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant Pay Band-IV to Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 07-11-2022 
1105 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Declaration of non-working day w.r.t Written Examination for Common Eligibility Test(CET),Haryana (Group-C Posts). Notice Dated 04-11-2022 
1106 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Declaration of non-working day w.r.t Written Examination for Common Eligibility Test(CET),Haryana (Group-C Posts). Notice Dated 04-11-2022 
1107 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Request to Send Service Books of Associate Professors/Principals/Deputy Directors Working/Retired for Fixation of Pay in View of Promotion Order Dated-07.09.2022. Notice Dated 03-11-2022 
1108 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Declaration of non-working day w.r.t Written Examination for Common Eligibility Test(CET),Haryana (Group-C Posts). Notice Dated 03-11-2022 
1109 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Officers Constituted to ensure Implementation of LMS in the Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-11-2022 
1110 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Officers Constituted to ensure Implementation of LMS in the Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-11-2022 
1111 Notice Public Notice Regarding Visit of Principal Secretary Higher Education to Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-11-2022 
1112 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of NEP 2020- actions to be undertaken by Govt. And Govt. Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 02-11-2022 
1113 Notice Public Notice Regarding Declaration of Non-Working day w.r.t Written Examination for Common Eligibility Test (CET), Haryana. Notice Dated 02-11-2022 
1114 Notice Public Notice Celebration of Saradar Vallabhbhai Patel's Birth Anniversary as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day). Notice Dated 30-10-2022 
1115 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's Birth Anniversary as "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas" (Unity Run). Notice Dated 28-10-2022 
1116 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the difference of pay scale between the post of Associate Professor and the Principal of the following employees. Notice Dated 28-10-2022 
1117 Notice Employee Circular Regarding retirement of the following Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 27-10-2022 
1118 Notice Public Notice Regarding Action taken report regarding Drug Prevention Plan. Notice Dated 27-10-2022 
1119 Notice Employee Circular Regarding attaining the age of superannuation the following Assistant/Associate Professors will stand retired from Govt Service w.e.f 31.10.2022. Notice Dated 26-10-2022 
1120 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Kaithal to Dr. Rozy, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 26-10-2022 
1121 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Granting Child Care Leave to Smt. Monika, Deputy Superintendent GCW Sector-14 Panchkula. Notice Dated 26-10-2022 
1122 Notice Public Notice Regarding Ban on Posting/Transfer of Officers/Officials who Engaged in Conduct of General Elections of the Panchayati Raj Institutions in the State of Haryana During the Period Model Code of Conduct is in Force. Notice Dated 21-10-2022 
1123 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 24 अक्टूबर 2022 को संयुक्त राष्ट्र का ध्वज फहराए जाने के संबंध में| Notice Dated 21-10-2022 
1124 Notice Public Notice 24.10.2022 को संयुक्त राष्ट्र का ध्वज फहराए जाने के संबंध में l Notice Dated 21-10-2022 
1125 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of the District Library Rewari. Notice Dated 20-10-2022 
1126 Notice Employee Circular Regarding writing the annual confidential reports of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2021-22 through online medium. Notice Dated 20-10-2022 
1127 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant the Drawing & Disbursing Power of the District Library Narnaul. Notice Dated 18-10-2022 
1128 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of Admission Portal for 2nd/3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2022-23. Notice Dated 18-10-2022 
1129 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of UG 1st year Admission Portal (2022-23). Notice Dated 18-10-2022 
1130 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 17-10-2022 
1131 Notice Employee Circular Regarding to obtain approval/permission from the competent authority before sending TA bills for countersignature as well as to send TA bills once in a month of journey performed. Notice Dated 17-10-2022 
1132 Notice Employee Circular Regarding E-Office Channel of Communication for Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-10-2022 
1133 Notice Employee Circular Regarding E-Office Channel of Communication for Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-10-2022 
1134 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principal/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-10-2022 
1135 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Update the Data of Pending Manpower of all Govt. Colleges in Haryana (College Cadre). Notice Dated 14-10-2022 
1136 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 & 2016. Notice Dated 12-10-2022 
1137 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals. Notice Dated 11-10-2022 
1138 Notice Public Notice Regarding Ban on Posting/Transfer of Officers/Officials who are engaged in conduct of General elections of the Panchayati Raj Instutions in the State of Haryana during the period Mode code of Conduct is in force. Notice Dated 11-10-2022 
1139 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online filling of annual Property Returns. Notice Dated 11-10-2022 
1140 Notice Public Notice Regarding sending of cases to Finance Department to engage fresh contractual manpower through HKRNL. Notice Dated 11-10-2022 
1141 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt College, Palwal to Sh. Babu Lal Sharma, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 11-10-2022 
1142 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Voluntarily Retirement Order of Smt. Meenu Malik Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 06-10-2022 
1143 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance To Class IV Government Employees During the Year 2022-23. Notice Dated 06-10-2022 
1144 Notice Public Notice Regarding Budget for the Year 2022-2023 under Head "2058-Statinery-Printing-101-Purchase and Supply of Stationery Stores" (Non Plan) for Purchase of Paper, Stationery, Noting-Sheets & Envelopes etc. Notice Dated 06-10-2022 
1145 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Employee Grievance Redressal Portal for Employees of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-10-2022 
1146 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Voluntary Retirement orders of Principal of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-09-2022 
1147 Notice Public Notice जलवायु परिवर्तन के समय में खाद सुरक्षा और पोषण के विषय पर वेबिनार में भागीदारी के सन्दर्भ में I Notice Dated 30-09-2022 
1148 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Adjustment of Displaced Laboratory Attendant Working Under Part-II Of The Outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 28-09-2022 
1149 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Clerks Working in the Govt. Colleges are Promoted to the Post of Assistant on Temporary and Provisional Basis. Notice Dated 28-09-2022 
1150 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Shiv Kumar Class IV. Notice Dated 27-09-2022 
1151 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Adjustment of JLA/Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 27-09-2022 
1152 Notice Public Notice Regarding Issuing Income Certificate Through SARAL Portal. Notice Dated 22-09-2022 
1153 Notice Public Notice Regarding Intimation Regarding the Judgement dated 19.04.2022 passed by the Hon'ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana in RFA No. 309 of 2021 titled as State of Haryana and another Vs Rajbir and another. Notice Dated 22-09-2022 
1154 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of Admission Portal for 2nd/3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2022-23. Notice Dated 22-09-2022 
1155 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Joginder Kumar Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 22-09-2022 
1156 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Order of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 22-09-2022 
1157 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Online e-Services related to employees such as CCL, EOL, Maternity/Paternity Leave, NOC for Passport/Foreign Visits etc. Notice Dated 21-09-2022 
1158 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Colleges w.e.f. 30.09.2022. Notice Dated 21-09-2022 
1159 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principal/Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 21-09-2022 
1160 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of UG 1st year Admission Portal (2022-23). Notice Dated 21-09-2022 
1161 Notice Public Notice Regarding Releasing of Payment to M/s HLL Lifecare Limited for Installation Incinerators Machine. Notice Dated 19-09-2022 
1162 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Associate Professors/Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-09-2022 
1163 Notice Public Notice Regarding Provide the Account details of the College for transfer of fee for the session 2022-2023. Notice Dated 16-09-2022 
1164 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the Persons with Benchmar Disabilities under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995. Notice Dated 15-09-2022 
1165 Notice Public Notice Regarding Releasing of Payment to M/s HLL Lifecare Limited for Installation Incinerators Machine. Notice Dated 15-09-2022 
1166 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of Screening Committee to Grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 15-09-2022 
1167 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities under the right of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016. Notice Dated 15-09-2022 
1168 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principal Smt. Savitri Dhillon. Notice Dated 15-09-2022 
1169 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of Screening Committee to Grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 14-09-2022 
1170 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Varun Sharma Tabla Player. Notice Dated 14-09-2022 
1171 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Audit Diwas 16 November as National Online Essay Writing Competition. Notice Dated 14-09-2022 
1172 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of Screening Committee to Grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 14-09-2022 
1173 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Sandhya Kesarwani Tabla Player. Notice Dated 14-09-2022 
1174 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Suspension order of Sh. Ashok Kumar Deputy Superintendent GC Meham Rohtak. Notice Dated 13-09-2022 
1175 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Posting order of Sh. Seva Ram GC Bhainswal Kalan Sonipat. Notice Dated 13-09-2022 
1176 Notice Employee Circular Order regarding Sh. Ashok Kumar, Dy. Superintendent Govt. College, Meham, Rohtak. Notice Dated 09-09-2022 
1177 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of the Principals as per letter no. 7/79-2017 C-IV(3). Notice Dated 09-09-2022 
1178 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of UG 1st Year Admissions Portal (2022-23). Notice Dated 08-09-2022 
1179 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Adjustment of Displaced clerks working under Part-II of Outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 08-09-2022 
1180 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Sushma Saini , Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 07-09-2022 
1181 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Pay Fixation of Principals as per letter no 7/79-2017 C-IV(3). Notice Dated 07-09-2022 
1182 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion List of Associate Professors/Principals/Deputy Director (Retd.) of the Post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S-I ,Group-'A'. Notice Dated 07-09-2022 
1183 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Sushma Saini , Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 06-09-2022 
1184 Notice Public Notice Regarding massive campaigning aiming at bringing down to 'zero' the crop residue Burning in the state under the central sector CRM Scheme. Notice Dated 06-09-2022 
1185 Notice Employee Circular regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals. Notice Dated 06-09-2022 
1186 Notice Public Notice Regarding You tube Links of Higher Education Content on Haryana Edusat Network. Notice Dated 06-09-2022 
1187 Notice Public Notice Regarding reopening of Admission Portal for 2nd/3rd Year students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2022-23. Notice Dated 06-09-2022 
1188 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy. Notice Dated 02-09-2022 
1189 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Appointment of Clerks on Provisional Basis on Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 01-09-2022 
1190 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation/Temporary Transfer Order of Khushi Ram, Peon. Notice Dated 01-09-2022 
1191 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Sangeeta Mehtani , Deputy Director. Notice Dated 01-09-2022 
1192 Notice Public Notice Schedule for online Transfer Policy (OTP) for Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 31-08-2022 
1193 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Colleges w.e.f. 31.08.2022. Notice Dated 31-08-2022 
1194 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding UG 1st Year Admissions (2022-23). Notice Dated 31-08-2022 
1195 Notice Employee Circular Regarding Promotion Order to the Post of Principal in pay level-14. Notice Dated 31-08-2022 
1196 Notice Public Notice Regarding submission of information regarding statement of Assets in form D-6 and statement of miscellaneous Liabilities. Notice Dated 31-08-2022 
1197 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Gurjeet Kaur, Restorer, Govt. College, Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 30-08-2022 
1198 Notice Tender Regarding setup and manage Startup incubators cum centers of excellence at Bhiwani, Sirsa, Chhachhrauli (Yamuna Nagar), Kaithal and Panipat catering to all government colleges in these districts. Notice Dated 30-08-2022 
1199 Notice Employee Circular Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Smt. Mahasweata, Principal, Govt. College Sidharwali (Gurugram). Notice Dated 30-08-2022 
1200 Notice Public Notice Regarding District Level Higher Education Officers in the State. Notice Dated 29-08-2022 
1201 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Principal from Govt. Colleges w.e.f. 31.08.2022. Notice Dated 28-08-2022 
1202 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel the Transfer Orders of Dr. Sarita Kumar, Principal, Govt. College, Karnal. Notice Dated 26-08-2022 
1203 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Sh. Naresh Kumar, Assistant to the office of Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 25-08-2022 
1204 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adjustment of Displaced Clerks working under Part-II of outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 25-08-2022 
1205 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rural & Urban Status of Govt. Colleges of Haryana State. Notice Dated 25-08-2022 
1206 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions of 2nd/3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2022-23. Notice Dated 24-08-2022 
1207 Notice Public Notice आउटसोर्सिंग पालिसी पार्ट -1 पर लगे चर्तुथ एव तृतीये श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की अनुबंध अवधि बढ़ाने बारे | Notice Dated 24-08-2022 
1208 Notice Public Notice Regarding Convert the two sanctioned vacant posts of Assistant Professor from Govt. College Rajond. Notice Dated 23-08-2022 
1209 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Naveen, Clerk. Notice Dated 23-08-2022 
1210 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Promotion orders of Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-08-2022 
1211 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Smt. Suman, Principal GCW Lakhan Majra. Notice Dated 18-08-2022 
1212 Notice Public Notice Regarding pay fixation of Principals vide order dated 31.05.2022. Notice Dated 18-08-2022 
1213 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of Displaced Laboratory Attendant working under Part-II of the outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 18-08-2022 
1214 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admission in PG Courses for Session 2022-23. Notice Dated 17-08-2022 
1215 Notice Public Notice Regarding promotion List of Principals vide order dated 31.05.2022. Notice Dated 17-08-2022 
1216 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancellation of posting order of Smt. Asha Malik. Notice Dated 17-08-2022 
1217 Notice Public Notice Regarding extension of Last Date for Fee submission towards UG First Merit List Notice Dated 17-08-2022 
1218 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions of 2nd/3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the Session 2022-23. Notice Dated 14-08-2022 
1219 Notice Public Notice 15 अगस्त , 2022 को स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह पर ध्वजारोहण करने बारे। Notice Dated 12-08-2022 
1220 Notice Public Notice Schedule for Online Transfer Policy (OTP) of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 12-08-2022 
1221 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy of Teaching Cadre. Notice Dated 10-08-2022 
1222 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/ Associate/Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-08-2022 
1223 Notice Public Notice आउटसोर्सिंग पालिसी पार्ट -1 पर लगे चर्तुथ एव तृतीये श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की अनुबंध अवधि बढ़ाने बारे | Notice Dated 09-08-2022 
1224 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introducing New Courses/Subjects/Seat Increase/Discontinue for the academic session 2022-23. Notice Dated 04-08-2022 
1225 Notice Public Notice Regarding Minutes of the meeting on 'Har Ghar Tiranga' Programme as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) under the chairmanship of Secretary (HE) and Secretary (Culture) held on 26th July,2022. Notice Dated 04-08-2022 
1226 Notice Public Notice Regarding Amended Online Transfer Policy for Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-08-2022 
1227 Notice Public Notice Regarding equal opportunity Policy for Persons with Disabilities (under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 central Act No. 49 of 2016). Notice Dated 03-08-2022 
1228 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re validation of pending Bills presented in Finance Department/Treasuries at Fag end of the Financial Year 2021-22. Notice Dated 02-08-2022 
1229 Notice Public Notice 'हर घर तिरंगा ' कार्यक्रम के सफल आयोजन बारे | Notice Dated 02-08-2022 
1230 Notice Public Notice Regarding inviting objections on the Provisional/Tentative seniority list of Associate/Assistant Professors as on 01.01.2004. Notice Dated 02-08-2022 
1231 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adjustment of Displaced clerks working under Part-I and Part-II of the outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 01-08-2022 
1232 Notice Public Notice Order regarding annual Increment to the Principals posted in various Colleges in the State of Haryana under Rule 29 (1) of Haryana Civil Services (pay) Rules, 2016. Notice Dated 01-08-2022 
1233 Notice Public Notice Regarding meeting- "Har Ghar Tiranga" Programme as a part of "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav". Notice Dated 01-08-2022 
1234 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions of 2nd/3rd Year Students in UG/PG Courses for the session 2022-23. Notice Dated 30-07-2022 
1235 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement order of Principal of Govt. Colleges from Govt. services w.e.f 31.07.2022 Notice Dated 29-07-2022 
1236 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Jagmesh Kumar Jakhar,Principal. Notice Dated 29-07-2022 
1237 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Smt. Darshana Devi, Principal. Notice Dated 29-07-2022 
1238 Notice Public Notice Regarding to obtain approval/permission from the competent authority before sending TA bills for countersignature as well as to send TA bills once in a month of journey performed. Notice Dated 28-07-2022 
1239 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Dr. Ravinder Puri, Principal. Notice Dated 28-07-2022 
1240 Notice Public Notice Regarding to issue instructions for procurement and supply of commodities,stationary, FMCG, Personal Care and Home Care items through HAICL (Har-Hith). Notice Dated 27-07-2022 
1241 Notice Public Notice Regarding ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign. Notice Dated 27-07-2022 
1242 Notice Public Notice Regarding ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ Programme. Notice Dated 27-07-2022 
1243 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-07-2022 
1244 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services w.e.f. 31.07.2022. Notice Dated 26-07-2022 
1245 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions for UG Courses for the Session 2022-23. Notice Dated 26-07-2022 
1246 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Smt. Pratima and Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 22-07-2022 
1247 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Smt. Suman Chaudhary, Clerk. Notice Dated 22-07-2022 
1248 Notice Public Notice Regrading selection for the Post of Clerk, Advt. No. 5/2019,Cat. No. 01 for Documents verification. Notice Dated 21-07-2022 
1249 Notice Public Notice माननीय मुख्यमंत्री महोदय की अध्य्क्षता में 16 जुलाई ,2022 को संत कबीर कुटीर (मुख्यमंत्री निवास ) चंडीगढ़ में आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव के अंतर्गत 'हर घर तिरंगा ' कार्यक्रम मानाने से सम्बंधित बैठक की कार्यवाही रिपोर्ट बारे | Notice Dated 21-07-2022 
1250 Notice Public Notice Regarding to hoist the National Flag in their homes during the period from 13th -15th August 2022 and making 'Har Ghar Tiranga'. Notice Dated 20-07-2022 
1251 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/ Associate/Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-07-2022 
1252 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment to the Post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the different Subjects. Notice Dated 19-07-2022 
1253 Notice Public Notice Regarding Modification orders of newly selected candidates for the post of clerk. Notice Dated 19-07-2022 
1254 Notice Public Notice Regarding Withdrawal of relieving orders of Clerks issued vide No. 100006/6/2020 ME dated-01.07.2022. Notice Dated 19-07-2022 
1255 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointments of clerks vide letter No. HSSC/Confd./Recomm/2022/3356, Panchkula, dated 30.06.2022. Notice Dated 15-07-2022 
1256 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment Letter to the post of clerk against Advt. No. 05/2019 Cat. No. 1 in the Department of Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula (H.Q.). Notice Dated 15-07-2022 
1257 Notice Public Notice Regarding Withdrawal of relieving orders of Sh. Yashpal and Sh. Arvind. Notice Dated 15-07-2022 
1258 Notice Public Notice Regarding Relieving and re-appointment orders of clerks as per the new recommendation receive from Haryana Staff Selection Commission dated 30.06.2022. Notice Dated 15-07-2022 
1259 Notice Public Notice Regarding Relieving orders of clerks Vide No. 100006/6/2020 ME DHE(1) dated 01.07.2022 are withdrawn w.e.f 01.07.2022. Notice Dated 15-07-2022 
1260 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sarita Kumar. Notice Dated 14-07-2022 
1261 Notice Public Notice Regarding continue the service of Smt. Rekha Sharma.. Notice Dated 14-07-2022 
1262 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of new Seth Kaluram Goyal Govt. College, Kadma (Charkhi Dadri) and to be started w.e.f ensuing academic session 2022-23. Notice Dated 14-07-2022 
1263 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admission in PG Courses for session 2022-23. (To be Substituted). Notice Dated 14-07-2022 
1264 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of Smt. Pratima, Deputy Superintendent, Govt. College for Women, Bahadurgarh to Govt. College Safidon. Notice Dated 13-07-2022 
1265 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introduction of New courses/Subjects/Seats and increase/decrease/discontinuation of course. Notice Dated 13-07-2022 
1266 Notice Public Notice Regarding retiring orders of Sh. Neer Kanwal, Prinicipal. Notice Dated 12-07-2022 
1267 Notice Public Notice Regarding retiring orders of Sh. Om Parkash, Principal. Notice Dated 12-07-2022 
1268 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion orders of Assistant to the Post of Deputy Superintendent in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 12-07-2022 
1269 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sanction/Creation of the post for Teaching and Non Teaching staff of Govt. College, Rajond (Kaithal). Notice Dated 12-07-2022 
1270 Notice Public Notice Regarding Change the name of the Govt. Girls college, Jundla to Maharishi Dayanand Govt. College, Dadupur Roran, Karnal. Notice Dated 11-07-2022 
1271 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the persons with benchmark disabilities under the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. Notice Dated 07-07-2022 
1272 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebrations of HAR GHAR TIRANGA Programme during Independence week (11-17 August, 2022). Notice Dated 07-07-2022 
1273 Notice Public Notice Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the persons with benchmark disabilities under the persons with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act,1995. Notice Dated 06-07-2022 
1274 Notice Public Notice Regarding Request to send service book complete in all respect of Associate Professors who have been promoted to the post of Principals. Notice Dated 06-07-2022 
1275 Notice Public Notice Regarding Eradication of drug menace from Haryana, Rollout of State Action Plan. Notice Dated 05-07-2022 
1276 Notice Public Notice Regrading selection for the Post of Clerk, Advt. No. 5/2019,Cat. No. 01 of Various Departments/Board/Co-operations, Haryana -Recommendation thereof. Notice Dated 04-07-2022 
1277 Notice Public Notice Regarding Relieving Orders of Clerk. Notice Dated 04-07-2022 
1278 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of HRMS Data on Portal. Notice Dated 01-07-2022 
1279 Notice Public Notice Regarding Relieving Orders of Clerk. Notice Dated 01-07-2022 
1280 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting/Transfer in the Cadre of C-Lascar Service Rules NCC. Notice Dated 30-06-2022 
1281 Notice Public Notice Regarding issuing the seniority list of Laboratory Attendant working in Govt. Colleges (Field offices College Cadre) as stood on 01.08.2021. Notice Dated 30-06-2022 
1282 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of Classes in New Govt. College Nigdu to be started from academic session 2022-23. Notice Dated 30-06-2022 
1283 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting/Transfer in the Cadre of Class C (Field). Notice Dated 30-06-2022 
1284 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Principal from Govt. services. Notice Dated 30-06-2022 
1285 Notice Public Notice Regarding Transfer/Adjustment of Principals. Notice Dated 30-06-2022 
1286 Notice Public Notice आउटसोर्सिंग पालिसी पार्ट -1 पर लगे चर्तुथ एव तृतीये श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की अनुबंध अवधि बढ़ाने बारे | Notice Dated 29-06-2022 
1287 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services. Notice Dated 29-06-2022 
1288 Notice Public Notice Regarding Confirmation of Assistant/Associate Professor (College Cadre). Notice Dated 28-06-2022 
1289 Notice Public Notice आउटसोर्सिंग पालिसी पार्ट -1 पर लगे चर्तुथ एव तृतीये श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की अनुबंध अवधि बढ़ाने बारे | Notice Dated 27-06-2022 
1290 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the Post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Chemistry. Notice Dated 26-06-2022 
1291 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of Classes in New Govt. College Pataudi to be Started w.e.f. ensuring academic session 2022-23. Notice Dated 24-06-2022 
1292 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 01.01.2020 की स्थिति अनुसार उप अधीक्षक कॉलेज कैडर ग्रुप -C की अपडेट वरिष्ता सूची जारी करने बारे |22.06.2022 Notice Dated 22-06-2022 
1293 Notice Public Notice Regarding starting of classes in new Govt. College Kural to be started w.e.f ensuing academic session 2022-23. Notice Dated 21-06-2022 
1294 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in promotion to the persons with benchmark disabilities under the persons with disabilities (Equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act, 1995. Notice Dated 20-06-2022 
1295 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/ Associate/Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-06-2022 
1296 Notice Public Notice आउटसोर्सिंग पालिसी पार्ट -1 पर लगे चर्तुथ एव तृतीये श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की अनुबंध अवधि बढ़ाने बारे | Notice Dated 20-06-2022 
1297 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement of Principal from govt services. Notice Dated 20-06-2022 
1298 Notice Public Notice Regarding State action Plan for eradication of Drug menace from Haryana- Regarding Popularizing and display of Toll Free Drug Helpline Number in all offices,educational Institutes and prominent public places. Notice Dated 19-06-2022 
1299 Notice Public Notice Order regarding Removal from services of Sh. Suresh Kumar,Lab Attendant, Govt. College Baund Kalan. Notice Dated 17-06-2022 
1300 Notice Public Notice Regarding CCL of Nisha Clerk GC Ateli. Notice Dated 16-06-2022 
1301 Notice Public Notice Regarding payment to the HKRN for the outsourcing employees of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-06-2022 
1302 Notice Public Notice Regarding fixation of seniority of those Assistant/Associate Professors whose name inadvertently could not be mentioned in the earlier seniority list as it stood on 01.09.1997 issued in 26.11.2020. Notice Dated 15-06-2022 
1303 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing employment to the dependent of the deceased Government employee under the Haryana Civil Service (Compassionate Financial Assistance or Appointment) Rules, 2019. Notice Dated 15-06-2022 
1304 Notice Public Notice Regarding Naming of Government College Agroha. Notice Dated 13-06-2022 
1305 Notice Public Notice Issue Regarding Deduction of GST & TDS by DDO on HKRN Portal. Notice Dated 11-06-2022 
1306 Notice Public Notice आउटसोर्सिंग पालिसी पार्ट -2 पर लगे चर्तुथ एव तृतीये श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की अनुबंध अवधि बढ़ाने बारे | Notice Dated 10-06-2022 
1307 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pre-induction Training of newly promoted Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-06-2022 
1308 Notice Public Notice Promotion Orders of Associate Professors to the post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S I, Group A (College Cadre). Notice Dated 06-06-2022 
1309 Notice Public Notice Regarding Committees to advise, facilitate, innovate, implement and monitor NEP-2020 in Haryana. Notice Dated 06-06-2022 
1310 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in promotion to the persons with benchmark disabilities under the persons with disabilities (Equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act, 1995. Notice Dated 03-06-2022 
1311 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Pardeep, Tabla Player. Notice Dated 01-06-2022 
1312 Notice Public Notice Promotion Orders of Associate Professors to the post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S I, Group A (College Cadre). Notice Dated 31-05-2022 
1313 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Power to Sh. Dinesh Kumar,Principal. Notice Dated 24-05-2022 
1314 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services w.e.f 31.05.2022. Notice Dated 24-05-2022 
1315 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-employed to Sh. Shamsher Singh Mor, Principal (Retired) from Govt. Colleges for Women, Safidon (Jind) to the Post of Principal. Notice Dated 20-05-2022 
1316 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Power to Sh. Mohinder Kumar Gupta,Principal. Notice Dated 20-05-2022 
1317 Notice Public Notice Regarding Constituted committee for redressal of grievances at work place for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes Community at Headquarter level and Fields Offices level. Notice Dated 19-05-2022 
1318 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy for Senior Librarian, Junior Librarian and Restorer (Colleges & Public Libraries, Group-C) of Haryana. Notice Dated 18-05-2022 
1319 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Group Insurance Scheme(GIS) Number to the teaching staff of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-05-2022 
1320 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement order of Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f 31.05.2022. Notice Dated 16-05-2022 
1321 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/ Associate/Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-05-2022 
1322 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the Persons with benchmark disabilities under the persons with disabilities(Equal Opportunities,protection of rights and full Participation) Act, 1995. Notice Dated 16-05-2022 
1323 Notice Public Notice Regarding Fresh Registration for Newly/Old established Institutions/Colleges(Which have not registered) on AISHE (All India Survey of Higher Education) Portal for the Survey year 2021-22. Notice Dated 16-05-2022 
1324 Notice Public Notice आउटसोर्सिंग पालिसी पार्ट -1 पर लगे चर्तुथ एव तृतीये श्रेणी कर्मचारियों की अनुबंध अवधि बढ़ाने बारे| Notice Dated 16-05-2022 
1325 Notice Public Notice Regarding Attendance of Government Employees through Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS). Notice Dated 12-05-2022 
1326 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Power to Smt. Rachna Devi. Notice Dated 11-05-2022 
1327 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Rahul Kumar Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 10-05-2022 
1328 Notice Public Notice Regarding schedule for online transfer policy of NCC Cadre(Lascar and Clerk) and Non Teaching staff of Colleges cadre(Deputy Supdt.,Assistant,Steno-typist,laboratory Attendant,Clerk and JLA). Notice Dated 09-05-2022 
1329 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the Persons with benchmark disabilities under the persons with disabilities(Equal Opportunities,protection of rights and full Participation) Act, 1995. Notice Dated 09-05-2022 
1330 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-employ the govt college principal (Retired) to the post of Principal. Notice Dated 06-05-2022 
1331 Notice Public Notice Regarding granting NOC for the introduction of new Technical Courses i.e. MBA and MCA regulated by AICTE in Non-Technical Degree Courses. Notice Dated 06-05-2022 
1332 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sanction of newly created Posts of Assistant Professors(HES-II,Group-B) as per workload of the academic session 2020-2021. Notice Dated 05-05-2022 
1333 Notice Public Notice Regarding accept the notice of voluntary retirement of Smt. Swati Jha, Deputy Director O/o Director General Higher Education Panchkula Notice Dated 05-05-2022 
1334 Notice Public Notice Regarding Application for allotment of Govt. house. Notice Dated 02-05-2022 
1335 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of pro-active disclosure under section-4 of RTI Act,2005- issue of guidelines. Notice Dated 02-05-2022 
1336 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Order No. KW 1\1-2014 ME(1) dated 13.09.2019 of Smt. Pushpa Rani, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 29-04-2022 
1337 Notice Public Notice Regarding displaying Toll Free number of SVB in Haryana Government Offices. Notice Dated 28-04-2022 
1338 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation in Promotion to the persons with benchmark disabilities under the persons with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act, 1995. Notice Dated 27-04-2022 
1339 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy for Senior Librarian, Junior Librarian and Restorer (Colleges & Public Libraries, Group-C) of Haryana. Notice Dated 27-04-2022 
1340 Notice Public Notice Regarding sending the annual confidential report for the year 2021-2022. Notice Dated 27-04-2022 
1341 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of India's 75 Years of Independence-Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav. Notice Dated 26-04-2022 
1342 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Work of Joint Director Colleges to Joint Director Administration. Notice Dated 26-04-2022 
1343 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Sunil Sharma, Associate Professor of Commerce, of Govt. College Kheri Gurjan . Notice Dated 26-04-2022 
1344 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the scale of Rs.15600-39100+7000 GP to the following Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 25-04-2022 
1345 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/ Associate/Assistant Professor of Govt. Colleges . Notice Dated 22-04-2022 
1346 Notice Public Notice Regarding Policy on conversion from self finance courses to Grant-in-aid under budgeted posts in Govt. Aided Colleges, Haryana. Notice Dated 21-04-2022 
1347 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Headquarter Officers as Nodal Officers for the Govt. Colleges of the State. Notice Dated 21-04-2022 
1348 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services w.e.f 30.04.2022. Notice Dated 20-04-2022 
1349 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Suresh Chander, Principal, of Govt. College of Education Bhiwani. Notice Dated 20-04-2022 
1350 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promoted list of Tabla Player in the Pay Scale FPL-5 Cell-1-29200-92300. Notice Dated 19-04-2022 
1351 Notice Public Notice Regarding Attendance of Government Employees through Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS). Notice Dated 18-04-2022 
1352 Notice Public Notice Regarding हरियाणा कौशल रोजगार निगम से सम्बन्धित मामलो बारे I Notice Dated 15-04-2022 
1353 Notice Public Notice Regarding presence of all the Officers at their respective Headquarters from 11:00 A.M to 12:00 Noon daily for hearing of public grievances. Notice Dated 13-04-2022 
1354 Notice Public Notice Regarding following Principal shall stand retired from Govt service w.e.f 30.04.2022(A.N) on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 13-04-2022 
1355 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Associate Professor,English of Govt. College Naraingarh (Ambala). Notice Dated 12-04-2022 
1356 Notice Public Notice Regarding use of official logo "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" on University website. Notice Dated 12-04-2022 
1357 Notice Public Notice प्राचार्यो / उपनिदेशक (कॉलेज कैडर ) के रिक्त पदों पर पद्दोन्ती के सम्बन्ध में रिकॉर्ड उपलब्ध करवाने बारे | Notice Dated 11-04-2022 
1358 Notice Public Notice Regarding revised schedule for online transfer policy of NCC cadre (Lascar and clerk) and Non-teaching staff of college cadre (Deputy Supdt., Assistant, Steno-typist, Laboratory Attendant, Clerk and J.L.A.). Notice Dated 08-04-2022 
1359 Notice Public Notice Regarding to upload the annual administrative report for 2017-18 of Department of Higher Education. Notice Dated 08-04-2022 
1360 Notice Public Notice कार्यरत / सेवानिवृत्त प्राचार्यो की सेवापंजी विभाग को भेजने बारे I Notice Dated 08-04-2022 
1361 Notice Public Notice Regarding Certificate for the Drawl of House Rent Allowance for the Calendar Year 2022-23. Notice Dated 07-04-2022 
1362 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grievance Redressal Module for Candidates and Departments Registered on HKRNL Portal. Notice Dated 07-04-2022 
1363 Notice Public Notice Regarding Filling of Data on AISHE Portal for the year 2020-21. Notice Dated 07-04-2022 
1364 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of funds for the payment of OE for the year 2022-2023 under Head "2202-General Education-03-University and Higher Education (Recurring). Notice Dated 07-04-2022 
1365 Notice Public Notice Regarding Award of Senior/Selection Grade/PB-IV to Assistant Professors working in different colleges in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 06-04-2022 
1366 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Physical Education. Notice Dated 06-04-2022 
1367 Notice Public Notice Regarding posting the Assistant Professors in the subject of Zoology and Sanskrit at the Government Colleges. Notice Dated 06-04-2022 
1368 Notice Public Notice Regarding committee for redressal of complaints relating to sexual harassment at work place in DHE. Notice Dated 05-04-2022 
1369 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of funds for the payment of Salary for the year 2022-23 under Head "2202-general Education-03-University and Higher Education (Recurring and Non Recurring)". Notice Dated 05-04-2022 
1370 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of funds for the payment of Salary for the year 2022-23 ( under Head "2205 - Art & Culture" 105 - Public Libraries (Recurring). Notice Dated 04-04-2022 
1371 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2022-23. Notice Dated 04-04-2022 
1372 Notice Public Notice Regarding Attendance of Government Employees Through Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS). Notice Dated 01-04-2022 
1373 Notice Public Notice Regarding Issuing the Seniority List of Tabla Players. Notice Dated 01-04-2022 
1374 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Anju Bala W/o Late Sh. Rajinder Singh as Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 31-03-2022 
1375 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extend the date of Online Submission of Scholarship Applications. Notice Dated 31-03-2022 
1376 Notice Public Notice Regarding Partial Modification Order of Smt. Lokesh Tyagi. Notice Dated 31-03-2022 
1377 Notice Public Notice Pariksha Pe Charcha 2022 - Arrangements for viewing the event. Notice Dated 30-03-2022 
1378 Notice Public Notice Regarding extension of contract period of fourth and third class employees engaged on outsourcing policy part-1. Notice Dated 29-03-2022 
1379 Notice Public Notice Report of the meeting held on 10th March 2022 under the chairmanship of Hon'ble CM Haryana. Notice Dated 29-03-2022 
1380 Notice Public Notice Regarding extension of contract period of fourth and third class employees engaged on outsourcing policy part-1. Notice Dated 28-03-2022 
1381 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services. Notice Dated 25-03-2022 
1382 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Power of GCW Bhodia Khera Fatehabad. Notice Dated 23-03-2022 
1383 Notice Public Notice Regarding committee for redressal of complaints relating to sexual harassment at work place in DHE. Notice Dated 22-03-2022 
1384 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Hawa Singh, Associate Professor of GCW Bhodia Khera (Fatehbad). Notice Dated 22-03-2022 
1385 Notice Public Notice अधिकारियो/कर्मचारियों के सरकारी सेवा मे नियुक्ति होने पर नई समुहिक बीमा योजना-1985. Notice Dated 21-03-2022 
1386 Notice Public Notice Regarding Schedule for online Transfer of Non Teaching staff (Deputy Superintendent,Assistant,steno Typist,Clerk,lab Attendant and Junior Lecturer assistant Cadre Group-C) working in Govt. Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 21-03-2022 
1387 Notice Public Notice Regarding 24.12.2022(Saturday) shall be observed as a Restricted Holiday in all Govt./Offices/Boards/Co-operations/Educational Institutes under the Haryana Govt. on account of Guru Brahmanand Jayanti. Notice Dated 17-03-2022 
1388 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Dilbag Singh, Principal of GCW Kairu (Bhiwani). Notice Dated 16-03-2022 
1389 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 16-03-2022 
1390 Notice Public Notice Regarding conversion of sanctioned Posts of Assistant Professor in Sanskrit subject of Shree Mata Mansa Devi Govt. Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Panchkula. Notice Dated 16-03-2022 
1391 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement order of Joint Director Colleges/Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f 31.03.2022. Notice Dated 16-03-2022 
1392 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Dilbag Singh, Principal of Govt. College Tauru(Nuh). Notice Dated 15-03-2022 
1393 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/Associate/ Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-03-2022 
1394 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Principals/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 15-03-2022 
1395 Notice Public Notice Regarding webinar on the functioning of IT Portal of Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam Limited. Notice Dated 15-03-2022 
1396 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of data in Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) at earliest. Notice Dated 14-03-2022 
1397 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Sh. Latesh, Assistant Professor Home Science. Notice Dated 14-03-2022 
1398 Notice Public Notice Regarding Filling of Data on AISHE Portal for Year 2020-21. Notice Dated 11-03-2022 
1399 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Clerks of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-03-2022 
1400 Notice Public Notice Regarding Granting Higher Pay Scale for the post of Principal. Notice Dated 11-03-2022 
1401 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation/Transfer/Cancel orders of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 10-03-2022 
1402 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-03-2022 
1403 Notice Public Notice Regarding Issuing the Seniority list of Tabla Players working in Govt. Colleges (Field offices College Cadre) as stood on 01.09.2021. Notice Dated 08-03-2022 
1404 Notice Public Notice Regarding renewal of Bank Guarantee/FDR. Notice Dated 08-03-2022 
1405 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy for Assistant/Associate Professors in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 04-03-2022 
1406 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Data in Parivar Pehchan Patar (PPP) at Earliest. Notice Dated 04-03-2022 
1407 Notice Public Notice Regarding extend the date of online submission of Scholarship Applications on Centralized Scholarship Portal for Post Metric Scholarship Scheme and other all schemes for the year 2021-22. Notice Dated 04-03-2022 
1408 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Transfer Orders of Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-03-2022 
1409 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Sarita, Clerk of Govt. College Sector-14 Karnal. Notice Dated 02-03-2022 
1410 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Mani Ram Lamba, Principal of Govt. College, Mohindergarh. Notice Dated 02-03-2022 
1411 Notice Public Notice Regarding issuing the seniority list of Laboratory Attendant working in Govt. Colleges (Field offices College Cadre) as stood on 01.08.2021. Notice Dated 02-03-2022 
1412 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Associate/ Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-02-2022 
1413 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of service book validation on HRMS Portal. Notice Dated 25-02-2022 
1414 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services. Notice Dated 25-02-2022 
1415 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Smt. Upasana Sharma, Associate Professor of Govt. College, Faridabad. Notice Dated 24-02-2022 
1416 Notice Public Notice Regarding suspension of sh. Manjeet, Clerk of Govt. College Mahendergarh w.e.f 09.02.2022. Notice Dated 23-02-2022 
1417 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of service book validation on HRMS Portal. Notice Dated 23-02-2022 
1418 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Principals/Deputy Director of Govt. Colleges/HQ from Govt. service w.e.f 28.02.2022. Notice Dated 23-02-2022 
1419 Notice Public Notice Regarding EOL of Ms Sonia, Assistant Professor of mathematics. Notice Dated 22-02-2022 
1420 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Associate/ Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-02-2022 
1421 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Government College Websites. Notice Dated 21-02-2022 
1422 Notice Public Notice Relinquish Report of Sh. Chander Shekhar Khare, IAS from the Post of Director General Higher Education. Notice Dated 18-02-2022 
1423 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining charge report of Sh. Rajiv Rattan, IAS in the office of Director General Higher Education & Special Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 18-02-2022 
1424 Notice Public Notice Regarding General Election to Legislative Assembly. Notice Dated 18-02-2022 
1425 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting order of Sh. Manjeet Singh group-D(peon) is hereby posted in Higher Education Department Haryana(Field Offices NCC Cadre). Notice Dated 18-02-2022 
1426 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Sh. Kuldeep Singh, Assistant/Associate Professor in Physical Education. Notice Dated 17-02-2022 
1427 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting order of Sh. Sanjay Kumar Group-D (Peon). Notice Dated 15-02-2022 
1428 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Jaspal Singh Assistant Professor, Punjabi. Notice Dated 11-02-2022 
1429 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-02-2022 
1430 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-02-2022 
1431 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Drawing and Disbursing power to Dr. Anita Rani, Associate Professor Political science of Govt. College Birohar Jhajjar. Notice Dated 10-02-2022 
1432 Notice Public Notice Regarding provisional seniority list of Tabla players working in Govt. Colleges(Field Offices College Cadre) as stood on 01.09.2021. Notice Dated 09-02-2022 
1433 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Anju Choudhary Assistant Professor of Home Science. Notice Dated 09-02-2022 
1434 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-02-2022 
1435 Notice Public Notice राज्य एनएसएस अधिकारी एनएसएस सेल उच्चतर शिक्षा निदेशालय के पद पर नियुक्ति बारे| Notice Dated 09-02-2022 
1436 Notice Public Notice Submission of information regarding statement of assets in form D-6 and statement of miscellaneous Liabilities. Notice Dated 09-02-2022 
1437 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-02-2022 
1438 Notice Public Notice Regarding online transfer policy for Non-Teaching staff (Deputy Superintendent, Assistant,Steno Typist,Clerk, Laboratory Attendant and Junior Lecturer Assistant) College Cadre Group-C Working in Govt. Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 07-02-2022 
1439 Notice Public Notice regarding pay fixation of Smt. Neelam Sheoran Principal GC Dujana. Notice Dated 04-02-2022 
1440 Notice Public Notice Regarding submission of ACR of Assistant/Associate Professors for the year 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 through online ACR Portal. Notice Dated 04-02-2022 
1441 Notice Public Notice Regarding submission of ACR Assistant/Associate Professors for the year 2020-2021 through online ACR Portal. Notice Dated 04-02-2022 
1442 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. College. Notice Dated 02-02-2022 
1443 Notice Public Notice Regarding transfer of application under section 6(3) of right to Information Act, 2005-Dr. Shridevi R/o Dharwad (Karnataka). Notice Dated 31-01-2022 
1444 Notice Public Notice Regarding Filling up vacant posts on deputation basis in Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam Limited at Panchkula. Notice Dated 31-01-2022 
1445 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professor of Govt. College. Notice Dated 31-01-2022 
1446 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding COVID-19 Opening of Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 28-01-2022 
1447 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Principal. Notice Dated 27-01-2022 
1448 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy for Principals in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 27-01-2022 
1449 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation Of HRMS Data. Notice Dated 27-01-2022 
1450 Notice Public Notice Regarding constituted the committee for redressed the complaints of female employees in the Department of Higher Education relating to sexual Harassment at work place. Notice Dated 27-01-2022 
1451 Notice Public Notice Submission of Information regarding statement of Assets in form D-6 and statement of miscellaneous Liabilities: outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005 (Financial Year 2020-21). Notice Dated 25-01-2022 
1452 Notice Public Notice Regarding preventive measures to contain the spread of Noval Corona Virus( COVID-19). Notice Dated 25-01-2022 
1453 Notice Public Notice Regarding Participation of Sanrakshak in Gram Sanrakshak Samwad. Notice Dated 25-01-2022 
1454 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-01-2022 
1455 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Rajesh Kumar Assistant Professor, Govt College for Women, Bawal. Notice Dated 21-01-2022 
1456 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Principals of Govt. Colleges from Govt. service w.e.f 31.01.2022. Notice Dated 20-01-2022 
1457 Notice Public Notice Regarding upload the data of existing contractual/outsourced employees using e-salary login ID by the respective DDo's. Notice Dated 20-01-2022 
1458 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining Report on the post of Additional Chief Secretary to the Govt. Haryana, Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 20-01-2022 
1459 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors from govt services. Notice Dated 19-01-2022 
1460 Notice Public Notice Regarding issue related to depositing of three months salary in lieu of three months notice period. Notice Dated 13-01-2022 
1461 Notice Public Notice Regarding Entering the data of all the contractual employees in Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) web-portal. Notice Dated 13-01-2022 
1462 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Principals, Assistant and Associate Professors. Notice Dated 12-01-2022 
1463 Notice Public Notice Regarding Preventive Measures To Contain The Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Attendance of State Government Officials regarding. Notice Dated 11-01-2022 
1464 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reopening of Admission Portal for PG Classes for Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 11-01-2022 
1465 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-01-2022 
1466 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sh. Deepak Kumar, HCS assumed the charge of the post of Joint Director (Administration),Higher Education, Panchkula. Notice Dated 07-01-2022 
1467 Notice Public Notice राज्य NSS पुरस्कार 2020-2021 बारे| Notice Dated 06-01-2022 
1468 Notice Public Notice Regarding ACR Performa. Notice Dated 06-01-2022 
1469 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing the Information under RTI Act,2005 :- Case of Dr. Ashok Kumar Yadav R/o Rewari. Notice Dated 06-01-2022 
1470 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotional Order of NCC Cadre Clerk to the Post of Assistant. Notice Dated 05-01-2022 
1471 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment Order of Group-D (Peon) in Higher Education Department Haryana (Field offices College Cadre). Notice Dated 05-01-2022 
1472 Notice Public Notice Regarding Free Transport facility for Girls Students studying in all District in the State. Notice Dated 05-01-2022 
1473 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of Sh. Shiv Narain Assistant of 2Har (G) Bn NCC Rohtak. Notice Dated 05-01-2022 
1474 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of Sh. Jai Bhagwan Assistant of 11 Har Bn NCC Bhiwani. Notice Dated 05-01-2022 
1475 Notice Public Notice Regarding Case No. CD-412/21 Amit Kumar Vs ACS Govt. of Haryana Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 05-01-2022 
1476 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Principals, Assistant and Associate Professors. Notice Dated 04-01-2022 
1477 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child care leave to Smt. Kanta, Clerk of Govt. College, Jhajjar. Notice Dated 04-01-2022 
1478 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment Order of Sh. Rinku As Clerk in Govt. College, Bhainswal Kalan. Notice Dated 03-01-2022 
1479 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Principals, Assistant and Associate Professors. Notice Dated 03-01-2022 
1480 Notice Public Notice Regarding 75 Crore Surya Namaskar Project- Participation of organization under your department. Notice Dated 03-01-2022 
1481 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding COVID-19 Closer of Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 02-01-2022 
1482 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child care leave to Dr. Rekha, Assistant Professor of History of Govt. College. Notice Dated 31-12-2021 
1483 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child care leave to Dr. Shailja Chhabra, Associate Professor in English of Govt. College. Notice Dated 31-12-2021 
1484 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Dr. Ritu, Assistant Professor in Computer Science. Notice Dated 30-12-2021 
1485 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child care leave to Smt. Vandana Dangi, Assistant Professor in Commerce of Govt. College. Notice Dated 30-12-2021 
1486 Notice Public Notice स्टेट एन.एस.एस अधिकारी एन.एस.एस सेल उच्तर शिक्षा निदेशालय के पद पर नियुक्ति बारे I Notice Dated 30-12-2021 
1487 Notice Public Notice Regarding Holidays in the Calendar Year 2022. Notice Dated 29-12-2021 
1488 Notice Public Notice Regarding Provide the Account Details of Your College for Transfer of fee for the session 2021-2022. Notice Dated 28-12-2021 
1489 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services w.e.f. 31.12.2021(AN). Notice Dated 28-12-2021 
1490 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Assistant Professor of Govt. College. Notice Dated 28-12-2021 
1491 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Associate Professor of Govt. College. Notice Dated 27-12-2021 
1492 Notice Public Notice Regarding District Level Higher Education Officers in the State. Notice Dated 27-12-2021 
1493 Notice Public Notice Sanction Regarding Benefits Towards CDC as Principal. Notice Dated 24-12-2021 
1494 Notice Public Notice Regarding Filling up the post of Designated Officers/Food Safety Officers on deputation basis. Notice Dated 24-12-2021 
1495 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Associate Professor of Govt. College. Notice Dated 23-12-2021 
1496 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Promotion and Transfer Order of Smt. Sushma Chaudhary. Notice Dated 23-12-2021 
1497 Notice Public Notice Submission of Information regarding statement of Assets (Finacial Year 2020-21). Notice Dated 23-12-2021 
1498 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-12-2021 
1499 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-12-2021 
1500 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 22-12-2021 
1501 Notice Public Notice Notification regarding specifying the criteria for exclusion of persons within the Backward Classes as the Creamy Layer. Notice Dated 21-12-2021 
1502 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Arjun Singh Kadian, Assistant Professor Geology. Notice Dated 21-12-2021 
1503 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-12-2021 
1504 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-12-2021 
1505 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Principals, Assistant and Associate Professors. Notice Dated 16-12-2021 
1506 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nadi Ko Jano - Know Your Rivers. Notice Dated 10-12-2021 
1507 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-12-2021 
1508 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Pardeep Kumar, Junior Librarian. Notice Dated 09-12-2021 
1509 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Ramesh Kumar,Principal, Govt. College for Girls, sec-14 Gurugram. Notice Dated 09-12-2021 
1510 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Madhulata, Assistant Professor in Commerce, Notice Dated 09-12-2021 
1511 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy for NCC Cadre. Notice Dated 09-12-2021 
1512 Notice Public Notice Implementation Plan of NEP-2020. Notice Dated 09-12-2021 
1513 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-12-2021 
1514 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-12-2021 
1515 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Sindhu Chauhan, Clerk. Notice Dated 07-12-2021 
1516 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Renu Rishi, Associate Professor in Anthropology. Notice Dated 07-12-2021 
1517 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-12-2021 
1518 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-opening of Admission Portal for Under-Graduate Classes for the Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 06-12-2021 
1519 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2021-22 में हुए दाखिलों के समय ली गई डॉ. राधा कृष्णा फण्ड की राशि निदेशालय को भेजने बारे | Notice Dated 06-12-2021 
1520 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-opening of Admission Portal for Post graduate Classes for the Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 03-12-2021 
1521 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Varinder Pal Singh, Tabla Player. Notice Dated 03-12-2021 
1522 Notice Public Notice महाविधालय की आहरण एव वितरण शक्तियां प्रदान करने बारे -वरिष्ठम प्राधायपको को सुचना उपलब्ध करवाने बारे | Notice Dated 02-12-2021 
1523 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling up the post of Registrar in the Department of Higher Education, Chandigarh Administration. Notice Dated 01-12-2021 
1524 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Associate/ Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 01-12-2021 
1525 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 01-12-2021 
1526 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 01-12-2021 
1527 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of Information Regarding Free Bus Service to Girls Students. Notice Dated 30-11-2021 
1528 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Sh. Rohtash Associate Professor in History ,Govt. College Assandh (Karnal) . Notice Dated 30-11-2021 
1529 Notice Public Notice Regarding constituted the committee for redressed the complaints of female employees in the Department of Higher Education relating to sexual Harassment at work place. Notice Dated 30-11-2021 
1530 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-11-2021 
1531 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Shyam Sunder,Peon. Notice Dated 29-11-2021 
1532 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Smt. Geeta Sapra , Joint Director, DHE from Govt. Services w.e.f 30.11.2021 Notice Dated 29-11-2021 
1533 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Dr. Jyoti Raj, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 26-11-2021 
1534 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services w.e.f. 30.11.2021(AN). Notice Dated 26-11-2021 
1535 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 26-11-2021 
1536 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Manju, Assistant Professor Commerce. Notice Dated 26-11-2021 
1537 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing new courses/subjects/seat increase/discontinue for the academic session 2021-22. Notice Dated 26-11-2021 
1538 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sudesh, Assistant Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 26-11-2021 
1539 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services w.e.f. 30.11.2021(AN). Notice Dated 25-11-2021 
1540 Notice Public Notice Regarding last date for PG Physical open counselling. Notice Dated 25-11-2021 
1541 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 25-11-2021 
1542 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-11-2021 
1543 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Constitution Day on 26.11.2021. Notice Dated 24-11-2021 
1544 Notice Public Notice Regarding To increase seats in PG Courses. Notice Dated 24-11-2021 
1545 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Anand Kumar Senior Librarian Govt. College Safidon (Jind) from Govt. service from 31.12.2021. Notice Dated 23-11-2021 
1546 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-11-2021 
1547 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the drawing and disbursing powers to Dr. Hawa Singh Associate Professor in History ,Govt. College for Women Bhodia Khera . Notice Dated 23-11-2021 
1548 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate professors. Notice Dated 23-11-2021 
1549 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of Centralized PMS Scholarship Portal for the Year 2021-2022. Notice Dated 18-11-2021 
1550 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Jagmesh Kumar Jakhar Assistant Professor Zoology. Notice Dated 18-11-2021 
1551 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-opening of admission portal for promoted students of 2nd and 3rd Year. Notice Dated 18-11-2021 
1552 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Yogita Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 18-11-2021 
1553 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Shalini Khurana, Assistant Professor in Mass Communication. Notice Dated 18-11-2021 
1554 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to smt. Abhilasha Rohilla, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 17-11-2021 
1555 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/Associate/ Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-11-2021 
1556 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation the Post of Senior Tabla Player. Notice Dated 16-11-2021 
1557 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Ajay Kumar Assistant Professor Maths. Notice Dated 16-11-2021 
1558 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-11-2021 
1559 Notice Public Notice Appointment Order of Sh. Sahil Rathee as Clerk in Govt. College Bahadurgarh Jhajjar. Notice Dated 16-11-2021 
1560 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care leave to Smt. Jyotsana Gulati, Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 15-11-2021 
1561 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-11-2021 
1562 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 12-11-2021 
1563 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-opening of Admission Portal for Undergraduate Classes for the session 2021-22 . Notice Dated 12-11-2021 
1564 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave and Maternity Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges Notice Dated 12-11-2021 
1565 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Dimple, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 12-11-2021 
1566 Notice Public Notice Regarding Inspection for issues of Permanent Affiliation to Self Financed Degree Colleges. Notice Dated 12-11-2021 
1567 Notice Public Notice Regarding pre-requisite for participation in the online admission process. Notice Dated 12-11-2021 
1568 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Maternity Leave to Smt. Manisha Arora, Assistant Professor Commerce. Notice Dated 11-11-2021 
1569 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt College ,Naraingarh to Dr. Davinder Dhingra, Associate Professor Commerce. Notice Dated 11-11-2021 
1570 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Aliya Shobi Khan, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 11-11-2021 
1571 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Manisha ,Peon. Notice Dated 10-11-2021 
1572 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 01.01.1996 से राजकीय महाविधालयो के प्राचार्य पद पर पदोन्ति हेतु जारी नोटिस के सन्दर्भ में सूचना उपलब्ध करवाने बारे | Notice Dated 10-11-2021 
1573 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-11-2021 
1574 Notice Public Notice Regarding 2nd and 3rd Year admission schedule for the session 2021-22. Notice Dated 03-11-2021 
1575 Notice Public Notice Regarding incorporating New Expenditure under object Head 86 for compliance of Haryana State Training Policy,2020. Notice Dated 02-11-2021 
1576 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Vibha Assistant Professor English. Notice Dated 29-10-2021 
1577 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Renu Hooda, Principal G C Kharkhara to G C Rithoj. Notice Dated 29-10-2021 
1578 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Sh. Jasmander Singh Duhan Assistant Director Colleges. Notice Dated 29-10-2021 
1579 Notice Public Notice Regarding Awaiting period of re-allocated Group -D employees is here by treated as duty period for all purposes and intents. Notice Dated 28-10-2021 
1580 Notice Public Notice Regarding 2022 Commonwealth Master's scholarship tenable in the United Kingdom. Notice Dated 28-10-2021 
1581 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. services w.e.f 31.10.2021. Notice Dated 28-10-2021 
1582 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Interest free Festival Advance to Class IV Government Employees During The Year 2021-22. Notice Dated 26-10-2021 
1583 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Sangeeta, Principal GC Barota Sonipat. Notice Dated 25-10-2021 
1584 Notice Public Notice Regrading grant the Child Care Leave to Dr. Rajni, Associate Professor , Govt. College, Dujana. Notice Dated 25-10-2021 
1585 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing new courses/subjects/Seat increase/discontinue for the academic session 2021-22. Notice Dated 25-10-2021 
1586 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Revision of Pension/Family Pension of pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners-UGC Scales (Government College Lecturer/Principal). Notice Dated 25-10-2021 
1587 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers to Principals/Associate/ Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-10-2021 
1588 Notice Public Notice Regarding Provisional Seniority List of Laboratory Attendant working in Govt. Colleges (Field offices College cadre) as stood on 01.08.2021. Notice Dated 22-10-2021 
1589 Notice Public Notice Information Regarding Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners-UGC Sclaes. Notice Dated 22-10-2021 
1590 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Senior Librarian Sh. Harish Chander. Notice Dated 22-10-2021 
1591 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Rekha Devi, Assistant Professor Economics. Notice Dated 22-10-2021 
1592 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-10-2021 
1593 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised Schedule for PG Admission (First Year) for the session 2021-22. Notice Dated 22-10-2021 
1594 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College to Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-10-2021 
1595 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services w.e.f. 31.10.2021(AN). Notice Dated 21-10-2021 
1596 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt College ,Charkhi Dadri to Sh. Dinesh Kumar, Principal Govt. College, Bhiwani. Notice Dated 21-10-2021 
1597 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Library Attendant Sh. Parveen. Notice Dated 21-10-2021 
1598 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Navin, Lascar. Notice Dated 21-10-2021 
1599 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 19-10-2021 
1600 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 18-10-2021 
1601 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introducing New courses/subjects/seat increase/discontinue for the academic session 2021-22. Notice Dated 18-10-2021 
1602 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding Centralized Online Admissions for the Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 16-10-2021 
1603 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Sushma, Clerk. Notice Dated 14-10-2021 
1604 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 14-10-2021 
1605 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Maternity Leave to Smt. Parmit Kumari, Assistant Professor in Mathematics. Notice Dated 13-10-2021 
1606 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Maternity Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-10-2021 
1607 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 12-10-2021 
1608 Notice Public Notice Regarding CCL of Assistant Professor Neelam Saini. Notice Dated 12-10-2021 
1609 Notice Public Notice Regarding shift the Sanction Post of Assistant Professor to Govt. College for Girls. Notice Dated 08-10-2021 
1610 Notice Public Notice Regarding completion of Human Resource Management (HRMS). Notice Dated 08-10-2021 
1611 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 06-10-2021 
1612 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 06-10-2021 
1613 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer and Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-10-2021 
1614 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care leave to Smt. Anju Malik, Associate Professors in English. Notice Dated 05-10-2021 
1615 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining of Smt. Ruchi Singh Bedi, HCS as Joint Director (Admn) Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 05-10-2021 
1616 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions for PG Courses (First Year) for the Session 2021-22 Notice Dated 05-10-2021 
1617 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nomination of B.Ed/M.Ed faculties of colleges as Field investigators (FIs) to conduct nationwide National Achievements survey to be held on 12th Nov. 2021. Notice Dated 04-10-2021 
1618 Notice Public Notice Regarding constitute screening committee under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to Government Haryana. Notice Dated 04-10-2021 
1619 Notice Public Notice Regarding Action to be taken on the recommendations of Haryana Lokayukta Annual Report 2020-2021 i.e. (01.04.2020 to 09.07.2021). Notice Dated 01-10-2021 
1620 Notice Public Notice Regarding stopping the fresh engagements under Outsourcing Policy Part-I and Part -II. Notice Dated 01-10-2021 
1621 Notice Public Notice Regarding Amendment in Haryana Right to Service Rules,2014. Notice Dated 01-10-2021 
1622 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Nitya Nand Yadav Assistant Professor Maths. Notice Dated 01-10-2021 
1623 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Kashmir Singh Assistant Professor Political Science. Notice Dated 01-10-2021 
1624 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grievance Redressal officer under section-23 of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016. Notice Dated 01-10-2021 
1625 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cyber Security Awareness Booklet. Notice Dated 30-09-2021 
1626 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Karunesh Assistant Professor, English. Notice Dated 30-09-2021 
1627 Notice Public Notice Regarding Engagements of Apprentices. Notice Dated 30-09-2021 
1628 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Dr. Shalini Yadav, Assistant Professor of Political Science. Notice Dated 29-09-2021 
1629 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-09-2021 
1630 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Sandeep Clerk. Notice Dated 29-09-2021 
1631 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-09-2021 
1632 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rajesh lab Attendant. Notice Dated 29-09-2021 
1633 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 28-09-2021 
1634 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ranbir Singh Principal Govt. College Badli. Notice Dated 27-09-2021 
1635 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Smt. Ritu Nehra, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 27-09-2021 
1636 Notice Public Notice Regarding UG and PG promotion admission schedule for session 2021-22. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1637 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1638 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1639 Notice Public Notice Regarding CCL of Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1640 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1641 Notice Public Notice Regarding Additional Charge of GCW Behal to Sh. Suresh Chander. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1642 Notice Public Notice Regarding Given the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1643 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Smt. Preeti Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1644 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Suman Lata, Assistant Professor of Hindi. Notice Dated 24-09-2021 
1645 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reservation in promotion -Treatment of SC candidates promoted on their own merit. Notice Dated 22-09-2021 
1646 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 22-09-2021 
1647 Notice Public Notice Regarding Ban on Posting/Transfers of Officers/Officials who are engaged in conduct of Municipal corporation bye election in the state of Haryana. Notice Dated 22-09-2021 
1648 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Yogita Godara Assistant Professor Maths. Notice Dated 22-09-2021 
1649 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-09-2021 
1650 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Maternity leave to Smt. Indu Ravish Assistant Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 21-09-2021 
1651 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Yogesh Jangra Assistant Professor of Political Science. Notice Dated 21-09-2021 
1652 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Sh. Ravinder Kumar Assistant/Associate Professor Political Science. Notice Dated 21-09-2021 
1653 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services w.e.f. 30.09.2021. Notice Dated 21-09-2021 
1654 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Jagmesh Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 21-09-2021 
1655 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions for Undergraduate Classes for the session 2021-22. Notice Dated 21-09-2021 
1656 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of HRMS Data. Notice Dated 20-09-2021 
1657 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Renu Kumari Assistant Professor in Sanskrit. Notice Dated 20-09-2021 
1658 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the transfer order of Sh. Dilbag Singh Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 20-09-2021 
1659 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing new courses/subjects/seat increase/discontinue for the academic session 2021-22. Notice Dated 17-09-2021 
1660 Notice Public Notice Regarding quick disposal of disciplinary cases under Rule 7 of Haryana Civil services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 2016. Notice Dated 15-09-2021 
1661 Notice Public Notice Regarding Identification of sensitive posts and tenure of posting thereon. Notice Dated 15-09-2021 
1662 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding extend the deputation period of Smt. Sushma Saini, Lab Attendant for six months. Notice Dated 14-09-2021 
1663 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reduction of stipulated time limit for disposal of Public Grievances in CPGRAMS. Notice Dated 14-09-2021 
1664 Notice Public Notice Regarding providing records to State Vigilance Bureau in time. Notice Dated 13-09-2021 
1665 Notice Public Notice Regarding the telecast of video lectures on UTKARSH Higher Education Channel starting from 13.09.2021 to 19.09.2021. Notice Dated 13-09-2021 
1666 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Smt. Manisha Hooda Assistant Professor of English. Notice Dated 13-09-2021 
1667 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Smt. Meena Devi Assistant Professor of Physics Notice Dated 13-09-2021 
1668 Notice Public Notice Regarding relinquish report of Sh. Gulzar Ahmed, HCS for the Post of Joint Director Administration Haryana ,Higher Education Department on 13.09.2021. Notice Dated 13-09-2021 
1669 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-09-2021 
1670 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Smt. Jasbir Kaur Assistant/Associate Professor from Govt. Service w.e.f. 30.09.2021. Notice Dated 13-09-2021 
1671 Notice Public Notice Regarding accept the Resignation of Smt. Sushmita, Clerk, Govt. PG College Jhajjar . Notice Dated 10-09-2021 
1672 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-09-2021 
1673 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Yamin Khan, Clerk. Notice Dated 08-09-2021 
1674 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Dr. Neetu Kataria, Associate Professor in Botany. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1675 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Dr. Neetu Kataria, Associate Professor in Botany. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1676 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 01.01.2020 की स्थिति अनुसार सहायक और लिपिक (उप -कार्यालय ) कॉलेज कैडर ग्रुप -C की अपडेट वरिष्ठता सूचि जारी करने बारे | Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1677 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/ Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1678 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Jyoti Yadav Assistant Professor in Psychology. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1679 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1680 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the EOL to Smt. Mamta Assistant Professor in Sanskrit, Govt. College Meham. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1681 Notice Public Notice Regarding Application Transferred U/S 6(3) under Right To Information Act 2005 and Amended RTI Act, 2010. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1682 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the maternity Leave to Dr. Komal Malik, Assistant Professor of Economics. Notice Dated 07-09-2021 
1683 Notice Public Notice महाविद्यालय कीआहरण एव वितरण शक्तियां प्रदान करने बारे -वरिष्ठम प्राधायपको की सूचना उपलब्ध करवाना | Notice Dated 06-09-2021 
1684 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Dr. Reena, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 06-09-2021 
1685 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Order No. 6/5-2019 ME(5) Notice Dated 03-09-2021 
1686 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Suman Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 03-09-2021 
1687 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 03-09-2021 
1688 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation orders of Sh. Kuldeep Singh Assistant/associate Professor in Sociology. Notice Dated 02-09-2021 
1689 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-09-2021 
1690 Notice Public Notice Regarding relinquish Report of Sh. Vijay Singh Dahiya, IAS for the Post of Director General Higher Education ,Haryana. Notice Dated 02-09-2021 
1691 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining charge report of Sh. Chander Shekhar Khare, IAS in the office of Director General Higher Education & Special Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 02-09-2021 
1692 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-09-2021 
1693 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Dinesh Singh, Principal Govt. College Gohana. Notice Dated 02-09-2021 
1694 Notice Public Notice Regarding extending the last date of Online Admission for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 02-09-2021 
1695 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals,Associate/Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 01-09-2021 
1696 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Additional Charge (DDO Powers) of Govt. College Rohtak to Sh. Dinesh Singh,Principal,Govt. College for Girls Gohana. Notice Dated 01-09-2021 
1697 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the ,Maternity leave to Smt. Manisha Arora, Assistant Professor in commerce. Notice Dated 01-09-2021 
1698 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Satish Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 31-08-2021 
1699 Notice Public Notice Regarding the telecast of video lectures on UTKARSH Higher Education Channel starting from 30.08.2021 to 05.09.2021. Notice Dated 31-08-2021 
1700 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Renuka Dhyani, Assistant Professor English. Notice Dated 28-08-2021 
1701 Notice Public Notice Regarding Fee Submission for Undergraduate Classes in Online Admission for the Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 27-08-2021 
1702 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Deepa Sharma Assistant Professor in Physics, GC Matak Majri. Notice Dated 27-08-2021 
1703 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing new courses/subjects/seats increase/discontinue for the academic session 2021-22. Notice Dated 27-08-2021 
1704 Notice Transfer Orders Posting Orders of Dr. Madhu Gupta, Associate Professor in Political Science. Notice Dated 27-08-2021 
1705 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Smt. Madhu Gupta. Notice Dated 27-08-2021 
1706 Notice Public Notice Regarding extending the last date of Online Admission for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2021-22. Notice Dated 26-08-2021 
1707 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Rekha Devi Assistant/Associate Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 26-08-2021 
1708 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 26-08-2021 
1709 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Orders of Rakesh Pathak Assistant/ Associate Professor. Notice Dated 26-08-2021 
1710 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing new courses/subjects/seats increase/discontinue for the academic session 2021-22. Notice Dated 26-08-2021 
1711 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Shikha Assistant Professor Psychology. Notice Dated 25-08-2021 
1712 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविधायलयो मे कार्यरत अस्सिटेंट /एसोसिएट प्रोफेसरो की वर्ष 2020-21 की गोपनीय रिपोर्ट ऑनलाइन के माध्यम से लिखने बारे | Notice Dated 24-08-2021 
1713 Notice Public Notice Regarding Resignation of Dr. Sonika, Assistant Professor in Computer Science. Notice Dated 24-08-2021 
1714 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-allocated Group-D employees is hereby treated as duty period for all purposes and intents as per details. Notice Dated 24-08-2021 
1715 Notice Public Notice Regarding benefit of reservation in admission to EWS candidates@10%. Notice Dated 24-08-2021 
1716 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-08-2021 
1717 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-08-2021 
1718 Notice Public Notice Regarding Clearance about character and antecedents of persons engaged under outsourcing Policy Part-I and Part-II. Notice Dated 23-08-2021 
1719 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-08-2021 
1720 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-08-2021 
1721 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges Notice Dated 20-08-2021 
1722 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Smt. Seetu Rana Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Notice Dated 20-08-2021 
1723 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-08-2021 
1724 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the EOL to Smt. Rakhi Kadian,Assistant Professor of Commerce. Notice Dated 19-08-2021 
1725 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revision of regulations for the Haryana State subordinate Account Services (HSAS) Examination (Ordinary Branch), 2021. Notice Dated 18-08-2021 
1726 Notice Public Notice Regarding the telecast of video lectures on UTKARSH Higher Education Channel starting from 23.08.2021 to 29.08.2021. Notice Dated 18-08-2021 
1727 Notice Public Notice Regarding accept the Resignation Letter of Sh. Paramjeet, Clerk, Govt. College for Women, Jind. Notice Dated 18-08-2021 
1728 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 18-08-2021 
1729 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-08-2021 
1730 Notice Public Notice Retirement List of Principals of Govt. Colleges from Govt. service w.e.f 31.08.2021 Notice Dated 16-08-2021 
1731 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Sunil Dabas, Associate Professor in Physical Education. Notice Dated 16-08-2021 
1732 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-08-2021 
1733 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing New Courses/Subjects/Seats increase for the academic session 2021-22 in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 13-08-2021 
1734 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admissions for Undergraduate Classes for the session 2021-22. Notice Dated 13-08-2021 
1735 Notice Public Notice Regarding CWP No. 13305 of 2021 and 11 other connected cases-Divisional Forest Officer Vs Jagdeep Singh and ANR-delay in filling writ petitions. Notice Dated 12-08-2021 
1736 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Naresh Kumar Assistant Professor Economics. Notice Dated 12-08-2021 
1737 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Maternity Leave for Six Months to Smt. Mandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor in Public Administration. Notice Dated 12-08-2021 
1738 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 12-08-2021 
1739 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-08-2021 
1740 Notice Public Notice Regarding accept the resignation tendered by the Sh. Satbir Assistant Professor in Hindi w.e.f 16.08.2021. Notice Dated 11-08-2021 
1741 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 11-08-2021 
1742 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Sanjeet Kumar Lab Attendent. Notice Dated 11-08-2021 
1743 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Smt. Punam Jakhar Assiatnt Professor Geography. Notice Dated 11-08-2021 
1744 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual Increments of Principals/Officiating Principals w.e.f 01.07.2021. Notice Dated 10-08-2021 
1745 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Sweety Monga Assistant Professor Chemistry. Notice Dated 06-08-2021 
1746 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admission 2021-22. Notice Dated 06-08-2021 
1747 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of the Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 06-08-2021 
1748 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services w.e.f 31.08.2021. Notice Dated 05-08-2021 
1749 Notice Public Notice Regarding Opening of Universities. Notice Dated 05-08-2021 
1750 Notice Public Notice Regarding Declaration of Holiday w.r.t written Examination(OMR Based) for the posts of Male Constables(GD) of Police Department, Haryana against Advt. 04/2020. Notice Dated 05-08-2021 
1751 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-08-2021 
1752 Notice Public Notice Regarding Disposal of First Appeals under the RTI Act, 2005. Notice Dated 04-08-2021 
1753 Notice Public Notice Regarding benefits of Ex-servicemen and their children. Notice Dated 04-08-2021 
1754 Notice Public Notice Regarding verification of character and antecedents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in different subjects. Notice Dated 03-08-2021 
1755 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Sandeep Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 03-08-2021 
1756 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Rajbir Assistant Professor in Physical Education. Notice Dated 03-08-2021 
1757 Notice Public Notice Regarding sending requests for transfer/deputation through proper channel. Notice Dated 02-08-2021 
1758 Notice Public Notice Regarding accepting the resignation tendered by Sh. Arvinder Kumar, Assistant Professor in History. Notice Dated 02-08-2021 
1759 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Shalu Assistant Professor English. Notice Dated 30-07-2021 
1760 Notice Public Notice Regarding Annual Increments of Principals/ Officiating Principals w.e.f. 01.07.2021. Notice Dated 30-07-2021 
1761 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 30-07-2021 
1762 Notice Public Notice Regarding Giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals. Notice Dated 29-07-2021 
1763 Notice Public Notice Regarding Summer Vacation 2021. Notice Dated 29-07-2021 
1764 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Jyoti, Assistant Professor of Physics. Notice Dated 28-07-2021 
1765 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners-UGC scales. Notice Dated 27-07-2021 
1766 Notice Public Notice मास जुलाई , 2021 मे लगने वाली वार्षिक वेतनवृद्धि प्रदान करने हेतु सेवापंजिया एव अप टू डेट सेवा सत्यापन भेजने बारे मामला | Notice Dated 27-07-2021 
1767 Notice Public Notice भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा 26 जनवरी 2022 के अवसर पर पदम् पुरस्कार प्रदान करने बारे | Notice Dated 27-07-2021 
1768 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 27-07-2021 
1769 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ashok Kumar, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 27-07-2021 
1770 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation of Teaching and Non Teaching Sanction Posts (SNE) in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-07-2021 
1771 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Maternity Leave for 6 months to Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-07-2021 
1772 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 26-07-2021 
1773 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Satish Kumar Assistant Professor, Political Science. Notice Dated 23-07-2021 
1774 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Bhupesh from Govt. College Satnali to Govt. College for Women Ateli. Notice Dated 23-07-2021 
1775 Notice Public Notice Complaint regarding Illegal promotion to the Post of Principal in Govt. Colleges in Haryana in Violation of UGC rules for appointment to the Post of Principal. Notice Dated 22-07-2021 
1776 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयो मे कार्यरत/ सेवानिवृत /स्वैच्छिक सेवानिवृत /त्यागपत्र /मृत्यु /अन्य विभागों मे नियुक्ति इत्यादि की सूचना उप्लब्ध करवाने बारे| Notice Dated 22-07-2021 
1777 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Sonu Khangwal, Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 22-07-2021 
1778 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 22-07-2021 
1779 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-07-2021 
1780 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 22-07-2021 
1781 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Honey Garg, Assistant Professor of Commerce. Notice Dated 20-07-2021 
1782 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-07-2021 
1783 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-07-2021 
1784 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Lena Kajal, Principal Govt. College for women Bawani Khera. Notice Dated 19-07-2021 
1785 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 16-07-2021 
1786 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Reena, Assistant Professor of Economics. Notice Dated 16-07-2021 
1787 Notice Public Notice Regarding Giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals/Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 16-07-2021 
1788 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling up the posts of Joint Director (Group-A), Deputy Director (Industrial Promotion) (Group-A) and Assistant Directors (Industrial Promotion) (Group-B) in the Department of Industries & Commerce, Haryana (Headquarters and field officers) on deputation/transfer basis. Notice Dated 16-07-2021 
1789 Notice Public Notice Regarding receiving of DAK from stakeholders due to Covid-19. Notice Dated 16-07-2021 
1790 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-07-2021 
1791 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Sudesh Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 16-07-2021 
1792 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Anita Singh, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 15-07-2021 
1793 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-07-2021 
1794 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. sunil Kumari, Principal. Notice Dated 14-07-2021 
1795 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 12-07-2021 
1796 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Sunita Yadav, Peon. Notice Dated 12-07-2021 
1797 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges w.e.f 31.07.2021. Notice Dated 12-07-2021 
1798 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 12-07-2021 
1799 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-07-2021 
1800 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Smt. Leena Vashisth, Associate Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 09-07-2021 
1801 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjust the newly appointed Assistant Professor (Sociology) vide Order No. 020012/19/2020 C-1(2). Notice Dated 09-07-2021 
1802 Notice Public Notice Regarding shift the one Sanction Post of Assistant Professor to Govt. College for Girls , Sonipat. Notice Dated 09-07-2021 
1803 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-07-2021 
1804 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Kuldeep, Peon. Notice Dated 08-07-2021 
1805 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor Commerce. Notice Dated 08-07-2021 
1806 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-07-2021 
1807 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Hanuman Sharma, Peon. Notice Dated 07-07-2021 
1808 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-07-2021 
1809 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rajbir Assistant/Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 05-07-2021 
1810 Notice Public Notice Regarding Participation of Institutions in All India survey on Higher Education (AISHE) -reg. Notice Dated 02-07-2021 
1811 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-07-2021 
1812 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Karunesh, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 30-06-2021 
1813 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals/Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 29-06-2021 
1814 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Param Bhushan Arya, Principal. Notice Dated 28-06-2021 
1815 Notice Public Notice Regarding constituted the committee for redressed the complaints of female employees in the Department of Higher Education relating to sexual Harassment at work place. Notice Dated 28-06-2021 
1816 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Sunita Chauhan, Associate Professor in Psychology, Govt. College, Bhiwani. Notice Dated 28-06-2021 
1817 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining Order of Assistant Professor of Sociology in Govt. Colleges . Notice Dated 26-06-2021 
1818 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners-UGC Scales(Govt. College Lecturer/Principal). Notice Dated 26-06-2021 
1819 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Surender Singh Narwal Assistant Professor Zoology. Notice Dated 25-06-2021 
1820 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Amit Kumar Library Attendant GC Hisar to GC Julana (jind). Notice Dated 23-06-2021 
1821 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Mrs. Savita Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 23-06-2021 
1822 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals/Associate/Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-06-2021 
1823 Notice Public Notice ग्रीष्मावकाश 2021 के दौरान किए गए कार्यो के एवज मे अर्जित अवकाश का लाभ प्रदान करने बारे मामला| Notice Dated 23-06-2021 
1824 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-06-2021 
1825 Notice Public Notice Regarding Course Structure and Scheme of Examination for Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) . Notice Dated 23-06-2021 
1826 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cancel the Child Care Leave of Smt. Preeti Chhokkar,Assistant Professor in Physics. Notice Dated 22-06-2021 
1827 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding COVID-19 Closure of Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 22-06-2021 
1828 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-06-2021 
1829 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the transfer order of Smt. Aliya Shobi Khan Assistnat Professor in English. Notice Dated 22-06-2021 
1830 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-06-2021 
1831 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Service w.e.f 30.06.2021. Notice Dated 21-06-2021 
1832 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation in Parivar Pehchan Patar (PPP) of data of contractual workers engaged in any Department/Board/ Corporation/Universities in Haryana. Notice Dated 21-06-2021 
1833 Notice Public Notice Regarding Submission of Information regarding Statement of assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities; outstandings in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005 (Financial Year 2020-21). Notice Dated 18-06-2021 
1834 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding Covid-19 Closure of Colleges and universities. Notice Dated 17-06-2021 
1835 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges w.e.f 30.06.2021. Notice Dated 16-06-2021 
1836 Notice Public Notice Regarding extend the joining time of the newly selected Laboratory Attendant Sh. Sandeep Kumar . Notice Dated 16-06-2021 
1837 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Rakesh Pathak Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 16-06-2021 
1838 Notice Public Notice Regarding Special ex-gratia grant/Special Compassionate Financial Assistance to the families of Corona Warriors and employees who expire due to covid disease. Notice Dated 15-06-2021 
1839 Notice Public Notice मास जुलाई 2021 में लगने वाली वार्षिक वेतनवृद्धि प्रदान करने हेतु सेवापंजिया एवं अप-टू-डेट सेवा सत्यापन भेजने बारे मामला l Notice Dated 14-06-2021 
1840 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity Leave to Smt. Seema,Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 14-06-2021 
1841 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity Leave to the following Assistant Professor/Extension Lecturer. Notice Dated 14-06-2021 
1842 Notice Public Notice Regarding the joining time of the newly selected Laboratory Attendant Sh. Arun Kumar is hereby extended. Notice Dated 11-06-2021 
1843 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-06-2021 
1844 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the deputation orders of Sh. Davender Singh,Assistant Professor in History. Notice Dated 11-06-2021 
1845 Notice Public Notice Information regarding I.T. and allied equipment. Notice Dated 10-06-2021 
1846 Notice Public Notice Regarding Disbursement of one month salary in lieu of LTC for Government employees. Notice Dated 09-06-2021 
1847 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the maternity leave to Smt. Swati Gill, Assistant Professor in Computer Science. Notice Dated 07-06-2021 
1848 Notice Public Notice Regarding Compliance of deputation/temporary transfer orders. Notice Dated 07-06-2021 
1849 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Manisha Kumari Assistant Professor Geography. Notice Dated 03-06-2021 
1850 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the deputation order of Sh. Dinesh Singh Assistant Professor in Psychology. Notice Dated 03-06-2021 
1851 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading employee’s data of all Boards and Corporation and updation of Parivar Pehchan Patra including contractual employees. Notice Dated 01-06-2021 
1852 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2020-21 की वार्षिक गोपनीय रिपोर्ट बारे | Notice Dated 01-06-2021 
1853 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation order of Assistant/Associate professors. Notice Dated 01-06-2021 
1854 Notice Public Notice Regarding Amendment in Haryana Right to Information Rules, 2009. Notice Dated 31-05-2021 
1855 Notice Public Notice Regarding Common Cadre of Group-D employees appointed on or after enactment of the Haryana Group D Employees (Recruitment and conditions of Service) Act, 2018(Group-D Act). Notice Dated 31-05-2021 
1856 Notice Public Notice Regarding payment of travelling Allowance to the staff employee on polling duty during general election/Bye Election to Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies in Haryana State. Notice Dated 31-05-2021 
1857 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professor in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-05-2021 
1858 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the deputation Order of Sh. Ajay Kumar, Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 28-05-2021 
1859 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor of Govt. College. Notice Dated 28-05-2021 
1860 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-05-2021 
1861 Notice Public Notice Regarding Camps for Covid-19 Vaccination in Colleges for students and staff. Notice Dated 26-05-2021 
1862 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Maternity Leave to Smt. Rakhi, Assistant Professor in Hindi. Notice Dated 26-05-2021 
1863 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 26-05-2021 
1864 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2021-22- Extension in validity period (31.05.2021). Notice Dated 24-05-2021 
1865 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Smt. Savita Kumari,Peon. Notice Dated 24-05-2021 
1866 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-05-2021 
1867 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer of Mukesh Kumar Steno Typist. Notice Dated 21-05-2021 
1868 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. Service w.e.f 31.05.2021. Notice Dated 21-05-2021 
1869 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave/Maternity Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-05-2021 
1870 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 20-05-2021 
1871 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the EOL to Smt. Rekha Malhotra, Assistant Professor in Sanskrit. Notice Dated 18-05-2021 
1872 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Jai Bhagwan Assistant Professor of Maths. Notice Dated 18-05-2021 
1873 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Mahtab Singh Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 18-05-2021 
1874 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Karan Singh Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 18-05-2021 
1875 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Pankaj Sharma Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 18-05-2021 
1876 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 18-05-2021 
1877 Notice Public Notice Regarding Application transferred U\S 6(3) under Right To Information ACT,2005-Case of Dr. Mamta Kumari, H.No. 1545, Maruti Kunj (Bhaudsi), Gurugram. Notice Dated 18-05-2021 
1878 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Sunder Singh Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 17-05-2021 
1879 Notice Public Notice Regarding minutes of meeting on 'Jal Shakti Abhiyan-Catch the Rain' Campaign held under the chairmanship of Sh. Vijai Vardhan, IAS,Chief Secretary, Govt. Of Haryana on 17.03.2021. Notice Dated 17-05-2021 
1880 Notice Public Notice Order regarding giving the DD Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals in addition to their present duties. Notice Dated 13-05-2021 
1881 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conduct of HCS (Ex.Br.) & other Allied services Preliminary Examination-2021 on 30.05.2021. Notice Dated 13-05-2021 
1882 Notice Public Notice Regarding HCS Preliminary Examination addressed to all Vice Chancellors of State Universities in Haryana and all the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-05-2021 
1883 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-05-2021 
1884 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation/Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-05-2021 
1885 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting of Assistant Professors of Psychology. Notice Dated 12-05-2021 
1886 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. services w.e.f 31.05.2021(A.N). Notice Dated 11-05-2021 
1887 Notice Public Notice Order regarding the adjustment of candidates for the post of Lab Attendant Vide Order No. DHE-100006/2/2020 ME. Notice Dated 11-05-2021 
1888 Notice Public Notice Regarding minutes of meeting on 'Jal Shakti Abhiyan-Catch the Rain ' Campaign held under the Chairmanship of Sh. Vijai Vardhman, IAS ,Chief Secretary ,Govt. of Haryana on 17.03.2021. Notice Dated 07-05-2021 
1889 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity Leave of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 05-05-2021 
1890 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 03-05-2021 
1891 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Mrs. SUNITA , Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 03-05-2021 
1892 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave to Smt. Veena Rani. Notice Dated 03-05-2021 
1893 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 03-05-2021 
1894 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading employee’s data of all Boards and Corporation and updation of Parivar Pehchan Patra including contractual employees. Notice Dated 01-05-2021 
1895 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding COVID-19 closure of Colleges and University. Notice Dated 30-04-2021 
1896 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of candidates as Laboratory Attendant on provisional basis in the pay band FPL-1 in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-04-2021 
1897 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Kuldeep singh Assistant Professor Sociology. Notice Dated 28-04-2021 
1898 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-04-2021 
1899 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-04-2021 
1900 Notice Public Notice Regarding extend the deputation period of Smt. Sushma Saini, Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 27-04-2021 
1901 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave to Smt. Poonam Devi, Assistant Professor,Govt College for Women Hisar. Notice Dated 23-04-2021 
1902 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. services w.e.f 30.04.2021 (A.N). Notice Dated 23-04-2021 
1903 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Jyoti Rani, Assistant Professor of Govt College, Barota(Gohana). Notice Dated 23-04-2021 
1904 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-04-2021 
1905 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of candidates as Laboratory Attendant on provisional basis in the pay band FPL-1 in Govt. Colleges against vacancy. Notice Dated 22-04-2021 
1906 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding the Post of Laboratory Attendant (Waiting) against Advt. No. 11/2017 cat. No. 5. Notice Dated 22-04-2021 
1907 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. Services w.e.f 30.04.2021 . Notice Dated 22-04-2021 
1908 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Anuj Dhull Assistant Professor Computer Science. Notice Dated 22-04-2021 
1909 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2021-22. Notice Dated 20-04-2021 
1910 Notice Public Notice Regarding Identify the Post of Assistant Professor in all subjects (College Cadre) in Haryana State. Notice Dated 20-04-2021 
1911 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Principals, Assistant and Associate Professors. Notice Dated 20-04-2021 
1912 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Priyanka Mehra, Assistant Professor of Govt College for Women, Ratia(Fatehabad). Notice Dated 20-04-2021 
1913 Notice Public Notice Regarding Dr. Harvandana,Assistant Professor, given the additional charge of Govt. College Barwala(Panchkula). Notice Dated 19-04-2021 
1914 Notice Public Notice Regarding consisting the committee for redressed the complaints of female employees in the Department of Higher Education relating to sexual Harassment at work place. Notice Dated 19-04-2021 
1915 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Sarita Dahiya Assistant Professor Phychology. Notice Dated 16-04-2021 
1916 Notice Public Notice SOP regarding closure of Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 16-04-2021 
1917 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave to Smt. Sandhya,Assistant Professor Govt College Barwala(Panchkula). Notice Dated 16-04-2021 
1918 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave to Smt. Pooja Rani, Assistant Professor Govt College for Women, Tosham(Bhiwani). Notice Dated 16-04-2021 
1919 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cancel the transfer orders of Sh. Devender Singh, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 16-04-2021 
1920 Notice Public Notice Regarding COVID-19 management and vaccination drive in the state. Notice Dated 15-04-2021 
1921 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 15-04-2021 
1922 Notice Public Notice Regarding Identify the Post of Assistant Professor in all subjects (College Cadre) in Haryana State. Notice Dated 13-04-2021 
1923 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Rekha Devi, Assistant Professor,Chemistry. Notice Dated 12-04-2021 
1924 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Dinesh Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor Physical Education. Notice Dated 12-04-2021 
1925 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-04-2021 
1926 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Rekha Devi, Assistant Professor,Economics. Notice Dated 09-04-2021 
1927 Notice Public Notice Regarding Identify the Post of Assistant Professor in all subjects (College Cadre) in Haryana State. Notice Dated 08-04-2021 
1928 Notice Downloads Provisional Gradation List of Ministerial Staff working in the Education Directorates, Haryana,Panchkula. Notice Dated 08-04-2021 
1929 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of skiling interest of students in short term skill training on ERP Portal. Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1930 Notice Public Notice Letter regarding Tobaccoo free educational Institution for Private Universities. Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1931 Notice Public Notice Letter regarding Tobaccoo free educational Institution for State Universities. Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1932 Notice Public Notice Letter regarding Tobaccoo free educational Institution for All Colleges. Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1933 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the DD Powers to Sh. Ravi Riwariya, Assistant Professor Physics of Govt. College Hodal (Palwal) Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1934 Notice Public Notice Regarding continuation of order dated 31.03.2021 for assessment of the workload of academic session 2020-21. Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1935 Notice Public Notice Regarding Re-appropriation Orders of Government of Haryana for the year 2020-21. Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1936 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment order of EBPGC candidate as Laboratory attendant on provision basis. Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1937 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Dr. Anuj ,Assistant Professor in English of Govt. College Sidhrawali (Gurugram). Notice Dated 07-04-2021 
1938 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-04-2021 
1939 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-04-2021 
1940 Notice Public Notice Regarding Committees of Assistant/Associate Professors working in the Colleges have been constituted for assessment of workload of academic session 2020-21. Notice Dated 05-04-2021 
1941 Notice Public Notice Regarding List of Deemed dates of promotion of the adhoc employees prior to 1986 whose seniority has been revised. Notice Dated 02-04-2021 
1942 Notice Public Notice Regarding the telecast of Video Lectures on UTKARSH Higher Education Channel. Notice Dated 02-04-2021 
1943 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Meenakshi Yadav Assistant Professor in Sociology of Govt. College for Girls Sec-14 Gurugram. Notice Dated 31-03-2021 
1944 Notice Public Notice Regarding Registration for New College on the Portal of AISHE (All India Survey of Higher Education). Notice Dated 26-03-2021 
1945 Notice Public Notice Regarding authorization of GPF Final Payment Cases. Notice Dated 25-03-2021 
1946 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 25-03-2021 
1947 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-03-2021 
1948 Notice Public Notice Regarding Resignation of Dr. Sarita Kataria, Assistant Professor in Home Science, Government College for Women Bahadugarh. Notice Dated 22-03-2021 
1949 Notice Public Notice Regarding attaining the age of superannuation the following Assistant/Associate Professors will stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 22-03-2021 
1950 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Authorization of GPF Final Payment Cases. Notice Dated 19-03-2021 
1951 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-03-2021 
1952 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to the Following Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 19-03-2021 
1953 Notice Public Notice Tution fees free to Girls Students for Post Graduate in different colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 19-03-2021 
1954 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Roopa Mangal, Associate Professor in English, Govt. College Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 18-03-2021 
1955 Notice Public Notice Regarding the telecast of Video Lectures on UTKARSH Higher Education Channel. Notice Dated 18-03-2021 
1956 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-03-2021 
1957 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-03-2021 
1958 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Child Care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-03-2021 
1959 Notice Downloads Standard Format for appointment of Vice-Chancellor of a State University Notice Dated 15-03-2021 
1960 Notice Public Notice Regarding online submission of application for Post Matric Scholarship Schemes for SC/OBC for the year 2020-21 on Centralized Scholarship portal. Notice Dated 12-03-2021 
1961 Notice Public Notice Joining Report after availing Child Care Leave - Smt. Anukriti,Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 10-03-2021 
1962 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-03-2021 
1963 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. services w.e.f 31.03.2021 (A.N). Notice Dated 10-03-2021 
1964 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of India's 75 year of Independence -Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav. Notice Dated 10-03-2021 
1965 Notice Public Notice Notice Regarding newly selected/recommended candidates for the Post of Assistant Professors in Psychology under Advt. No. 1/2019. Notice Dated 10-03-2021 
1966 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-03-2021 
1967 Notice Public Notice Regarding change the name of Government College for Women Girls, Salaheri(Nuh). Notice Dated 09-03-2021 
1968 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Satbir Singh Lab Attendent. Notice Dated 08-03-2021 
1969 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Shree Bhagwan Lab Attendent. Notice Dated 08-03-2021 
1970 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals. Notice Dated 08-03-2021 
1971 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant and Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-03-2021 
1972 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Mukesh Assistant Professor Maths. Notice Dated 05-03-2021 
1973 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of HRMS Data. Notice Dated 05-03-2021 
1974 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Nirmala, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 04-03-2021 
1975 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the deputation order of Sh. Jai Gopal, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 04-03-2021 
1976 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Anil Kumar Assistant Professor in Physics. Notice Dated 04-03-2021 
1977 Notice Public Notice श्रेणी -I,II तथा III (मिनिस्ट्रियल कैडर) की दिनांक 01.03.2021 तक की अपडेट वरिष्ठता सूची जारी करने बारे| Notice Dated 04-03-2021 
1978 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Jagdish Tabla Player from Govt. College for women Karnal. Notice Dated 04-03-2021 
1979 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of data in Parivar Pehchan Patar (PPP) at earliest. Notice Dated 03-03-2021 
1980 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant and Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-03-2021 
1981 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant and Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-03-2021 
1982 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Anamika Rani Assistant Professor Music (V) against Smt. Anjana Rani Assistant Professor Music (V). Notice Dated 02-03-2021 
1983 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation in Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) of data of contractual workers engaged in any Department Board Corporation Universities in Haryana. Notice Dated 02-03-2021 
1984 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Jitender Kumar, Peon. Noitice Dated 01.03.2021 Notice Dated 01-03-2021 
1985 Notice Public Notice Certification of E-content and audio and video quality of lectures by nodal officers for even semester session 2021-22. Notice Dated 01-03-2021 
1986 Notice Public Notice Regarding Voluntarily retirement order of Dr. Kamlesh, Associate Professor in Hindi,Government P.G College Ambala Cantt. from Govt. Service w.e.f 31.01.2021 A.N. Notice Dated 01-03-2021 
1987 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Smt. Jyoti Yadav Assistant Professor Psychology from Govt. College Hisar to Govt. College for women Rewari. Notice Dated 01-03-2021 
1988 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Charan Singh Clerk from Govt. College Bawal to Govt. College for Women Bawal, Rewari. Notice Dated 01-03-2021 
1989 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Sh Yashpal Singh Principal Govt College Julana Jind from Govt Service with effect from 28 Feb 2021 Notice Dated 26-02-2021 
1990 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer of Mr. Rahul Sharma, Clerk. Notice Dated 25-02-2021 
1991 Notice Public Notice Appointment of Sh. Gourav,Clerk. Notice Dated 25-02-2021 
1992 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Vinod Kumar clerk. Notice Dated 23-02-2021 
1993 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast and E Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for 22 Feb 2021 to 28 Feb 2021 on One 1 channel Channel 4 at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable DTH Networks in State of Haryana Notice Dated 19-02-2021 
1994 Notice Public Notice Regarding Competition in Colleges on RTI Notice Dated 17-02-2021 
1995 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Principals, Assistant and Associate Professors Notice Dated 15-02-2021 
1996 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast and E Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for 15 Feb 2021 to 21 Feb 2021 on One 1 channel Channel 4 at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable DTH Networks in State of Haryana Notice Dated 12-02-2021 
1997 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of Reservation policy of the Government in Universities , Deemed to be Universities , Colleges and other Grant in Aid Institutions and centers. Notice Dated 11-02-2021 
1998 Notice Public Notice Regarding submitting of unutilized amount of SC/BC Scholarship. Notice Dated 10-02-2021 
1999 Notice Public Notice Regarding pleased to treat the Suspension period of Sh. Subhash Sapra, AP in Commerece (Retd.) from 22.03.2016 to 07.03.2017 as duty period. Notice Dated 09-02-2021 
2000 Notice Public Notice Regarding relinquish charge report of Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, IAS of the office of Director General Higher Education ,Haryana. Notice Dated 08-02-2021 
2001 Notice Public Notice Joining Report of Sh. Vijay Singh Dahiya, IAS in the office of Director General Higher Education & Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 08-02-2021 
2002 Notice Public Notice Regarding Withdrawal of double fee taken (due to payment gateway issue) from students at the time of admission in the year 2020-21. Notice Dated 08-02-2021 
2003 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-02-2021 
2004 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (08.02.2021 to 14.02.2021) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 06-02-2021 
2005 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancellation of Deputation orders of Dr. Bharti Saneja, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 05-02-2021 
2006 Notice Public Notice 02Regarding Child Care Leave of Mrs. Meenakshi Nirman. Notice Dated 05-02-2021 
2007 Notice Public Notice Regarding resignation tendered by Smt. Seema, Clerk is here by accepted with effect from 02.02.2021 Notice Dated 05-02-2021 
2008 Notice Public Notice Regarding Competition in Colleges on RTI. Notice Dated 04-02-2021 
2009 Notice Public Notice Online orientation session for training and placement officers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 04-02-2021 
2010 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 04-02-2021 
2011 Notice Public Notice Corrigendum regarding seniority list with requisite amendments in the gradation list dated 26.11.2020 as stood on 1.9.1997. Notice Dated 03-02-2021 
2012 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-02-2021 
2013 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of EBPGC candidates as Laboratory Attendant on provision basis in the pay band FPL-1 in Govt. Colleges against vacancy. Notice Dated 02-02-2021 
2014 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of ESP category candidates as clerk on provision basis in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-02-2021 
2015 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of accounts of all funds of the colleges in one bank i.e. HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank. Notice Dated 02-02-2021 
2016 Notice Public Notice Regarding provision in Chapter-II Rule-8 sub section (8) of Haryana Civil Services(General) Rules,2016,the powers to sanction the leave Encashment to the Assistant/Associate Professor working in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 01-02-2021 
2017 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (01.02.2021 to 07.02.2021) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 29-01-2021 
2018 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Government College for Girls,Ballabgarh. Notice Dated 29-01-2021 
2019 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Government College,Tigaon (Faridabad). Notice Dated 29-01-2021 
2020 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of Smt. Veena Rani,Associate Professor Geography from Government College for women Sec-14 ,Panchkula to Govt. College for Women Hisar at Head Quarter(DGHE) . Notice Dated 29-01-2021 
2021 Notice Public Notice Regarding application transferred U/S 6 (3) of RTI Act,2005- Sh. Puneet Kumar. Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2022 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel the deputation order of Sh. Narsingh Jangra,Assistant/Associate Professor in English issued vide order no. DHE 020003/153/2020 C1(3) and further Ms. Rashmi Devi ,Assistant/Associate Professor in English is deputed to GC Bhainswal Kalan(Sonipat). Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2023 Notice Public Notice Regarding (97) proving the free books to schedule caste students pursuing Higher Education in Govt. Colleges during the year(2020-2021) Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2024 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Meenu Rani Assistant/Associate Professor,Geography. Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2025 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2026 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2027 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Dalip Singh, Principal Govt. College Safidon to Govt. College for Women Tosham (Bhiwani). Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2028 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Dilbag Singh ,Pricipal Govt. College for Women Mahindergarh to Govt. College Tauru. Notice Dated 27-01-2021 
2029 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the drawing and disbursing powers to Sh. Satpal Singh Associate Professor Physical Education ,Govt. College,Saha . Notice Dated 25-01-2021 
2030 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (25.01.2021 to 31.01.2021) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 25-01-2021 
2031 Notice Public Notice Regarding Gyan Ganga Project. Notice Dated 25-01-2021 
2032 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Soniya Assistant/associate Professor Govt. College Panipat, to Govt. College Alewa, Jind. Notice Dated 22-01-2021 
2033 Notice Public Notice Regading SETC-compulsory for all who are working as clerks and want to work as clerk on promotion or by direct recruitment and issuance of clarification thereof regarding non-applicability of SETC upon and clerks, who are initially appointed/recruited as clerk and Steno Typist in any Department/Board & corporation before 07.11.2013. Notice Dated 22-01-2021 
2034 Notice Public Notice Regarding celebration of every 25th January, as 'National Voters Day'. Notice Dated 22-01-2021 
2035 Notice Public Notice Regarding Tobacco free Educational institution. Notice Dated 22-01-2021 
2036 Notice Public Notice Retirement List of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services w.e.f. 31.01.2021 (A.N). Notice Dated 22-01-2021 
2037 Notice Public Notice Regarding maintenance of accounts and audit of various funds of Govt. Colleges and Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 22-01-2021 
2038 Notice Public Notice Regarding the details of Training and Placement Officers. Notice Dated 22-01-2021 
2039 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of HRMS Data. Notice Dated 21-01-2021 
2040 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding depute/temporary transfer of Smt. Rekha Devi ,Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 21-01-2021 
2041 Notice Public Notice Regarding decision dated 13.11.2021 of Hon'able Supreme Court of India,in Covil Appeal No. 10044 of 2010 titled as Central Public Information Officer,Supreme Court of India vs. Subhash Chandra Agarwal. Notice Dated 21-01-2021 
2042 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Mahinder Pardeep ,Principal Govt. College Bhattu kalan to Govt. College for women Rania (Sirsa). Notice Dated 19-01-2021 
2043 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of HRMS Data. Notice Dated 18-01-2021 
2044 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding centralized Online Admissions for PG for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 18-01-2021 
2045 Notice Public Notice Public Notice Regarding gradation/seniority list dated 26.11.2020 as stood on 01.09.1997 of lecturer. Notice Dated 16-01-2021 
2046 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Principals in Govt. Colleges . Notice Dated 15-01-2021 
2047 Notice Public Notice Extension of Deputation period of Assistant / Associate Professor. Notice Dated 14-01-2021 
2048 Notice Public Notice Granting of Pay Scale. Notice Dated 14-01-2021 
2049 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-01-2021 
2050 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Anamika Rani Assistant Professor, Govt. College Matak Majri. Notice Dated 13-01-2021 
2051 Notice Public Notice Regarding registration and verification of the Divyang students. Notice Dated 13-01-2021 
2052 Notice Public Notice Regarding mandatory preparation of E-content by all Teachers. Notice Dated 13-01-2021 
2053 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (11.01.2021 to 17.01.2021) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 11-01-2021 
2054 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding depute/cancel the deputation order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 11-01-2021 
2055 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges dated 09.01.2021 Notice Dated 09-01-2021 
2056 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-01-2021 
2057 Notice Public Notice Declaration of holiday for conducting written examination for various posts of various departments of Haryana. Notice Dated 08-01-2021 
2058 Notice Public Notice Regarding Mandatory Preparations of E-Content by all Teachers. Notice Dated 07-01-2021 
2059 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Smart Classroom. Notice Dated 07-01-2021 
2060 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 07-01-2021 
2061 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College, Ambala cantt to Sh. Arun Joshi Associate Professor Botany. Notice Dated 07-01-2021 
2062 Notice Public Notice Regarding the launch of NayiDisha Distress Call Center by the Department. Notice Dated 07-01-2021 
2063 Notice Public Notice Regarding the launch of NayiDisha Distress Call Center by the Department. Notice Dated 07-01-2021 
2064 Notice Public Notice Seeking information regarding Group-D employees whose services have been terminated in the absence of sports gradation certificate. Notice Dated 07-01-2021 
2065 Notice Public Notice Regarding setting up of Nature Interpretation Centre in Colleges. Notice Dated 06-01-2021 
2066 Notice Public Notice Regarding setting up of Traffic Interpretation Centre in Colleges. Notice Dated 06-01-2021 
2067 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the deputation Order of Smt. Gurpreet Kaur ,Assistant/Associate Professor English. Notice Dated 05-01-2021 
2068 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding Centralized Admissions for PG for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 05-01-2021 
2069 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-01-2021 
2070 Notice Public Notice Regarding Award of Senior Scale/Selection Grade to Assistant Professor working in different college in state of Haryana. Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2071 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel the deputation orders of Ms. Urvashi Chaudhary , Assistant/ Associate Professor psychology. Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2072 Notice Public Notice Submission of information regarding statement of Assets in Form D-6 and statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities : outstanding in Form D-8 under the rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2073 Notice Public Notice Regarding performance of extension lecturers working in Government College of the state Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2074 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the pay scale of the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2075 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation Order of Ms. Indu. Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2076 Notice Public Notice Regarding performance of extension lecturers working in Government College of the state. Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2077 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining of Sh. Gulzar Ahmed, HCS as Joint Director Higher Education,Haryana. Notice Dated 04-01-2021 
2078 Notice Public Notice Regarding CCTV cameras in Colleges. Notice Dated 01-01-2021 
2079 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (04.01.2021 to 10.01.2021) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 01-01-2021 
2080 Notice Public Notice Preventive measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)guidelines for the protection and safety of persons with disability (Divyangjan) and Pregnant women during COVID-19. Notice Dated 01-01-2021 
2081 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child Care Leave to Smt. Sarika Jain Assistant Professor, Govt. College for Women Sec-14, Gurugram. Notice Dated 01-01-2021 
2082 Notice Public Notice Regarding fee refund of UG and PG Admissions (1st Year) for session 2020-21. Notice Dated 31-12-2020 
2083 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 31-12-2020 
2084 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pay Band-IV to Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 29-12-2020 
2085 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Sandeep,Clerk,3 Haryana Bn. NCC ,Hisar. Notice Dated 28-12-2020 
2086 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel the deputation orders of Sh. Narender Kumar, Assistant/Associate Professor Hindi. Notice Dated 28-12-2020 
2087 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-12-2020 
2088 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Suresh Chander Principal, Govt. College for Women, Behal to Govt. College of Education Bhiwani. Notice Dated 28-12-2020 
2089 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Sh. P.S. Rohilla ,Principal, Govt. College Hisar from Govt. service w.e.f. 31.12.2020 (A.N.). Notice Dated 28-12-2020 
2090 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 28-12-2020 
2091 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2020-21 में हुए दाखिलों के समय ली गई डॉ राधा कृष्ण फंड की राशि निदेशालय को भेजने बारे| Notice Dated 28-12-2020 
2092 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (28.12.2020 to 03.01.2021) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 24-12-2020 
2093 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Poetic Symposium "Atal Suman" to be held on 25th December,2020 Notice Dated 24-12-2020 
2094 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel the deputation Order of Sh. Vishal Verma ,Assistant/Associate Professor Computer Science. Notice Dated 24-12-2020 
2095 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation/Temporary transfer of Assistant/Associate Professor in Govt. College. Notice Dated 24-12-2020 
2096 Notice Public Notice Order regarding judgement of Honorable supreme court of India Order no. 12/1-2011 ad(3) to constitute a committee for redressed of complaints of female employees in Department of Higher Education relating to Sexual Harassment at work place. Notice Dated 24-12-2020 
2097 Notice Public Notice Regarding Poetic Symposium "Atal Suman" to be held on 25th December,2020. Notice Dated 23-12-2020 
2098 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-12-2020 
2099 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Mitesh Kumar,Assistant/Associate Professor,Physical Education is here by modified vide order no. 020003/62/2020 CI (3). Notice Dated 23-12-2020 
2100 Notice Public Notice Promotion order of Smt. Rani, Assistant Govt.College for women Jassaur Kheri (Jhajjar) to the post of Dy. Supdt. in the level-6 Schedule-1. Notice Dated 23-12-2020 
2101 Notice Public Notice Regarding the development of e-content for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 22-12-2020 
2102 Notice Public Notice Regarding clarification centralized admission of PG for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 22-12-2020 
2103 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the Child care leave of Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-12-2020 
2104 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of officers from Govt. services w.e.f 31.12.2020 (A.N). Notice Dated 21-12-2020 
2105 Notice Public Notice MIS link for attendance of students enrolled for "Value Added Courses". Notice Dated 21-12-2020 
2106 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services w.e.f. 31.12.2020. Notice Dated 21-12-2020 
2107 Notice Public Notice Information sought under Right to Information Act, 2005-Somnath S/o Sh. Shanuram, R/o H.No.-300/8 ,Rajan Chowk Hansi,Tehsil Hansi,Distt. Hisar. Notice Dated 18-12-2020 
2108 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 18-12-2020 
2109 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation/temporary transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 18-12-2020 
2110 Notice Public Notice State Policy for the administration of staff cars/vehicles and purchase of staff cars/vehicles by the Departments/Boards/Corporations etc. Notice Dated 18-12-2020 
2111 Notice Public Notice Regarding constitute of committee of officers/officials to set up grievance redressal cell including representation of Association HGCTA ,APAH,HGCLAA and AGCMSA for reducing the pendency and delay in Ld. courts. Notice Dated 18-12-2020 
2112 Notice Public Notice Scheme regarding to take care the people and libraries of Old age and Orphan Age Homes in Haryana. Notice Dated 17-12-2020 
2113 Notice Public Notice लिपिक के पद पर पद्दोनन्ति बारे | Notice Dated 17-12-2020 
2114 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (21.12.2020 to 27.12.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 17-12-2020 
2115 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Mitesh Kumar,Assistant/Associate Professor ,Physical Education. Notice Dated 17-12-2020 
2116 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-12-2020 
2117 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rajiv Chaudhary, Assistant/Associate Professor Geography against Smt. Veena Rani, Assistant/Associate Professor , Geography. Notice Dated 17-12-2020 
2118 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Rekha Saluja ,Assistant/Associate Professor ,Computer Science. Notice Dated 16-12-2020 
2119 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-12-2020 
2120 Notice Public Notice Regarding the development of E-content for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 16-12-2020 
2121 Notice Public Notice पीडब्ल्यूडी एक्ट 1995 के प्रावधान अनुसार पदोन्नति करने बारे | Notice Dated 16-12-2020 
2122 Notice Public Notice Preventive measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)guidelines for the protection and safety of persons with disability (Divyangjan) and Pregnant women during COVID-19. Notice Dated 15-12-2020 
2123 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Officers from Govt. services w.e.f. 31.12.2020 (A.N.). Notice Dated 15-12-2020 
2124 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining of Group-D candidates in ESP Quota- LPAs -1332 of 2019 (O&M) in CWP No. 23249 & other connected (O&M)-state of Haryana and another Vs. Shankar and others. Notice Dated 15-12-2020 
2125 Notice Public Notice Posting Order of Assistant Professors in the subject of Computer Science in Govt. Colleges, appointed vide Order No. 020012/16/2020 C-1(2) dated 16.10.2020. Notice Dated 15-12-2020 
2126 Notice Transfer Orders Adjustment order of Smt. Ritu , Assistant/Associate Professor,Computer Science. Notice Dated 14-12-2020 
2127 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Harsh Nandal, Assistant/Associate Professor ,Economics. Notice Dated 14-12-2020 
2128 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Sarita Sheera Associate Professor of Computer Science, Govt. College,Hisar. Notice Dated 14-12-2020 
2129 Notice Public Notice Order regarding charging of unnecessary fees from students. Notice Dated 14-12-2020 
2130 Notice Public Notice Regarding verification of character and antecedents of newly selected candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor in different subjects. Notice Dated 11-12-2020 
2131 Notice Public Notice Order regarding newly selected/recommended candidates for the post of Laboratory Attendant under the EBPG category against Advt. No. 11/2017 Cat. No.5. Notice Dated 11-12-2020 
2132 Notice Public Notice Order regarding newly selected/recommended candidates for the post of Tabla Player under the EBPG category against Advt. No. 11/2017 Cat. No.3. Notice Dated 11-12-2020 
2133 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (14.12.2020 to 20.12.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 11-12-2020 
2134 Notice Public Notice Regarding conducting of type test in the Directorate. Notice Dated 11-12-2020 
2135 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Re-depute/Temporary transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 11-12-2020 
2136 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of employees data in Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Module/Parivar Pehchan Patra Portal. Notice Dated 10-12-2020 
2137 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Dr. Ravi Shankar, Assistant/Associate Professor , Mass communication under the Order No. DHE 030012/11/2020 JD-II dated 19.10.2020. Notice Dated 09-12-2020 
2138 Notice Public Notice Regarding Strength in Hostels. Notice Dated 09-12-2020 
2139 Notice Public Notice Time Schedule for payment of retrial benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of this retirement procedure related to pension. Notice Dated 09-12-2020 
2140 Notice Public Notice Regarding Faculty Development Programme Training (FDP) for teachers of Government Colleges in the state. Notice Dated 08-12-2020 
2141 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rakesh Kumar,Deputy Superintendent Govt. College for Women Pali to Govt. College for Women Rewari. Notice Dated 08-12-2020 
2142 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rajiv Kumar,StenoTypist Govt. College Matak Majri to Govt. College for Women Palwal (Kurukshetra). Notice Dated 07-12-2020 
2143 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 07-12-2020 
2144 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Sarita Assistant/ Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-12-2020 
2145 Notice Public Notice Regarding Selection on the Post of Group D against advt. No. 4/2018,Cat. No. 1 in the respect of waiting candidates -recommendation there of. Notice Dated 03-12-2020 
2146 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Vineeta Kaushik Assistant/Associate Professor ,Economics. Notice Dated 03-12-2020 
2147 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (07.12.2020 to 13.12.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 03-12-2020 
2148 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 03-12-2020 
2149 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the transfer Order number 130018/43/2020 Ad(1) of Smt. Leena Kajal Principal Govt. College for Women Hisar and Smt. Asha Rani Principal Govt. College, Bawani Khera. Notice Dated 02-12-2020 
2150 Notice Public Notice Regarding Submission of Fee of 2nd and 3rd Year Students for 2020-21 session. Notice Dated 02-12-2020 
2151 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 02-12-2020 
2152 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy having cadre Sanctioned Strength of 300 posts and above. Notice Dated 01-12-2020 
2153 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy having cadre Sanctioned Strength of 300 posts and above. Notice Dated 01-12-2020 
2154 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 01-12-2020 
2155 Notice Public Notice Meeting Through Video Conference of Screening committee to Grant pay band-IV to the Assistant professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 01-12-2020 
2156 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child care Leave of Smt. Upasana Sharma Associate Professor of Political Science, Govt. College , Faridabad. Notice Dated 28-11-2020 
2157 Notice Public Notice Regarding Voluntary Retirement of Smt. Rama Dhingra Principal ,Govt. College Bilaspur (YamunaNagar) w.e.f 30.11.2020. Notice Dated 28-11-2020 
2158 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (30.11.2020 to 06.12.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 27-11-2020 
2159 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rohtash,Peon from District Library, Jind to Govt. P.G College , safidon (Jind). Notice Dated 27-11-2020 
2160 Notice Public Notice Regarding all communications through E-mail. Notice Dated 27-11-2020 
2161 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-11-2020 
2162 Notice Public Notice 01.09.1997 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्राध्यापक/ सहायक/ एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर वर्ग की वरिष्ठता सूची Notice Dated 26-11-2020 
2163 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors on Administrative Grounds. Notice Dated 26-11-2020 
2164 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor in Govt.Colleges. Notice Dated 26-11-2020 
2165 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor in Govt.Colleges. Notice Dated 26-11-2020 
2166 Notice Public Notice Order for Government Colleges Principals, NCC Units Commanding officers and Librarians regarding COVID-19 positive employees. Notice Dated 25-11-2020 
2167 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November, 2020. Notice Dated 25-11-2020 
2168 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant/ Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-11-2020 
2169 Notice Public Notice Regarding completion of employee's data entry in HRMS and timely disposal of ACP, ACR, Property Return, Extension in service beyond 50/55 years as well as Retirement cases. Notice Dated 24-11-2020 
2170 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Associate/ Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 24-11-2020 
2171 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of accounts of all funds of the colleges in one bank i.e HDFC BANK & ICICI BANK. Notice Dated 24-11-2020 
2172 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals. Notice Dated 24-11-2020 
2173 Notice Public Notice Regarding Centralized online Admission for post graduate (PG) courses for the session 2020-21 Notice Dated 23-11-2020 
2174 Notice Public Notice Starting of PG courses. Notice Dated 23-11-2020 
2175 Notice Public Notice Regarding Strength in Hostels. Notice Dated 23-11-2020 
2176 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant /Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 23-11-2020 
2177 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Kamna, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 23-11-2020 
2178 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment/Posting order of Sh. Bhagat Singh, Assistant Scientist Department of Genetics & Plant breeding and Programme Coordinator NSS Ch. Charan Singh Agriculture University, Hisar as State NSS, Officer. Notice Dated 20-11-2020 
2179 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment on the post of Group-C ,Ad. Number 5/2019 category No. 01 . Notice Dated 20-11-2020 
2180 Notice Public Notice Regarding Submission of Fee of 2nd and 3rd Year Students for the 2020-21 session. Notice Dated 20-11-2020 
2181 Notice Public Notice An Advisory regarding to minimize the Litigation/Court Cases. Notice Dated 20-11-2020 
2182 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Surja Ram, Assistant of 1 Haryan Naval Unit. NCC Faridabad to 1 Haryana Air sqnd. NCC, Hisar. Notice Dated 19-11-2020 
2183 Notice Public Notice Preventive measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus(Covid-19) Guidelines for protection and safety of person with the Disability (Divyangjan) and Pregnant Women during COVID-19 Notice Dated 19-11-2020 
2184 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (23.11.2020 to 29.11.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 19-11-2020 
2185 Notice Public Notice Adjustment order of Smt. Renu Devi ,Peon in Govt. College for Women Jind to Govt. College Alewa, (Jind) in compliance of order dated 15.10.2020 passed by Honorable High Court in CWP No. 17182 of 2020. Notice Dated 18-11-2020 
2186 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Neeraj Peon Notice Dated 18-11-2020 
2187 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nationwide Strike on 26 November 2020. Notice Dated 18-11-2020 
2188 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/Deputation/Deputation Cancel Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-11-2020 
2189 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Piyush Kumar, Principal, Govt. College, Israna (Panipat) to Govt. College for Women Ghraunda (Karnal). Notice Dated 16-11-2020 
2190 Notice Public Notice Retirement List of Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f. 30.11.2020(A.N). Notice Dated 16-11-2020 
2191 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (16.11.2020 to 22.11.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 16-11-2020 
2192 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Sonali Assistant/Associate Professor ,Botany. Notice Dated 16-11-2020 
2193 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Punam Devi Bagi, Assistant/Associate Professor, Psychology. Notice Dated 16-11-2020 
2194 Notice Public Notice SOP for Opening of Universities and Colleges for Students. Notice Dated 16-11-2020 
2195 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Kiran Assistant/Associate Professor,Commerce. Notice Dated 16-11-2020 
2196 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant/ Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 13-11-2020 
2197 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Pawan Kumar Assistant/Associate Professor to Govt. College Faridabad. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2198 Notice Public Notice Deputation Order of Sh. Deepak Kumar, Assistant Professor Computer Science ,Govt. College, Sec-1 , Panchkula. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2199 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding centralized Online admissions for Undergraduate classes for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2200 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation order of Sh. Vijaya Shridhar Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2201 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation order of Dr. Amardeep Assistant/Associate Professor,History. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2202 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Ashok Kumar Yadav Assistant/Associate Professor on Administrative Grounds. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2203 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Kiran Yadav, Assistant/Associate Professor on Administrative Grounds. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2204 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Nidhi Assistant/Associate Professor,Geography. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2205 Notice Public Notice Conducting of Blood Donation Camp in Government Colleges through Red-Cross in November or December, 2020. Notice Dated 11-11-2020 
2206 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Sh. Bhagat Singh,Assistant Scientist Department of Genetics and Plant breeding and Programme Coordinator NSS Chaudhary Charan Singh Agriculture University , Hisar as State NSS Officer. Notice Dated 10-11-2020 
2207 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Principals in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-11-2020 
2208 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals. Notice Dated 10-11-2020 
2209 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Tanuja Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 10-11-2020 
2210 Notice Public Notice Regarding to change the status of Government College for Girls,Mangali to Govt. College,Mangali (Hisar) Notice Dated 10-11-2020 
2211 Notice Public Notice Regarding voluntary retirement of Smt. Anju Lohan,Principal, Govt. College, Baund Kalan(Charkhi Dadri) w.e.f 16.11.2020. Notice Dated 10-11-2020 
2212 Notice Public Notice Regarding Institutional Registration and participation of the Universities/Colleges in the Valley of Words Event,2020. Notice Dated 09-11-2020 
2213 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-11-2020 
2214 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ajit Singh,Associate professor Commerce from Govt. College , Ambala Cantt. to Directorate of Higher Education,Haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 09-11-2020 
2215 Notice Public Notice Regarding newly selected/recommended candidates for the Post of Assistant Professors in Geography under Advt. No. 10/2016. Notice Dated 07-11-2020 
2216 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Leena Kajal , Principal, Govt. College for Women , Bawani Khera against Smt. Asha Rani ,Principal , Govt. College Hisar. Notice Dated 06-11-2020 
2217 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding centralized Online Admissions for Undergraduate Classes for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 06-11-2020 
2218 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of last date of Fee Submission for 2nd & 3rd year Admissions. Notice Dated 05-11-2020 
2219 Notice Public Notice Submission of information regarding Statement of Assets in form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: outstandings in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 05-11-2020 
2220 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant /Associate Professors in Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 05-11-2020 
2221 Notice Public Notice Regarding extend the deputation period of Assistant/Associate Professor of Govt. Colleges at head Quarter. Notice Dated 04-11-2020 
2222 Notice Public Notice Preventive measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Guidelines for protection and safety of person with the Disability (Divyangjan) and Pregnant Women during COVID-19 Notice Dated 04-11-2020 
2223 Notice Public Notice Opening of new Government Colleges in the State and to be started w.e.f. ensuing academic session 2020-2I. Notice Dated 04-11-2020 
2224 Notice Public Notice Regarding Selection of Class (IV) Group-D Candidates Advt.No 04/2018 category No. 01 . Notice Dated 03-11-2020 
2225 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (09.11.2020 to 15.11.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 03-11-2020 
2226 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of festival advance to Group-C and D - Regular Government Employees of State during 2020-21. Notice Dated 02-11-2020 
2227 Notice Public Notice SOP for opening of universities and colleges for students. Notice Dated 02-11-2020 
2228 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Sarveshnand, Deputy Superintendent Govt. College,Birohar (Jhajjar) to Govt. College ,Jhajjar Notice Dated 30-10-2020 
2229 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-10-2020 
2230 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Rama Dhingra , Principal , Govt. College, Radaur to Govt. College , Bilaspur (Yamunanagar). Notice Dated 29-10-2020 
2231 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (26.10.2020 to 01.11.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 29-10-2020 
2232 Notice Public Notice Regarding Admission of 2nd and 3rd year Students for the 2020-21 session. Notice Dated 27-10-2020 
2233 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of Property Returns and Signature in Intra Haryana. Notice Dated 26-10-2020 
2234 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Shakuntla, Restorer from Govt. College, for Women , Sec-14, Panchkula to Govt. College ,Sec-1 , Panchkula. Notice Dated 26-10-2020 
2235 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. College Bherian ,Pehowa (Kurukshetra) to Sh. Rajesh Kumar Saini ,Principal Govt. College for Women, Kalayat (Kaithal) Notice Dated 26-10-2020 
2236 Notice Public Notice Regarding newly selected/recommended Candidates for the posts of Assistant Professors in Sociology under Advt. No.1/2019. Notice Dated 26-10-2020 
2237 Notice Public Notice Preventive measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus(Covid-19) Guidelines for protection and safety of person with the Disability (Divyangjan) and Pregnant Women during COVID-19 Notice Dated 24-10-2020 
2238 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 24 अक्टूबर 2020 को संयुक्त राष्ट्र का ध्वज फहराए जाने के संबंध में| Notice Dated 23-10-2020 
2239 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading the joining report of officer/officials on HRMS. Notice Dated 23-10-2020 
2240 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and uploading the employees's details thereof. Notice Dated 23-10-2020 
2241 Notice Public Notice Regarding Admission of 2nd & 3rd Year Students for the 2020-21 Session. Notice Dated 22-10-2020 
2242 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 21-10-2020 
2243 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Centralized Online Admissions for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 21-10-2020 
2244 Notice Public Notice Engagement of Eligible Extension Lecturers in the Government Colleges of the State. Notice Dated 21-10-2020 
2245 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 21-10-2020 
2246 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Dr. Mohender Kumar Gupta, Principal , Govt. College, Mohna (Faridabad) to Govt. College Faridabad. Notice Dated 20-10-2020 
2247 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Virender Singh Antil, Principal , Govt. College , Jatauli Haily Mandi (Gurugram) to DGC, Gurugram. Notice Dated 20-10-2020 
2248 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 19-10-2020 
2249 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor on Administrative Ground. Notice Dated 19-10-2020 
2250 Notice Public Notice Regarding all newly selected/recommended candidates for the Post of Assistant Professors In Geography under ADVT.No. 10/2016 . Notice Dated 16-10-2020 
2251 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sanction for creation of Teaching and Non teaching posts of IInd Phase for Government College, Alewa (Jind). Notice Dated 15-10-2020 
2252 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admission Refund of fees to the Colleges. Notice Dated 15-10-2020 
2253 Notice Public Notice Regarding Admission of 2nd and 3rd Year Students for 2020-21 Session. Notice Dated 14-10-2020 
2254 Notice Public Notice Regarding revised schedule of UG Admissions 2020(From 2nd Merit List Onwards). Notice Dated 14-10-2020 
2255 Notice Public Notice Regarding LTC Budget for the block year 2016-19. Notice Dated 14-10-2020 
2256 Notice Public Notice Regarding 001 Salary and DA Budget. Notice Dated 14-10-2020 
2257 Notice Public Notice स्टेट NSS अधिकारी का NSS Cell उच्चतर शिक्षा निदेशालय के पद पर नियुक्ति| Notice Dated 14-10-2020 
2258 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Smt. Swati Gill, Assistant/Associate Professor ,Computer Science. Notice Dated 14-10-2020 
2259 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (19.10.2020 to 25.10.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 13-10-2020 
2260 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding Centralized Online Admission for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 13-10-2020 
2261 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Smt. Pushpa , Clerk. Notice Dated 13-10-2020 
2262 Notice Public Notice स्टेट NSS अधिकारी NSS Cell उच्चतर शिक्षा निदेशालय के पद पर नियुक्ति| Notice Dated 12-10-2020 
2263 Notice Public Notice Regarding Assistant Professors in Computer Science under Advt. No. 1/2019. Notice Dated 12-10-2020 
2264 Notice Public Notice Regarding EDUSAT Telecast & E-Learning for Higher Education Department Schedule for (12.10.2020 to 18.10.2020) on One (1) channel (Channel 4) at Haryana EDUSAT on Cable/ DTH Networks in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2265 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding centralized Online Admission for Undergraduate classes for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2266 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation/temporary transfer of Sh. Jai Gopal , Assistant Professor ,English. Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2267 Notice Public Notice स्टेट लाईजन अधिकारी NSS Cell उच्चतर शिक्षा निदेशालय के पद पर नियुक्ति| Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2268 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the deputation order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2269 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation/temporary transfer orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2270 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2271 Notice Public Notice Regarding Jan Andolan for COVID-19 Campaign-reg. Notice Dated 09-10-2020 
2272 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing & Disbursing powers of District Library ,Rewari to Sh. Vijay Kumar, Principal GCW Rewari. Notice Dated 08-10-2020 
2273 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing & Disbursing powers of State Central Library , Ambala Cantt. to Dr. Kamlesh Associate Professor O/o Principal GC Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 08-10-2020 
2274 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals. Notice Dated 07-10-2020 
2275 Notice Public Notice Regarding opportunity of personal hearing of CWP No. by the Director General, Higher Education , Haryana on 16.10.2020 at 11:00 AM through Video Conference. Notice Dated 07-10-2020 
2276 Notice Public Notice Regarding preventive measures to contain the spread of Corona virus (COVID-19) guidelines for the protection and safety of persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) and pregnant women during COVID-19. Notice Dated 06-10-2020 
2277 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of HRMS data. Notice Dated 05-10-2020 
2278 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment by transfer as Peon in the office of Director General Higher Education,Haryana,Panchkula. Notice Dated 05-10-2020 
2279 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment in their respective grades of Principal. Notice Dated 05-10-2020 
2280 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Centralized Online Admission for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 05-10-2020 
2281 Notice Public Notice Institutional Registration of the Universities/Colleges for the valley of words,2020- Literature festival. Notice Dated 05-10-2020 
2282 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College , Saha (Ambala) to Sh. Kanwal jit Singh. Notice Dated 05-10-2020 
2283 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Centralized Online Admission for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 05-10-2020 
2284 Notice Public Notice Regarding the telecast of video lectures on UTKARSH Higher Education Channel. Notice Dated 03-10-2020 
2285 Notice Public Notice Clarification Regarding Centralized Online Admission for Undergraduate Classes for the Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 02-10-2020 
2286 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Nitu kajal Assistant/Associate Professor, Political science. Notice Dated 01-10-2020 
2287 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Anil Kumar Assistant/Associate Professor, Punjabi. Notice Dated 01-10-2020 
2288 Notice Public Notice Information regarding the post of Junior Lecture Assistant Music (JLA Music). Notice Dated 01-10-2020 
2289 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel the deputation order of Sh. Naresh Kumar, Peon. Notice Dated 01-10-2020 
2290 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment in their respective grades of Principal. Notice Dated 30-09-2020 
2291 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order Dr. Ramesh Kumar Garg, Govt college Tauru, Nuh to GCG sector 14 Gurugram. Notice Dated 30-09-2020 
2292 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admission Submission of Fees. Notice Dated 30-09-2020 
2293 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation/Temporary transfer of Sh. Ramesh Singh Ahlawat Assistant/Associate Professor,Economics. Notice Dated 30-09-2020 
2294 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding extend the deputation period of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-09-2020 
2296 Notice Public Notice Regarding Admission of 2nd and 3rd year students for 2020-21 session. Notice Dated 29-09-2020 
2297 Notice Public Notice Regarding the benefit of earned leave lieu of work done by Assistant/Associate Professors during Summer Vacation. Notice Dated 28-09-2020 
2298 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Clerk in Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 25-09-2020 
2299 Notice Public Notice कार्य ग्रहण करने की तिथि बढ़ाने बारे| Notice Dated 25-09-2020 
2300 Notice Public Notice Appointment order of Sh. Vikram Singh as Clerk on provisional basis vide letter No. HSSC/Confd./Recomm/2020/430,dated 07.09.2020. Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2301 Notice Public Notice Posting Orders of Assistants in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2302 Notice Public Notice Information regarding post of Junior Lecture Assistant Music (JLA Music). Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2303 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment order of Smt. Kavita in continuation office order No. 100006/6-2020 ME(5) dated 09.09.2020. Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2304 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment order of Sh. Vikas Sharma in continuation office order No. 100006/6-2020 ME(5) dated 09.09.2020. Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2305 Notice Public Notice Regarding take the services of Smt. Sushila , Clerk S.D College Ambala Cantt, on deputation basis for one year at GCG Sec-14 Panchkula. Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2306 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Depute/Temporary transfer of Smt. Punam Jakhar Assistant/Associate Professor Geography. Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2307 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of Universities/Colleges for students for guidance. Notice Dated 22-09-2020 
2308 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of Last Date of Online Admissions for Under Graduate Classes 2020-21. Notice Dated 21-09-2020 
2309 Notice Public Notice Regarding the salary of Assistant Professor Commerce. Notice Dated 18-09-2020 
2310 Notice Public Notice Regarding preventive measures to contain the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines for protection and safety of persons with Disability(Divyangjan) and Pregnant women during COVID-19. Notice Dated 18-09-2020 
2311 Notice Public Notice Regarding Verification of 2nd & 3rd Year Students for 2020-21 Session. Notice Dated 17-09-2020 
2312 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 17-09-2020 
2313 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of Clerks in Govt. Colleges with immediate fact. Notice Dated 17-09-2020 
2314 Notice Public Notice Retirement List of Principals of Govt. Colleges w.e.f 30.09.2020(A.N). Notice Dated 16-09-2020 
2315 Notice Public Notice Information regarding post of Junior Lecture Assistant (JLA) Music. Notice Dated 15-09-2020 
2316 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College , Saha (Ambala) to Smt. Rita Gupta, Principal . Notice Dated 14-09-2020 
2317 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals . Notice Dated 14-09-2020 
2318 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College Mangali (Hisar) to Dr. Dalip Singh Principal . Notice Dated 14-09-2020 
2319 Notice Public Notice Regarding verification of 2nd & 3rd year students for 2020-21 session. Notice Dated 14-09-2020 
2320 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increments in their respective grades of Principals. Notice Dated 14-09-2020 
2321 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel the deputation orders dated 16.06.2020 of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-09-2020 
2322 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. subash Assistant Professor,Political Science. Notice Dated 10-09-2020 
2323 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of HSSC clerk in the Office of Director General Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 09-09-2020 
2324 Notice Public Notice SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of Covid-19 in skill or entrepreneurship training institutions, higher Educational institutions conducting doctoral courses and post graduate studies in technical & professional programs requiring laboratory / experimental work. Notice Dated 09-09-2020 
2325 Notice Public Notice Appointment of Clerks of NCC Cadre. Notice Dated 09-09-2020 
2326 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of Clerks in the office of Director General Higher Education Haryana . Notice Dated 09-09-2020 
2327 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of Clerks in Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 09-09-2020 
2328 Notice Public Notice Regarding Aacharyadevo Bhava an Online Address By Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank , Honorable Minister of Education, Govt of India On 11th September 2020. Notice Dated 09-09-2020 
2329 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding depute/temporary transfer of Sh. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor , Geography. Notice Dated 09-09-2020 
2330 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of Property Returns and Signature in Intra Haryana. Notice Dated 08-09-2020 
2331 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-09-2020 
2332 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancel /depute the deputation orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-09-2020 
2333 Notice Public Notice Retirement list of Assistant/Associate Professors w.e.f. 30.09.2020(A.N) Notice Dated 08-09-2020 
2334 Notice Public Notice Information regarding post of Junior Lecture Assistant (JLA) Music. Notice Dated 08-09-2020 
2335 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 07-09-2020 
2336 Notice Public Notice Clarifications regarding Online Admissions. Notice Dated 07-09-2020 
2337 Notice Public Notice Clarifications regarding Online Admissions. Notice Dated 06-09-2020 
2338 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College, Saha( Ambala) to Smt. Sunita Priyadarshni in addition to her present duties. Notice Dated 04-09-2020 
2339 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of leave history of all the employees on MIS Portal. Notice Dated 04-09-2020 
2340 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment of Smt. Suman Dahiya , Principal Govt. College for Women ,Gohana. Notice Dated 03-09-2020 
2341 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment of Sh. Yash Pal Singh , Principal Govt. College Julana , Jind. Notice Dated 03-09-2020 
2342 Notice Public Notice Posting order of Sh. Sita Ram Sharma , Sr. Librarian , Distt. Library Rewari in the office of Director General Higher Education Haryana Panchkula. Notice Dated 03-09-2020 
2343 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment of Smt. Deepa , Principal Govt. College Jhajjar. Notice Dated 02-09-2020 
2344 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment in their respective grades of Principals. Notice Dated 02-09-2020 
2345 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College Ambala Cantt. to Dr. Kamlesh , Associate Professor. Notice Dated 01-09-2020 
2346 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College to Principals. Notice Dated 01-09-2020 
2347 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment of Smt. Rekha Sharma , Principal Govt. College Ambala City. Notice Dated 01-09-2020 
2348 Notice Public Notice Regarding Centralized Online Admission for Undergraduate Classes for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 01-09-2020 
2349 Notice Public Notice Regarding Clarification re-appear Examinations in Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 01-09-2020 
2350 Notice Public Notice Regarding Closure of Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 01-09-2020 
2351 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. Services w.e.f 31.08.2020 (AN) Notice Dated 31-08-2020 
2352 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Narender Anchal Principal and Smt. Reeta Gupta Principal. Notice Dated 31-08-2020 
2353 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of Accounts of all funds of the colleges in one Bank i.e HDFC Bank & ICICI Bank. Notice Dated 28-08-2020 
2354 Notice Public Notice Promotion Order of Clerks To Assistant. Notice Dated 28-08-2020 
2355 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of Provisions of Haryana State Training Policy , 2020. Notice Dated 25-08-2020 
2356 Notice Public Notice Regarding opening of accounts of all funds of the colleges in one bank i.e HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank. Notice Dated 25-08-2020 
2357 Notice Public Notice Regarding constitute the state Training Council to advise the Government on all matters relating to the State Training Policy. Notice Dated 25-08-2020 
2358 Notice Public Notice Regarding arrangement for inclusive admission to Higher Education institutions under the admissions process for fresher 's admission for undergraduate courses , 2020-2021. Notice Dated 25-08-2020 
2359 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation/Temporary Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors. Notice Dated 25-08-2020 
2360 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate professors. Notice Dated 25-08-2020 
2361 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ranvir Kaushal. Notice Dated 24-08-2020 
2362 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Principals. Notice Dated 24-08-2020 
2363 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principal/Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 24-08-2020 
2364 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancellation the Deputation Order of Sh. Jai Gopal , Assistant Professor English. Notice Dated 23-08-2020 
2365 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of 1st And 2nd Year student. Notice Dated 21-08-2020 
2366 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Komal ,Assistant Professor Physics. Notice Dated 21-08-2020 
2367 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the transfer order of Smt. suman Hooda , Assistant/Associate Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 21-08-2020 
2368 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Jai Gopal Assistant Professor English. Notice Dated 21-08-2020 
2369 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding re-depute/cancel the deputation orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-08-2020 
2370 Notice Public Notice Regarding Electronic movement of files to Government , Chief Minister 's Office , Chief secretary 's office and Finance Department. Notice Dated 18-08-2020 
2371 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment in their respective grades of Principals. Notice Dated 18-08-2020 
2372 Notice Public Notice Regarding ban of entry due to Covid-19. Notice Dated 18-08-2020 
2373 Notice Public Notice Regarding Displacement /Re-engagement of Eligible Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2374 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2375 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputaion/temporary transfer of Sh. Manjeet Assistant Professor, Hindi. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2376 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Ravinder Kumar Assistant Professor ,Maths. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2377 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sh. Ramesh Kumar Assistant Professor ,Hindi. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2378 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputaion/temporary transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2379 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Seema Kumari Assistant Professor ,Hindi. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2380 Notice Public Notice Promotion Order of officers of the office of Director General Higher Education/School Education Haryana , Panchkula. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2381 Notice Public Notice Preventive measures to contain the spread of corona virus (COVID-19) Guidelines for protection and safety of persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) and pregnant women during COVID-19. Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2382 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sh. Dinesh Singh Yadav relinquish the charge of the post of Additional Director Administration Higher Education Department on 17.08.2020(A/N). Notice Dated 17-08-2020 
2383 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Dated 16.08.2020 Notice Dated 16-08-2020 
2384 Notice Public Notice Regarding Registration Return (RR) of your College. Notice Dated 14-08-2020 
2385 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the annual increments of Veena Bishnoi, Principal. Notice Dated 14-08-2020 
2386 Notice Public Notice Regarding Confirmation list of Assistant /Associate Professors (College Cadre) . Notice Dated 14-08-2020 
2387 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant of permission for "Value Added Courses" in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 14-08-2020 
2388 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the annual increments of Principals. Notice Dated 14-08-2020 
2389 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding Examination in Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 13-08-2020 
2390 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers to Principals/Associate/Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 13-08-2020 
2391 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Ritu Narwal, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 13-08-2020 
2392 Notice Transfer Orders Depute/temporary transfer of Vijeta Narwal, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 13-08-2020 
2393 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding extend the deputation period of Sh Sunil Taneja and Sh Vishal Verma, Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-08-2020 
2394 Notice Public Notice To dispose of the cases regarding Senior Scale , Selection Grade and PB-IV of Govt. Colleges in view of E-Office. Notice Dated 11-08-2020 
2395 Notice Public Notice Regarding draw the annual increment in their respective grades of Principals. Notice Dated 10-08-2020 
2396 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-arrangement of Displaced Eligible Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 10-08-2020 
2397 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Priyanka Mehra Assistant Professor, English . Notice Dated 07-08-2020 
2398 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Krishan Pal, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-08-2020 
2399 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancellation of deputation of Seema Chaudhary, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-08-2020 
2400 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Suman Hooda, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2401 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cartoon Poster making competition. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2402 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of First & Second Year of UG Students and First Year of PG Students.(2019-20 Session) Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2403 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor Jagmohan. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2404 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor Madhu Mehta. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2405 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Depute/Cancel the Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2406 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor sukhbir Singh. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2407 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor Silky Jain. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2408 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor Seema Grewal. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2409 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2410 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the annual Increment of Dr. Veena Kumari , Principal , Govt. College Alewa ,Jind. Notice Dated 06-08-2020 
2411 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Pooja, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 05-08-2020 
2412 Notice Public Notice Intimation regarding dates joining of Assistant Professors (Economics ,History and Political Science) at Head Office Notice. Notice Dated 04-08-2020 
2413 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Admission for 2020-21 for Under Graduate Classes/Courses in Haryana. Notice Dated 04-08-2020 
2414 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power to Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 04-08-2020 
2415 Notice Public Notice Regarding On Line Transfer Policy,2020 of Assistant / Associate Professors in Government Colleges of the State. Notice Dated 04-08-2020 
2416 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admission in the College of the State. Notice Dated 03-08-2020 
2417 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding New Academic Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 02-08-2020 
2418 Notice Public Notice Instruction regarding New Academic Session 2020-21. Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2419 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Shruti Singh ,Assistant Professor English. Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2420 Notice Downloads Loan and Advances application form for Vehicle Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2421 Notice Downloads Loan and Advances application form for Medical Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2422 Notice Downloads Loan and Advances application form for Marriage Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2423 Notice Downloads Loan and Advances application form for House Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2424 Notice Downloads Loan and Advances application form for Computer Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2425 Notice Downloads Application form for Issuing Certificate for Passport and Visa Notice Dated 01-08-2020 
2427 Notice Public Notice Appointment of Nodal Officer from each college to work under the Harit Haryana Abhiyan, Unnat Haryana Abhiyan. Notice Dated 31-07-2020 
2428 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding expand the deputation period of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-07-2020 
2429 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Class-IV Group-D Employees. Notice Dated 29-07-2020 
2430 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of a Nodal officer from each college to work under the Harit Haryana Abhiyan , Unnat Haryana Abhiyan. Notice Dated 29-07-2020 
2431 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updatation of HRMS Data. Notice Dated 28-07-2020 
2432 Notice Public Notice Retirement list of Associate/Assistant Professors from Govt. services w.e.f 31.07.2020(A.N) Notice Dated 28-07-2020 
2433 Notice Public Notice Regarding Correctness/authentication of Ph. D degree acquired by Extension Lecturers engaged in Government Colleges of the state. Notice Dated 28-07-2020 
2434 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer/deputation/mutual deputation of Assistant/Associate Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 28-07-2020 
2435 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh.Rajesh Mehta. Notice Dated 27-07-2020 
2436 Notice Public Notice Regarding Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors are hereby given the Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 27-07-2020 
2437 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of a Nodal Officer from Each College to Work Under the Harit Haryana Abhiyan, Unnat Haryana Abhiyan. Notice Dated 27-07-2020 
2438 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cancellation of RFP for Selection of Agency for Supply And Installation of Interactive flat Panels for Smart Teaching in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 27-07-2020 
2439 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reinstate The Services of Sh. N.N Yadav, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 27-07-2020 
2440 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised Pay of Principals after Annual / Promotional Increment. Notice Dated 24-07-2020 
2441 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of a Nodal officer from each college to work under the Harit Haryana Abhiyan, Unnat Haryana Abhiyan. Notice Dated 24-07-2020 
2442 Notice Public Notice List of Principals to draw revised pay after annual/promotion increment as per letter 130019/14-2020 Ad.(1). Notice Dated 24-07-2020 
2443 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Deputation Order of Assistant Professor Manya Bhola. Notice Dated 24-07-2020 
2444 Notice Public Notice Regarding Workload for The Even Semester for the academic session 2019-20. Notice Dated 23-07-2020 
2445 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sh.Partap Singh Rohila Principal, given the additional charge of Govt. College for girls, Mangali (Hisar). Notice Dated 23-07-2020 
2446 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principals from Govt. service on 31.07.2020. Notice Dated 23-07-2020 
2447 Notice Public Notice Regarding resignation tendered by Sh. Vijay Kumar , lab Attendant , from GCW , Shahzadpur (Ambala) . Notice Dated 22-07-2020 
2448 Notice Public Notice Regarding clarification of audio and video quality by nodal officers and ensuring suitability to telecast. Notice Dated 22-07-2020 
2449 Notice Public Notice Order regarding Smt. Sangeeta Chaudhary , Principal , G C Ambala Cantt to retire voluntary from Govt. service with effect from 31.07.2020 (A.N) Notice Dated 22-07-2020 
2450 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Shyam Sunder, Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-07-2020 
2451 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Anju Goel, Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-07-2020 
2452 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Reena, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 20-07-2020 
2453 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Manju Bala, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 20-07-2020 
2454 Notice Public Notice Regarding Tution Fees- Free to Girls Students Up to Post-Graduate. Notice Dated 20-07-2020 
2455 Notice Public Notice Regarding Annual Confidential Report for the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 17-07-2020 
2456 Notice Public Notice Regarding online workshop by NAAC and SLQAC , Haryana. Notice Dated 17-07-2020 
2457 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Mushtaq Ahmed, Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-07-2020 
2458 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extend the Lock down in Containment Zones up to 31.07.2020. Notice Dated 14-07-2020 
2459 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the Transfer Order of Sh. Suresh Kumar Associate Professor. Notice Dated 13-07-2020 
2460 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of GIS Number of Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 13-07-2020 
2461 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the transfer order of Smt. Renu , Assistant Professor in Sociology. Notice Dated 09-07-2020 
2462 Notice Public Notice Regarding New Joining of Group-D (Peon) of the waiting list Posts. Notice Dated 09-07-2020 
2463 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancel the transfer order of Smt. Renu , Assistant Professor in Sociology. Notice Dated 09-07-2020 
2464 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2465 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor . Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2466 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of HRMS Data. Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2467 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of HRMS Data on HRMS Portal of Govt. of Haryana. Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2468 Notice Transfer Orders Posting order of Sh. Ashok Kataria, Associate Professor , Commerce at GCW Salaheri (NUH). Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2469 Notice Public Notice List of Nodal Officers to develop e-content in the subject of English for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2470 Notice Public Notice Request for Proposal selection of agency for supply and installation of interactive flat panels for smart teaching in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2471 Notice Public Notice Updation Of MIS Portal Regarding Non-Teaching Staff working in Govt. Colleges Notice Dated 08-07-2020 
2472 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor . Notice Dated 07-07-2020 
2473 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Principals with immediate effect. Notice Dated 07-07-2020 
2474 Notice Public Notice Standard Format for appointment of Vice-Chancellor of a State University. Notice Dated 06-07-2020 
2475 Notice Public Notice Order regarding draw the revised pay after annual/promotional increment of Smt. Renu Hooda Principal , Govt. College , Kharkhara. Notice Dated 06-07-2020 
2476 Notice Public Notice Request for proposal Selection of Agency for Annual Subscription of Supply, Configuration, Customization, Implementation, Integration and Cloud Hosting of e-Library solution for 10 State Universities and affiliated Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 03-07-2020 
2477 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding Post Covid Scenario for online Higher Education in Haryana suggestions and Problems. Notice Dated 03-07-2020 
2478 Notice Public Notice Order regarding Directions in respect of NCTE approved colleges of Education affiliated to State Universities in Haryana. Notice Dated 03-07-2020 
2479 Notice Public Notice Order regarding giving the additional charge to Smt. Archana Mishra , Principal ,Govt. College Sector -1, Panchkula. Notice Dated 03-07-2020 
2480 Notice Public Notice मास जुलाई, 2020 में लगने वाली वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि प्रदान करने हेतु सेवा पंजिया एवं अप- टू-डेट सेवा सत्यापन भेजने बारे मामला| Notice Dated 03-07-2020 
2481 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Principals with immediate effect. Notice Dated 03-07-2020 
2482 Notice Public Notice Promotion order of Associate Professor/Principal (CDC) of Govt. Colleges to the Post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S-I Group 'A' College Cadre . Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2483 Notice Public Notice Promotion order of Associate Professor/Principal (CDC) of Govt. Colleges to the Post of Principal/Deputy Director in HSH-I Group 'A' . Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2484 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creating Database of Students having Smart Phones. Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2485 Notice Public Notice Regarding List of Nodal Officers for each subject to develop E-Content for the session 2020-21. Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2486 Notice Public Notice उच्चतर शिक्षा निदेशालय ( पुस्तकालय निदेशालय) मे वरिष्ठ पुस्ताकाधक्ष को प्रतिनियुक्ति पर लेने बारे | Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2487 Notice Public Notice Order regarding Drawing the annual increment of Sh. Narender Kumar,Associate Professor , Govt. College , Faridabad. Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2488 Notice Public Notice Leave Encashment for the Service Rendered in the Previous College Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2489 Notice Public Notice Regarding meeting of the Principals of Govt. Aided Colleges on 14th February 2020 under the Chairmanship of Director General Higher Education ,Haryana, Panchkula at Red Bishop , Sec -1, Panchkula Notice Dated 02-07-2020 
2490 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Module for Child Care / Maternity / Extra Ordinary / Foreign visit leaves on MIS Portal. Notice Dated 01-07-2020 
2491 Notice Public Notice नई सामूहिक बीमा योजना, 1985 के मुख्य शीर्ष 2235- सोशल सिक्योरिटी तथा वेलफेयर उप शीर्ष-200-अंडर स्कीम- चतुर्थ श्रेणी कर्मचारियों को बीमा अंशदान के अंतर्गत Book Adjustment न किये जाने बारे | Notice Dated 01-07-2020 
2492 Notice Public Notice Closure of Universities and Colleges up to 31.07.2020 . Notice Dated 01-07-2020 
2493 Notice Public Notice Regarding Official Dealing between the Administrative and Members of Parliament and State Legislature - Observance of Proper Procedure - Reiteration of Instruction Notice Dated 01-07-2020 
2494 Notice Public Notice Regarding Tuition Fees Free to Girls Students Up to Post-Graduate. Notice Dated 30-06-2020 
2495 Notice Public Notice Regarding Half an Hour lecture /talks of subject experts for the Department of Higher Education , Haryana and the Department of Technical Education , Haryana for daily radio broadcast all over Haryana. Notice Dated 29-06-2020 
2496 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College to Sh. Dilbag Singh ,Principal. Notice Dated 29-06-2020 
2497 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 29-06-2020 
2498 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-06-2020 
2499 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor . Notice Dated 26-06-2020 
2500 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online submissions of applications for Post Matric Scholarship Schemes for SC/OBC for the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 26-06-2020 
2501 Notice Public Notice Regarding collaboration with Higher Education Department and 1075 COVID Helpline. Notice Dated 26-06-2020 
2502 Notice Public Notice सहायक निदेशक आईटी के रिक्त पद को प्रितिनुक्ति आधार पर भरने बारे मामला Notice Dated 26-06-2020 
2503 Notice Public Notice Regarding selection to IAS of Haryana Cadre from Non SCS Officers through appointment by selection for the select list 2019 . Notice Dated 25-06-2020 
2504 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining of Sh. Dinesh Singh Yadav, HCS on the post of Additional Director (Admn.) , Higher Education Department Notice Dated 24-06-2020 
2505 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Depute order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 24-06-2020 
2506 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-06-2020 
2507 Notice Public Notice Regarding Selection of Class(iv) Group-D (Waiting List). Notice Dated 23-06-2020 
2508 Notice Public Notice Online Registration for Universities/Colleges /Institutes in the state of Haryana for Post Metric Scholarship Scheme for SC/BC for Year 2019-20. Notice Dated 23-06-2020 
2509 Notice Public Notice Closure of Universities and Colleges up to 30.06.2020 and examinations in Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 23-06-2020 
2510 Notice Tender Tender for supply of manpower services for Higher Education Department Haryana, Panchkula Notice Dated 23-06-2020 
2511 Notice Public Notice Ensuring Robust Student Participation in the International Day of Yoga, 2020. Notice Dated 22-06-2020 
2512 Notice Public Notice Ensuring Robust Student and Staff Participation in the International Day of Yoga 2020. Notice Dated 19-06-2020 
2513 Notice Public Notice Retirement List of Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f 30.06.2020 (A.N) Notice Dated 18-06-2020 
2514 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Depute order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 18-06-2020 
2515 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Ms. Savita , Associate Professor in Political science against Sh. Subhash Associate Professor Political science . Notice Dated 18-06-2020 
2516 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer//Depute/Cancel Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-06-2020 
2517 Notice Public Notice Retirement list of Associate/Assistant Professors from Govt. services w.e.f 30.06.2020(A.N) Notice Dated 17-06-2020 
2518 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College to Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-06-2020 
2519 Notice Public Notice Regarding Domain Name for Colleges Website. Notice Dated 16-06-2020 
2520 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Deputation order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 16-06-2020 
2521 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation of Online Student Legacy System (SLS) of passed out students. Notice Dated 15-06-2020 
2522 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding revised Pay after annual/Promotional increment of Principals. Notice Dated 15-06-2020 
2523 Notice Public Notice Regarding Tution Fees Free to Girls Students Up to Post-Graduate. Notice Dated 15-06-2020 
2524 Notice Public Notice Closure of Universities and Colleges up to 30.06.2020 and examinations in Universities and Colleges. Notice Dated 12-06-2020 
2525 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Balwinder Singh steno-Typist . Notice Dated 12-06-2020 
2526 Notice Transfer Orders Posting Order of Group-D Class-IV (Peon) Employees . Notice Dated 12-06-2020 
2527 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creation of College Website. Notice Dated 11-06-2020 
2528 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 10-06-2020 
2529 Notice Public Notice RFP for Selection of Private Industry Partner to Promote Entrepreneurship and to Provide Freelancing/Self-Employment/Employment opportunities to the youth of Haryana in 31 Colleges of Excellence in Department of Higher Education Haryana Notice Dated 09-06-2020 
2530 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of publication information (Research papers /Books ) related to teaching staff on MIS Portal. Notice Dated 08-06-2020 
2531 Notice Public Notice Provisional List of 85 petitioners in various writ petitions who have been promoted as Principal. Notice Dated 08-06-2020 
2532 Notice Public Notice RFE for providing handholding support to Government colleges and state universities of Haryana for Getting/Improving Accreditation and Ratings Scores Notice Dated 07-06-2020 
2533 Notice Public Notice उच्चतर शिक्षा निदेशालय ( पुस्तकालय निदेशालय) मे वरिष्ठ पुस्ताकाधक्ष को प्रतिनियुक्ति पर लेने बारे | Notice Dated 04-06-2020 
2534 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding accepting the request of Group-D employee regarding change their posting station. Notice Dated 03-06-2020 
2535 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors as Project Officer in Head Quarter for Six Months . Notice Dated 02-06-2020 
2536 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Dr. Anupama Yadav (Principal) from Govt. College Mahendergarh to Govt. College ,Farukh Nagar (Gurugram) Notice Dated 01-06-2020 
2537 Notice Public Notice Retirement list of Associate/Assistant Professors from Govt. services w.e.f 31.05.2020(A.N) Notice Dated 29-05-2020 
2538 Notice Public Notice Regarding Scanning of all data of Non-Govt. Aided Colleges . Notice Dated 29-05-2020 
2539 Notice Public Notice Promotion from the Post of Clerk to the post of Assistant. Notice Dated 28-05-2020 
2540 Notice Public Notice उच्चतर शिक्षा निदेशालय ( पुस्तकालय निदेशालय) मे वरिष्ठ पुस्ताकाधक्ष को प्रतिनियुक्ति पर लेने बारे | Notice Dated 28-05-2020 
2541 Notice Public Notice Regarding issuance of Passport to Students. Notice Dated 27-05-2020 
2542 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. College Bherian to Smt. Asha Jhakhar , Joint Director DGHE. Notice Dated 26-05-2020 
2543 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government Colleges to Principals/Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-05-2020 
2544 Notice Public Notice Retirement List of Principals from Government services w.e.f 31.05.2020 . Notice Dated 22-05-2020 
2545 Notice Public Notice Rationalization of posts in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 22-05-2020 
2546 Notice Public Notice Regarding Tution Fees Free to Girls Students Up to Post-Graduate. Notice Dated 21-05-2020 
2547 Notice Public Notice Retirement list of Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f 31.05.2020. Notice Dated 21-05-2020 
2548 Notice Public Notice Compliance orders dated 05.03.2020 passed by Honorable Punjab and Haryana High Court CWP No. 3507 of 2020. Notice Dated 21-05-2020 
2549 Notice Public Notice Regarding Relaxation in age to Adhoc/Contract/Work charged/daily wages/out sourced employees to make them to eligible to compete for regular recruitment of teaching/Non teaching staff in Non Govt. Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 21-05-2020 
2550 Notice Public Notice Principal list of drawing revised pay after Annual/Promotional increment as per letter 19/03-2020. Notice Dated 18-05-2020 
2551 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government College. Notice Dated 14-05-2020 
2552 Notice Public Notice List of Principal/Deputy Director granted the benefit of earned leave in lieu of work done by them during summer vacation Notice Dated 14-05-2020 
2553 Notice Public Notice Regarding Tuition Fees -Free to Girl students up to Post-Graduate. Notice Dated 05-05-2020 
2554 Notice Public Notice Drishtikon May 2020 Notice Dated 01-05-2020 
2555 Notice Public Notice Drishtikon Notice Dated 01-05-2020 
2556 Notice Public Notice Order regarding giving the DD Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principals/Assistant/Associate Professors in addition to their present duties. Notice Dated 28-04-2020 
2557 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. Service W.e.f. 30.04.2020. Notice Dated 28-04-2020 
2558 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-04-2020 
2559 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Pushap Lata, Joint Director. Notice Dated 13-04-2020 
2560 Notice Public Notice To get the online study material Just click on the TV screen with the name of the course of your choice. Notice Dated 10-04-2020 
2561 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding giving the Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 03-04-2020 
2562 Notice Public Notice Closure of Universities and Colleges up to 14.04.2020. Notice Dated 31-03-2020 
2563 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Dr. Kiran Kamboj, Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 31-03-2020 
2564 Notice Public Notice Repatriated order of Dr. Kiran Kamboj, Registrar. Notice Dated 31-03-2020 
2565 Notice Public Notice Regarding alternative mode of delivering education students to arrest the COVID 19 impact, and explore possibilities of engagement for digitizing education in Haryana. Notice Dated 30-03-2020 
2566 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 30-03-2020 
2567 Notice Public Notice Regarding alternative mode of delivering education students to arrest the COVID 19 impact, and explore possibilities of engagement for digitizing education in Haryana. Notice Dated 24-03-2020 
2568 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining of the Departmental Staff (Teaching & Non Teaching) returning from Foreign Visit. Notice Dated 22-03-2020 
2569 Notice Public Notice Closure of Universities and Colleges upto 31.03.2020. Notice Dated 22-03-2020 
2570 Notice Public Notice Regarding alternative mode of delivering education to students to arrest COVID19 impact, and explore possibilities of engagements for digitizing education in Haryana. Notice Dated 20-03-2020 
2571 Notice Public Notice Order regarding COVID-19 issued by Director of Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 20-03-2020 
2572 Notice Public Notice Regarding COVID-19 Guidelines. Notice Dated 20-03-2020 
2573 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 20-03-2020 
2574 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 19-03-2020 
2575 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Extend the deputation period of Dr. Sudhir Kumar Samantaray, Assistant Professor in Psychology. Notice Dated 19-03-2020 
2576 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 19-03-2020 
2577 Notice Public Notice Financial Assistance to meritorious Students of 10+2. Notice Dated 19-03-2020 
2578 Notice Public Notice Compliance Order passed by Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in CWP No. 21964 of 2019 titled Anita Rani and Others the pay of Principals (CDC) is fixed. Notice Dated 19-03-2020 
2579 Notice Public Notice User Manual for Online Transfer. Notice Dated 19-03-2020 
2580 Notice Public Notice Regarding Final Gradation List of Department of Higher Education H.E.S. Group 'B' Officers As on 01.09.1997. Notice Dated 18-03-2020 
2581 Notice Public Notice Regarding Postponement of event for MOU signing under PAHEL. Notice Dated 18-03-2020 
2582 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 18-03-2020 
2583 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adjustment of Laboratory Attendant in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 18-03-2020 
2584 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals from Govt. Services w.e.f 31.03.2020 . Notice Dated 17-03-2020 
2585 Notice Public Notice Regarding re -allotted work of Officers . Notice Dated 17-03-2020 
2586 Notice Public Notice Information Regarding Bank Account Detail. Notice Dated 17-03-2020 
2587 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Dharamvir , Peon . Notice Dated 16-03-2020 
2588 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Clerks in NCC Cadre. Notice Dated 13-03-2020 
2589 Notice Public Notice NSS Advisory regarding Noval Corona virus (covid-19). Notice Dated 13-03-2020 
2590 Notice Public Notice Advisory Regarding Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19). Notice Dated 13-03-2020 
2591 Notice Public Notice Information Regarding Bank Account detail . Notice Dated 13-03-2020 
2592 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Smt. Sunita Dangi , Principal . Notice Dated 12-03-2020 
2593 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-03-2020 
2594 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-03-2020 
2595 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Yashpal ,Peon . Notice Dated 11-03-2020 
2596 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Smt. Sushma Saini . Lab Attendent Extended for One Year . Notice Dated 11-03-2020 
2597 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Ms.Suman,Hostel Attendant. Notice Dated 11-03-2020 
2598 Notice Public Notice Regarding Not to Relieve Assistant / Associate Professors on Deputation. Notice Dated 11-03-2020 
2599 Notice Public Notice Regarding State level Purchase Committee For centralized purchase of books for Govt. College Libraries as well as Public Libraries. Notice Dated 11-03-2020 
2600 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing and Distributing Powers of Govt. Colleges to Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 09-03-2020 
2601 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing and Distributing Powers of District Library, Jind. Notice Dated 09-03-2020 
2602 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Sh. Surender Singh Narwal, AP in Zoology. Notice Dated 09-03-2020 
2603 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Sh. Kulbir Kadyan, AP in Chemistry. Notice Dated 09-03-2020 
2604 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer and Adjustment Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 09-03-2020 
2605 Notice Public Notice Regarding to participate in the Pinkathons on 8th March 2020 Notice Dated 08-03-2020 
2606 Notice Public Notice Regarding Aadhar Enabled Bio metric Attendance System. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2607 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा सरकार के आदेश जो अश॰ क्रमांक 10/06/2014-2 केबिनेट, दिनाकं 24/11/2019 , द्वारा ज़ारी किये ग‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‍‍ए थे उनमें आंशिक रूप से संशोधन करते हुए, हरियाणा मंत्री परिषद् के सदस्यो के नाम ,उपनाम तथा उनको आबंटित विभाग बारे Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2608 Notice Public Notice Regarding Model Code of Conduct - Clarification. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2609 Notice Public Notice Regarding Ban On Posting/Transfer of Officers/Officials Who are Engaged to Conduct The Bye-Elections of the Municipalities in the State of Haryana. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2610 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pleased to Nominate sh. Kanwarpal R/O Kanwar Dairy, Sushant City ansal, Panipat as Non-Official Member of The District Public Relations & Grievances Committee, Panipat. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2611 Notice Public Notice Regarding Enforcement of Relevant Provisions of the finance Act, 2019 Amending the Indian Stamp Act 1899 and the Rules Made there under. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2612 Notice Public Notice Regarding Built up Spaces Available on Leases at Metro Stations of from Badarpur Boarder Station to Raja Nahar Singh (Ballabhgarh) Station. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2613 Notice Public Notice Regarding Project Officers for various projects. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2614 Notice Public Notice Regarding Signing of Non -abiding MOU under PAHEL (Program for Apprenticeship in Higher Education and learning in Haryana) Scheme. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2615 Notice Public Notice Regarding Exemption of Bio Metric Attendance Attached with Salary. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2616 Notice Public Notice Regarding completion of HRMS data on HRMS Portal in the subjects of Commerce and English. Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2617 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Abdul Qadir, Laboratory Attendant Notice Dated 06-03-2020 
2618 Notice Public Notice Policy guidelines regarding engaging eligible extension lecturers in Govt. Colleges purely on work requirement basis. Notice Dated 05-03-2020 
2619 Notice Public Notice Regarding revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) of Sh. Ranbir Singh Principal. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2620 Notice Public Notice Regarding Exemption of Biometric attendance attached with salary. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2621 Notice Public Notice Regarding minutes of SLQC meeting held under the chairperson ship of Director Higher Education , Haryana held on 20.11.2019. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2622 Notice Public Notice Regarding Requisition of Digital Infrastructure on MIS Portal. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2623 Notice Public Notice RFP -Selection of Agency for Supply and Installation of Interactive Flat Panels for Smart Teaching in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2624 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creating Awareness and Taking Precautionary Measures for Novel Coronavirus. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2625 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer / Depute Order of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2626 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2627 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2628 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ramesh Kumar Garg, Principal. Notice Dated 04-03-2020 
2629 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Satish Kumar ,Assistant /Associate Professor of Physical Education . Notice Dated 03-03-2020 
2630 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. joginder Singh , Peon Notice Dated 03-03-2020 
2631 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing and Distributing Powers of Govt. Colleges for Women , Narnaul. Notice Dated 03-03-2020 
2632 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of LABORATORY ATTENDANTS on provisional basis in Govt. Colleges . Notice Dated 03-03-2020 
2633 Notice Public Notice Regarding Bio metrics attendance for all the officials . Notice Dated 03-03-2020 
2634 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding re-appropriation of fund request and submitting of bills in Treasury in month of March , 2020. Notice Dated 03-03-2020 
2635 Notice Public Notice Regarding C.M. No. 25111 of 2019 in COCP No. 2019 of 2017 in CWP No. 10370 of 2013- Dr. Amar Singh Malhotra & others Vs.State. 02.03.2020 Notice Dated 02-03-2020 
2636 Notice Public Notice Regarding Information of Employees (Contractual / Regular) of Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 02-03-2020 
2637 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Sunil Mehta,Sr. Librarian . Notice Dated 02-03-2020 
2638 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 02-03-2020 
2639 Notice Public Notice Information of Employees (Contract/Regular) of Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 29-02-2020 
2640 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 28-02-2020 
2641 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government College for Women Bahadurgarh. Notice Dated 27-02-2020 
2642 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 27-02-2020 
2643 Notice Public Notice Regarding Session on "Higher Education in India and Career Prospects". Notice Dated 27-02-2020 
2644 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा के शेक्षणिक संस्थानों में NSS/NCC विद्यार्थियों द्वारा सामाजिक जिम्मेदारियों का निर्वहन करने बारे| Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2645 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sanction for Opening of Govt. Colleges and Creation of Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts. Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2646 Notice Public Notice Regarding Recommendation Made During DGsP / IGsP Conference 2018 held on December 20-22,2018 at Kevadiya, Gujrat. Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2647 Notice Public Notice Regarding Action to be Taken on the Recommendations of Haryana Lokayukta Annual Report 2018-2019 i.e (01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019). Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2648 Notice Public Notice Regarding No VIP Symbols on Vehicles. Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2649 Notice Public Notice Regarding Validity of Qualification i.e Diploma / Degree (Civil) Issued by Institution of Civil Engineering, Ludhiana(Punjab). Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2650 Notice Public Notice Regarding Five Advance Increments to Assistant Professors having Ph. D. Without NET at Entry Level as per UGC and MHRD Notification. Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2651 Notice Public Notice Public Notice for Legal Assistant in Response to Advt. 06.02.2020. Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2652 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ravi Rathee ,Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2653 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-02-2020 
2654 Notice Public Notice Updation of Workload for the even semester for the academic session 2019-20 on the web portal of Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 25-02-2020 
2655 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extending the joining timing of Newly Appointed lab attendant. Notice Dated 25-02-2020 
2656 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion to the Class II / III Posts of Officers/Officials. Notice Dated 25-02-2020 
2657 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creation Of Online Management Information System (MIS) of Teaching /Non Teaching Employees Working in Aided Colleges . Notice Dated 25-02-2020 
2658 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Temporary Transfer/Depute Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 25-02-2020 
2659 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extending the joining timing of Newly Appointed lab attendant. Notice Dated 24-02-2020 
2660 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-02-2020 
2661 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Temporary Transfer/Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-02-2020 
2662 Notice Public Notice Revoking of Suspension order of Sh Jagat Singh, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 24-02-2020 
2663 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Adjustment of Sh. Charan Singh Assistant Professor Maths from Government College Assandh (Karnal) to Government College Karnal. Notice Dated 20-02-2020 
2664 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of the Officers /officials of Director General Higher Education /Director School Education Haryana , Panchkula. Notice Dated 20-02-2020 
2665 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation to Persons with Disabilities in jobs under Govt./Govt. Undertaking , Local Bodies and Universities etc. Notice Dated 20-02-2020 
2666 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा की शैक्षिणिक संस्थाओं मे एन एस एस / एन सी सी विद्यार्थियों द्वारा सामाजिक जिम्मेदारियों का निर्वहन करने बारे । Notice Dated 20-02-2020 
2667 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Shifting Order of Sh. Amit Kumar Peon, Govt. College, Sec-1, Panchkula to Govt. College Radaur. Notice Dated 20-02-2020 
2668 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Leave Encashment for the Service Rendered in the Previous College. Notice Dated 19-02-2020 
2669 Notice Public Notice Regarding SHARAM DAAN-Social Responsibilities Sharing by NSS/NCC Students in the Educational Institutions of Haryana. Notice Dated 19-02-2020 
2670 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of "Matribhasha Diwas " (Mother Tongue Day) on 21st Feb , 2020 Notice Dated 19-02-2020 
2671 Notice Public Notice Leave Encashment for the Service Rendered in the Previous College. Notice Dated 19-02-2020 
2672 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adjustment of Laboratory Attendants. Notice Dated 19-02-2020 
2673 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Temporary Transfer/ Deputation of Assistant /Associate Professors . Notice Dated 19-02-2020 
2674 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 19-02-2020 
2675 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Cancel/Depute Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2676 Notice Transfer Orders Orders of Transfer/Cancel the Deputation of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2677 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Monika Deputy Superintendent By Giving Relaxation in Transfer Policy . Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2678 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Subhashish Pathak ,Tabla Player . Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2679 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of the Officials ,Tabla Players . Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2680 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors . Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2681 Notice Public Notice Regarding one time opportunity for change of Department / Post to newly joined persons in Group-D posts. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2682 Notice Public Notice Regarding Publishing Monthly Magazine of the Department of Higher Education. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2683 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reservation of Economically Weaker Section in Direct Recruitment in Civil Post and Services as well as in Admissions in Government/Government Aided Educational Institutions in the State of Haryana. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2684 Notice Public Notice Regarding Proceedings of the Workshop on RTI and Suo Motu Disclosures u/s 4(1)b held on 06.04.2016 at Haryana Niwas Chandigarh. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2685 Notice Public Notice Regarding मंत्रिपरिषद हरियाणा से संबंधित अधिसूचना Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2686 Notice Public Notice Regarding Corona Virus. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2687 Notice Public Notice Regarding violation of RTI Act due to refusal to accept RTI application with Cash Fees. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2688 Notice Public Notice Regarding Recommendations Made During DGsP / IGsp Conference, 2018 held on December 20-22, 2018 at Kevadiya Gujrat. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2689 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining of Shri OP Singh, IPS, Special Officer to Chief Minister, Haryana as Principal Secretary to Government Haryana, Sports & Youth Affairs Department. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2690 Notice Public Notice Regarding Student Literature Festival in colleges. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2691 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pursuance of Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana's Order No. 1/210/2019-ISII Dated 28.12.2019 Smt. (Dr.) Anupama, IAS has Joined as Secretary to Governor Haryana on 1st Jan 2020. Notice Dated 18-02-2020 
2692 Notice Public Notice Regarding SHARAM DAAN - Social responsibilities sharing by NSS/NCC students in the Educational Institutions of Haryana Notice Dated 17-02-2020 
2693 Notice Public Notice Regarding Compliance of Orders Dated 15.11.2019 Passed by the Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in CWP no. 21964 of 2019 titled as Anita Rani and others versus State of Haryana and others. Notice Dated 17-02-2020 
2694 Notice Public Notice Regarding Vacant Sanction Posts of Class- IV Notice Dated 17-02-2020 
2695 Notice Public Notice Social responsibilities sharing by NCC cadets and NCC Volunteers in the Educational Institutional of Haryana. Notice Dated 15-02-2020 
2696 Notice Public Notice Regarding Giving the DD Powers to Sh. Ramesh Kumar. Notice Dated 14-02-2020 
2697 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Principals . Notice Dated 14-02-2020 
2698 Notice Public Notice Posting Order of Two newly appointed Assistant Professors of Economics. Notice Dated 13-02-2020 
2699 Notice Public Notice Regarding Vidhan Sabha Matter dated 13-02-2020 Notice Dated 13-02-2020 
2700 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Dilbag Singh Assistant/Associate Professor , Geography. Notice Dated 12-02-2020 
2701 Notice Public Notice विभाग में लंबित कोर्ट केसेस के निपटान बारे | Notice Dated 12-02-2020 
2702 Notice Public Notice Posting Order of newly appointed Assistant Professors of Political Science, History, Economics. Notice Dated 12-02-2020 
2703 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reading Mission ,2022. Notice Dated 10-02-2020 
2704 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Reservation to persons with disabilities in jobs under Govt./Govt. Undertaking, Local Bodies and Universities etc. Notice Dated 10-02-2020 
2705 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Rakesh Kumar , Clerk of NCC Group Hqrs. . Notice Dated 10-02-2020 
2706 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Pooja Rani Assistant/Associate Professor ,Hindi . Notice Dated 10-02-2020 
2707 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of Principals of Govt Colleges on 13th Feb 2020 under the Chairmanship of Director General Higher Education, Haryana, Panchkula at Red Bishop, Sector 1, Panchkula Notice Dated 08-02-2020 
2708 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers to Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2709 Notice Public Notice Regarding promotion of Associate Professor of Govt Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S Group-'A' (College Cadre). Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2710 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nominate Smt. Nirmal Rani ,MLA and Sh. Laxman Singh Yadav, MLA as member to server on the subject committee on Education for the period of year 2019-20. Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2711 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creation of a new Sub Division Badshahpur in District Gurugram. Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2712 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining of Group D posts in ESP Quota - Clarification. Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2713 Notice Public Notice Regarding Amendment / Correction in para 20.4 (c) of the Law Department Manual. Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2714 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2715 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 07-02-2020 
2716 Notice Transfer Orders Extension of Deputation of Sh. T. N Saini . Notice Dated 06-02-2020 
2717 Notice Transfer Orders Extension of Deputation Dr. Anuradha , Assistant Professor English . Notice Dated 06-02-2020 
2718 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Smt. Munni devi ,Clerk. Notice Dated 06-02-2020 
2719 Notice Public Notice Extension the Joining timing of Newly Appointed laboratory Attendants Notice Dated 06-02-2020 
2720 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Smt. Ritu Rani Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 06-02-2020 
2721 Notice Public Notice Regarding City Livelihood centers (CLCs) established under National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM)-availing Services therof. Notice Dated 06-02-2020 
2722 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care leave Notice Dated 05-02-2020 
2723 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Sports Activities in the college. Notice Dated 05-02-2020 
2724 Notice Public Notice Posting Order of Sh. Charan Singh ,Assistant Professor Maths . Notice Dated 04-02-2020 
2725 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 04-02-2020 
2726 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of sh. Harish Chander ,Senior Librarian. Notice Dated 04-02-2020 
2727 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ragvinder , Clerk of 2 Coy NCC Sainik School , Kunjpura (Karnal) Notice Dated 04-02-2020 
2728 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Restorer . Notice Dated 03-02-2020 
2729 Notice Public Notice Appointment Order of Sh. Vijay Kumar on the post of Library Attendant. Notice Dated 03-02-2020 
2730 Notice Public Notice Posted Order of Sh. C.S Vashishth ,Associate Professor Commerce. Notice Dated 03-02-2020 
2731 Notice Public Notice Tentative Schedule of Legal Literacy Programme for the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 03-02-2020 
2732 Notice Public Notice Intimation Regarding Dates joining of Assistant Professors (Geography) at Head Office Notice Dated 03-02-2020 
2733 Notice Public Notice Court Case Monitoring System -MIS Portal पर दिए गए लिंक पर सुचना अपडेट न करने पर सम्भंदित प्राचार्य का स्पष्टीकरण मांगने बारे| Notice Dated 01-02-2020 
2734 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 01-02-2020 
2735 Notice Public Notice Court Case Monitoring System -MIS Portal पर दिए गए लिंक पर सुचना अपडेट न करने पर सम्भंदित प्राचार्य का स्पष्टीकरण मांगने बारे| Notice Dated 01-02-2020 
2736 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयों से शौचालयों की स्वछता रिपोर्ट प्राप्त करने बारे | Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2737 Notice Public Notice Competition of Logo design with Tagline for the the Haryana Right to Service Commission. Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2738 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement order of Sh. Balwant Singh. Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2739 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Jasbir Kaur, AP in Economics. Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2740 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Smt. Suman. Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2741 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2742 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयों से शौचालयों की स्वछता रिपोर्ट प्राप्त करने बारे | Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2743 Notice Public Notice Competition of Logo design with Tagline for the the Haryana Right to Service Commission. Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2744 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement order of Sh. Balwant Singh. Notice Dated 31-01-2020 
2745 Notice Public Notice Court Case Monitoring System - MIS. Notice Dated 29-01-2020 
2746 Notice Public Notice Court Case Monitoring System - MIS. Notice Dated 29-01-2020 
2747 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Raj Kumar Khayalia . Notice Dated 29-01-2020 
2748 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation/Cancellation Order of Assistant Associate Professors. Notice Dated 29-01-2020 
2749 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Vinay Kumar Singh, Principal. Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2750 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Makhan Singh Manju, Principal . Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2751 Notice Public Notice Changing the name of sub division (West) Gurugram as Sub division , Gurugram and consequent upon altering the areas of sub Tehsils/ Tehsils/ sub divisions vide various notifications specified the areas of subdivisions of District Gurugram Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2752 Notice Public Notice Disciplinary Proceeding against Official Appointment on Election Duty regarding Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2753 Notice Public Notice involvement of voluntary organization and school in public awareness activities taken up under Manoj Mishra Case (OA no.06/2012 ) Manoj Mishra vs UOI and ors Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2754 Notice Public Notice Implementation of section 37 of the rights of person and Disabilities (RPWD) Act ,2016 special schemes And Development Programmes Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2755 Notice Public Notice Regarding Establishment of Atal Community innovation center (ACIC) in the state , an initiative of Atal innovation Mission (AIM) , NITI Aayog Govt. of India Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2756 Notice Public Notice Regarding Document Verification of Newly Selected Assistant Professors in Economics ,History and Political Science . Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2757 Notice Public Notice Changing the name of sub division (West) Gurugram as Sub division , Gurugram and consequent upon altering the areas of sub Tehsils/ Tehsils/ sub divisions vide various notifications specified the areas of subdivisions of District Gurugram Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2758 Notice Public Notice Disciplinary Proceeding against Official Appointment on Election Duty regarding Notice Dated 28-01-2020 
2759 Notice Public Notice Promotion Orders of Principals. Notice Dated 27-01-2020 
2760 Notice Public Notice Revised Schedule for Inter collegiate State Tournament/ Championship 2019-20 Organized by Higher Education Department ,Haryana Notice Dated 27-01-2020 
2761 Notice Public Notice Regarding City Livelihood Centres established under National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM). Notice Dated 25-01-2020 
2762 Notice Public Notice Schema of Revision of pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) Notice Dated 24-01-2020 
2763 Notice Public Notice Regarding mentioning of Director General Higher Education Haryana in place of Director Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 24-01-2020 
2764 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of every 25th January as National Voters Day. Notice Dated 24-01-2020 
2765 Notice Public Notice Charge Report of Director General of Higher Education, Haryana dated 24.01.2020 Notice Dated 24-01-2020 
2766 Notice Public Notice Adjustment of eligible displaced extension lecturer. Notice Dated 23-01-2020 
2767 Notice Public Notice Relinquish report of Sh. A. Sreenivas, IAS. Notice Dated 23-01-2020 
2768 Notice Public Notice Rationalization of post(s) in different subjects in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 23-01-2020 
2769 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 23-01-2020 
2770 Notice Public Notice Rationalization of Surplus Extension Lecturer staff in different subjects. Notice Dated 23-01-2020 
2771 Notice Public Notice Meeting regarding completion of HRMS. Notice Dated 22-01-2020 
2772 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment budget to the staff appointed under Outsourcing Policy I & II in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 21-01-2020 
2773 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालय मे कार्यरत असिस्टेंट / एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर की वर्ष 2018-19 की गोपनीय रिपोर्ट ऑनलाइन भरने बारे | Notice Dated 20-01-2020 
2774 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government College, Sihma (M/Garh). Notice Dated 20-01-2020 
2775 Notice Public Notice Regarding posting Sh. Jagdeep Singh, AP in Commerce. Notice Dated 20-01-2020 
2776 Notice Public Notice कार्यरत अमले की सूचना उपलब्ध करवाने बारे मामला | Notice Dated 20-01-2020 
2777 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Peon (Group D - Field Office Govt. Colleges). Notice Dated 17-01-2020 
2778 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 17-01-2020 
2779 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 17-01-2020 
2780 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancellation of transfer order of Sh. Ramesh Chand, JLA. Notice Dated 17-01-2020 
2781 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Prince Verma, JLA. Notice Dated 17-01-2020 
2782 Notice Public Notice Celebration of every 25th January, as 'National Voters Day'- regarding. Notice Dated 16-01-2020 
2783 Notice Public Notice Regarding Seniority List of Clerks. Notice Dated 15-01-2020 
2784 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2785 Notice Public Notice Regarding benefit of order No. 6/84/2010-4 PR(FD) dated 16.04.2012. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2786 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation of alumni network in colleges. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2787 Notice Public Notice Regarding best practices. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2788 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of Laboratory Attendants. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2789 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding sanction of Class-IV posts under Outsourcing Policy of Chief Secretary dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2790 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Pariti Rani, AP in Maths. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2791 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Monika Bhatia, AP in Economics. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2792 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding sanction of Class-IV posts under Outsourcing Policy of Chief Secretary dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 14-01-2020 
2793 Notice Public Notice Regarding FIR No. 09 dated 10.03.2016 under Section 7 & 13 of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 lodged at police station SVB, Rohtak against Sh. Sushil Kumar Vats, Junior Engineer; Notice Dated 13-01-2020 
2794 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers to Principal/Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2795 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reconstitute the District Public Relations and Grievances Committees for all the Districts in the State of Haryana. Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2796 Notice Public Notice Regarding Issuance of Instruction of Defence in all Courts of District Level, High Court/Tribunal(s)/Commissions(s)/Arbitrators(s) and Supreme Court. Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2797 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of RuchikaBhateja, Assistant Professor, Commerce . Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2798 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Preeti, AP, Commerce . Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2799 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Mani Narwal, AP, Home Science. Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2800 Notice Public Notice Shortlisting for Annual Startup Competition - Startup Pratyogita (SUPRATI) presentation date on 24-01-2020 Finalized Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2801 Notice Public Notice Shortlisting for Annual Startup Competition - Startup Pratyogita (SUPRATI) presentation date on 23-01-2020 Finalized Notice Dated 10-01-2020 
2802 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rename of Haryana State Council for Science and Technology (HSCST) to Haryana State Council for Science Innovation and Technology (HSCSIT). Notice Dated 09-01-2020 
2803 Notice Public Notice Regarding Powers conferred by clause (2) of Section 3 of the Punjab Restitution of Mortgaged Land Act, 1938 (Punjab Act IV of 1938 and sub-clause (b) of clause (9) of section 2 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899. Notice Dated 09-01-2020 
2804 Notice Public Notice Regarding Powers conferred by Section 27 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 (Punjab Act 17 of 1887) and Section 105 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887 decrees of Assistant Collector of the 1st and 2nd Grades. Notice Dated 09-01-2020 
2805 Notice Public Notice Regarding Guidelines for taking action on the grievances received through CM Grievances Redressal System. Notice Dated 09-01-2020 
2806 Notice Public Notice Regarding Guidelines for taking action on the grievances received through CM Grievances Redressal System. Notice Dated 09-01-2020 
2807 Notice Public Notice Regarding granting higher pay scale for the post of Principal to the petitioners who were posted as Current Duty Charge Principal at Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-01-2020 
2808 Notice Public Notice Regarding Policy for engaging/Outsourcing of services/activities - Grant the benefit of maternity leave to the Women Employees engaged under Outsourcing Policy of Govt. of Haryana. Notice Dated 09-01-2020 
2809 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revision of Pay of Teachers and Equivalent cadres in Universities & Colleges following the Revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 08-01-2020 
2810 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nationwide Strike on 8th January, 2020 by All india State Government Employees Federation. Notice Dated 08-01-2020 
2811 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers to Sh. Sham sunder, Senior Librarian. Notice Dated 07-01-2020 
2812 Notice Public Notice Regarding Order to Reinstate Sh. C.S. Vashishat, Associate Professor, Commerce, GCW, Faridabad. Notice Dated 07-01-2020 
2813 Notice Public Notice COCP No. 1922 of 2019 titled as 'Mahabir Parsad Bansal and others versus Anil Kumar, IAS and another'. Notice Dated 07-01-2020 
2814 Notice Public Notice COCP No. 807 of 2019 titled as 'Lalit Kumar Jain and others versus Anil Kumar,' IAS and another. Notice Dated 07-01-2020 
2815 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revision of Pay of Teachers and Equivalent cadres in Universities & Colleges following the Revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 06-01-2020 
2816 Notice Public Notice Regarding benefit of Earned Leave of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-01-2020 
2817 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining of Sh. Gulzar Ahmed, HCS as Joint Director Higher Education,Haryan Notice Dated 04-01-2020 
2818 Notice Public Notice Regarding SETC Compulsory for all who are working as Clerks and those who want to work as Clerk on promotion or by direct recruitment. Notice Dated 03-01-2020 
2819 Notice Public Notice Regarding Voluntary Retirement of Sh. VIjay Kumar Moudgil, Principal. Notice Dated 03-01-2020 
2820 Notice Public Notice Regarding extension of deputation period of Dr. Seema Kansal, AP in Economics. Notice Dated 03-01-2020 
2821 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Transfer Order of Dr. Satyamanyu Yadav, Principal, Govt. College for Women, Salaheri (Nuh). Notice Dated 01-01-2020 
2822 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Dr. Satyamanyu Yadav, Principal, Govt. College for Women, Salaheri (Nuh). Notice Dated 31-12-2019 
2823 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Smt. Meenu Malik, Assistant, Notice Dated 31-12-2019 
2824 Notice Public Notice Regarding Order of Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-12-2019 
2825 Notice Public Notice Appointment on he post of Group D (Field Offices Govt Colleges) . Notice Dated 27-12-2019 
2826 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of Laboratory Attendants. Notice Dated 27-12-2019 
2827 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining of Sh. Hitender Kumar, HCS as Joint Director (Admin) & Deputy Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 27-12-2019 
2828 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Ramesh Chand, JLA. Notice Dated 27-12-2019 
2829 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Sushma Chaudhary, Joint Director, Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 27-12-2019 
2830 Notice Public Notice Regarding posting order of Dr Jitendra kumar Assistant Professor in Subject of Geography. Notice Dated 26-12-2019 
2831 Notice Public Notice Regarding SETC - Compulsory for all who are working as Clerks and those who want to work as Clerk on promotion or by direct recruitment. Notice Dated 24-12-2019 
2832 Notice Public Notice COCP No. 807 of 2019 titled as 'Lalit Kumar Jain and others versus Anil Kumar, IAS and another'. Notice Dated 24-12-2019 
2833 Notice Public Notice COCP No. 1922 of 2019 titled as 'Mahabir Parsad Bansal and others versus Anil Kumar, IAS and another'. Notice Dated 24-12-2019 
2834 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 24-12-2019 
2835 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant / Associate Professor . Notice Dated 24-12-2019 
2836 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Assistant / Associate Professor. Notice Dated 24-12-2019 
2837 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 23-12-2019 
2838 Notice Public Notice Regarding Provide Freelancing / Self-Employment / Employment Opportunities to the Youth of Haryana. Notice Dated 23-12-2019 
2839 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebrating Mathematics Day on 22nd December 2019 Notice Dated 22-12-2019 
2840 Notice Public Notice Promotion Orders of Sh Bhupinder Singh, Assistant on the post of Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 20-12-2019 
2841 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appearing for Document Verification of newly selected Assistant Professors in Geography. Notice Dated 20-12-2019 
2842 Notice Public Notice Posting orders of Group D of NCC employees reallocated by Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana in Higher Education Department (Field Offices). Notice Dated 19-12-2019 
2843 Notice Public Notice Appointment by transfer on the post of Library Attendant (Group D) list received from Chief Secretary to Govt Haryana. Notice Dated 19-12-2019 
2844 Notice Public Notice Appointment by transfer on the post of Peon (Group D) list received from Chief Secretary to Govt Haryana. Notice Dated 19-12-2019 
2845 Notice Public Notice Appointment by transfer on the post of Library Attendant (Group D) list received from Chief Secretary to Govt Haryana. Notice Dated 19-12-2019 
2846 Notice Public Notice Posting orders of Group D (Class-IV) employees reallocated by Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana in Higher Education Department (Field Offices). Notice Dated 18-12-2019 
2847 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 18-12-2019 
2848 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appearing for Document Verification of newly selected Assistant Professors in Geography. Notice Dated 18-12-2019 
2849 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 17-12-2019 
2850 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer Order of Sh Vikash Sharma (11984), Assistant/Associate Professor vice Smt Sarita Lakra (11500), Assistant/Associate Professor in Sanskrit. Notice Dated 17-12-2019 
2851 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors and Non Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 13-12-2019 
2852 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online Transfer Policy. Notice Dated 13-12-2019 
2853 Notice Public Notice Regarding suggestions/comments on the Draft Online Transfer Policy 2019 of Assistant/Associate Professors in Department of Higher Education department Haryana. Notice Dated 13-12-2019 
2854 Notice Public Notice Regarding Relieving of duties of Group D category employees to enable them to join their new place of posting. Notice Dated 13-12-2019 
2855 Notice Public Notice Regarding scheduled for Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls w.r.t. 01.01.2020 as the qualifying date and Elector's verification Programme (EVP)- regarding. Notice Dated 12-12-2019 
2856 Notice Public Notice UGC Regulations Curbing menace of Ragging in Higher Education Institutions, 2009. Notice Dated 12-12-2019 
2857 Notice Public Notice Regarding one time opportunity for change of Department/Post to newly joined persons in Group-D posts. Notice Dated 12-12-2019 
2858 Notice Public Notice Regarding Notification / Compliance of provisions w.r.t. Entrepreneur & Startup Policy 2017 pertaining to Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 12-12-2019 
2859 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer ORder of Sh Amardeep Singh, Clerk mutually with Sh Sunil Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 12-12-2019 
2860 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Mohd. Rafique, Principal against Sh Satmanyu Yadav, Principal. Notice Dated 11-12-2019 
2861 Notice Public Notice वाणिज्य तथा अंग्रेजी विषय का डाटा HRMS में अपडेट करवाने बारे | Notice Dated 11-12-2019 
2862 Notice Public Notice Regarding posting of Sh. Narender Kumar, AP in Hindi, Roll No. 4246. Notice Dated 11-12-2019 
2863 Notice Public Notice Regarding one time opportunity for change of Department / Post to newly joined persons in Group-D posts. Notice Dated 10-12-2019 
2864 Notice Public Notice Transfer Order of Non Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 09-12-2019 
2865 Notice Public Notice 01.09.1997 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्राध्यापक / सहायक प्रोफेसर वर्ग की प्रोविस्नल वरिष्ठता सूचि पर आपत्ति मांगने बारे (To be Substituted bearing the same number and date) Notice Dated 08-12-2019 
2866 Notice Public Notice Regarding Transportation for Girls Students (For State Universities & Aided Colleges). Notice Dated 06-12-2019 
2867 Notice Public Notice Meeting Regarding Transportation for Girls Students. Notice Dated 06-12-2019 
2868 Notice Public Notice Regarding meeting to be held on 09.12.2019 at 10:30 AM. Notice Dated 06-12-2019 
2869 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appearing for Document Verification of newly selected candidates for Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 05-12-2019 
2870 Notice Public Notice Regarding cancellation of appointment to the post AP in mathematics issued vide order No 9/17-2019 C-1(2) dated 10.07.2017 in reference to HPSC order no RG17/2017/9008. Notice Dated 05-12-2019 
2871 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners-UGC Scales (Government college Lecturers). Notice Dated 05-12-2019 
2872 Notice Public Notice Regarding application for NIRF ratings. Notice Dated 05-12-2019 
2873 Notice Public Notice Regarding Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System. Notice Dated 05-12-2019 
2874 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Principals of Govt. Colleges on 09.12.2019 at 10:30 AM. Notice Dated 04-12-2019 
2875 Notice Public Notice Benefit of Earned Leave to Assistant/Associate Professors in lieu of work done by them in Summer vacation. Notice Dated 04-12-2019 
2876 Notice Public Notice Regarding Scheme of Revision OF Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay commission (CPC). Notice Dated 04-12-2019 
2877 Notice Public Notice Regarding Utilization of Development Fund to Government Colleges. Notice Dated 02-12-2019 
2878 Notice Public Notice Regarding No Objection Certificate (NOC) to Government Colleges. Notice Dated 02-12-2019 
2879 Notice Public Notice Revised scheduled for Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls w.r.t 01.01.2020 as the qualifying date and Electors Verification Programme (EVP). Notice Dated 29-11-2019 
2880 Notice Public Notice Appearing for Document Verification of newly selected candidates for Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 29-11-2019 
2881 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 29-11-2019 
2882 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Govt College Birohar. Notice Dated 29-11-2019 
2883 Notice Public Notice Partial Modification of order no 4/140-2019 C1 (3) dated 14.09.2019. Notice Dated 28-11-2019 
2884 Notice Public Notice Voluntary Retirement of Smt Preeta Panwar, Principal, GC Faridabad. Notice Dated 28-11-2019 
2885 Notice Public Notice Regarding Transportation for Girls Students. Notice Dated 27-11-2019 
2886 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Ranjeet Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 27-11-2019 
2887 Notice Public Notice Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November. Notice Dated 26-11-2019 
2888 Notice Public Notice Regarding promotion to the post of Assistant from Clerk. Notice Dated 25-11-2019 
2889 Notice Public Notice Celebration of "Constitution Day" on 26th Nov, 2019. Notice Dated 25-11-2019 
2890 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding engagement of Extension Lecturers & compliance orders of Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in various CWP's. Notice Dated 24-11-2019 
2891 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding engagement of Extension Lecturers & compliance orders of Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in various CWP's. Notice Dated 24-11-2019 
2892 Notice Public Notice Regarding SETC list of exempted courses Notice Dated 22-11-2019 
2893 Notice Public Notice Regarding revised pay after annual/promotional increment to Sh. Narinder Anchal, Principal. Notice Dated 22-11-2019 
2894 Notice Public Notice Regarding DDO power of GC Ghraunda, Karnal to Smt. Lokesh Tyagi, Principal. Notice Dated 22-11-2019 
2895 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Rajbir Singh, Assistant Professor, Math. Notice Dated 22-11-2019 
2896 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sh Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor in Hindi. Notice Dated 22-11-2019 
2897 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of Non Teaching Staff Data of Govt Colleges on MIS portal. Notice Dated 21-11-2019 
2898 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 21-11-2019 
2899 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of information of teaching staff in MIS portal. Notice Dated 21-11-2019 
2900 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of issue management for colleges . Notice Dated 20-11-2019 
2901 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविदाल्या में कार्यक्रत असिस्टेंट/एसोसिएट प्रोफेस्सेरो की वर्ष 2018-19 की गोपनीय रिपोर्ट ऑनलाइन भरने बारे | Notice Dated 20-11-2019 
2902 Notice Public Notice Submission of information regarding Statement of Assets in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liabilities: Outstanding in Form D-8 under the Rules of Haryana FRBM Act, 2005. Notice Dated 18-11-2019 
2903 Notice Public Notice Regarding PRayAAS framework Launch. Notice Dated 18-11-2019 
2904 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of information of teaching staff in MIS portal. Notice Dated 15-11-2019 
2905 Notice Public Notice Regarding PRaYAAS Framework - Launch. Notice Dated 15-11-2019 
2906 Notice Public Notice Regarding efficient functioning of ERP Modules under DHE-IT Plan. Notice Dated 14-11-2019 
2907 Notice Public Notice Regarding Examination Duties. Notice Dated 13-11-2019 
2908 Notice Public Notice Regarding Internet Lease Line for Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 13-11-2019 
2909 Notice Public Notice Regarding Transportation of Girls Students. Notice Dated 13-11-2019 
2910 Notice Public Notice Regarding PRaYAAS Framework - Launch. Notice Dated 13-11-2019 
2911 Notice Public Notice Regarding Internet Lease Line for Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 11-11-2019 
2912 Notice Public Notice Notice Regarding Examination Duties Notice Dated 11-11-2019 
2913 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 07-11-2019 
2914 Notice Public Notice Posting Orders of Deepak Joshi on the Post of Tabla Player. Notice Dated 06-11-2019 
2915 Notice Public Notice Purpose of Skill Development of Youth of Haryana in field of General Engineering. Notice Dated 06-11-2019 
2916 Notice Public Notice Celebration of 70th anniversary of the adoption of the constitution of India from 26th November 2019 to 14th April 2020. Notice Dated 05-11-2019 
2917 Notice Public Notice Regarding Transportation for Girls Students. Notice Dated 05-11-2019 
2918 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 05-11-2019 
2919 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा नवम्बर - 2019 के संचालन हेतु परीक्षा केंद्र स्थापित करने की सहमति देने बारे| Notice Dated 05-11-2019 
2920 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 29-10-2019 
2921 Notice Public Notice Regarding Right Sizing Policy . Notice Dated 29-10-2019 
2922 Notice Public Notice Announcement of F-PACT and F-PACT Plus Examination 2019. Notice Dated 23-10-2019 
2923 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals. Notice Dated 23-10-2019 
2924 Notice Public Notice श्री सुरेंदर कुमार सेवानिवृत, सहायक नेदिशक की सेवापुंजी उपलब्ध करवाने बारे| Notice Dated 23-10-2019 
2925 Notice Public Notice Regarding Date of Joining of newly appointed Assistant Professors in English & Hindi in Directorate. Notice Dated 22-10-2019 
2926 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the salaries of newly appointed Assistant Professors in different subjects. Notice Dated 22-10-2019 
2927 Notice Public Notice Regarding Surajkund Literature Festival. Notice Dated 22-10-2019 
2928 Notice Public Notice Regarding Haryana Civil Services (Compassionate Financial Assistance or Appointment) Rules 2019. Notice Dated 18-10-2019 
2929 Notice Public Notice Regarding Action Taken Reports under Section-17 under Haryana Lokayukt Act. Notice Dated 18-10-2019 
2930 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant of interest free festival advance to class IV government employees during the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 18-10-2019 
2931 Notice Public Notice Regarding revision of House Rent Allowance admissible to Haryana Government Employees under 7th CPC. Notice Dated 16-10-2019 
2932 Notice Public Notice Merit scholarship to under graduate girls students in govt. colleges of haryana for the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 16-10-2019 
2933 Notice Public Notice Regarding three days state level literary Fest "Surajkund Literary Fest-2019". Notice Dated 15-10-2019 
2934 Notice Public Notice Regarding Fixation of period of joining time on first or subsequent appointment through HSSC/HPSC. Notice Dated 14-10-2019 
2935 Notice Public Notice Regarding CWP No. 19737 of 2018 Mahender Pal Vs State of Haryana and others. Notice Dated 14-10-2019 
2936 Notice Public Notice Providing Free Books for the welfare of Scheduled Caste Students pursing Higher Education in Govt Colleges during the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 11-10-2019 
2937 Notice Public Notice Financial Assistance to meritorious Students of 10+2. Notice Dated 07-10-2019 
2938 Notice Public Notice Corrigendum regarding queries of organizing Lit Fest at Surajkund, 2019. Notice Dated 04-10-2019 
2939 Notice Tender Corrigendum regarding date extension of Smart Boards in Government Colleges Tender. Notice Dated 04-10-2019 
2940 Notice Public Notice Regarding pleased to make amendments in Notifications number 4/30/2017-RU, dated 04.01.2017 in item No. 6 'Rules and Terms & Conditions of service of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Members of the authority, against provisions. Notice Dated 04-10-2019 
2941 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 03-10-2019 
2942 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of the judgement given on 10.05.2018 by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding counting of benefits of adhoc services toward seniority- in Civil Appeal no 4420-4424 of 2016 State of Haryana V/s S.K.Mishra and others. Notice Dated 03-10-2019 
2943 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 30-09-2019 
2944 Notice Public Notice 4th Edition of Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2020. Notice Dated 30-09-2019 
2945 Notice Public Notice Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of mahatma Gandhi. Notice Dated 26-09-2019 
2946 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-09-2019 
2947 Notice Public Notice Regarding Granting of Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Govt Colleges (To be Substituted). Notice Dated 26-09-2019 
2948 Notice Public Notice Regarding Granting of Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Govt Colleges (To be Substituted). Notice Dated 26-09-2019 
2949 Notice Public Notice MGNCRE - MHRD - Gandhiji 150th Birth Anniversary - Education Programmes. Notice Dated 26-09-2019 
2950 Notice Public Notice Regarding review meeting on Line department for POSHAN Maah. Notice Dated 25-09-2019 
2951 Notice Public Notice Instruction regarding engagement of Extension Lecturers & compliance of orders of the State Government. Notice Dated 24-09-2019 
2952 Notice Public Notice Haryana State Meritorious Incentive Scheme for the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 24-09-2019 
2953 Notice Public Notice Fresh award of Haryana State Merit Scholarship Scheme on the basis 10+2 Exam held in March/April 2019 @Rs. 300/PM and PG @450/- PM for the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 24-09-2019 
2954 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of the judgement given on 10.05.2018 by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding counting of benefits of adhoc services toward seniority- in Civil Appeal no. 4420-4424 of 2016 State of Haryana V/s S.K. Mishra and others. Notice Dated 24-09-2019 
2955 Notice Public Notice Model Code of Conduct of General Election to Haryana Vidhan Sabha 2019. Notice Dated 21-09-2019 
2956 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2957 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the salaries of newly appointed Assistant Professors in different subjects. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2958 Notice Public Notice Regarding grant the scale to the Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2959 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the salaries of newly appointed Assistant Professors in different subjects. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2960 Notice Public Notice Discontinuation of subjects/courses in Govt. Colleges w.e.f. the academic session 2020-21. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2961 Notice Public Notice Regarding the scale of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2962 Notice Public Notice Instruction regarding engagement of Extension Lecturers & compliance of orders of the State Government. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2963 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2964 Notice Public Notice Appointment Orders of Tabla Players. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2965 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment order of Smt. Pushpa Rani, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2966 Notice Public Notice Request for issuing necessary instructions for membership of e-Edition of employment news. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2967 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation/cancellation of deputation of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2968 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Surajmukhi, A.P in English. Notice Dated 20-09-2019 
2969 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sunidhi, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 19-09-2019 
2970 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer and Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 19-09-2019 
2971 Notice Public Notice General Election to State legislative Assemblies of Haryana & Maharashtra - Advisory for Transfer/Posting of Officers connected with conduct of elections-regarding. Notice Dated 19-09-2019 
2972 Notice Public Notice Strict compliance of the provisions contained in the 'Flag Code of India, 2002' and 'The Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971'-regarding. Notice Dated 19-09-2019 
2973 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding engagement of extension lecturers & compliance of orders of the State Government. Notice Dated 18-09-2019 
2974 Notice Public Notice Discontinuation of courses/subjects in Government Colleges w.e.f the academic session 2020-21. Notice Dated 18-09-2019 
2975 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of displaced extension lecturers. Notice Dated 17-09-2019 
2976 Notice Public Notice Sanction for opening of 16 New Govt. Colleges (2018-19) and creation of Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts. Notice Dated 17-09-2019 
2977 Notice Public Notice Assessment of Workload of Government College for academic session 2019-20. Notice Dated 17-09-2019 
2978 Notice Transfer Orders Adjustment Order of Vikesh Bala, AP in Hindi. Notice Dated 17-09-2019 
2979 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-09-2019 
2980 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Dinesh Kumar, Principal. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2981 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2982 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of displaced extension lecturers. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2983 Notice Public Notice Corrigendum regarding NAAC Tender. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2984 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2985 Notice Public Notice Immediate action to be taken for enforcement of Model code of conduct after the announcement of ensuring Haryana Vidhan Sabha General Elections 2019. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2986 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension of bid submission date. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2987 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principals. Notice Dated 16-09-2019 
2988 Notice Public Notice Guidelines for Workload Assessment 2019-20. Notice Dated 14-09-2019 
2989 Notice Public Notice Partial Modification in Order No 4/149-2019 C1(3) dated 13.09.2019. Notice Dated 14-09-2019 
2990 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-09-2019 
2991 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-09-2019 
2992 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Manisha AP in English. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
2993 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
2994 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sumit Chauhan, Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
2995 Notice Public Notice Adjustment Orders of Assistant Professors in the subject of Hindi and Commerce. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
2996 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
2997 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
2998 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Monika Chaudhary, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
2999 Notice Public Notice Cancellation Order of Rajender Kumar, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
3000 Notice Public Notice Adjustment Orders of Principals (CDC) from Principal(CDC) to Associate Professors. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
3001 Notice Public Notice Regarding annual increment to Sh. Param Bhushan Arya, Principal/Principal(CDC). Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
3002 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Principal. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
3003 Notice Public Notice राजकीय/अराजकीय महाविद्यालयों में कार्यक्रत स्टाफ निदेशालय की शाखाओ में उपस्थित पाए जाने बारे दिशा निर्देश Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
3004 Notice Public Notice Regarding Date of Joining of Assistant Professors in Computer Science at Head Quarter. Notice Dated 13-09-2019 
3005 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Govt College for Women, Sector-52, Gurugram. Notice Dated 12-09-2019 
3006 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Screening Committee to grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 12-09-2019 
3007 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling of Annual Confidential Report (ACR) online of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 12-09-2019 
3008 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding "Deputation" and "Cancellation of Deputation" order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 12-09-2019 
3009 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Screening Committee to grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 11-09-2019 
3010 Notice Public Notice Promotion Order of Rajesh Kumar on the post of Junior Librarian. Notice Dated 11-09-2019 
3011 Notice Public Notice (97) Providing free books for the welfare of Scheduled Caste students pursing Higher Education in Govt. Colleges during the year (2019-20). Notice Dated 11-09-2019 
3012 Notice Public Notice Regarding training/workshop for ERP, LMS and Online ACR. Notice Dated 11-09-2019 
3013 Notice Public Notice Participation in Swachhata hi Sewa Campaign. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3014 Notice Public Notice S.N.E. 2019-20 Human Resources Development of the Teacher and the Taught and the supporting Staff in the Govt. Colleges and the Staff at the headquarter in the State of Haryana Human Resources Development of students (Earn While you Learn). Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3015 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2019-20 (Non-Recurring) Scheme for "Educational and Excursion Tour for Girl Students" in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3016 Notice Public Notice Scheme for Educational and Excursion Tour of Boy Students of Govt. Colleges for the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3017 Notice Public Notice Regarding posting of newly selected Assistant Professors in Subject of Hindi and English. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3018 Notice Public Notice egarding implementation of Judgment by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding counting of benefits of adhoc services towards seniority in Civil Appeal no 4420-4424 of 2016 State of haryana v/s S.K. Mishra and others. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3019 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा विधानसभा आम चुनाव २०१९- सहयोग| Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3020 Notice Public Notice Promotion of Assistants of Govt Colleges to the post of Deputy Superintendents. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3021 Notice Public Notice Cancellation order of Bhawna, Assistant/Associate Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3022 Notice Public Notice Regarding Deputation order of Monika Sharma, AP in Commerce. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3023 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3024 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 10-09-2019 
3025 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer Orders of Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 09-09-2019 
3026 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 09-09-2019 
3027 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding uploading of grievances/complaints of employees on CM window. Notice Dated 09-09-2019 
3028 Notice Public Notice Posting Orders of newly appointed Assistant Professor of Commerce & Hindi. Notice Dated 06-09-2019 
3029 Notice Public Notice To Safe Guard the dignity of Girls Students and Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Girl Students in the Colleges. Notice Dated 06-09-2019 
3030 Notice Public Notice नई सामूहिक बीमा योजना, 1985 के मुख्य शीर्ष 2235- सोशल सिक्योरिटी तथा वेलफेयर उप शीर्ष-200-अंडर स्कीम- चतुर्थ श्रेणी कर्मचारियों को बीमा अंशदान के अंतर्गत Book Statement न किये जाने बारे | Notice Dated 06-09-2019 
3031 Notice Public Notice नई सामूहिक बीमा योजना, 1985 के मुख्य शीर्ष 2235- सोशल सिक्योरिटी तथा वेलफेयर उप शीर्ष-200-अंडर स्कीम- चतुर्थ श्रेणी कर्मचारियों को बीमा अंशदान के अंतर्गत Book Statement न किये जाने बारे | Notice Dated 06-09-2019 
3032 Notice Public Notice Corrigendum regarding postpone of Pre bid meeting of LIT Fest 2019 to 10th Sept 2019. Notice Dated 06-09-2019 
3033 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 06-09-2019 
3034 Notice Public Notice Regarding sanction for Non-Govt. Aided/ Govt. Colleges to conduct the championship/tournament. Notice Dated 05-09-2019 
3035 Notice Public Notice Internet lease line connectivity to Government Colleges. Notice Dated 04-09-2019 
3036 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Smt. Monika Choudhary, AP in English. Notice Dated 04-09-2019 
3037 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Arjun Dev MIttal, Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 04-09-2019 
3038 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Smt. Indira Goel, Principal. Notice Dated 03-09-2019 
3039 Notice Public Notice Revised Schedule for Inter Collegiate State Tournament/ Championship 2019-20 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 02-09-2019 
3040 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of the judgement given on 10.05.2018 by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding counting of benefits of adhoc services toward seniority- in Civil Appeal no. 4420-4424 of 2016 State of Haryana V/s S.K. Mishra and others. Notice Dated 02-09-2019 
3041 Notice Public Notice To relieve the Assistant/Associate Professor on completion of deputation period. Notice Dated 30-08-2019 
3042 Notice Public Notice Regarding the Non-Compliance of instructions dated 22/21-2019 CI(5) dated 14.03.2019 Notice Dated 30-08-2019 
3043 Notice Public Notice Request for Proposal for Selection of an Event Partner for organizing Lit Fest at Surajkund, 2019. Notice Dated 30-08-2019 
3044 Notice Public Notice Regarding to provide the maximum Staff/Officials for the written examination duty to be conducted by Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Panchkula at various Districts in the Month of August & September, 2019. Notice Dated 30-08-2019 
3045 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 30-08-2019 
3046 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer orders of Ms. Alpana Assistant Professor English dated 30-08-2019 Notice Dated 30-08-2019 
3047 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancellation of transfer of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 29-08-2019 
3048 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Komal Garg, AP in Commerce. Notice Dated 28-08-2019 
3049 Notice Public Notice Regarding joining of newly selected Assistant Professors in Hindi. Notice Dated 28-08-2019 
3050 Notice Public Notice Hon'ble Prime Minister address on the occasion of launching of "Fit India Movement" with School/College Student on 29th August, 2019. Notice Dated 28-08-2019 
3051 Notice Public Notice Regarding Controller and DDO powers of the Sub-Divisional Library, Bahadurgarh. Notice Dated 28-08-2019 
3052 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Govt College, Farrukhnagar, Gurugram. Notice Dated 28-08-2019 
3053 Notice Public Notice Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 27-08-2019 
3054 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation of new posts of Superintendent in the Govt Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 27-08-2019 
3055 Notice Public Notice Adjustment Orders of Assistant Professors in different subjects who were appointed vide order no 9/17-2019 C1 (2) dated 10.07.2019. Notice Dated 27-08-2019 
3056 Notice Public Notice Regarding extended deputation period of Sh. Sunil Kumar, JLA. Notice Dated 26-08-2019 
3057 Notice Public Notice Regarding Syllabus Rules and Regulations for Yoga Championship session 2019-2020. Notice Dated 26-08-2019 
3058 Notice Public Notice Regarding date of joining of newly Appointed Assistant Professors in HQ. Notice Dated 26-08-2019 
3059 Notice Public Notice Launching of Fit India Movement by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India on 29th August, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. Notice Dated 23-08-2019 
3060 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation of new posts Superintendent in the Govt. College, Haryana. Notice Dated 22-08-2019 
3061 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 22-08-2019 
3062 Notice Public Notice Schedule for Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2019-20 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 22-08-2019 
3063 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-instated in service of Sh. Narender Kumar. Notice Dated 22-08-2019 
3064 Notice Public Notice Provision of CCTV Cameras in Govt Colleges in the state of Haryana. Notice Dated 22-08-2019 
3065 Notice Public Notice Regarding appearance of newly appointed Assistant Professor in English on 26.08.2019 at 10:30 AM. Notice Dated 22-08-2019 
3066 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancellation of deputation orders of Sh. Dinesh Kumar, AP in History. Notice Dated 22-08-2019 
3067 Notice Public Notice PROVISION OF CCTV CAMERAS IN GOVT. COLLEGE IN THE STATE OF HARYANA 21.08.19-20 Notice Dated 21-08-2019 
3068 Notice Public Notice Regarding reschedule of workload assessment for the academic session 2019-20. Notice Dated 21-08-2019 
3069 Notice Public Notice Budget estimate for the year 2019-20 under Head "2058-stationery-Printing-101-Purchase and Supply of stationery Stores" (Non Plan) for Purchase of Paper, Stationery, Noting-Sheets & Envelopes etc. Notice Dated 21-08-2019 
3070 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Peon (Group D) recommendations received from HSSC against Advt No. 4/2018, Cat No. 1. Notice Dated 20-08-2019 
3071 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 20-08-2019 
3072 Notice Public Notice Adjustment Order of Anupama Yadav, Associate Professor in Zoology. Notice Dated 20-08-2019 
3073 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 19-08-2019 
3074 Notice Public Notice Request for Empanelment Of Companies/Agencies for providing handholding support to Government colleges and state universities of Haryana For Getting/Improving Accreditation and Ratings Scores. Notice Dated 19-08-2019 
3075 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing power of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 19-08-2019 
3076 Notice Public Notice Regarding benefit of order no 6/842010-4pr(FD) dated 16.04.2012 to Assistant/Associate Professors working in Govt Colleges of State. Notice Dated 17-08-2019 
3077 Notice Public Notice COCP NO 424 of 2019 in CWP No 5975 of 2015 regarding benefit of order no 6/842010-4pr(FD) dated 16.04.2012 to Assistant/Associate Professors working in Govt Colleges of State. Notice Dated 17-08-2019 
3078 Notice Public Notice Regarding UAT (User Acceptance Testing) for Learning Management System (LMS). Notice Dated 16-08-2019 
3079 Notice Public Notice Regarding Judgement given on 10.05.2018 by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding counting of benefits of adhoc services towards seniority - in civil Appeal no 4420-4424 of 2016. Notice Dated 16-08-2019 
3080 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Principal. Notice Dated 16-08-2019 
3081 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2019-20 (Non Recurring) Scheme of Govt of Haryana for sports activities in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 16-08-2019 
3082 Notice Public Notice Regarding visit of CM Good Governance Associates in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 14-08-2019 
3083 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Independence Day on 15th August 2019. Notice Dated 14-08-2019 
3084 Notice Public Notice General Election to State Legislative Assembly of Haryana and Maharashtra Advisory for Transfer/Posting of officer concerned with conduct of election. Notice Dated 14-08-2019 
3085 Notice Public Notice General Election to Haryana Vidhan Sabha 2019 - Ban on use of official vehicles by the non-official functionaries regarding. Notice Dated 14-08-2019 
3086 Notice Public Notice Regarding 2nd Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls w.r.t 1st January 2019 as the qualifying date. Notice Dated 14-08-2019 
3087 Notice Public Notice Regarding PRaYAAS (Performance Rating yardstick for Academic Audit Standards) framework. Notice Dated 13-08-2019 
3088 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Satish Kumar, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 13-08-2019 
3089 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Shruti Singh, AP in English. Notice Dated 13-08-2019 
3090 Notice Public Notice Financial Assistance to the family of deceased employees who worked on Adhoc/Daily wages/Contract basis etc. Notice Dated 10-08-2019 
3091 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancellation of Deputation on joining of new Assistant Professors in different subjects. Notice Dated 09-08-2019 
3092 Notice Public Notice Regarding the Castes from Sr No 18 to 22 that recommended for included in the list of Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes. Notice Dated 09-08-2019 
3093 Notice Public Notice Regarding assessment of workload for the academic year 2019-20. Notice Dated 09-08-2019 
3094 Notice Public Notice CWP no 2188 of 2019 and CWP No 3073 of 2019 regarding joining of Group D posts in ESP Quota-clarification thereof. Notice Dated 09-08-2019 
3095 Notice Public Notice Regarding State Level Youth Programme - Nav Tarang - Shaheedon ko Naman. Notice Dated 08-08-2019 
3096 Notice Public Notice Financial Assistance to meritorious Students of 10+2. Notice Dated 07-08-2019 
3098 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Pooja Sharma, Assistant Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 07-08-2019 
3099 Notice Public Notice Regarding cancellation of adjustment orders of Sh Raj Kumar Khyalia, Associate Professor in Sociology. Notice Dated 07-08-2019 
3100 Notice Public Notice PFMS regarding Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste Students pursuing Higher Education in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 06-08-2019 
3101 Notice Public Notice Regarding Security of the students from Jammu & Kashmir State. Notice Dated 05-08-2019 
3102 Notice Public Notice Regarding State Level Youth Programme - Nav Tarang - Shaheedon ko Naman. Notice Dated 05-08-2019 
3103 Notice Public Notice Regarding City Livelihood Centres established under National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM). Notice Dated 05-08-2019 
3104 Notice Public Notice Loss of Interest due to non deposit of amount in Govt Account. Notice Dated 05-08-2019 
3105 Notice Public Notice Regarding the employees of HPSC, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, High Court and District COurt appointed by way of in Govt Department. Notice Dated 05-08-2019 
3106 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Govt College, Radaur (To be Substituted bearing Same No and Date). Notice Dated 05-08-2019 
3107 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling up of vacancies falling vacant due to resignation or death of newly appointed candidates. Notice Dated 05-08-2019 
3108 Notice Public Notice PFMS regarding Consolidation Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste students pursing Higher Education in Govt. Colleges during the year 2019-20. Notice Dated 02-08-2019 
3109 Notice Public Notice Regarding overdue Loan installment of employee. Notice Dated 02-08-2019 
3110 Notice Public Notice Regarding Shifting of 16 villages from Patwar circle Jhiwerheri and Ucha Chandna, Tehsil and Sub Division Radaur to Sub Tehsil Saraswati Nagar and Sub Division Jagadhari. Notice Dated 02-08-2019 
3111 Notice Public Notice Regarding Hon'ble Supreme Court directed examination conducted by AICTE-UGC to re-validate the degrees awarded by the 4 Deemed to be Universities. Notice Dated 02-08-2019 
3112 Notice Public Notice Regarding approved source for the supply of Bajra required by various Govt/Departments/Board/Corporations/Agencies are of the state by granting relaxation in Rule. Notice Dated 02-08-2019 
3113 Notice Public Notice Regarding Standard Terms and Conditions for appointment of non-officials as member of bodies other than PSU, Statutary Commissions and constitutional bodies of Haryana. Notice Dated 02-08-2019 
3114 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of retired IAS/HCS/Judicial Officers as Inquiry Officer for conducting departmental inquiries. Notice Dated 02-08-2019 
3115 Notice Public Notice Voluntary Retirement Order of Sh Ram Pal, Peon. Notice Dated 01-08-2019 
3116 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Govt College for Girls, Radaur. Notice Dated 01-08-2019 
3117 Notice Public Notice Immediate necessary action regarding the minutes of the meeting held on 13.06.19 under the chairmanship of Sh. Dhanpat Singh, IAS, ACS to Govt. of Haryana, Transport Department, Chandigarh. regarding issuance of learner licence by the Heads of Educational Institute to their students. Notice Dated 01-08-2019 
3118 Notice Public Notice Regarding setting up Smart Classrooms in all Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 30-07-2019 
3119 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sushil Kumar Bishnoi, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 30-07-2019 
3120 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Transfer Order of Sh Dilbag Singh, Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 29-07-2019 
3121 Notice Public Notice Instruction regarding Joining of newly appointed Assistant Professors in Commerce, Maths, Geography and Hindi. Notice Dated 29-07-2019 
3122 Notice Public Notice मास जुलाई, 2019 में लगने वाली वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि तथा पद्दोनीति उपरांत वेतन नियतन करने बारे मामला| Notice Dated 29-07-2019 
3123 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation of Family ID of all State Government Employees including Contractual Employees and Employees of Board / Corporation / Universities. Notice Dated 29-07-2019 
3124 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment budget to the staff appointed under Outsourcing Policy I & II in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-07-2019 
3125 Notice Public Notice Regarding Centralized Online Admission Government, Government Aided and Self Financing Degree Colleges in Haryana for the academic session 2019-20 Notice Dated 26-07-2019 
3126 Notice Public Notice Regarding strict implementation of Action Plan for NAAC. Notice Dated 26-07-2019 
3127 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-07-2019 
3128 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 25-07-2019 
3129 Notice Public Notice Meeting of State Level SVEEP Core Committee. Notice Dated 25-07-2019 
3130 Notice Public Notice Posting of newly appointed Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 25-07-2019 
3131 Notice Public Notice Regarding to engage persons under Outsourcing Policy Part II. Notice Dated 24-07-2019 
3132 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Temporary Transfer or Short term Deputation of the officers/officials. Notice Dated 24-07-2019 
3133 Notice Public Notice वरिष्टतम पप्राध्यापक बारे सुचना उपलब्ध करवाने बारे| Notice Dated 24-07-2019 
3134 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 23-07-2019 
3135 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding orders issued vide no. KW 4/111-2019 C1(3) and 19/65-2019 Admn(1) Notice Dated 23-07-2019 
3136 Notice Public Notice Withdrawn of Deputation Orders issued vide order no 4/92-2019 C1(3) dated 22.07.2019. Notice Dated 23-07-2019 
3137 Notice Transfer Orders Adjustment of newly appointed Assistant Professor in the subject of Commerce. Notice Dated 23-07-2019 
3138 Notice Public Notice R.K FUND FOR THE YEAR 2019-20 Notice Dated 23-07-2019 
3139 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sh Harender Singh, Deputy Superintendent and further Deputation order of Suneel Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 23-07-2019 
3140 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of Principal (CDC) from the post of Principal (CDC) to Associate Professor. Notice Dated 23-07-2019 
3141 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sh Sanjay Kumar, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 22-07-2019 
3142 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Transfer Order of Sh Pardeep Kumar, Assistant Professor in Defence Studies. Notice Dated 22-07-2019 
3143 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order and Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-07-2019 
3144 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-07-2019 
3145 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Abdul Qadir, LA (Geography). Notice Dated 22-07-2019 
3146 Notice Public Notice Voluntary Retirement of Smt. Ved Wanti, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 22-07-2019 
3147 Notice Public Notice Application of Equal Pay for Equal Work in respect of specified categories of employees. Notice Dated 22-07-2019 
3148 Notice Public Notice Posting Orders of newly appointed Assistant Professor of Commerce Sh.Rakesh Notice Dated 20-07-2019 
3150 Notice Public Notice Regarding benefit of Order No. 6/84/2010-4 PR (FD) dated 16.4.2012 to Assistant/Associate Professors working in Govt. Colleges in the State. Notice Dated 19-07-2019 
3152 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Smt Anuradha Sharma, Principal and Smt Renu Madaan, Principal. Notice Dated 19-07-2019 
3153 Notice Public Notice Posting Orders of newly appointed Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 19-07-2019 
3155 Notice Public Notice Construction/Repair work in Govt Colleges under SMI scheme. Notice Dated 18-07-2019 
3156 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Ms Anjoo Sen, Deputy Director. Notice Dated 18-07-2019 
3157 Notice Public Notice Retirement order of Ms Anjoo Sen, Deputy Director. Notice Dated 18-07-2019 
3158 Notice Public Notice Regarding Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2017-18 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 18-07-2019 
3159 Notice Public Notice भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा 26 जनवरी 2020 के अवसर पर पदम् पुरस्कार प्रदान करने बारे | Notice Dated 17-07-2019 
3160 Notice Public Notice Swacchhta Ranking 2019 of Higher Education Institutes. Notice Dated 17-07-2019 
3161 Notice Public Notice Swacchhta Ranking 2019 of Higher Education Institutes. Notice Dated 17-07-2019 
3162 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 17-07-2019 
3163 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-07-2019 
3164 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Vijender SIngh, Clerk. Notice Dated 16-07-2019 
3165 Notice Public Notice Non compliance of instructions issued to all HODs/MDs of Board / Corporations regarding deposition of Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Employment Sate Insurance (ESI) and labour Welfare contribution by Outsourcing agencies / contractors as directed by Hon'ble CM on 07.12.2018. Notice Dated 16-07-2019 
3166 Notice Public Notice Regarding day of Re-Poll at 88- asaoti polling station of 85 Prithla Assembly segment of 10- Faridabad Parliamentary Constituency. Notice Dated 16-07-2019 
3168 Notice Public Notice Grant of reservation to persons with disabilities in jobs under Govt./Govt. Undertaking, Local Bodies and Universities etc. Notice Dated 15-07-2019 
3169 Notice Public Notice वरिष्टतम पप्राध्यापक बारे सुचना उपलब्ध करवाने बारे| Notice Dated 13-07-2019 
3170 Notice Public Notice Organizing Mega Job Fair through Service Provider in the State. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3171 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admission in Government, Government Aided & Self Financing Degree Colleges in Haryana for the academic session 2019-20 collection of fee under RTGS/NEFT at bank counters. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3172 Notice Public Notice न्यू सामूहिक बीमा योजना, १९८५ के शीर्ष २२३५- सोशल सिक्यूरिटी तथा वेलफेयर उप शीर्ष २०० अंडर स्कीम- चतुर्थ श्रेणी क्रमचारियो को बीमा अंशदान के अंतग्रत Book Adjustment न किये जाने बारे| Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3173 Notice Public Notice Regarding recruitment of faculty in Universities and Higher Educational Institution. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3174 Notice Public Notice Regarding amendment of notification of Sub-Division Uchana in District Jind. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3175 Notice Public Notice Regarding to nominate Shri Shyam Singh MLA as member to server on the subject committee. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3176 Notice Public Notice Regarding Application of private Accommodation for residential purpose of Govt officers/Judges- payment of rent regarding. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3177 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of online leave submission & approval system in HRMS. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3178 Notice Public Notice Regarding debarring three firms namely Neelam Engg Company, J.K Machine Tools, and Yash Machine Tools. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3179 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Non Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 12-07-2019 
3180 Notice Public Notice Charging of Fees and Funds for the scholarship schemes of Govt. of India. Notice Dated 11-07-2019 
3181 Notice Public Notice RFP for Development of Model College with State-of-Art infrastructure and cutting edge pedagogy under Public Private Partnership Mode in Sector 51, Gurugram. Notice Dated 11-07-2019 
3182 Notice Public Notice REGARDING UG WAITING LIST 2019-20 Notice Dated 10-07-2019 
3183 Notice Public Notice Newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professors in Math, Commerce, Geography and Hindi Join their duties by 10.07.2019 10:30 AM Notice Dated 10-07-2019 
3184 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 08-07-2019 
3185 Notice Public Notice Grant of reservation to person with Disabilities in Jobs under Govt/Govt Undertakings, Local Bodies and Universities etc. Notice Dated 08-07-2019 
3186 Notice Public Notice centralized online admission in govt. Govt. aided & self financed degree colleges in Haryana for the session 2019-20 Notice Dated 05-07-2019 
3187 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2019-20 (Non-recurring) Scheme of Govt. of Haryana for Sports Activities in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-07-2019 
3188 Notice Public Notice Regarding one time opportunity to change the Department/post of newly recruited persons of Group-D posts. Notice Dated 05-07-2019 
3189 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Shivani Kaushik, AP in Economics. Notice Dated 05-07-2019 
3190 Notice Public Notice Regarding request to appear the candidate whose names are recommended by the HSSC for the post of Tabla Player. Notice Dated 03-07-2019 
3191 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admissions in Government, Government Aided & Self Financing degree Colleges in Haryana for the academic session 2019-20. Notice Dated 03-07-2019 
3192 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admissions in Government, Government Aided & Self Financing degree Colleges in Haryana for the academic session 2019-20 collection of fee under RTGS/NEFT at bank counters. Notice Dated 03-07-2019 
3193 Notice Public Notice Entries of Government Land acquired by the various Departments under Land Acquisition Act 1894 in Asset management Cell website by getting mutations sanctioned. Notice Dated 03-07-2019 
3194 Notice Public Notice Regarding induction of orientation program for new students for academic session 2019-20 Notice Dated 02-07-2019 
3195 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Seema Kumari, AP in Hindi. Notice Dated 02-07-2019 
3196 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Sh Ravi Parkash Arya, Principal GCW Nangal Chowdhary. Notice Dated 01-07-2019 
3197 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Principal/Principal(CDC). Notice Dated 01-07-2019 
3198 Notice Public Notice Posting of of officials on consequent upon promotion of Junior Librarian. Notice Dated 01-07-2019 
3199 Notice Public Notice Collection and Distribution of Foundation Booklet - RISE. Notice Dated 01-07-2019 
3200 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Assistant / Associate Professors dated 29-06-2019 Notice Dated 29-06-2019 
3201 Notice Transfer Orders Re-Deputation/ Deputation order of Assistant / Associate Professors dated 29-06-2019 Notice Dated 29-06-2019 
3202 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Non Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3203 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Mukesh, AP in Commerce. Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3204 Notice Public Notice REGARDING PROMOTION OF PRINCIPALS DATED 28.06.2019 Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3205 Notice Public Notice Regarding engagement of Legal Assistant in Higher Education. Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3206 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Rishi Pal Kaushik, AP in Economics. Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3207 Notice Public Notice Regarding promotion of Associate Professor/Principal(CDC) of Govt Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S Group-'A' (College Cadre). Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3208 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Government College, Bilaspur. Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3209 Notice Public Notice Regarding Recruitment to the HCS (Executive Branch) from Register A-II pf member of Group-C services against the vacancies of the year 2019. Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3210 Notice Public Notice Voluntary Retirement of Sh Rajesh Kumar Goel, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 28-06-2019 
3211 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of principle of Equal Pay for Equal Work dated 27-06-2019 Notice Dated 27-06-2019 
3212 Notice Public Notice मास जुलाई, 2019 में लगने वाली वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि प्रदान करने हेतु सेवा पंजिया भेजने बारे| Notice Dated 27-06-2019 
3213 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Suman, AP in Computer Science. Notice Dated 27-06-2019 
3214 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 27-06-2019 
3215 Notice Public Notice Regarding to engage person under Outsourcing Policy Part-II. Notice Dated 25-06-2019 
3216 Notice Public Notice Regarding reservation of Economically Weaker section (EWS) in admissions. Notice Dated 24-06-2019 
3217 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Anil Goel , Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 24-06-2019 
3218 Notice Tender Corrigendum regarding e-Tender for empanelment of companies/agencies for providing handholding support to government colleges and state universities of Haryana for getting/improving accreditation and ratings scores. Notice Dated 21-06-2019 
3219 Notice Public Notice Corrigendum Selection of Private Industry Partner to Promote Entrepreneurship and to Provide Freelancing/Self-Employment/Employment opportunities. Notice Dated 21-06-2019 
3220 Notice Public Notice City Livelihood Centers (CLCs) established under National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM)-availing the services thereof. Notice Dated 21-06-2019 
3221 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-06-2019 
3222 Notice Public Notice Regarding letter/memo/PUC which is addresses to the Directorate for strict compliance with regards to Court Cases. Notice Dated 21-06-2019 
3223 Notice Public Notice Regarding Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System. Notice Dated 21-06-2019 
3224 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admissions in Government, Government Aided & Self Financing degree Colleges in Haryana for the academic session 2019-20. Notice Dated 21-06-2019 
3225 Notice Public Notice SNE 2019-20(Non Recurring) - Empowerment of Girl Students in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 20-06-2019 
3226 Notice Public Notice Regarding Dearness Allowance of outsourcing policy Part II employees. Notice Dated 18-06-2019 
3227 Notice Public Notice Celebration of International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2019- (Haryana). Notice Dated 18-06-2019 
3228 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling of Faculty Data on MIS (NHERC) portal till 18th June, 2019. Notice Dated 18-06-2019 
3229 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) to Smt Maha Shaweta, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 18-06-2019 
3230 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Library Attendant (roup D) recommendations received from HSSC against Advt No 4/2018 Cat No.1. Notice Dated 14-06-2019 
3231 Notice Public Notice Regarding Budget allotment for staff engaged under Outsourcing Policy Part I and II in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 14-06-2019 
3232 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding remuneration of Contractual Guest Lecturers. Notice Dated 14-06-2019 
3233 Notice Public Notice Launch of Annual Startup Competition - Startup Pratiyogita (SUPRATI) dated 13-06-2019 Notice Dated 13-06-2019 
3234 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Group-D (Field Office Govt College). Notice Dated 13-06-2019 
3235 Notice Public Notice SNE 2019-20 Scheme for "Assistance for Science Exhibition in the Colleges" (Govt Colleges). Notice Dated 13-06-2019 
3236 Notice Public Notice SNE 2019-20 Scheme for "Assistance for Science Exhibition in the Colleges" (Non-Govt Aided Colleges). Notice Dated 13-06-2019 
3237 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Saroj Bala, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 13-06-2019 
3238 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 12-06-2019 
3239 Notice Public Notice Minutes of Principal Meeting held on 27th, 29th march and 1st and 5th April, 2019 under the Chairmanship of Shri A. Sreenivas, IAS, Director Higher Education. Notice Dated 11-06-2019 
3240 Notice Public Notice Regarding conveying guidelines for installation of Mobile Tower in Government Premises & installation of In-Building Solution (IBS) in Govt Building as cited in CCI Policy. Notice Dated 11-06-2019 
3241 Notice Public Notice Maternity leaves for Female Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 11-06-2019 
3242 Notice Public Notice Information Regarding Staff Statement. Notice Dated 11-06-2019 
3243 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 11-06-2019 
3244 Notice Public Notice Grant of reservation to person with Disabilities in Jobs under Govt/Govt Undertakings, Local Bodies and Universities etc. Notice Dated 11-06-2019 
3245 Notice Public Notice Centralized online admissions in Government, Government aided & Self financing degree colleges in Haryana for the academic session 2019-20 Notice Dated 08-06-2019 
3246 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding the increase /decrease of the units/seats demanded by various Govt .colleges Notice Dated 08-06-2019 
3247 Notice Public Notice Regarding Converting Govt. College (Co-education) Kheri Chopta (Hisar) in to Govt. College for Girls Kheri Chopta (Hisar) for the academic session 2019-20 Notice Dated 07-06-2019 
3248 Notice Public Notice Regarding reservation of Economically Weaker section in admissions. Notice Dated 07-06-2019 
3249 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Parveen Kumar, Assistant Professor in Physics. Notice Dated 07-06-2019 
3250 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Vijay Adlakha, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 07-06-2019 
3251 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Associate and Assistant Professors dated 7-6-2019 Notice Dated 07-06-2019 
3252 Notice Public Notice Regarding Granting the scale of Rs 37400-67000+9000 G.P to the Assistant Professors of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 04-06-2019 
3253 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Dinesh kumar, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 30-05-2019 
3254 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Cancellation of deputation of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 30-05-2019 
3255 Notice Public Notice Order of Additional duty charge of Smt. Sunita Devi Principal dated 23.03.2019 Notice Dated 23-03-2019 
3256 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer & Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 10-03-2019 
3257 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer & Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 10-03-2019 
3258 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Sh. Amardeep Singh Clerk, Govt. College, Raipur Rani Dated 08.03.2019 Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3259 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Kanchan Bala, Assistant Professor in Maths. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3260 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3261 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3262 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3263 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Krishan Kumar, Associate Professor in Physical Education. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3264 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3265 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3266 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3267 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors (To Be Substituted Bearing Same Number 4/77-2019 C1(3) And Date 07.03.2019). Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3268 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3269 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Jagpal Kaushik, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3270 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer & Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3271 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer & Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3272 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer and Deputation orders of Associate and Assistant Professors dated 08-03-2019 Notice Dated 08-03-2019 
3273 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Orders of Sh Vimal Kumar, Clerk and Deputation Orders of Sh Vijender Singh, Clerk. Notice Dated 07-03-2019 
3274 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Orders of Sh Vimal Kumar, Clerk and Deputation Orders of Sh Vijender Singh, Clerk. Notice Dated 07-03-2019 
3275 Notice Public Notice Adjustment Orders of newly appointed Assistant Professors in Computer Science. Notice Dated 07-03-2019 
3276 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors (To Be Substituted Bearing Same Number And Date). Notice Dated 07-03-2019 
3277 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Sh Jai Bhagwan, Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 06-03-2019 
3278 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 06-03-2019 
3279 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh.Raj kumar, Assistant. Notice Dated 06-03-2019 
3280 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Meenu, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 05-03-2019 
3281 Notice Transfer Orders Cancel deputation order of She. Vijay Singh Assistant Professor Zoology dated 01-03-2019 Notice Dated 01-03-2019 
3282 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Smt. Sangeeta Assistant Professor Physical Education dated 01-03-2019 Notice Dated 01-03-2019 
3283 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Smt. Sangeeta Assistant Professor Physical Education dated 01-03-2019 Notice Dated 01-03-2019 
3284 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 28-02-2019 
3285 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Satish Kumar, Assistant Professor in Physical Education. Notice Dated 27-02-2019 
3286 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer Order of Ms. kavita Sehrawat, Assistant Professor in Physical Education. Notice Dated 27-02-2019 
3287 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cancellation of deputation orders of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 27-02-2019 
3288 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cancellation of Deputation orders of Sh. Chaman lal, Restorer. Notice Dated 27-02-2019 
3289 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 27-02-2019 
3290 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-02-2019 
3291 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting Order of Newly Appointed Assistant Professor In subject of Computer Science. Notice Dated 26-02-2019 
3292 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer order of Sh. Munish Kumar, Associate professor Commerce dated 26.02.2019 Notice Dated 26-02-2019 
3293 Notice Public Notice Regarding Order of Cancellation of deputation of following Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 26-02-2019 
3294 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Parveen Kumar, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 26-02-2019 
3295 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 26-02-2019 
3296 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 25-02-2019 
3297 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Deepika Kumari, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 25-02-2019 
3298 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancellation of transfer orders of Sh. Munish Kumar, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 25-02-2019 
3299 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Raj Kumar, AP in History. Notice Dated 23-02-2019 
3300 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 23-02-2019 
3301 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Orders of Varsha Chaudhary, AP in Political Science. Notice Dated 22-02-2019 
3302 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Dr. Anuradha Punia, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 22-02-2019 
3303 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 22-02-2019 
3304 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancellation of deputation orders of Dr. Kartar Singh Narwal, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 22-02-2019 
3305 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Orders of Varsha Chaudhary, AP in Political Science. Notice Dated 22-02-2019 
3306 Notice Public Notice RFP for Selection of Private Industry Partner to Promote Entrepreneurship and to Provide Freelancing/Self-Employment/Employment opportunities to the youth of Haryana in 31 Colleges of Excellence in Department of Higher Education Haryana Notice Dated 22-02-2019 
3307 Notice Public Notice RFP for Supply and Installation of Sanitary Napkin Disposal Machine (Incinerators) in Government Colleges in Haryana dated 22-02-2019 Notice Dated 22-02-2019 
3308 Notice Public Notice Regarding CCL of Smt. Namita , Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 21-02-2019 
3309 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Principals (CDC). Notice Dated 21-02-2019 
3310 Notice Public Notice Inter Collegiate State Championship in Baseball (M&W) w.e.f 09-03-2019 to 12-03-2019. Notice Dated 21-02-2019 
3311 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-02-2019 
3312 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 21-02-2019 
3313 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sukhbir Singh, Associate Professor in History and Cancellation of Deputation of Smt Birender Kaur, AP in History. Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3314 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Urmila Devi, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3315 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Anil Kumar, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3316 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Rajesh Poonia, Assistan/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3317 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Raj Kumar,,Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3318 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Smt Savita Ahuja, Librarian and Deputation Order of Smt Shakuntla, Restorer. Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3319 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Mani Ram Lamba, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3320 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Adjustment of Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3321 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 20-02-2019 
3322 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Sh. Naresh kumar, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 18-02-2019 
3323 Notice Transfer Orders Order regarding Transfer/ Deputation order of Assistant/ Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges Dated 16.02.2019. Notice Dated 16-02-2019 
3324 Notice Public Notice Regarding deputation/cancellation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 15-02-2019 
3325 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 15-02-2019 
3326 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer order of Sh. Parveen kumar, Assistant. Notice Dated 15-02-2019 
3327 Notice Public Notice Regarding setting up of Quality Cell in Directorate for improving NAAC and ratings of Govt. Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 15-02-2019 
3328 Notice Public Notice Regarding Workshop on the Awareness and Need of NAAC Assessment & Accreditation of Colleges. Notice Dated 15-02-2019 
3329 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading Data of All India Survey of Higher Education. Notice Dated 15-02-2019 
3330 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 14-02-2019 
3331 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancellation of deputation orders of Raj kumar Sharma, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 14-02-2019 
3332 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding order of cancel/depute of the following Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 14-02-2019 
3333 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Bhupinder Singh , Assistant/Associate.Professor. Notice Dated 14-02-2019 
3334 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Sh. Ashok kumar, Assistant. Notice Dated 14-02-2019 
3335 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation order of Sh. Manish, Assistant. Notice Dated 14-02-2019 
3336 Notice Public Notice Regarding partial modification in office order of Sh. Sukhbir singh. Notice Dated 14-02-2019 
3337 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Manish, Assistant and Deputation Cancellation Order of Sh Vijender Singh, Clerk. Notice Dated 13-02-2019 
3338 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 13-02-2019 
3339 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 13-02-2019 
3340 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining on the post of Group D. Notice Dated 13-02-2019 
3341 Notice Public Notice Adjustment of Displaced Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 13-02-2019 
3342 Notice Public Notice Regarding Withdrawing of salary from previous college on HRMS portal in case of transfer. Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3343 Notice Public Notice Regarding taking Online Appointment to meet the Director Higher Education. Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3344 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Group-D ( Field Office Govt.College). Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3345 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pay Revision of (Retd) Associate Professor. Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3346 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Principals/Principal (CDC) and /Retired Principal/ Principal (CDC) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3347 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Rajesh Boora. Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3348 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding order of cancel/deputation order of Professor Neelam Chaudhary. Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3349 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Rakesh Jain, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3350 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Satya Parkash, Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 12-02-2019 
3351 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-fixation of Pay of Sh R. D. Sharma, Associate Professor in English (Retd.). Notice Dated 11-02-2019 
3352 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity Leave of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-02-2019 
3353 Notice Public Notice Providing the information regarding Anti Sexual harassment Committee. Notice Dated 11-02-2019 
3354 Notice Public Notice Regarding Coffee Table Book on various Academic and administrative reforms and initiatives in Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 11-02-2019 
3355 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Group D (Field office Govt.College). Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3356 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3357 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate professor. Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3358 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3359 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation"orders of Assistant /Associate Professor. Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3360 Notice Public Notice Appointment Order of Sh. Rambir & Kamaljit Singh on the post of Library Attendant (Group D). Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3361 Notice Public Notice Regarding Purchase of DG set (rate contract of DG set).. Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3362 Notice Public Notice Regarding installation of Grid Connected Roof Top Solar power Plants in Government Colleges Buildings Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3363 Notice Public Notice Regarding benefit of Earned Leave to officials in lieu of work done during summer vacation of 2017. Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3364 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) to Principals (CDC). Notice Dated 08-02-2019 
3365 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-fixation of Pay of Sh Mahavir Singh, Associate Professor in Commerce (Retd.). Notice Dated 07-02-2019 
3366 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-fixation of Pay of Sh Ghanshyam Dass, Associate Professor in Zoology (Retd.). Notice Dated 07-02-2019 
3367 Notice Public Notice Request to constitute an Electoral Club to organize different competitions to make students aware of Electoral participation. Notice Dated 07-02-2019 
3368 Notice Public Notice Regarding Wifi campus in all Govt/Aided Colleges in the State of Haryana. Notice Dated 07-02-2019 
3369 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 07-02-2019 
3370 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation and "cancellation of deputation" order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-02-2019 
3371 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 07-02-2019 
3372 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Smt. Asha Jakkar, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 06-02-2019 
3373 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 06-02-2019 
3374 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancellation of deputation orders of Smt. Seema, Assistant Professor, Commerce dated 06.02.2019 Notice Dated 06-02-2019 
3375 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt kanta Devi, Clerk. Notice Dated 06-02-2019 
3376 Notice Public Notice Appointment Order of Sh Ajay on the post of Library Attendant. Notice Dated 05-02-2019 
3377 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 05-02-2019 
3378 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 05-02-2019 
3379 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Sandeep Khandwal, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 05-02-2019 
3380 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Cancellation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 04-02-2019 
3381 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Group- D candidates Notice Dated 04-02-2019 
3382 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) to Sh Shiv Charan Sharma, Associate Professor in Hindi. Notice Dated 04-02-2019 
3383 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Digital launch of projects approved under RUSA by Honble Prime Minister. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3384 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Clerk. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3385 Notice Public Notice Tentative Schedule of Legal Literacy Programme for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3386 Notice Public Notice Regarding Legal Literacy Competitions to be organized during the year 2019 at Divisional Level. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3387 Notice Public Notice Regarding Legal Literacy Competitions to be organized during the year 2019 at District Level. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3388 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation of Assistant /Associate Professors for six months. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3389 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Smt. Meenu Malik Assistant. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3390 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Jagdish Kumar, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 01-02-2019 
3391 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Savita Rani, Assistant Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 31-01-2019 
3392 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Smt Kamlesh, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 31-01-2019 
3393 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Group D (Field Offices Govt Colleges). Notice Dated 31-01-2019 
3394 Notice Public Notice Supply of Information regarding Group D Post (Peon). Notice Dated 31-01-2019 
3395 Notice Public Notice Joining Report on the post of Group - D Peon (Govt Colleges). Notice Dated 31-01-2019 
3396 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) Programme of Government of India. Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3397 Notice Public Notice Regarding compliance report on direction issued by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition no.728/2018 titled as Arjun Gopal vs. Union of India & Orson 23.10.2018 on fire Crackers. Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3398 Notice Public Notice Regarding reemployment of Govt Officials and Officers. Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3399 Notice Public Notice Regarding responsibility of the Election Officials to the Commission Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3400 Notice Public Notice Regarding trend of Hindi Language in Haryana State Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3401 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors, in Govt. College dated 30.01.2019. Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3402 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/ Associate Professor in Govt. College dated.30.01.2019 Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3403 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Puja Bishnoi Assistant/ Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges dated.30.01.2019 Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3404 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors, in Govt. College dated 30.01.2019 Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3405 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/ Associate Professor in Govt. College dated.30.01.2019 Notice Dated 30-01-2019 
3406 Notice Public Notice Appointment order of Sh.Sushil Kumar Library Attendant (Group-D) dated 29-01-2019 Notice Dated 29-01-2019 
3407 Notice Public Notice Appointment order of Sh.Rakesh Kumar S/o Sh.Umed Singh Library Attendant (Group-D) dated 29-01-2019 Notice Dated 29-01-2019 
3408 Notice Public Notice Appointment order of Sh.Rakesh Kumar Library Attendant (Group-D) dated 29-01-2019 Notice Dated 29-01-2019 
3409 Notice Public Notice Regarding Installation of Grid connected Roof Top Solar Power Plants in Government Colleges Building. Notice Dated 29-01-2019 
3410 Notice Public Notice One Week Training Course on Accounts Administration and prevention of Mal Practices at HIPA. Notice Dated 29-01-2019 
3411 Notice Public Notice Appointment on the post of Group D (Field office Govt.College). Notice Dated 29-01-2019 
3412 Notice Public Notice Adjustment of Displaced Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 28-01-2019 
3413 Notice Public Notice Appointment Orders of Group D (Peon) at Head Quarter. Notice Dated 28-01-2019 
3414 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 28-01-2019 
3415 Notice Public Notice Appointment order of Ms. Alisha Library Attendant (Group-D) dated 25-01-2019 Notice Dated 25-01-2019 
3416 Notice Public Notice Appointment Orders of Group D (Peon) in Govt Colleges [UPDATED LIST]. Notice Dated 25-01-2019 
3417 Notice Public Notice Regarding MHRD Innovation Cell (MIC) and coordination with State Government. Notice Dated 25-01-2019 
3418 Notice Public Notice Appointment Orders of Group D (Library Attendant). Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3419 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave Instruction / Directions thereof. Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3420 Notice Public Notice Payment of cash Equivalent to leave in favor of Sh. Subhash Chander, Associate Professor, in Physics (Retd.). Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3421 Notice Public Notice Appointment Orders of Group D (Peon) of NCC Cadre. Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3422 Notice Public Notice Appointment Orders of Group D (Peon) of NCC Cadre. Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3423 Notice Public Notice Appointment Orders of Group D (peon) at Head Quarter. Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3424 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Amitesh Boken, Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3425 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 24-01-2019 
3426 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Principals/Principal (CDC) and /Retired Principal/ Principal (CDC) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 23-01-2019 
3427 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3428 Notice Public Notice Regarding Current Duty Charge (CDC) to the Associate Professors to the post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S-1 Group-'A'. Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3429 Notice Public Notice Regarding Current Duty Charge (CDC) to the Associate Professors to the post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S-1 Group-'A'. Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3430 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor Chemistry. Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3431 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt Kavita, Clerk. Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3432 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation of Assistant /Associate Professor. Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3433 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding cancellation of deputation orders of Seema chaudhary, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3434 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer/adjustment of the Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 22-01-2019 
3435 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-01-2019 
3436 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Deputation order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 21-01-2019 
3437 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-instated in service of Shri Yashpal Singh. Notice Dated 21-01-2019 
3438 Notice Public Notice Regarding participation in SIH 2019 Idea Submission. Notice Dated 19-01-2019 
3439 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer orders of Sh Chhatarpal vice Smt Pushpa Kumari issued vide 4/310-2018 C1(3) dated 17.01.2019. Notice Dated 19-01-2019 
3440 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Iqbal Singh, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 18-01-2019 
3441 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and "Cancellation of Deputation" Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 18-01-2019 
3442 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Principal (CDC) / Deputy Director. Notice Dated 18-01-2019 
3443 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding revised scale w.e.f (01.01.2006 Rs.15600-39100+8000 Grade Pay ) Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3444 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3445 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 Contest. Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3446 Notice Public Notice Regarding Updation of workload (2018-19) on MIS portal. Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3447 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated (To be substituted bearing same number and date). Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3448 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Kanta, AP in Political Science. Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3449 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3450 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3451 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation/Cancellation of Deputation Orders of Assistant /Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-01-2019 
3452 Notice Public Notice Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT). Notice Dated 16-01-2019 
3453 Notice Public Notice Regarding Expenditure for attestation of documents of newly appointed Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 16-01-2019 
3454 Notice Public Notice Advertisement for the post of Vice Chancellor, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana Notice Dated 16-01-2019 
3455 Notice Public Notice Regarding Creation of Post for persons regularized under the regularization policies of year 2003-04 Notice Dated 16-01-2019 
3456 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retention in service beyond of 50/55 years - cutting of delay Notice Dated 16-01-2019 
3457 Notice Public Notice Regarding to nominate the following as non official member of the Governing body of Haryana Sarasvati Heritage Development Board Notice Dated 15-01-2019 
3458 Notice Public Notice Regarding to extension of the period of the following Non-Official member of General Body for another year i.e. w.e.f 29.10.2018 to 28.10.2019 Notice Dated 15-01-2019 
3459 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding training / workshop for ERP modules and Mobile App under DHE - IT Plan at Govt . P.G. College , Sector - 1 , Panchkula. Notice Dated 15-01-2019 
3460 Notice Public Notice Regarding successful conduct of District Youth Parliament (DYP) - National Youth parliament Festival 2019 in haryana. Notice Dated 15-01-2019 
3461 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Three weeks training program for Assistant/ Associate Professor of Universities/ Colleges on "Geospatial Technology and its application". Notice Dated 15-01-2019 
3462 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Naresh Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 15-01-2019 
3463 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sukhbir Singh, Assistant Professor in History. Notice Dated 11-01-2019 
3464 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of non teaching staff. Notice Dated 11-01-2019 
3465 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Naresh Kumar in Assistant Professor in Economics. Notice Dated 11-01-2019 
3466 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer Order of Sh Shyam Singh, JLA. Notice Dated 11-01-2019 
3467 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding establishing District Level Higher Education offices in the State. Notice Dated 11-01-2019 
3468 Notice Public Notice Appointment of Govt Nominee for the Governing Body meetings of All Aided Colleges in the state of Haryana. Notice Dated 11-01-2019 
3469 Notice Public Notice Promotion of GST Trained Professionals for advocacy & its linkage with MSME industry/Establishment. Notice Dated 11-01-2019 
3470 Notice Public Notice Adjustment of displaced Extension Lecturer. Notice Dated 10-01-2019 
3471 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Non Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 10-01-2019 
3472 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Mamta Rani, Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 10-01-2019 
3473 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Naveen Dinodia, Assistant Professor in Botany. Notice Dated 10-01-2019 
3474 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Dr Vijay Pal Singh. Notice Dated 10-01-2019 
3475 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Karambir Singh, L.A and Stabir Singh, L.A. Notice Dated 09-01-2019 
3476 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2018-19 (Non-Recurring) Scheme for "Assistance for Science Exhibition in the Colleges" (Non Govt Aided Colleges). Notice Dated 09-01-2019 
3477 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2018-19 (Non-Recurring) Scheme for "Assistance for Science Exhibition in the Colleges" (Government Colleges). Notice Dated 09-01-2019 
3478 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of the District Library, Kurukshetra. Notice Dated 09-01-2019 
3479 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding training / workshop for ERP modules and Mobile App under DHE - IT Plan at Govt . P.G. College , Sector - 1 , Panchkula. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3480 Notice Public Notice Regarding relieving of Dr Rakesh Wadwa, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3481 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of GC Narnaul. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3482 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sanction to non Govt Aided Colleges to organize the Seminar/Conferences for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3483 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Dr. Meenakshi Dalal. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3484 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity leave of Dr Minakshi, Assistant Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3485 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Dilbag Singh, Associate Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3486 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Bhawna, Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3487 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation Order of Suresh Kumar, JLA and further Deputation order of Suresh Kumar, JLA. Notice Dated 08-01-2019 
3488 Notice Public Notice Transfer Order of Sh Jang Singh, Senior Librarian. Notice Dated 07-01-2019 
3489 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sh Anand Singh, Clerk and Deputation order of Sunny, Clerk. Notice Dated 07-01-2019 
3490 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Principals/Principal (CDC) and /Retired Principal/ Principal (CDC) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 07-01-2019 
3491 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 07-01-2019 
3492 Notice Public Notice Regarding Posting Orders of newly appointed Assistant Professors in Geography. Notice Dated 06-01-2019 
3493 Notice Public Notice partial Modification of office oder no, 4/301-2018 C1(3) dated 02/03.01.2019 regarding posting of Sunil Sharma. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3494 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order Sh Shyam Singh, Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3495 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3496 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Suman lata, Assistant Professor in Physics. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3497 Notice Public Notice Engagement of Non Teaching Staff through outsourcing policy. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3498 Notice Public Notice Partial Modification of order dated 04.10.2017 regarding leave encashment of Sh Sarjit Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3499 Notice Public Notice Payment o cash Equivalent to leave in favor of Dr Arun Kumar, Associate Professor, Pol Sci(Retd.). Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3500 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Dr Ekta Sharma, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3501 Notice Public Notice Extension in the date for participation in Orientation and Refresher course upto 31.12.2018. Notice Dated 04-01-2019 
3502 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Principals/Principal (CDC) and /Retired Principal/ Principal (CDC) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3503 Notice Public Notice Schedule for Inter Collegiate State Tournament 2018-19 organized by Higher Education Department Haryana. Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3504 Notice Public Notice Regarding Providing of Staff Statement . Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3505 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Monika Rani, Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3506 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Charan SIngh, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3507 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Makhan Singh, Assistant Professor in Botnay. Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3508 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors for 4 months. Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3509 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 03-01-2019 
3510 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sh Dinesh Bhardwaj, Deputy Superintendent and Deputation order of Satish Kumar, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3511 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt Anju, Assistant. Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3512 Notice Public Notice Adjustment of displaced Extension Lecturer. Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3513 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling of Chowkidar posts in Finance Department from other departments. Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3514 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-fixation of the criteria of re-employment after superannuation Govt Employees Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3515 Notice Public Notice Haryana Govt Instructions regarding Ex Military Service Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3516 Notice Public Notice Regarding Official dealing between the Administration and Members of parliament and State Legislature-observance of proper procedure-reiteration of instructions. Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3517 Notice Public Notice Regarding order of First Appellate Authority, SPIO and ASPIO Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3518 Notice Public Notice Regarding Assistance by Gazetted Officers in trap/raid conducted by Vigilance Department Notice Dated 01-01-2019 
3519 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 31-12-2018 
3520 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Smt Mili, Associate Professor, home Science. Notice Dated 31-12-2018 
3521 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Jasmneder Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 28-12-2018 
3522 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated. Notice Dated 27-12-2018 
3523 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation and Transfer order of Non Teaching Staff. Notice Dated 27-12-2018 
3524 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Principals/Principal (CDC) and /Retired Principal/ Principal (CDC) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 27-12-2018 
3525 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 27-12-2018 
3526 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-12-2018 
3527 Notice Public Notice Regarding IT Training of Government College Teachers. Notice Dated 21-12-2018 
3528 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3529 Notice Public Notice Regarding consent for installation of Grid connected Roof Top Solar Power Plants in Government Colleges Buildings. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3530 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding rolling out placement Module. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3531 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of GCW Bawani Khera. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3532 Notice Public Notice Transfer Order of Smt. Meenakshi, Assistant Professor ,Chemistry and Smt. Neelam Rohilla, Associate Professor ,Maths in Govt. Colleges dated 20.12.2018. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3533 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt. Meenakshi, Assistant Professor ,Chemistry and Smt. Neelam Rohilla, Associate Professor ,Maths in Govt. Colleges dated 20.12.2018. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3534 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation order of Sh. Surender Kumar [13081], Assistant Professor in History. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3535 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Ravi Rathee, Assistant, GC Badli. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3536 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Jagdeep, Steno Typist, GC Tohana. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3537 Notice Public Notice Deputation Order of Shobha Dhull, Associate Professor in History, GCW Lakhan Majra. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3538 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation order of Sh. Gurnam Singh, Assistant Professor in History. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3539 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Sh Yamin Khan, Clerk and Deputation Orders of Sh Mukesh Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 20-12-2018 
3540 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Transfer Order of Mnaju Deswal, Assistant Professor in Hindi. Notice Dated 19-12-2018 
3541 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding optimal use of computer and language lab. Notice Dated 19-12-2018 
3542 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2018-19 (Non-Recurring) Scheme for Educational and Excursion Tour for Girls Students in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 19-12-2018 
3543 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Three days Course on "Audit Sensitization and Systematic Solutions to Corruption (Jan 1-3,2019)" at HIPA, Divisional Training Center, 1st Floor, Coop - Bank Building (Near Bajrang Bhawani), Rohtak Notice Dated 19-12-2018 
3544 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Principals/Principal (CDC) and /Retired Principal/ Principal (CDC) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 19-12-2018 
3545 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 19-12-2018 
3546 Notice Public Notice Regarding optimal use of computer and language labs. Notice Dated 19-12-2018 
3547 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Dheeraj yadav, Clerk, GC Meham. Notice Dated 18-12-2018 
3548 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 18-12-2018 
3549 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Parvesh Kumar, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 17-12-2018 
3550 Notice Public Notice Regarding rolling out Shiksha Setu Mobile App dated 17-12-2018 Notice Dated 17-12-2018 
3551 Notice Public Notice Scheme for Educational and Excursion Tour for Boys Student of Govt Colleges for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 14-12-2018 
3552 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-12-2018 
3553 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Sarita Bishnoi, Assistant/Associate Professors dated 14.12.2018 Notice Dated 14-12-2018 
3554 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated. Notice Dated 14-12-2018 
3555 Notice Public Notice Regarding directive for measures to tackle the pollution problem due to firecrackers Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3556 Notice Public Notice Regarding to nominate Sh Rajesh Gupta and Sh Yogesh Bugra as non official members of District Grievance Committee Karnal Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3557 Notice Public Notice Regarding issuance of instructions for preparation of waiting list in respect of Group B Post recommended by HSSC Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3558 Notice Public Notice Regarding to nominate Smt Saroj Sihag as non official member of District Grievance Redressal Committee, Bhiwani Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3559 Notice Public Notice Regarding disclosures of Personal Information under the RTI Act, 2005 Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3560 Notice Public Notice Regarding SETC (Providing opportunity to persons concerned to clear the type test). Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3561 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Dearness Allowance to central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 01.07.2018 Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3562 Notice Public Notice Regarding withholding the LTC/HTC/Child Education Allowance/Child Care leave/Annual Increment/Promotions/Loans of employees who were regularized under the policies of 2014. Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3563 Notice Public Notice Regarding Overdue Loan installment of employees. Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3564 Notice Public Notice Regarding to nominate Rakesh Sekhawat as non official member of District Grievance Redressal Committee, Mahendergarh Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3565 Notice Public Notice Regarding Office efficiency-disposal of PUCs/Files/Cases pending for more than one month Drafting of manual of Office Procedure for State. Notice Dated 13-12-2018 
3566 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Adjustment of displaced extension lectures. Notice Dated 12-12-2018 
3567 Notice Public Notice Notice Clarification regarding methodology for calculating API score during leave period of teaching faculty in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 12-12-2018 
3568 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Associate Professor in Govt. College dated.12.12.2018 Notice Dated 12-12-2018 
3569 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Principal (Current Duty Charge) in Govt. Colleges dated.11.12.2018 Notice Dated 11-12-2018 
3570 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Revision of Pension / family pension pre-01.01.2016 pensioners/ family pensioner of Haryana Government (7th CPC) w.e.f. 01.01.2016- clarification thereof Notice Dated 10-12-2018 
3571 Notice Public Notice Regarding Govt. College, Narnaul (Mohindergarh) may be read as 'Govt. College for Women, Narnaul (Mohindergarh)'. Notice Dated 09-12-2018 
3572 Notice Public Notice Regarding Two Days Workshop to finalized the Sports Policy of Higher Education. Notice Dated 07-12-2018 
3573 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 07-12-2018 
3574 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Smt Seema Kumari, Assistant Professor in Hindi, GC Badli. Notice Dated 07-12-2018 
3575 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Sandeep Dahiya, Clerk, GCW Gohana. Notice Dated 07-12-2018 
3576 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling up the vacant post in MDA on deputation. Notice Dated 07-12-2018 
3577 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Mukesh Kumar, Clerk, GC Naraingarh. Notice Dated 06-12-2018 
3578 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Balbir, Assistant, GC Taraori. Notice Dated 06-12-2018 
3579 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding 22nd December, 2018 is hereby declared as a holiday in all Govt. Colleges of Panchkula. Notice Dated 06-12-2018 
3580 Notice Public Notice Providing information regarding Staff Statement. Notice Dated 06-12-2018 
3581 Notice Public Notice Regarding supply of complete itinerary/details of important programmes to Hon'ble Chief Minister. Notice Dated 06-12-2018 
3582 Notice Public Notice Sanction/Drawing & Disbursing Officer for payment of Scholarship and other stipend schemes. Notice Dated 06-12-2018 
3583 Notice Public Notice Three Days workshop on Purchase Procedures including Procurement and Government e-Marketplace (Gem) at Hisar. Notice Dated 06-12-2018 
3584 Notice Public Notice Providing the information regarding Anti Sexual harassment Committee. Notice Dated 05-12-2018 
3585 Notice Public Notice Three Days workshop on Purchase Procedures including Procurement and Government e-Marketplace (Gem). Notice Dated 05-12-2018 
3586 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges dated.05.12.2018 Notice Dated 05-12-2018 
3587 Notice Public Notice Cancellation Transfer Order of Smt. Indu Rohila, Associate Professor, in Mathematics. dated 05.12.2018 Notice Dated 05-12-2018 
3588 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Rohtash Godara, Associate Professor Geography, in Govt. College dated.05.12.2018 Notice Dated 05-12-2018 
3589 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges dated.05.12.2018 Notice Dated 05-12-2018 
3590 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding On line appointment with Director Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3591 Notice Public Notice Notice Regarding Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3592 Notice Public Notice Regarding effective implementation of Sexual Harassment of women at work place Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3593 Notice Public Notice Regarding to amend the Haryana Civil Services (Judicial Branch) and the Haryana Superior Judicial Service Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3594 Notice Public Notice Regarding General Election to Lok Sabha, 2019 - Position of Govt Employees in relation to elections. Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3595 Notice Public Notice Regarding Online filling of Property Returns. Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3596 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reservation of post for person with Benchmark Disability under the service of State Government - Haryana Civil Services Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3597 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of reservation while engaging contractual manpower under Part - I of Outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3598 Notice Public Notice Regarding taking the prior approval/concurrence of Finance Department and General Administration Department invariably before issuing the orders of reemployment / extension in service to the Govt officials. Notice Dated 04-12-2018 
3599 Notice Public Notice Action Plan for control of Drug Trafficking and setting up of Drug De-addiction centers in Haryana. Notice Dated 03-12-2018 
3600 Notice Public Notice Three Days Workshop on "Office Procedure and Record Management (Dec 4-6, 2018)" at Divisional Training Center HIPA, Hisar. Notice Dated 30-11-2018 
3601 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Principals/Principals (CDC). Notice Dated 30-11-2018 
3602 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Arjun Singh, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 30-11-2018 
3603 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant of Maternity Leave to Female Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 29-11-2018 
3604 Notice Public Notice Revised rates of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopedically differently able employees of Government of Haryana. Notice Dated 26-11-2018 
3605 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-11-2018 
3606 Notice Public Notice Regarding sports grant. Notice Dated 26-11-2018 
3607 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Kanwar SIngh, Laboratory Attendant. Notice Dated 26-11-2018 
3608 Notice Public Notice Regarding setting up of Entrepreneurship Development Clubs in Colleges. Notice Dated 21-11-2018 
3609 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling of Extension Lecturer & Guest Lecturer Data on MIS Portal. Notice Dated 19-11-2018 
3610 Notice Public Notice One Week Course on "Noting Drafting, e-office and Services Rules (Nov 26-30, 2018)" at HIPA, Divisional Training Centre, 1st Floor, Coop-Bank-Building (Near Bajrang, Bhiwani), Rohtak. Notice Dated 19-11-2018 
3611 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) to Principals (CDC). Notice Dated 19-11-2018 
3612 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) to Sh Rajesh Kumar, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 16-11-2018 
3613 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 15-11-2018 
3614 Notice Public Notice Five Advance increments to Assistant Professors having Ph.D without NET at entry level as per UGC and MHRD notification. Notice Dated 15-11-2018 
3615 Notice Public Notice Regarding CDC Charge to Smt. Vedwanti Associate Professor in English Notice Dated 14-11-2018 
3616 Notice Public Notice Adjustment of displaced extension lecturers. Notice Dated 14-11-2018 
3617 Notice Public Notice Regarding Research Study on Human Rights of Transgender as a Third Gender by Dr. Jacob John, President, Kerela Development Society, New Delhi for submitting ATR on its recommendations. Notice Dated 13-11-2018 
3618 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Pay Scale of Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 12-11-2018 
3619 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care leave to Dr. Isha Goyal, Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 09-11-2018 
3620 Notice Public Notice Permission for outsourcing of Service/activities under Part 1 of outsourcing policy of the state government. Notice Dated 05-11-2018 
3621 Notice Public Notice Regarding Induction Training Course to newly appointed Assistant Professor at HIPA, Gurugram. Notice Dated 02-11-2018 
3622 Notice Public Notice Relinquish Report of Smt Amrita Singh, HCS from the post of Additional Director Administration & Additional Secretary to Govt of Haryana Higher Education. Notice Dated 02-11-2018 
3623 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 02-11-2018 
3624 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Sh Ranbir SIngh, Principal, GC Matak Majri, Karnal. Notice Dated 02-11-2018 
3625 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Sapal Girotra, Principal (DC) from GC Bilaspur to GC Chhacchrauli. Notice Dated 02-11-2018 
3626 Notice Public Notice Regarding transfer order of Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 31-10-2018 
3627 Notice Public Notice Regarding Computers for computer Labs. Notice Dated 31-10-2018 
3628 Notice Public Notice Regarding Workshop of Principals on ICT, e-learning and Digital Learning commencing from 2nd Nov, 2018 to 3rd Nov, 2018. Notice Dated 31-10-2018 
3629 Notice Public Notice Permission for outsourcing of service/activities under Part-I of outsourcing policy of the state Govt. issued vide letter dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 31-10-2018 
3630 Notice Public Notice Regarding disposal of Grievances revived on Centralized Public grievances Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS P Portal). Notice Dated 31-10-2018 
3631 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Principals/Principal (CDC) and /Retired Principal/ Principal (CDC) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 30-10-2018 
3632 Notice Public Notice Five Advance increments to Assistant Professors having Ph.D without NET at entry level as per UGC and MHRD notification. Notice Dated 30-10-2018 
3633 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of Sh. Abhimanyu, Clerk (EBPG Category). Notice Dated 30-10-2018 
3634 Notice Public Notice Revision of grant of Special Allowance for Safai Karamcharies working in Govt Aided Colleges in State. Notice Dated 29-10-2018 
3635 Notice Public Notice Organizing the Fire & Evacuation Drills in Colleges & Universities. Notice Dated 29-10-2018 
3636 Notice Public Notice Regarding Workshop of Principal on ICT, e-learning and Digital Learning commencing from 2nd Nov, 2018 to 3rd Nov, 2018. Notice Dated 29-10-2018 
3637 Notice Public Notice Regarding granting of Extension in Joining Time to 7 no. of Assistant Professors in different subjects appointed vide order No. 9/14-2018 C-1(2) dated 12.7.2018. Notice Dated 26-10-2018 
3638 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the salaries of newly appointed Assistant Professors in different colleges. Notice Dated 26-10-2018 
3639 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Ashok Kumar, Deputy Supdt. Notice Dated 26-10-2018 
3640 Notice Public Notice Conduct of written examination for Group D posts in various exam centers in Haryana. Notice Dated 25-10-2018 
3641 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 25-10-2018 
3642 Notice Public Notice Regarding granting of Scale of Rs. 15600-39100+7000 G.P and Rs. 15600-39100+8000 to Assistant Professors of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 25-10-2018 
3643 Notice Public Notice Regarding Placement Linked employability training of Girls Students in Govt Colleges & Govt Aided Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 25-10-2018 
3644 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing the salaries of newly appointed Assistant Professors in different colleges. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3645 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nodal Officer for CPGRAMS PG Portal for Secretariat Establishment. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3646 Notice Public Notice Regarding to nominate Sh Tejinder Singh, S/o Sh Amar Singh as non-official member of District Grievances Redress Committee, Karnal. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3647 Notice Public Notice Regarding to nominate Sh Kanwal Pal S/o Shri Sudarshan Lal C/o Kanwar Dairy, Sushant City Ansal, Panipat as non-official member of District Grievances Redress Committee, Panipat. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3648 Notice Public Notice Regarding cancellation of Registration of North India Anti Corruption & Crime Prevention Organization. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3649 Notice Public Notice Regarding setting up facilities such as feeding rooms/changing rooms at public places for women and children. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3650 Notice Public Notice Regarding disbursements of compensations to the victims under various Acts/Rules/Policies/Guidelines/Court orders/CM announcements etc through electronic mode. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3651 Notice Public Notice Regarding compliance of labor Laws by Contractor/manpower out sourcing agencies engaged by Government Departments. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3652 Notice Public Notice Regarding verification of character and antecedents of selected candidates before their first appointment to government service-relaxation thereof. Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3653 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 23-10-2018 
3654 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Rajbir Singh, JLA Notice Dated 18-10-2018 
3655 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Adjustment of Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 18-10-2018 
3656 Notice Public Notice Regarding Assigning of Current Duty Charge to Associate Professors of Govt Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 18-10-2018 
3657 Notice Public Notice Haryana Paryavaran Conservation and Leadership awards 2017-18. Notice Dated 18-10-2018 
3658 Notice Public Notice Permission for outsourcing of service/activities under Part-I of outsourcing policy of the state Govt. issued vide letter dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 18-10-2018 
3659 Notice Public Notice Annual Athletic Meet 2018-19. Notice Dated 18-10-2018 
3660 Notice Public Notice Celebration of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's Birth Anniversary on 31st October, 2018 and Pledge Taking Ceremony/Run for Unity on 31st October, 2018 as "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas". Notice Dated 18-10-2018 
3661 Notice Public Notice Minutes of the Video Conference held under the Chairpersonship of Mrs. Jyoti Arora, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3662 Notice Public Notice Permission for outsourcing of service/activities under Part-I of outsourcing policy of the state Govt. issued vide letter dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3663 Notice Public Notice Regarding Short Film Making Competitions. Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3664 Notice Public Notice Regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3665 Notice Public Notice Action taken report regarding Centres of Excellence of colleges. Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3666 Notice Public Notice Action taken report regarding Minutes of the meeting held on 30.08.2018 Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3667 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Principals (CDC). Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3668 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Corrigendum - Selection of Service Provider for the Assessment, Training and Placement of Higher Education Students in Haryana. Notice Dated 17-10-2018 
3669 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Joint Director Colleges/Principals/Principal (CDC) and Deputy Director (HQ)/Retired (JD/DD) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 16-10-2018 
3670 Notice Public Notice Regarding exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers of the District Library. Notice Dated 16-10-2018 
3671 Notice Public Notice Regarding weeding out record of litigation Branch of Law and Legislative Department Haryana. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3672 Notice Public Notice Regarding to give employment in various Department/Boards/Corporations of Haryana Govt., under Part-II of outsourcing policy. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3673 Notice Public Notice Regarding immediate suspension of facilities like social pensions, scholarships and arm license in respect of every person against whom charges are farmed by the court for a sexual crime against a woman or a child. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3674 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allocation of Business and disposal of works at various levels of the Govt-implementation of court orders and filing joint reply. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3675 Notice Public Notice Regarding to designate Secretaries/Deputy Secretaries/Under Secretaries/Join Secretaries as SPIO. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3676 Notice Public Notice Regarding to appoint Shri Satyadeo Narain Arya to be the Governor of Haryana and assume the office of Governor of Haryana on 25.08.2018. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3677 Notice Public Notice Regarding check the officials emails daily-mandatory. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3678 Notice Public Notice Regarding enhancement of rates of remuneration payable to the staff engaged by the Central Committee of Examinations Haryana in conducting the Departmental Examinations. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3679 Notice Public Notice Regarding Checking/survey of Government Houses. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3680 Notice Public Notice Staff Position of Computer Instructor, Computer Attendant & English Language Lab Instructor. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3681 Notice Public Notice Register each & every eligible person as electoral roll regarding. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3682 Notice Public Notice Regarding Revised pay of Joint Director Colleges/Principals/Principal (CDC) and Deputy Director (HQ)/Retired (JD/DD) as per revised pay scale on the recommendation of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3683 Notice Public Notice Regarding Governor of haryana pleased to settle the terms & conditions of Sh Lalit batra, Vice-Chairman, Haryana Bureau oof Public Enterprises Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3684 Notice Public Notice Regarding Amendment in the Haryana State Subhra Jyotsana Pension Scheme notification no., 16/27/2017-4 pro dated 16.04.2018 Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3685 Notice Public Notice Regarding Prohibition of sales of Tobacco Product as in the area within a radius of 100 yards of any educational institutions Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3686 Notice Public Notice Regarding issuing the certificate in respect of candidate who participate for the selection against Group D posts in HSSC. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3687 Notice Public Notice Regarding entry in Haryana Civil Secretariat. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3688 Notice Public Notice Regarding application of Equal Pay for Equal Work - Civil appeal No. 213 of 2013 titled Jagjit Singh V/s State of Punjab Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3689 Notice Public Notice Regarding rates of fees payable to the Law officers/Panel of Advocates for conducting cases of Haryana Govt in Supreme Court of India/Delhi High Court/Punjab & Haryana Court/CAT/Tribunals etc Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3690 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rate of Interest to be charges on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle /Computer and marriage Advance granted to Govt Employees and also fixation of rate of interest on GPF and other similar fund for F.Y 2018-19. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3691 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of retired IAS/HCS/Judicial officers as Inquiry Officer for conducting departmental inquiries in respect of Group A & B officers under the Haryana Civil Services Rules 1987. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3692 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Ram Niwas, Type Writer. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3693 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Dinesh Bhardwaj, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 15-10-2018 
3694 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Pawan Kumar, Laboratory Attendant GC Meham. Notice Dated 12-10-2018 
3695 Notice Public Notice Corrigendum for Selection of Service Provider for the Assessment, Training and Placement of Higher Education Students in Haryana dated 12-10-2018 Notice Dated 12-10-2018 
3696 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 12-10-2018 
3697 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) to Principals (CDC). Notice Dated 12-10-2018 
3698 Notice Public Notice Extension of Appointment of Sh. Kapender Singh, Associate Professor, CRM Jat College, Hisar as State NSS Officer in the Directorate of Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 12-10-2018 
3699 Notice Public Notice Published Notification - regarding out of turn appointment of outsourcing sportsperson of Haryana. Notice Dated 12-10-2018 
3700 Notice Public Notice National Essay Writing Competition on "Agricultural Waste to Wealth" for the students of Schools, Colleges & Universities in India in commemoration of 150th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Ji-Reg. Notice Dated 11-10-2018 
3701 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Suresh Kumar, JLA. Notice Dated 11-10-2018 
3702 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Naresh Kumar, Peon and Sh. Anil Kumar, Chowkidar, Notice Dated 09-10-2018 
3703 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation & Transfer Orders of Clerks. Notice Dated 08-10-2018 
3704 Notice Public Notice Order of Extension the deputation order of Smt. Geetika, Assistant Professor in Govt. College dated 08.10.2018 Notice Dated 08-10-2018 
3705 Notice Public Notice Cancellation Deputation order of Sh. Duli Chand Chauhan Assistant Professor in Govt. College dated. 08.10.2018 Notice Dated 08-10-2018 
3706 Notice Public Notice Regarding CWP No. 16954/2015 - Anurag Chahal & others V/S State of Haryana. Notice Dated 08-10-2018 
3707 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing salary of newly appointed Assistant Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 05-10-2018 
3708 Notice Public Notice Pre-Bid Notice for the selection of service provider for the assessment, training and placement of higher education students in haryana. Notice Dated 05-10-2018 
3709 Notice Public Notice Stipend Scheme for the Grand Children of Freedom Fighters pursuing Higher Education in Govt/Non Govt (Aided Colleges) for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 05-10-2018 
3710 Notice Public Notice Sanction to Govt Aided Colleges to organize the following Conference/Seminars/Workshop for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 05-10-2018 
3711 Notice Public Notice Sanction to Govt Colleges to organize the following Conference/Seminars/Workshop for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 05-10-2018 
3712 Notice Public Notice Assigning of Current Duty Charge to Smt Mudita Verma, Associate Professor in Music (V), GC Hisar. Notice Dated 04-10-2018 
3713 Notice Public Notice Holiday of trial camp at State Level for selection of NSS Volunteers for Pre-Republic Day Camp 2018. Notice Dated 04-10-2018 
3714 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of GC Birohar to Smt Neelam Sheoran Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 04-10-2018 
3715 Notice Public Notice Regarding Cyber Security. Notice Dated 04-10-2018 
3716 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Jagpal Kaushik, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 04-10-2018 
3717 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Ravinder Kumar, Assistant Professor in Mahs. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3718 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation and deputation cancellation order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3719 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3720 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation and deputation cancellation order of Assistant and Steno-typist. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3721 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation cancellation order of Sh. Ravinder Kumar, Assistant Professors, Maths. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3722 Notice Public Notice One Week Course on Managerial Competence in Financial management (October 15-19, 2018) at HIPA Hisar. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3723 Notice Public Notice Permission for outsourcing of service/activities under Part-I of outsourcing policy of the state Govt. issued vide letter dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3724 Notice Public Notice Permission for outsourcing of service/activities under Part-I of outsourcing policy of the state Govt. issued vide letter dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3725 Notice Public Notice Regarding Agenda for the video conference with the Principal of Govt. Colleges to be held on 4th Oct, 2018 at 10.00 am under the chairperson-ship of Addl Chief Secretary, Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3726 Notice Public Notice Permission for outsourcing of service/activities under Part-I of outsourcing policy of the state Govt. issued vide letter dated 06.04.2015. Notice Dated 03-10-2018 
3727 Notice Public Notice Training for PFMS regarding Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste students pursing Higher Education in Govt. Colleges during the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 01-10-2018 
3728 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer and transfer cancellation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 01-10-2018 
3729 Notice Public Notice RFP for Selection of Service Provider for Providing Guidance and Counselling Services for Students and Scholars of Department of Higher Education, Haryana dated 29-09-2018 Notice Dated 29-09-2018 
3730 Notice Public Notice RFP for Selection of Service Provider for the Assessment, Training and Placement of Department of Higher Education, Haryana dated 29-09-2018 Notice Dated 29-09-2018 
3731 Notice Public Notice RFP for Selection of Service Provider for Providing Guidance and Counselling Services for Students and Scholars of Department of Higher Education, Haryana dated 29-09-2018 Notice Dated 29-09-2018 
3732 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) to Sh. Vinay Kumar, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3733 Notice Public Notice IEC Activities for new central sector scheme "Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for In-Situ Management of Crop Residue in the State of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar PArdesh NCT of Delhi. Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3734 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3735 Notice Public Notice Minutes of the meeting with the Principals of 31 Colleges of Excellence held under the Chairmanship of ACS, Higher Education on 30th August, 2018. Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3736 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, English, Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3737 Notice Public Notice Regarding accept the resignation tendered by Sh. Rohtas Singh, Clerk and Sh. Manish Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3738 Notice Public Notice Regarding deputation cancellation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3739 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Ramesh Kumar, JLA. Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3740 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Naresh Kumar, Principal(CDC). Notice Dated 28-09-2018 
3741 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Ramesh Kumar, JLA, GC Karnal. Notice Dated 27-09-2018 
3742 Notice Public Notice Cancellation Order of Sh Satvir Singh, Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 27-09-2018 
3743 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Transfer Order of Sh Jaswinder Singh, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 27-09-2018 
3744 Notice Public Notice Partial Modification of this office no. 4/257-2018 dated 19.09.2018. Notice Dated 27-09-2018 
3745 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 27-09-2018 
3746 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining of Clerk (EPBG Category). Notice Dated 27-09-2018 
3747 Notice Public Notice Holding of Trail Camp at University level for selection of NSS Volunteers for Pre-Republic Day Parade Camp 2018-Reg. Notice Dated 26-09-2018 
3748 Notice Public Notice Joining Report of Sh. A. Sreenivas, IAS, on the post of Director Higher Education Haryana. (Notie Dated 26.09.2018) Notice Dated 26-09-2018 
3749 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding Date of Appointment & Joining of newly appointed Assistant Professors in different subject. Notice Dated 25-09-2018 
3750 Notice Public Notice Regarding Profile Approval of Assistant/Associate Professors on MIS. Notice Dated 24-09-2018 
3751 Notice Public Notice Regarding drawing salary of newly appointed Assistant Professors in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 21-09-2018 
3752 Notice Public Notice Regarding 7th Pay Commission Arrear payment to Teaching Staff of Govt College. Notice Dated 20-09-2018 
3753 Notice Public Notice Regarding providing self defense training to the girls students. Notice Dated 20-09-2018 
3754 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation cancellation order of Dr. Rajni, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 20-09-2018 
3755 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Deputation order of Associate/ Assistant Professors in Govt. Colleges dated 20.09.2018 Notice Dated 20-09-2018 
3756 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order for Six Months of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 19-09-2018 
3757 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order for Three/Six days of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 19-09-2018 
3758 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated. Notice Dated 19-09-2018 
3759 Notice Public Notice Sanction is hereby accorded for the payment of cash equivalent to leave salary in favor of Smt Sushil Narwal, Associate Professor, Political Science. Notice Dated 19-09-2018 
3760 Notice Public Notice Revision of Pay in 7th Pay Commission of teaching staff of Govt./Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 18-09-2018 
3761 Notice Public Notice Regarding Post Metric Scholarship for BC Students for year 2018-19. Notice Dated 18-09-2018 
3762 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave / Maternity Leave / Miscarriage Leave of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-09-2018 
3763 Notice Public Notice Regarding Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) (To Be Substituted) dated. 17.09.2018 Notice Dated 17-09-2018 
3764 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement order of Principals (CDC). Notice Dated 17-09-2018 
3765 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 17-09-2018 
3766 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Notice Dated 17-09-2018 
3768 Notice Public Notice Regarding Swachh Bharat Sumher Internship material. Notice Dated 15-09-2018 
3769 Notice Public Notice Regarding distribution of e-Content dated 14-09-2018 Notice Dated 14-09-2018 
3770 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-09-2018 
3771 Notice Public Notice Sanction for the payment of cash equivalent to leave in favor of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-09-2018 
3772 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 14-09-2018 
3773 Notice Public Notice Training for PFMS regarding Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste students pursing Higher Education in Govt. Colleges during the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 14-09-2018 
3774 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-09-2018 
3775 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Smt. Meera Kumari and Smt. Nancy Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-09-2018 
3776 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity/Child Care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 13-09-2018 
3777 Notice Public Notice Regarding State NSS Award Function 2017-18 Declamation Contest Dated- 13-09-2018 Notice Dated 13-09-2018 
3778 Notice Public Notice Regarding Converting Govt College for Girls into (Co-educational) Government College. Notice Dated 13-09-2018 
3779 Notice Public Notice Providing Self Defense Training to the Girls Students. Notice Dated 13-09-2018 
3780 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer orders of Sh. Lalit Kumar Jain, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3781 Notice Public Notice Annual Calendar for Inter Collegiate State Tournament/ Championship 2018-19 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3782 Notice Public Notice Regarding payment of cash equivalent to leave salary of 181 days in favour of Sh. Satya Pal(Retd), Associate Professor. Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3783 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of Smt. Nirmal Godara, Assistant Professor, Comp. Science. Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3784 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Virender Antil, Assistant Professor in Maths. Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3785 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Davender Kirar, Type Writing Instructor in Govt. College Dated.12.09.2018. Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3786 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Sh. Davender Kirar, Type Writing Instructor. Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3787 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation cancellation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 12-09-2018 
3788 Notice Transfer Orders Order of cancellation the Deputation order of Smt. Sunita rani, Associate Professor. dated 11.09.2018. Notice Dated 11-09-2018 
3789 Notice Public Notice Regarding payment of cash equivalent to leave salary of 247 days in favour of Sh. Satinder Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 11-09-2018 
3790 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave of Smt Pooja Assistant Professor in Commerce, GC Rohtak. Notice Dated 10-09-2018 
3791 Notice Public Notice State NSS Awards functions at GJU S&T Hisar on 24.09.2018 - Reg. Notice Dated 10-09-2018 
3792 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 10-09-2018 
3793 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Vimal Parkash, Assistant Professor in Physical Education. Notice Dated 10-09-2018 
3794 Notice Public Notice Scheme of Revision of Pay of Teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities & colleges following the revision of pay scales of central government employees on the recommendations of the 7th central Pay Commission. Notice Dated 08-09-2018 
3795 Notice Public Notice Termination Order of Smt Meenakshi Nagpal, Principal (Retired). Notice Dated 07-09-2018 
3796 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt. College GC Narnaul to Smt Sadhna Rani Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 07-09-2018 
3797 Notice Public Notice Regarding Profile Approval of Assistant/Associate Professor's on MIS portal. Notice Dated 07-09-2018 
3798 Notice Public Notice Training for PFMS regarding Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste students pursing Higher Education in Govt. Colleges during the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 06-09-2018 
3799 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care leave to Smt. Sweety Monga, Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 06-09-2018 
3800 Notice Public Notice Regarding Subject-wise Likely Requirement in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 06-09-2018 
3801 Notice Public Notice Annual Calendar for Inter Collegiate State Tournament/ Championship 2018-19 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 06-09-2018 
3802 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rules & Regulations for Inter College State Badminton Tournament and selected Asanas for Inter College State Yoga Tournament for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 06-09-2018 
3803 Notice Public Notice Regarding relieving/joining of Assistant/Associate Professors after Appointment/Transfer/Deputation Orders. Notice Dated 06-09-2018 
3804 Notice Public Notice Prime Minister's Awards and National e-Governance Award for Excellence in Public Administration. Notice Dated 05-09-2018 
3805 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation cancellation of Sh. Gurpal Singh, Clerk and deputation order of Sh. Bhupender Singh, Assistant, Notice Dated 05-09-2018 
3806 Notice Public Notice Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Notice Dated 04-09-2018 
3807 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt. Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 31-08-2018 
3808 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Sh/Smt jagdambe Verma, Associate/Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 31-08-2018 
3809 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer/Adjustment Order of Principal/Principal(CDC) Notice Dated 31-08-2018 
3810 Notice Public Notice Cancellation Order of Transfer Order of Sh. Naresh Kumar, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 31-08-2018 
3811 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Transfer Order of Sh. Lalit ARya, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 31-08-2018 
3812 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Smt. Birender Kaur, Assistant Professor in History. Notice Dated 30-08-2018 
3813 Notice Public Notice Regarding adjustment of displaced extension lecturers. Notice Dated 30-08-2018 
3814 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 30-08-2018 
3815 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors (To be substituted bearing same no and date) . Notice Dated 29-08-2018 
3816 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer/transfer cancellation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 29-08-2018 
3817 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity/Child Care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 28-08-2018 
3818 Notice Public Notice Regarding State NSS Awards 2017-18. Notice Dated 28-08-2018 
3819 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Center of Excellence. Notice Dated 28-08-2018 
3820 Notice Public Notice Review of the Annual Administrative report of the Higher education department for the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 28-08-2018 
3821 Notice Public Notice Completion & Approval of Employee Profile on MIS portal. Notice Dated 27-08-2018 
3822 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Dr. Neelam Rani, AP, Physics. Notice Dated 27-08-2018 
3823 Notice Public Notice Three days workshop on "e-Finance Applications using Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) (September 4-6, 2018)" at Divisional Training Centre HIPA, Hisar. Notice Dated 27-08-2018 
3824 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge (Exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt Colleges to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 27-08-2018 
3825 Notice Public Notice Regarding provide the information of Workload of the year 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19. Notice Dated 24-08-2018 
3826 Notice Public Notice Regarding transfer order of Dr. Renuka Malik, Associate Professor, Home Science. Notice Dated 24-08-2018 
3827 Notice Public Notice Regarding assign the CDC Charge to Sh. Satpal Girhotra, AP in Music and Sh. Vijay Adhlkha, AP in Pol. Science. Notice Dated 24-08-2018 
3828 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation cancellation order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 24-08-2018 
3829 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Smt. Poonam Bhanwala, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 24-08-2018 
3830 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Sushil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Commerce, Notice Dated 24-08-2018 
3831 Notice Public Notice Training for PFMS regarding Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste students pursing Higher Education in Govt. Colleges during the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 23-08-2018 
3832 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Ankita Sharma, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 22-08-2018 
3833 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Dr. Honey Garg Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 22-08-2018 
3834 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-08-2018 
3835 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity/Child Care leave to Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 21-08-2018 
3836 Notice Public Notice Regarding Post-factor sanction for starting Punjabi as a Subject from 2013-14. Notice Dated 21-08-2018 
3837 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement order of Sh. Sushil Narwal Associate/Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 20-08-2018 
3838 Notice Public Notice Regarding ACR of Assistant/Associate Professor 2017-18. Notice Dated 20-08-2018 
3839 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer Order of Smt Kusum Adya, Principal (CDC) subject to the final outcome in CWP No. 19930 of 2018. Notice Dated 20-08-2018 
3840 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer Order of Smt Sushila Kumar, Principal (CDC) subject to the final outcome in CWP No. 20042 of 2018. Notice Dated 20-08-2018 
3841 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Sanskrit Week i. from 23.08.2018 to 29.08.2018 (For Universities). Notice Dated 20-08-2018 
3842 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Sanskrit Week i. from 23.08.2018 to 29.08.2018 (For Colleges). Notice Dated 20-08-2018 
3843 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Raksha Bandhan - an occasion to celebrate Womanhood. Notice Dated 18-08-2018 
3844 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extra Ordinary Leaves to Mrs. Apurva Chawla, Assistant Professor, English. Notice Dated 16-08-2018 
3845 Notice Public Notice Regarding payment of leaves in favour of Sh. Satish Khasa, Assistant Professor, Physics (Relieved). Notice Dated 16-08-2018 
3846 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Anil Goel, Dy. Supdt. Notice Dated 16-08-2018 
3847 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant Professors Sh.Vijay Verma and Sh. Jai Bhagwan Notice Dated 16-08-2018 
3848 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated 16-08-2018 Notice Dated 16-08-2018 
3849 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Devender Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 14-08-2018 
3850 Notice Public Notice Grant the benefit of Enchantment of Earned Leave to Govt. Aided Private Colleges employees at par with their counterpart working in Govt. Colleges dated 14-08-2018 Notice Dated 14-08-2018 
3851 Notice Public Notice Regarding Utilization Certificates of seminar / workshop / conference for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 14-08-2018 
3852 Notice Public Notice Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) Programme of Government of India (For Colleges). Notice Dated 14-08-2018 
3853 Notice Public Notice Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) Programme of Government of India (For Universities). Notice Dated 14-08-2018 
3854 Notice Public Notice Regarding e-content. Notice Dated 14-08-2018 
3855 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge to Sh. Ashwani Gupta, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 13-08-2018 
3856 Notice Public Notice Regarding completion of Employee Profile on MIS portal. Notice Dated 13-08-2018 
3857 Notice Public Notice Regarding submission of Dr. Radha Krishan Funds to department at the time of 2018-19 admission. Notice Dated 13-08-2018 
3858 Notice Public Notice Regarding Maternity Leave of Smt. Ritu Panwar, Assistant Professor, Physics. Notice Dated 13-08-2018 
3859 Notice Public Notice Regarding Change in the name of Govt. College for Girls. Notice Dated 13-08-2018 
3860 Notice Public Notice Regarding converting Govt. College for Girls, into (Co-educational) Government College. Notice Dated 13-08-2018 
3861 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Hansraj, Clerk and Sh. Anil Kumar, Clerk. Notice Dated 13-08-2018 
3862 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Sh. Rajender Kumar, Peon. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3863 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Dr. Meenakshi, Associate Professor, Commerce. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3864 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Smt. Abita Yadav, Assistant Professor, Economics. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3865 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Sarita, Clerk. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3866 Notice Public Notice Annual Calendar for Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2018-19 organized by Higher Education Department Haryana. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3867 Notice Public Notice To appoint as on observer in Inter Collegiate State Tournament 2018-19. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3868 Notice Public Notice Information regarding anti sexual harassment committee. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3869 Notice Public Notice To provide the district wise information of Group C & D employees engaged under outsourcing policy. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3870 Notice Transfer Orders Notice regarding Deputation order of Assistant Professor in Govt. College. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3871 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Shalini Tuli Kohli, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 10-08-2018 
3872 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave of Assistant/Associate Professors, English. Notice Dated 09-08-2018 
3873 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding re-engaging of Computer Instructions and Computer Lab Attendants. Notice Dated 09-08-2018 
3874 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 09-08-2018 
3875 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Transfer Order of Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 08-08-2018 
3876 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Om Parkash, Clerk. Notice Dated 08-08-2018 
3877 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Posting order of Assistance Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-08-2018 
3878 Notice Public Notice Regarding Annual Increment of Dr. Neerja Malik, Principal, GCW Sec - 14 Panchkula. Notice Dated 08-08-2018 
3879 Notice Public Notice Regarding discontinuation suspension of Sh. Narender Kumar, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 08-08-2018 
3880 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Dr. Seema Aggarwal, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 08-08-2018 
3881 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video Conference for Swachh Bharat Summer Internship-2018. Notice Dated 08-08-2018 
3882 Notice Public Notice Regarding Current Duty Charge to Associate Professor to the Post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 07-08-2018 
3883 Notice Public Notice Regarding relieving and joining report of deputed employees. Notice Dated 07-08-2018 
3884 Notice Public Notice Training for PFMS regarding consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste Students pursing Higher Education in Govt Colleges during the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 07-08-2018 
3885 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Mrs Preeti Deswal, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 07-08-2018 
3886 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Principal/Principal (CDC) / Deputy Director. Notice Dated 07-08-2018 
3887 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Smt. Pooja Bishnoi, Assistant Professor, Geography. Notice Dated 06-08-2018 
3888 Notice Public Notice Assessment of workload for the session 2018-19. Notice Dated 06-08-2018 
3889 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Shveta, Associate Professor, English. Notice Dated 06-08-2018 
3890 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt Tarana Negi, Assistant Professor in Zoology. Notice Dated 06-08-2018 
3891 Notice Public Notice Regarding annual increments of Govt. Colleges and Deputy Director (HQ). Notice Dated 03-08-2018 
3892 Notice Public Notice Regarding New Performa to fill details of Govt. Land on the web portal of Asset Management Cell ( Notice Dated 03-08-2018 
3893 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Raj Bala, Assistant Professor in Math. Notice Dated 03-08-2018 
3894 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave of Smt Kiran, Assistant Professor in Commerce. Notice Dated 03-08-2018 
3895 Notice Public Notice Regarding national Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC). Notice Dated 03-08-2018 
3896 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nomination of University Representatives for Planing Board of the colleges in Haryana for UGC Grant. Notice Dated 03-08-2018 
3897 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 03-08-2018 
3898 Notice Public Notice Regarding Swachh Bharat Internship Scheme (SBIS)-2018. Notice Dated 02-08-2018 
3899 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Dr. Sunita Chaudhary, Associate Professor, English. Notice Dated 02-08-2018 
3900 Notice Public Notice Application invited from Best College under the scheme of State Awards for outstanding services in the field of prevention of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. Notice Dated 02-08-2018 
3901 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave (Miscarriage Leave) of Smt. Sarita Bishnoi, Assistant Professor, Geography. Notice Dated 01-08-2018 
3902 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of Budget/Funds under Placement Cell in Govt Colleges in the state of Haryana for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 01-08-2018 
3903 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistants. Notice Dated 01-08-2018 
3904 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Mukesh Kumar, Dy.Supdt. Notice Dated 30-07-2018 
3905 Notice Public Notice Admission Guideline/Workload assessment for academic session 2018-19 Notice Dated 30-07-2018 
3906 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Dr. Darshana, Associate Professor, Commerce. Notice Dated 30-07-2018 
3907 Notice Public Notice Regarding annual increments of Govt. Colleges and Deputy Director (HQ). Notice Dated 27-07-2018 
3908 Notice Public Notice Cancellation of Transfer Order of Smt Jatinder Kaur, Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 27-07-2018 
3909 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Assistant / Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3910 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Clerks. Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3911 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3912 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation order of Smt. Meenu Malik, Assistant. Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3913 Notice Public Notice Instruction regarding joining of newly appointed Assistant Professor in different subjects. Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3914 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge (exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Powers) of Govt. Colleges to Vinay Kumar Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3915 Notice Public Notice Retirement Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3916 Notice Public Notice Providing the information regarding Anti Sexual Harassment Committee. Notice Dated 26-07-2018 
3917 Notice Public Notice Leave encashment of Smt Varsha Gupta (Rtd.) Associate Professor in Computer Science. Notice Dated 25-07-2018 
3918 Notice Transfer Orders Adjustment order of Assistant Professor appointed vide order no 9/14-2018 CI(2) dated 12.07.2018 and posted vide order dated 18.07.2018. Notice Dated 23-07-2018 
3919 Notice Public Notice Regarding updation of Employee Profile (2nd Phase) on Management Information System. Notice Dated 23-07-2018 
3920 Notice Public Notice To allot one additional unit of B.A.. Notice Dated 23-07-2018 
3921 Notice Public Notice To allot one additional unit of B.A. and increase in seats. Notice Dated 23-07-2018 
3922 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 23-07-2018 
3923 Notice Public Notice Regarding Conducting of Workshop for Digital Learning and Soft Skills (REVISED LETTER). Notice Dated 21-07-2018 
3924 Notice Public Notice Leave encashment of Smt Sadhna Saini (Rtd.) Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 20-07-2018 
3925 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh Jagdish Kumar, Tabla Player. Notice Dated 20-07-2018 
3926 Notice Public Notice Online Transfer Policy - 2018 of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt. Colleges, Department of Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 19-07-2018 
3927 Notice Public Notice Posting Orders of newly appointed Assistant Professors in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3928 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Kamlesh Rani, Associate Professor, Commerce. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3929 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Hem Lata, Associate Professor, English. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3930 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding decision given by Ld. ACJ (SD) Tosham in Civil Suit titled as O.P Titani versus State of Haryana. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3931 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Monika, AP in Geography, DGC Gurugram. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3932 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Smt. Shobha Dhull, Associate Professor, History. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3933 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Ms. Anjana Nagpal, Assistant Professor in Economics. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3934 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 18-07-2018 
3935 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Clerks. Notice Dated 17-07-2018 
3936 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Puja Bishnoi, AP in Geography, GNC Sirsa. Notice Dated 17-07-2018 
3937 Notice Public Notice Starting of New Courses for 2018-19 Academic Session. Notice Dated 17-07-2018 
3938 Notice Public Notice General Instructions on the issues of Medical fitness and verification of Character and antecedents. Notice Dated 17-07-2018 
3939 Notice Public Notice Guideline regarding Extension Lecturer. Notice Dated 16-07-2018 
3940 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding CWP No. 17020 of 2018 - Anjela Gahalayan Vs. State of Haryana. Notice Dated 16-07-2018 
3941 Notice Public Notice Regarding Joining of Smt. Amrita Singh, HCS on the post of Additional Director (Admn.) and Additional Secretary to Govt. Notice Dated 16-07-2018 
3942 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding Deputation Order of Sh. Naresh Kumar, Clerk and Deputation Order Cancellation of Sh. Suresh Kumar, Dy. Supdt. Notice Dated 16-07-2018 
3943 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt Vandana Assistant Professor in Geography. Notice Dated 13-07-2018 
3944 Notice Public Notice General Instructions on the issues of Medical fitness and verification of Character and antecedents. Notice Dated 13-07-2018 
3945 Notice Public Notice CM Window Grievance CMOFF/N/2018/028530. Notice Dated 13-07-2018 
3946 Notice Public Notice Notice in reference to CWP No. 21513 of 2017. Notice Dated 12-07-2018 
3947 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Smt Manju Rani, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 12-07-2018 
3948 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-07-2018 
3949 Notice Public Notice Annual Calendar for Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2018-19 organized by Higher Education Department Haryana. Notice Dated 11-07-2018 
3950 Notice Public Notice Regarding DA and Refreshment for Players. Notice Dated 10-07-2018 
3951 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt.Smt Savita Poonia, Associate Professor in English and Smt. Sunita Dhaka, Associate Professor in Public Administration. Notice Dated 09-07-2018 
3952 Notice Public Notice Regarding Software Training through Spoken Tutorial. Notice Dated 09-07-2018 
3953 Notice Public Notice Awards to women achievers on 8th March 2019 on the occasion of International Women Day. Notice Dated 09-07-2018 
3954 Notice Public Notice Regarding request nomination for 22nd Bhagwan Mahaveer Award. Notice Dated 09-07-2018 
3955 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Environment Day 2018. Notice Dated 09-07-2018 
3956 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant Professor in Govt. Colleges Dated 09-07-2018. Notice Dated 09-07-2018 
3957 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Supdt./Dy. in Govt. Colleges dated 09-07-2018. Notice Dated 09-07-2018 
3958 Notice Public Notice Charge of GC Mandi Hariya Bhiwani as Principal to Smt Sunita yadav Principal CDC. Notice Dated 06-07-2018 
3959 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Rakesh jain, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 06-07-2018 
3960 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant Professor in Govt. Colleges Dated 05-07-2018. Notice Dated 05-07-2018 
3961 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant Professor of Smt. Shivani Kaushik Dated 05-07-2018. Notice Dated 05-07-2018 
3962 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Child Care Leave of Assistant/Associate Professor of Smt. Vibha Madan. Notice Dated 05-07-2018 
3963 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Government College Balasmand (Hisar) to be started in present academic session i.e. 2018-19. Notice Dated 05-07-2018 
3964 Notice Public Notice COCP No. 1675 of 2018 in CWP No. 13334 of 2017 - Deepak Singh V/s Rajeev Rattan and others. Notice Dated 05-07-2018 
3965 Notice Public Notice Regarding creation of Online Management Information System (MIS) of employees working in Higher Education Department for Online Teacher Transfer and other process. Notice Dated 05-07-2018 
3966 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-instatement of Sh. Rakesh Kumar, L.A. Notice Dated 03-07-2018 
3967 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Officials. Notice Dated 03-07-2018 
3968 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Santar Pal, SLA Dated 03-07-2018. Notice Dated 03-07-2018 
3969 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 29-06-2018 
3970 Notice Public Notice Regarding reliving order of Sh. N.P. Singh, Principal (Re-employ). Notice Dated 29-06-2018 
3971 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor of Newly Opened Govt.Colleges dated 27-06-2018. Notice Dated 27-06-2018 
3972 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 26-06-2018 
3973 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3974 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Smt Sheela Rani, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3975 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Commerce Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3976 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of English Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3977 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Hindi Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3978 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Economics Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3979 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Geography Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3980 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Maths Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3981 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of History Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3982 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Political Science Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3983 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Computer Science Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3984 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Home Science Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3985 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Sociology Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3986 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Psychology Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3987 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Sanskrit Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3988 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Punjabi Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3989 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Physical Education Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3990 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Public Administration Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3991 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of Defense Studies Subject. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3992 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Orders of Assistant/Associate Professors of different Subjects. Notice Dated 22-06-2018 
3993 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 21-06-2018 
3994 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding extend the deputation period of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 21-06-2018 
3995 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement order of Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 21-06-2018 
3996 Notice Public Notice Transfer Order of Sh. Dinesh Kumar Bhardwaj, Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 19-06-2018 
3997 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Hardeep Rathee, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 19-06-2018 
3998 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Sneh Lata, AP in Economics, GC Panipat. Notice Dated 19-06-2018 
3999 Notice Public Notice Standard Format for appointment of Vice-Chancellor of a State University. Notice Dated 19-06-2018 
4000 Notice Public Notice New Proforma to fill details of Govt Land on the web portal of Asset Management Cell. Notice Dated 19-06-2018 
4001 Notice Public Notice Relinquish Report of Sh. Vijay Singh Dahiya, IAS from the post of Director General Higher Education. Notice Dated 18-06-2018 
4003 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant Professor of Smt. Rekha Sharma dated 18-06-2018. Notice Dated 18-06-2018 
4004 Notice Public Notice Adjustment order of Sh. Yamin Khan, Clerk. Notice Dated 18-06-2018 
4005 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Sm Ekta Sharma, Assistant Professor in English. Notice Dated 15-06-2018 
4006 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding extend the deputation period of Seema Kumari Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 13-06-2018 
4007 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Government College Jatusana Rewari to be started w.e.f. ensuing academic session 2018-19 Notice Dated 13-06-2018 
4008 Notice Public Notice Regarding I.A. 10 of 2015 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 116 of 1998 in Suprement Court of India in the matter of Sunanda Bhandare Vs UOI & Ors. Notice Dated 13-06-2018 
4009 Notice Public Notice Regarding Change the status of Govt. College for Girls Radaur to Govt. College Radaur. Notice Dated 13-06-2018 
4010 Notice Public Notice Regarding Shifting of Government College Rewari from 2018-19 session. Notice Dated 13-06-2018 
4011 Notice Public Notice Admission guidelines - continuation/ discontinuation of subjects/ starting of new courses for the academic session 2018-19, thereof. Notice Dated 11-06-2018 
4012 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Ravinder Hooda, Principal (CDC), GCW Safidon to GC Alewa against Sh. Shamsher Singh, Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 11-06-2018 
4013 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding transfer order of Dr. B.S. Kundu, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 08-06-2018 
4014 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-06-2018 
4015 Notice Public Notice Guidelines regarding contractual guest lecturers. Notice Dated 07-06-2018 
4016 Notice Public Notice S.N.E. 2018-19 (Non-recurring) - Empowerment of Girl students in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-06-2018 
4017 Notice Public Notice Admission guidelines - discontinuation of subjects/ starting of new courses for the academic session 2018-19, thereof. Notice Dated 07-06-2018 
4018 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of units/number of seats in the streams, which are going to be started in the newly opened 31 Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-06-2018 
4019 Notice Public Notice To change the status of newly opened Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 06-06-2018 
4020 Notice Public Notice Starting / opening of new Govt. Colleges w.e.f. ensuring academic session 2018-19. Notice Dated 06-06-2018 
4021 Notice Public Notice Submission of information regarding Statement of Assests in Form D-6 and Statement of Miscellaneous Liablities: outstandings in Form D-8 under the Rules of FRBM Act 2005. Notice Dated 06-06-2018 
4022 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College for Girls at Sihma (Mahendergarh) to be started w.e.f. ensuing academic session 2018-19. Notice Dated 06-06-2018 
4023 Notice Public Notice Admission guidelines - continuation/ discontinuation of subjects/ starting of new courses for the academic session 2018-19, thereof. Notice Dated 05-06-2018 
4024 Notice Public Notice To start the classes of 1st year for boys. Notice Dated 05-06-2018 
4025 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge to Principal (CDC). Notice Dated 04-06-2018 
4026 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding deputation of Sh. Ram Bhagat, LA. Notice Dated 04-06-2018 
4027 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh.Ram Pal dated. 01-06-2018 Notice Dated 01-06-2018 
4028 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order of Associate/Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. dated 31-05-2018 Notice Dated 31-05-2018 
4029 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Minaxi Sharma dated. 30-05-2018 Notice Dated 30-05-2018 
4030 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated. 25-05-2018 Notice Dated 25-05-2018 
4031 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Clerk Sh. Jagdish Kumar Dated 23-05-2018 Notice Dated 23-05-2018 
4032 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Clerk Smt. Sangeeta dated 23-05-2018 Notice Dated 23-05-2018 
4033 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Clerk Sh. Ajay Saroya dated 23-05-2018 Notice Dated 23-05-2018 
4034 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Clerk Smt. Radhey Shayam Yadav dated 23-05-2018 Notice Dated 23-05-2018 
4035 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Smt. Sheetal, AP English to DGC Gurugram dated 22-05-2018 Notice Dated 22-05-2018 
4036 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/ Associate Professors dated. 22-05-2018 Notice Dated 22-05-2018 
4037 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/ Associate Professor of Smt. Neelam Sharma. dated 21-05-2018 Notice Dated 21-05-2018 
4038 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant Professor of Smt. Deepa Dhull. dated 21-05-2018 Notice Dated 21-05-2018 
4039 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Deputy Superintendent of Sh. Chaman Parkash Dated 17-05-2018 Notice Dated 17-05-2018 
4040 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor Sh. Amit Sehgal Dated 17.05.2018 Notice Dated 17-05-2018 
4041 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated 16-05-2018 Notice Dated 16-05-2018 
4042 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Deputation Order of Associate Professor Sh. Sukhbir Singh dated 14-05-2018 Notice Dated 14-05-2018 
4043 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors Sh. Naseeb Kumar Ranga dated 10-05-2018 Notice Dated 10-05-2018 
4044 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant Professor of Sh. Ravinder Kumar Dated 10-05-2018 Notice Dated 10-05-2018 
4045 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. Pala Ram, J.L.A., Govt. College for Women Gohana (Sonipat) to Govt. College for Women Karnal dated 09-05-2018 Notice Dated 09-05-2018 
4046 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant Professor of Sh. Om Parkash Dated 08-05-2018 Notice Dated 08-05-2018 
4047 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges dated 05-05-2018 Notice Dated 05-05-2018 
4048 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Assistant/Associate Professor Sh. Krishna Uppal dated. 04-05-2018 Notice Dated 04-05-2018 
4049 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Sh. Santar Pal, Panchkula dated.03.05.2018 Notice Dated 03-05-2018 
4050 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Shri Lalit Kumar Jain,Principal(CDC) Dated- 03/05/2018 Notice Dated 03-05-2018 
4051 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Assistant/Associate Professors dated 02.05.2018 Notice Dated 02-05-2018 
4052 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer Order of Sh. kanwar Singh, L.A. Dated.30.04.2018 Notice Dated 30-04-2018 
4053 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Associate Professor Dr. Virender Kumar Jain dated. 27.04.2018 Notice Dated 27-04-2018 
4054 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Associate Professor Dr. J.S Mor Dated 25.04.2018 Notice Dated 25-04-2018 
4055 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Associate Professor Dr. J.S Mor with immediate effect for six months Dated 25.04.2018 Notice Dated 25-04-2018 
4056 Notice Transfer Orders Cancellation of Transfer order of Ms. Alka , Assistant Professor in Physics. Notice Dated 12-04-2018 
4057 Notice Public Notice Regarding additional charge to Principal, Current Duty Charge. Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4058 Notice Public Notice Regarding deputation order of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4059 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Sh. Pardeep Verma Assistant Professor Geography Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4060 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4061 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of TE for the year 2018-19 under Head "2202-General Education" 03-University and Higher Education (Recurring). Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4062 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of Salary for they year 2018-19 under Head "2202-General Education" 03-University and Higher Education (Recurring). Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4063 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of OE for the year 2018-19 under Head "2202-General Education" 03-University and Higher Education (Recurring). Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4064 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 01 .01 .2017 से 06 .04 .2018 तक की अवधि में प्राचार्य /प्राचार्य (सी.डी.सी )/ कार्यकारी प्राचार्य को प्रदान की गई आहरण एव वितरण शक्तियों के संबंध में सुचना उपलब्ध करवाने मामला। Notice Dated 06-04-2018 
4065 Notice Public Notice Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste Students pursuing Higher Education in Govt Colleges during the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 05-04-2018 
4066 Notice Public Notice Public Notice in CWP No. 6220 of 2009 Haryana Private Colleges Non-teaching Employees Union Vs State of Haryana & others and others connected matters i.e. CWPs No. 11686 of 2004 , 19229 of 2011,7187 of 2015 and 13243 of 2016. Notice Dated 05-04-2018 
4067 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding extend the deputation period of Sh. Pardeep Kundu, Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 05-04-2018 
4068 Notice Public Notice Regarding issuance of Passports to students. Notice Dated 04-04-2018 
4069 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation order of Smt. Sushma Saini, Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 03-04-2018 
4070 Notice Public Notice To Send Co-curricular / Annual Activities Calender for the year 2018-19. Notice Dated 03-04-2018 
4071 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding extension lecturers. Notice Dated 03-04-2018 
4072 Notice Public Notice Regarding mandatory use of Helmet and Seat Belt by students of Haryana State. Notice Dated 03-04-2018 
4073 Notice Public Notice Regarding mandatory use of Helmet and Seat Belt by students of Haryana State. Notice Dated 03-04-2018 
4074 Notice Public Notice Supply of book sets. Notice Dated 02-04-2018 
4075 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh. Banarsi Dass, Assistant/Associate Professor in Sociology. Notice Dated 02-04-2018 
4076 Notice Public Notice Meeting of the Core Group to discuss the format and content of a Foundation Booklet to enhance life and business skills of the students of Haryana. Notice Dated 30-03-2018 
4077 Notice Transfer Orders Posting of newly appointed clerks. Notice Dated 30-03-2018 
4078 Notice Public Notice Implementation of DHE-IT Plan - Launch of new web portal of colleges. Notice Dated 30-03-2018 
4079 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the Associate/Assistant Professors will retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 30-03-2018 
4080 Notice Transfer Orders Orders of new allotted stations to the following clerks. Notice Dated 28-03-2018 
4081 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt Colleges to following Principal. Notice Dated 27-03-2018 
4082 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt Colleges to following Principal. Notice Dated 27-03-2018 
4083 Notice Public Notice Principal/Principal(Current Duty Charge) shall stand retried from Govt Service. Notice Dated 27-03-2018 
4084 Notice Public Notice Meeting of the Principals of Government Colleges to be held on 6th April 2018. Notice Dated 27-03-2018 
4085 Notice Public Notice Sh. Sheotaj Singh , Principal(CDC) will stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 27-03-2018 
4086 Notice Public Notice Draft Online Transfer Policy 2018 of Assistant/Associate Professors in Govt Colleges, Department of Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 27-03-2018 
4087 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Kharkhoda(Sonepat) to Sh. Virender Singh Dahiya,Principal. Notice Dated 27-03-2018 
4088 Notice Public Notice Regarding NSS Grant and Submission of Expenditure Statement. Notice Dated 24-03-2018 
4089 Notice Public Notice Regarding remuneration to be paid to extension lecturers. Notice Dated 22-03-2018 
4090 Notice Public Notice Addition charge of District Library, Rohtak to Smt. Asha Ahlawat. Notice Dated 22-03-2018 
4091 Notice Public Notice Regarding remuneration to be paid to extension lecturers. Notice Dated 22-03-2018 
4092 Notice Public Notice Appointement of Sh. Rajvir Singh Clerk. Notice Dated 21-03-2018 
4093 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding re-appropriation/diversion of fund request and submitting of bills in Treasury in month of March. Notice Dated 20-03-2018 
4094 Notice Public Notice Updated Saksham Yuva Scheme Document. Notice Dated 20-03-2018 
4095 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 20-03-2018 
4096 Notice Public Notice Posting of newly appointed clerks. Notice Dated 20-03-2018 
4097 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC Students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 19-03-2018 
4098 Notice Public Notice Sanction to the following Govt Colleges, under the scheme "Augmentation of Laboratories. Notice Dated 19-03-2018 
4099 Notice Public Notice Regarding Placement Fairs. Notice Dated 16-03-2018 
4100 Notice Public Notice Candidates is hereby posted on the post of clerk in the Schedule-I pay Matrix Level-2. Notice Dated 16-03-2018 
4101 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 29298 of 2017 -Ruchi Bhardwaj and others V/s State of Haryana and others. Notice Dated 15-03-2018 
4102 Notice Public Notice NAAC Assessment and Accreditation of Colleges and Universities. Notice Dated 14-03-2018 
4103 Notice Public Notice Regarding issuance of Passports to students. Notice Dated 14-03-2018 
4104 Notice Public Notice Updation/Entry of Financial Progress on the CM's Announcements portal. Notice Dated 13-03-2018 
4105 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting with the principals through Video Conference. Notice Dated 13-03-2018 
4106 Notice Public Notice Fresh Award of Haryana State Merit Scholarship on the Basis of 10+2 Exam held in March/April 2017 @Rs.300/- P.M for the year 2017-18(Fresh) Urban Girls. Notice Dated 12-03-2018 
4107 Notice Public Notice Sanction to following Govt colleges for Educational and Excursion Tour for Boy Students for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 08-03-2018 
4108 Notice Public Notice Sanction to following Govt Colleges for Educational and Excursion Tour for Girl Students for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 08-03-2018 
4109 Notice Public Notice Surrendering additional sports grants for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 08-03-2018 
4110 Notice Public Notice Surrendering additional sports grant for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 08-03-2018 
4111 Notice Public Notice Sanction to Govt College Narnaul under the Scheme "Sports Activities in Govt Colleges". Notice Dated 08-03-2018 
4112 Notice Public Notice ग्रांट को वापिस करने बारे। Notice Dated 08-03-2018 
4113 Notice Public Notice National Academic Depository(NAD). 07.03.2018 Notice Dated 07-03-2018 
4114 Notice Public Notice Smt. Monica Malik, Deputy Director (CDC) O/o Director General Higher Education , Haryana to retire voluntarily. Notice Dated 06-03-2018 
4115 Notice Public Notice Regarding surrendering of grants for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 06-03-2018 
4116 Notice Public Notice Additional Charges of Govt Colleges to the following Principal. Notice Dated 06-03-2018 
4117 Notice Public Notice Fresh Award of Haryana State Merit Scholarship on the Basis of 10+2 Exam held in March/April 2017 @Rs.300/- P.M for the year 2017-18(Fresh) Rural Girls. Notice Dated 06-03-2018 
4118 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer order of Smt. Poonam Panwar, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 06-03-2018 
4119 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer orders of following Principal/Principal(Current Duty Charge). Notice Dated 06-03-2018 
4120 Notice Public Notice Application transferred U/S 6(3) under Right to Information Act, 2005. Notice Dated 06-03-2018 
4121 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (college Cadre) HES-II Group "B" in the subject of PSYCHOLOGY. Notice Dated 05-03-2018 
4122 Notice Public Notice ?????????? ???? ???? ??????? / ??????????? ?? ?????? ??? ????????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? Notice Dated 05-03-2018 
4123 Notice Public Notice उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग की Non-recurring Schemes मद में खर्चा करने की सिमा में छूट देने बारे I Notice Dated 01-03-2018 
4124 Notice Public Notice Sanction to the following Non-Govt Aided Colleges to organize following Seminars/Conference for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 01-03-2018 
4125 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of RD services for Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System. Notice Dated 01-03-2018 
4126 Notice Public Notice Regarding All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 01-03-2018 
4127 Notice Public Notice Establishment of memorial of martyrs at School/College where the martyr studies. Notice Dated 01-03-2018 
4128 Notice Public Notice Updation/Entry of Financial progress on the CM's Announcements portal. Notice Dated 28-02-2018 
4129 Notice Public Notice Application transferred U/S 6(3) under Right to Information Act, 2005. Notice Dated 26-02-2018 
4130 Notice Public Notice Sanction to the following Govt Colleges under the Scheme "Sports Activities in Govt Colleges" in the state of Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4131 Notice Public Notice Sanction to following Govt Colleges for Educational and Excursion Tour for Boy Student for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4132 Notice Public Notice Sanction is to be paid to following Colleges for Educational and Excursion Tour for Boy Student for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4133 Notice Public Notice Regarding Placement Fairs. Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4134 Notice Public Notice Regarding Utilization of grants for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4135 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of HOME SCIENCE. Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4136 Notice Public Notice Advertisement for inviting application for Non-Teaching posts in Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4137 Notice Public Notice वित्त विभाग से वित्त वर्ष 2017 -18 के छात्रवृति के अंतिम तिमाही बिलो पर लगी 30% की रोक पर छूट प्रदान करने बारे। Notice Dated 23-02-2018 
4138 Notice Public Notice Information regarding number of students and Teachers for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 22-02-2018 
4139 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding seminars. Notice Dated 20-02-2018 
4140 Notice Public Notice Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate girls students 2017-18 (Renewal). Notice Dated 20-02-2018 
4141 Notice Public Notice Information regarding number of Students and Teachers for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 20-02-2018 
4142 Notice Public Notice सड़क सुरक्षा से सम्बंधित सेमिनार आयोजित करने बारे। Notice Dated 20-02-2018 
4143 Notice Public Notice सड़क सुरक्षा के लिए महाविद्यालयों में पोस्टर /निबंध /भाषण प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन करके जागरूकता लाने बारे। Notice Dated 20-02-2018 
4144 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in PHYSICS. Notice Dated 19-02-2018 
4145 Notice Public Notice Application transferred U/S 6(3) under Right to Information Act, 2005. Notice Dated 16-02-2018 
4146 Notice Public Notice Meeting of vice Chancellors of the State Universities with some of the Principals of the Government and Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 16-02-2018 
4147 Notice Public Notice Tentative Schedule of Legal Literacy Programme for the year 2018. Notice Dated 15-02-2018 
4148 Notice Public Notice Nationals Academic Depository(NAD). Notice Dated 13-02-2018 
4149 Notice Tender Publication for tender notice for engaging of Legal Assistant in the Directorate of Higher Education, haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 12-02-2018 
4150 Notice Public Notice Regarding starting of New Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 12-02-2018 
4151 Notice Public Notice Sanction to the following Non-Govt Aided Colleges to organize following Seminars/Conference for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 10-02-2018 
4152 Notice Public Notice Regarding Placement of students studying in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 09-02-2018 
4153 Notice Public Notice Regarding Placement Fairs. Notice Dated 09-02-2018 
4154 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in Psychology, Political Science and Chemistry. Notice Dated 08-02-2018 
4155 Notice Public Notice Regarding Interaction of Hon'ble Prime Minister with students. Notice Dated 08-02-2018 
4156 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in Psychology, Political Science and chemistry. Notice Dated 08-02-2018 
4157 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in Psychology, Political Science and Chemistry. Notice Dated 08-02-2018 
4158 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for women Sector 14 panchkula to Smt. Archana Mishra, Principal. Notice Dated 08-02-2018 
4159 Notice Public Notice Regarding Internet Leased Line. Notice Dated 06-02-2018 
4160 Notice Public Notice To appoint as an observer in Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2017-18 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 05-02-2018 
4161 Notice Public Notice Regarding Establishment of Road Safety Club. Notice Dated 02-02-2018 
4162 Notice Public Notice Regarding Services of Technical Officials of your Department in different games for Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship. Notice Dated 30-01-2018 
4163 Notice Public Notice Reg., Passing salary , NPS , Gratuity and Arrears Bills. Notice Dated 29-01-2018 
4164 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Kanta Devi, Clerk. Notice Dated 25-01-2018 
4165 Notice Public Notice महाविद्यालय पुस्तकालय में कार्यरत लाइब्रेरी अटेंडेंस के बारे। Notice Dated 25-01-2018 
4166 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women, Punhana(Mewat) to Sh. Iqbal Singh, Principal. Notice Dated 24-01-2018 
4167 Notice Public Notice National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme(NAPS). Notice Dated 24-01-2018 
4168 Notice Public Notice Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste Students pursuing Higher Education in Govt Colleges during the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 24-01-2018 
4169 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in MATHEMATICS. Notice Dated 22-01-2018 
4170 Notice Public Notice Reg., passing a Salary , NPS , Gratuity and Arrears Bills. Notice Dated 20-01-2018 
4171 Notice Public Notice Regarding revised schedule of Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2017-18 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 19-01-2018 
4172 Notice Public Notice National Academic Depository (NAD). Notice Dated 19-01-2018 
4173 Notice Public Notice Winter Adventure Camps at Manali for the boy students of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 18-01-2018 
4174 Notice Public Notice Winter Adventure Camps at Manali for the Girl Students of Government colleges. Notice Dated 18-01-2018 
4175 Notice Public Notice Smt Indu Jain , Principal relieved from the service on attaining the age of sixty years. Notice Dated 18-01-2018 
4176 Notice Public Notice Submission of On Line Application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC students for the Academic Session 2017-18. Notice Dated 17-01-2018 
4177 Notice Public Notice Submission of On Line Application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC Students for the Academic Session 2017-18. Notice Dated 17-01-2018 
4178 Notice Public Notice Policy Guidelines of re-engaging of existing Computer Instructors and Computer Lab Attendants in Govt Colleges for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 15-01-2018 
4179 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) in ECONOMICS. Notice Dated 15-01-2018 
4180 Notice Public Notice Guidelines regarding joining displaced extension lecturers. Notice Dated 15-01-2018 
4181 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt Colleges to the following Principal. Notice Dated 15-01-2018 
4182 Notice Transfer Orders Sh. C.L. Jassu , Principal(CDC) Govt College for Women, Ratia is hereby allowed to draw annual increment. Notice Dated 10-01-2018 
4183 Notice Public Notice Regarding - Organizing 2nd National Teacher Congress(NTC). Notice Dated 08-01-2018 
4184 Notice Public Notice Sanction to the following Govt Colleges to organize following Conference/Seminars/Workshop for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 07-01-2018 
4185 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Notice Dated 04-01-2018 
4186 Notice Public Notice Regarding reassess of Workload of 2017-18. Notice Dated 04-01-2018 
4187 Notice Public Notice Celebration of every 25th January, as 'National Voters ' Day'-Regarding. Notice Dated 04-01-2018 
4188 Notice Public Notice A notice of meeting to be held on 08.01.2017 from 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM through Video Conference. Notice Dated 04-01-2018 
4189 Notice Public Notice Regarding Assessment and Accreditation of Govt Aided and Self Financed Colleges. Notice Dated 04-01-2018 
4190 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of ENGLISH. Notice Dated 04-01-2018 
4191 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professors (College Cadre),HES-II Group "B" in the subject of HOME SCIENCE. Notice Dated 04-01-2018 
4192 Notice Public Notice PFMS (Public Financial Management System) के तहत एन.एस.एस यूनिट्स के बैंक खातों के रजिस्टर्ड करवाने बारे। Notice Dated 03-01-2018 
4193 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation Order of Sh Jagdish, Assistant. Notice Dated 03-01-2018 
4194 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in History. Notice Dated 02-01-2018 
4195 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Government College, Mokhra (Rohtak). Notice Dated 01-01-2018 
4196 Notice Public Notice Submission of On Line Application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC Students for the Academic Session 2017-18. Notice Dated 01-01-2018 
4197 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC Students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 01-01-2018 
4198 Notice Public Notice Reg., passing a Salary , NPS , Gratuity and Arrears Bills. Notice Dated 01-01-2018 
4199 Notice Public Notice Current Duty Charge to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 29-12-2017 
4200 Notice Public Notice Current Duty charge to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 29-12-2017 
4201 Notice Public Notice Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director in H.E.S-I Group 'A' (College Cadre). Notice Dated 28-12-2017 
4202 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Saha(Ambala) to Sh. Balwinder Singh Ghotra. Notice Dated 27-12-2017 
4203 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-assessment of workload for the academic year 2017-18. Notice Dated 22-12-2017 
4204 Notice Public Notice Rationalization of Work Load of all Govt Aided & Self Finance Degree Colleges in the Haryana State. Notice Dated 22-12-2017 
4205 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation Smt. Gita Sharma will stand retire from Govt Service. Notice Dated 22-12-2017 
4206 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading of the lesson plans on the college web-site and linking their college website with departmental web-portal. Notice Dated 22-12-2017 
4207 Notice Public Notice Note regarding Extension Lecturers working in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 21-12-2017 
4208 Notice Public Notice Regarding Appointment of Nodal Officer under consolidated stipend Scheme for SC Students in Govt Colleges for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 20-12-2017 
4209 Notice Public Notice Rationalization of Work Load of all Govt Aided & Self finance Degree Colleges in Haryana State. Notice Dated 20-12-2017 
4210 Notice Public Notice Status Report of Spoken Tutorial Project. Notice Dated 19-12-2017 
4211 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in English, Home Science and Public Administration. Notice Dated 19-12-2017 
4212 Notice Transfer Orders Principal stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 19-12-2017 
4213 Notice Public Notice National Academic Depository(NAD). Notice Dated 19-12-2017 
4214 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidate for the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) in English, Home Science and Public Administration. Notice Dated 19-12-2017 
4215 Notice Public Notice Information regarding number of total admission and passed Students for last five years. Notice Dated 18-12-2017 
4216 Notice Public Notice Submission of On Line Application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC Students for the Academic Session 2017-18. Notice Dated 18-12-2017 
4217 Notice Public Notice Submission of On Line Application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC Students for the Academic Session 2017-18. Notice Dated 14-12-2017 
4218 Notice Public Notice 40 Hours Skilling Boot Camp for Haryana Government College Students. Notice Dated 14-12-2017 
4219 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt. Colleges to the following principals. Notice Dated 13-12-2017 
4220 Notice Public Notice To organize Demonstration in Colleges. Notice Dated 13-12-2017 
4221 Notice Public Notice Submission of On Line Application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC students for the Academic Session 2017-18. Notice Dated 13-12-2017 
4222 Notice Public Notice Instruction for examination duties. Notice Dated 13-12-2017 
4223 Notice Public Notice Wi-Fi campus in all Govt/Aided colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 13-12-2017 
4224 Notice Public Notice Preparation and uploading of lesson plans by all the members of teaching faculty all Govt Aided and Self Financing Degree colleges in Haryana State. Notice Dated 11-12-2017 
4225 Notice Public Notice Status Report of Spoken Tutorial Project. Notice Dated 11-12-2017 
4226 Notice Public Notice CM No.8936-CII of 2017 in COCP No. 3032 of 2016-Anurag Chahal and other Vs. Sh. Mahavir Singh,IAS and another and COCP No. 1058 of 2017- Ramjeet & others Vs Sh. Mahavir Singh, IAS and another. Notice Dated 11-12-2017 
4227 Notice Public Notice Request to provide the rule position regarding promotion policy of Statistical Assistant in diminishing cadre. Notice Dated 09-12-2017 
4228 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding 7 Day workshop on Analytical Techniques for Research during December 11 to 17,2017. Notice Dated 08-12-2017 
4229 Notice Public Notice Deputation order of Dr. Neeraja Malik, Principal, Govt College for Women Sector -14 Panchkula. Notice Dated 08-12-2017 
4230 Notice Public Notice Rationalization of "Workload" all Govt Aided and Self Financing Degree colleges in Haryana state. Notice Dated 07-12-2017 
4231 Notice Public Notice अराजकीय सहायता प्राप्त महाविद्यालयों के शिक्षक एव गैर -शिक्षक कर्मचारियों द्वारा मकान किराया भत्ता प्राप्त करने के समबंध में मार्गदर्शन देने बारे। Notice Dated 07-12-2017 
4232 Notice Public Notice Guidelines about the teaching in Commerce Faculty. Notice Dated 07-12-2017 
4233 Notice Public Notice CWP No 9931 of 2016 (O&M) and other connected matters-Providing Cast Information of all Govt Employees. Notice Dated 07-12-2017 
4234 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt Colleges to the following Principals. Notice Dated 06-12-2017 
4235 Notice Transfer Orders Sh. Tej Pal , Dy Superintendent and Sh. Panna Lal, Clerk are deputed to Govt College Krishan Nagar for a period of six month. Notice Dated 06-12-2017 
4236 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of ZOOLOGY. Notice Dated 06-12-2017 
4237 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC students pursuing Higher Education in Government colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 05-12-2017 
4238 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 04-12-2017 
4239 Notice Public Notice Sanction is hereby to the following Govt Colleges to organize following Conference/Seminars for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 01-12-2017 
4240 Notice Public Notice Sanction is hereby given t the following Non-Govt Aided Colleges to organize following Seminars for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 01-12-2017 
4241 Notice Public Notice Opening of Study centers of IGNOU in Government Colleges in the State of Haryana at District Headquarter level. Notice Dated 30-11-2017 
4242 Notice Public Notice Submission of On Line Application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC Students for the Academic Session 2017-18. Notice Dated 29-11-2017 
4243 Notice Public Notice Cash equivalent to leave salary of 300 days in favor of Smt. Bimla Vishnoi, Principal. Notice Dated 29-11-2017 
4244 Notice Transfer Orders Charge of principal of Govt College ,Hisar to Sh. Dalbir Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 28-11-2017 
4245 Notice Public Notice Reg. Passing salary, NPS, Gratuity and Arrears Bills. Notice Dated 28-11-2017 
4246 Notice Public Notice अवकाश बढ़ाने बारे मामला। Notice Dated 28-11-2017 
4247 Notice Public Notice Regarding Training Session of Public Financial Monitoring System. Notice Dated 27-11-2017 
4248 Notice Public Notice Three weeks training program for Assistant/ Associate Professor of Universities / Colleges on "Geospatial Technology an its application". Notice Dated 27-11-2017 
4249 Notice Public Notice Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students 2017-18(Renewal). Notice Dated 27-11-2017 
4250 Notice Public Notice Administrative approval for Utilizing the IInd Instalment of Infrastructure Grant Under RUSA. Notice Dated 24-11-2017 
4251 Notice Public Notice Summary Record of the national Conference of Chief Secretaries of States/UTs on "States as Drivers for Transforming India" held on 10th July,2017. Notice Dated 24-11-2017 
4252 Notice Public Notice Suspension of Sh. Anoop Singh Mor , Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 24-11-2017 
4253 Notice Public Notice To ensure the payment of remuneration to extension lecturers by the 7th of every month. Notice Dated 23-11-2017 
4254 Notice Public Notice Regarding assessment of workload. Notice Dated 22-11-2017 
4255 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Court cases of Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 21-11-2017 
4256 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) in Zoology. Notice Dated 21-11-2017 
4257 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 20-11-2017 
4258 Notice Public Notice सात दिवसीय विशेष शिविर हेतु केवल Day Camp की अनुमति बंद करने के सम्बन्ध में circular जारी करने बारे। Notice Dated 20-11-2017 
4259 Notice Public Notice National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS). Notice Dated 20-11-2017 
4260 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 20359 of 2013 ( O &M) - Court of its own motion Vs. State of Punjab etc. Notice Dated 20-11-2017 
4261 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt. Colleges to the following Principals. Notice Dated 17-11-2017 
4262 Notice Public Notice Tentative Seniority List of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt Colleges as on 01.08.2014. Notice Dated 17-11-2017 
4263 Notice Public Notice 01.08.2014 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्रधयापक / सहायक प्रोफेसर वर्ग की प्रोविशनल वरिष्टता सूचि पर आपत्ति मांगने बारे। Notice Dated 17-11-2017 
4264 Notice Public Notice Dr. Archana Mishra, Principal Government College Sector -1 panchkula is appointed as "Nodal Officer for all Government Colleges/Govt Aided Colleges/elf Financed Colleges of Haryana to coordinate with National Assessment and Accrediation Council (NAAC) Bengaluru for NAAC grading work. Notice Dated 17-11-2017 
4265 Notice Public Notice To arrange Rate Contract for Laboratory Chemicals. Notice Dated 16-11-2017 
4266 Notice Public Notice विभिन कोर्ट केसेस में महाविद्यालयों द्वारा बनाये गए जवाबदावो की Vetting बारे दिशा निर्देश। Notice Dated 16-11-2017 
4267 Notice Public Notice Grant of Senior Scale (15600-39100 + 7000 Grade Pay) and Selection Scale (15600 -39100+ 8000 Grade Pay0 to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 15-11-2017 
4268 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading of Lesson Plan of all faculty members on the web sites / web portal of colleges and display on the notice boards. Notice Dated 14-11-2017 
4269 Notice Public Notice Regarding instructions to Principals of all Govt and Govt Aided Colleges affiliated with Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra for relieving the staff for examination duty. Notice Dated 13-11-2017 
4270 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 9931 of 2016 (O&M) and other connected matters-Providing Cast Information of all Govt. Employees. Notice Dated 13-11-2017 
4271 Notice Public Notice Regarding the CCMS and the E-Diary. Notice Dated 09-11-2017 
4272 Notice Public Notice Celebration of National Education Day on 11th November,2017. Notice Dated 09-11-2017 
4273 Notice Public Notice Permission to visit abroad - Smt. Saroj Ahlawat, Principal. Notice Dated 09-11-2017 
4274 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation orders of Sh. Narender Kumar, JLA. Notice Dated 08-11-2017 
4275 Notice Public Notice Winter Adventure Camps at Manali for the boy students of Government colleges. Notice Dated 08-11-2017 
4276 Notice Public Notice Winter Adventure Camps at Manali for the Girl Students of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 08-11-2017 
4277 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre),HES-II Group "B" in the subject of BOTANY. Notice Dated 08-11-2017 
4278 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 06-11-2017 
4279 Notice Public Notice Constitute a committee for suggesting mechanism to be adopted in the multiple regulatory authorities to govern Private Universities. Notice Dated 06-11-2017 
4280 Notice Public Notice General/Bye Elections to the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies of all state/UTs- Examination Schedule-Regarding. Notice Dated 03-11-2017 
4281 Notice Public Notice Notice of Meeting regarding "Organizing the lectures on Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya" under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Education Minister on 8th November,2017 at 12:00 Noon in Haryana Niwas,Chandigarh. Notice Dated 03-11-2017 
4282 Notice Public Notice Regarding writing the annual confidential report of Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2016-2017. Notice Dated 03-11-2017 
4283 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College,Meham(Rohtak) to Smt. Suresh Kumari. Notice Dated 03-11-2017 
4284 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 31.10.2017 तक महाविद्यालय के विभिन फंडो में उपलब्ध राशि का ब्यौरा देने बारे। Notice Dated 31-10-2017 
4285 Notice Public Notice Regional meeting with the Principals of Govt and Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 31-10-2017 
4286 Notice Transfer Orders Attaining the age of superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors will stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 31-10-2017 
4287 Notice Public Notice Cancel the deputation orders of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 30-10-2017 
4288 Notice Public Notice Infromation under RTI Act 2005- Sh. Karan Singh. Notice Dated 27-10-2017 
4289 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा अध्यापक पात्रता दिसंबर -2017 बारे। Notice Dated 27-10-2017 
4290 Notice Public Notice स्टेट मेरिट स्कालरशिप Under Graduate Girls. Notice Dated 27-10-2017 
4291 Notice Transfer Orders Deputation of Smt. Rekha Sharma to GCW Salaheri. Notice Dated 25-10-2017 
4292 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Sangeeta, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 24-10-2017 
4293 Notice Public Notice Adoption of Government e-Marketplace (GeM) by the State Registration of manufacturers/Venders on GeM Portal. Notice Dated 18-10-2017 
4294 Notice Public Notice Extend the deputation of the Assistant/Associate Professor. Notice Dated 18-10-2017 
4295 Notice Public Notice Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week,2017. (30.10.2017 to 04.11.2017). Notice Dated 18-10-2017 
4296 Notice Public Notice Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week,2017. (30.10.2017 to 04.11.2017). Notice Dated 18-10-2017 
4297 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 01.01.2015 से 30.09.2017 तक की अविधि में प्राचार्य /प्राचार्य ( सी.डी.सी ) / कार्यकारी प्राचार्य को प्रदान की गई आहरण एव वितरण शक्तियों के संबध में सुचना उपलध करवाने मामला। Notice Dated 18-10-2017 
4298 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt college for Women , Behl(Bhiwani) to Sh. Makhan Singh, Principal. Notice Dated 17-10-2017 
4299 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College, Chhachhrauli(Yamuna Nagar) to Smt. Manju Pathak, Principal. Notice Dated 17-10-2017 
4300 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions if all Govt Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana state. Notice Dated 17-10-2017 
4301 Notice Public Notice Extend the appointment of Sh. Kapender Singh, Associate Professor as State Liaison Officer in the NSS CELL in the Directorate of Higher Education. Notice Dated 16-10-2017 
4302 Notice Public Notice पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय जन्म शताब्दी की कार्यकारी समिति की दिनांक 05.07.2017 को हुई बैठक मे लिए गए निर्णय पर कार्यवाही करने बारे। Notice Dated 16-10-2017 
4303 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 13-10-2017 
4304 Notice Public Notice CWP No 9931 of 2016(O&M) and other connected matters - providing caste information of all Govt Employees. Notice Dated 13-10-2017 
4305 Notice Public Notice Merit Scholarship Incentive Scheme for the year 2017-18(Fresh). Notice Dated 12-10-2017 
4306 Notice Public Notice Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Class - IV Govt Employees during the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 11-10-2017 
4307 Notice Public Notice Regarding Awareness about Gender Health Support Centres. Notice Dated 10-10-2017 
4308 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video Conferencing with all Principals. Notice Dated 10-10-2017 
4309 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video conferencing with all Principals. Notice Dated 10-10-2017 
4310 Notice Public Notice Regarding Video conferencing with all Principals. Notice Dated 10-10-2017 
4311 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in Commerce and Botany. Notice Dated 10-10-2017 
4312 Notice Public Notice Meeting in connection with the compliance of the Hon'ble Courts directions. Notice Dated 09-10-2017 
4313 Notice Transfer Orders Principal retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 09-10-2017 
4314 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Krishna Uppal, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-10-2017 
4315 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre),HES-II Group "B" in the subject of BOTANY. Notice Dated 06-10-2017 
4316 Notice Public Notice Sh. Ramesh Singh Ahlawat, Associate Professor to join Govt College, Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 06-10-2017 
4317 Notice Public Notice Sh. Ramesh Singh Ahlawat, Associate Professor to join Govt College, Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 06-10-2017 
4318 Notice Public Notice दिनांक 01.01.2015 से 30.09.2017 तक की अविधि में प्राचार्य /प्राचार्य ( सी.डी.सी ) / कार्यकारी प्राचार्य को प्रदान की गई आहरण एव वितरण शक्तियों के संबध में सुचना उपलध करवाने मामला। Notice Dated 04-10-2017 
4319 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 9931 of 2016 (O&M) and other connected matters - providing caste information of all Govt Employees. Notice Dated 04-10-2017 
4320 Notice Public Notice Guidelines for Gender Champions in Educational Institutions. Notice Dated 04-10-2017 
4321 Notice Public Notice Reg. passing a salary/NPS Bills. Notice Dated 03-10-2017 
4322 Notice Transfer Orders Attaining the age of superannuation the Associate/Assistant Professors will retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 29-09-2017 
4323 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding timely submission of agenda of each meeting of Universities. Notice Dated 29-09-2017 
4324 Notice Public Notice Smt. Jyoti Arora, IAS has joined as Principal Secretary to Govt Haryana, Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 29-09-2017 
4325 Notice Public Notice पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय जन्म शताब्दी की कार्यकारी समिति की दिनांक 05.07.2017 को हुई बैठक में लिए गए निर्णय पर कार्यवाही करने बारे। Notice Dated 29-09-2017 
4326 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Satnali to Sh. L.N. Sharma. Notice Dated 28-09-2017 
4327 Notice Transfer Orders No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to her. Notice Dated 28-09-2017 
4328 Notice Transfer Orders Clarifications regarding engaging extension lecturers in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 27-09-2017 
4329 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidate for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in BOTANY. Notice Dated 27-09-2017 
4330 Notice Public Notice Smt. Santosh Kumari, Principal, Govt College for Women, Faridabad is allowed to draw annual Increment in her respective grade. Notice Dated 26-09-2017 
4331 Notice Public Notice Earned leave to Smt. Anita Gehlot, Principal. Notice Dated 26-09-2017 
4332 Notice Public Notice Sh. Karambir Singh, Deputy Director (CDC) to the post of Principal (CDC) in Government College, Naraingarh (Ambala). Notice Dated 25-09-2017 
4333 Notice Public Notice Sh. Vijay Singh Dahiya Assumed the charge of the post of Director General Higher Education. Notice Dated 25-09-2017 
4334 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयों में एक्सटेंशन लेक्चरार रखने बारे -सपष्टीकरण। Notice Dated 25-09-2017 
4335 Notice Public Notice Adjustment of eligible extension lecturers who were working in Govt Colleges but were displaced due to various reasons. Notice Dated 22-09-2017 
4336 Notice Public Notice Clarifications regarding engaging extension lectures in Govt Colleges purely on temporary basis. Notice Dated 22-09-2017 
4337 Notice Public Notice Appointment to post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre),HES-II Group "B" in the subject of SOCIOLOGY. Notice Dated 21-09-2017 
4338 Notice Public Notice Clarifications regarding engaging extension lecturers in Govt Colleges purely on temporary basis. Notice Dated 20-09-2017 
4339 Notice Public Notice Principals posted in various Govt. Colleges are hereby allowed to draw annual increments. Notice Dated 19-09-2017 
4340 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) HES-II Group "B" in the subject of COMMERCE. Notice Dated 18-09-2017 
4341 Notice Public Notice Regarding uploading of Lesson Plan of all faculty members on the web sites / web portal of colleges and display on the notice boards . Notice Dated 17-09-2017 
4342 Notice Public Notice To tart the classes of 1st year for boys(2017-18). Notice Dated 17-09-2017 
4343 Notice Public Notice Stipend Scheme for the Grand Children of Freedom Fighters pursuing Higher Education in govt/Non Govt Aided colleges for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 15-09-2017 
4344 Notice Public Notice Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students 2017-18(Fresh). Notice Dated 14-09-2017 
4345 Notice Public Notice Haryana State Meritorious Incentive Scheme for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 14-09-2017 
4346 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for Women ,Narnaul (Mohindergarh) to Sh. Naresh Kumar. Notice Dated 14-09-2017 
4347 Notice Public Notice Grant the scale of Rs. 37400-67000+9000 G.P to the following Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 13-09-2017 
4348 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of SC students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges in Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 11-09-2017 
4349 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary bills for Sep-2017 list of Non-Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 10-09-2017 
4350 Notice Public Notice पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय जन्म शताब्दी की कार्यकारी समिति की दिनांक 05.07.2017 को हुई बैठक मे लिए गए निर्णय पर कार्यवाही करने बारे। Notice Dated 09-09-2017 
4351 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) in Sociology, Hindi and Computer Science. Notice Dated 08-09-2017 
4352 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of New Govt Colleges to be started w.e.f ensuing academic session 2017-2018. Notice Dated 08-09-2017 
4353 Notice Public Notice Regarding list of beneficiaries under Women oriented schemes. Notice Dated 08-09-2017 
4354 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt. Colleges to the following principals. Notice Dated 07-09-2017 
4355 Notice Public Notice Regarding International Conference on "Making Haryana a Higher Education Powerhouse", being held at Ashoka University, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonepat on 15th and 16th September, 2017. Notice Dated 07-09-2017 
4356 Notice Public Notice Postponement of Inter Collegiate Yoga Championship. Notice Dated 07-09-2017 
4357 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding applicability of the letter dated 20.07.2017 towards payment of fixed remuneration to be paid to eligible Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 06-09-2017 
4358 Notice Public Notice Regarding Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2017-18 organized by Higher Education Department, haryana. Notice Dated 05-09-2017 
4359 Notice Public Notice बायोमेट्रिक मशीनो द्वारा अटेंडेंस लगाने बारे। Notice Dated 05-09-2017 
4360 Notice Public Notice Directions for disclosure of mandatory information's by all the universities and colleges on the website. Notice Dated 04-09-2017 
4361 Notice Public Notice Directions for disclosure of mandatory information's by all the universities and colleges on the website. Notice Dated 04-09-2017 
4362 Notice Public Notice Change of nomenclature of Govt College Gohana as "Govt College for Women, Gohana,Sonepat". Notice Dated 04-09-2017 
4363 Notice Public Notice Change of nomenclature of Govt College Gohana as "Govt College for Women, Gohana,Sonepat. Notice Dated 04-09-2017 
4364 Notice Public Notice Principals (CDC) posted in various Govt Colleges are hereby allowed to draw annual increments in their respective grades. Notice Dated 31-08-2017 
4365 Notice Transfer Orders Attaining the age of superannuation the Associate/Assistant professors will retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 31-08-2017 
4366 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rules & Regulations for Inter College State Badminton Tournament and selected Asanas for Inter College State Yoga Tournament for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 31-08-2017 
4367 Notice Public Notice Cancel the Headquarter of Sh. Dharam Singh , Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 31-08-2017 
4368 Notice Public Notice Regarding Rules & Regulations for Inter College State Badminton Tournament and selected Asanas for Inter College State Yoga Tournament for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 31-08-2017 
4369 Notice Public Notice Application form for Authentication of Original Education Qualification Dated 29-08-2017 Notice Dated 29-08-2017 
4370 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 29-08-2017 
4371 Notice Public Notice Submission of On line application for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST and OBC students for the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 28-08-2017 
4372 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding regulation the coaching centres. Notice Dated 23-08-2017 
4373 Notice Public Notice प्रदेश में कानून व्यवस्था बनाए रखने हेतु पंचकूला जिले में निमिन्लिखित संसथान दिनांक 23.08.2017 से 25.08.2017तक बंद रहेंगे। Notice Dated 23-08-2017 
4374 Notice Public Notice Information regarding extension lecturers. Notice Dated 23-08-2017 
4375 Notice Public Notice Assistant Professors in the subject of Sanskrit adjusted against vacancy/Workload. Notice Dated 22-08-2017 
4376 Notice Public Notice Adjusting the following Assistant Professors in the subject of Commerce against vacancy/workload. Notice Dated 22-08-2017 
4377 Notice Public Notice Regarding category wise latest position of all class IV employees (College Cadre Only). Notice Dated 21-08-2017 
4378 Notice Public Notice पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय जन्म शताब्दी की कार्यकारी समिति की दिनांक 05.07.2017 को हुई बैठक में लिए गए निर्णय पर कार्यवाही करने बारे। Notice Dated 21-08-2017 
4379 Notice Public Notice To make the First Aid and Home Nursing Certificate Course Mandatory in seven days special NSS Camp under National Service Scheme in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 18-08-2017 
4380 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 18363 of 2017 titled Guru Brahmanand Women College, Kurana Versus State of Haryana and others-implementation of interim orders dated 18.08.2017 Notice Dated 18-08-2017 
4381 Notice Public Notice Process Automation for online Submission compilation and Release of Salary/Grant/Pay Rolls in r/o Non-Govt Aided Colleges in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 18-08-2017 
4382 Notice Public Notice Final Gradation List of H.E.S. Group B (College Cadre) Officers as on 01.12.2009 ( Notice Dated 18-08-2017 
4383 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of COMMERCE. Notice Dated 17-08-2017 
4384 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of SANSKRIT. Notice Dated 17-08-2017 
4385 Notice Public Notice To start the classes of 1st year for Boys. Notice Dated 17-08-2017 
4386 Notice Public Notice Regarding starting of Evening Classes in Government Girls College, Rewari. Notice Dated 17-08-2017 
4387 Notice Public Notice Regarding starting of Evening Classes in Government Girls College, Rewari. Notice Dated 17-08-2017 
4388 Notice Public Notice Final Gradation List of H.E.S. Group B (College Cadre) Officers as on 31.12.2007 ( Notice Dated 16-08-2017 
4389 Notice Public Notice Final Gradation List of H.E.S. Group B (College Cadre) Officers as on 01.01.2004 ( Notice Dated 16-08-2017 
4390 Notice Public Notice Final Gradation List of H.E.S. Group B (College Cadre) Officers as on 01.09.1997 ( Notice Dated 16-08-2017 
4391 Notice Public Notice Process Automation for Online Submission, Compilation and Release of Salary/Grant/Pay Rolls in r/o Non-Govt Aided Colleges in State of Haryana. Notice Dated 14-08-2017 
4392 Notice Public Notice Information regarding re-engaging the existing Computer Instructors and Computer Lab Attendants. Notice Dated 11-08-2017 
4393 Notice Public Notice Revision of pay scales of Non-Teaching employees of Govt Aided Private Colleges (7th Pay Commission). Notice Dated 11-08-2017 
4394 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Screening Committee to grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 11-08-2017 
4395 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Screening Committee to grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 07-08-2017 
4396 Notice Public Notice Assessment of workload for the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 04-08-2017 
4397 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary bills for August 2017 List of Non-Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 04-08-2017 
4398 Notice Public Notice Assessment of workload for the academic session 2017-2018. Notice Dated 03-08-2017 
4399 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Screening Committee to grant Pay Band-IV to the Assistant Professors of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 03-08-2017 
4400 Notice Public Notice Regarding counting of the period of active service spent on pursuing Ph.D Degree. Notice Dated 02-08-2017 
4401 Notice Public Notice Principals posted in various Govt Colleges are hereby allowed to draw annual increments. Notice Dated 01-08-2017 
4402 Notice Public Notice Assessment of workload for the session 2017-18. Notice Dated 31-07-2017 
4403 Notice Public Notice Assessment of workload for the academic session 2017-2018. Notice Dated 31-07-2017 
4404 Notice Public Notice Assessment of workload requirement of Extension Lecturers for the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 31-07-2017 
4405 Notice Public Notice Regarding increase in seats. Notice Dated 28-07-2017 
4406 Notice Transfer Orders Attaining the age of superannuation the Associate/Assistant Professors stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 28-07-2017 
4407 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System(AEBAS) Notice Dated 28-07-2017 
4408 Notice Public Notice Regarding re-engaging English Language Lab Instructor on extension basis in Govt Colleges only for the 1st & 2nd academic semester during the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 27-07-2017 
4409 Notice Public Notice पहली बार निर्वाचकों पर फोकस करते हुए निर्वाचकों को पंजीकृत करने का विशेष अभियान (18 -21 वर्ष के आयु वर्ग में युवा भारतीय नागरिक )बारे। Notice Dated 27-07-2017 
4410 Notice Public Notice Meeting of Principals. Notice Dated 26-07-2017 
4411 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions in all Govt, Govt Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana state. Notice Dated 25-07-2017 
4412 Notice Public Notice Meeting regarding implementation of guidelines dated 20.07.2017 issued w.r.t Extension lecturers. Notice Dated 25-07-2017 
4413 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to the Principals. Notice Dated 25-07-2017 
4414 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2017-18 के अंतर्गत अनुसूचित जाति के छात्र / छात्राओं हेतु पोस्ट मेट्रिक स्कॉलरशिप स्कीम के क्लेम भेजने बारे। Notice Dated 24-07-2017 
4415 Notice Public Notice Regarding online migration certificates. Notice Dated 21-07-2017 
4416 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Kalka(Panchkula) to Smt. Archana Mishra. Notice Dated 21-07-2017 
4417 Notice Public Notice Regarding SWACHHTA RANKING OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Notice Dated 20-07-2017 
4418 Notice Public Notice Guidelines regarding engaging Extension Lecturers in Govt Colleges purely on temporary basis. Notice Dated 20-07-2017 
4419 Notice Public Notice Dr. Sarita Malik,HCS is designated as "Nodal Officer for C.M Social Media Grievances Tracker(CMSMGT)". Notice Dated 20-07-2017 
4420 Notice Public Notice Issue of NOC regarding increase in intake of students in BSC & BA and Sanction of subject Economics in UG. Notice Dated 19-07-2017 
4421 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) - Commerce Subject. Notice Dated 19-07-2017 
4422 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2017-18 (Non-recurring) Scheme for "Assistance for Science Exhibition in the colleges" (Government Colleges). Notice Dated 18-07-2017 
4423 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2017-18 (Non-recurring) Scheme for "Assistance for Science Exhibition in the Colleges" (Non-Govt-Aided Colleges). Notice Dated 18-07-2017 
4424 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt. Colleges to following principals. Notice Dated 18-07-2017 
4425 Notice Public Notice Regarding increase in seats in B.A from the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 17-07-2017 
4426 Notice Public Notice Issue of NOC regarding increase in intake of students in B.A. Notice Dated 17-07-2017 
4427 Notice Public Notice S.N.F 2017-18 (Non-recurring) Scheme of Govt of Haryana for Sports Activities in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 17-07-2017 
4428 Notice Public Notice मास जुलाई 2017 में लगने वाली वार्षिक वेतनवृद्धि प्रदान करने हेतु सेवपंजिया भेजने बारे मामला। Notice Dated 14-07-2017 
4429 Notice Public Notice अनुसूचित जाति के छात्र - छात्राओं से दाखिले के समय फीस / फंड्स न लेने बारे। Notice Dated 14-07-2017 
4430 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre). Notice Dated 14-07-2017 
4431 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding introducing of URDU subject in UG Level from the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 12-07-2017 
4432 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2017-18 (Non-recurring) Empowerment of Girl students in Govt Colleges(Total amount Rs.100.00Lac). Notice Dated 12-07-2017 
4433 Notice Public Notice Special Campaign for plantation of 2.5 Cr trees on all possible land in Haryana in the current year 2017-18. Notice Dated 11-07-2017 
4434 Notice Public Notice Regarding introducing of New streams/courses from the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 11-07-2017 
4435 Notice Public Notice Human Resource Development of the Teacher and the Taught and the supporting Staff in the Government Colleges and the staff at the headquarter in the state of Haryana Human Resource Development of Students(Earn While You Learn). Notice Dated 11-07-2017 
4436 Notice Public Notice Issue of NOC regarding increase in intake of students in BA/B.Com/BSC Medical and Non medical. Notice Dated 11-07-2017 
4437 Notice Public Notice एक्सटेंशन लेक्चरार की हिदायते बारे। Notice Dated 11-07-2017 
4438 Notice Public Notice Regarding introduction of New streams/courses from the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 11-07-2017 
4439 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2017-18 में हुए दाखिलों के समय ली गई डॉ. राधा कृष्ण फण्ड की राशि निदेशालय को भेजने बारे। Notice Dated 10-07-2017 
4440 Notice Public Notice Current Duty Charge to the following Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 10-07-2017 
4441 Notice Public Notice Current Duty Charge to the following Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 10-07-2017 
4442 Notice Public Notice Regarding inspection of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 07-07-2017 
4443 Notice Public Notice To Change the nomenclature of Government College for Women, Panchkula. Notice Dated 06-07-2017 
4444 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2017-18 (Non-recurring) Scheme for "Augmentation of Laboratories" in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 06-07-2017 
4445 Notice Public Notice Use of Legal Software in Government Department / organizations. Notice Dated 06-07-2017 
4446 Notice Public Notice Tree Plantation along the course of Saraswati River by 50 schools in each districts from 3rd July to 17th July,2017 under Swarna Jayanti Year(Haryana) Programmer. Notice Dated 05-07-2017 
4447 Notice Public Notice Approval for continuation of BA in the evening shift in Government College, Bahadurgarh(JHAJJAR). Notice Dated 05-07-2017 
4448 Notice Public Notice Continuation of Evening shift in BA and B.Com Classes in Government College, Faridabad. Notice Dated 05-07-2017 
4449 Notice Public Notice To Provide the information regrading rural services of Assistant Professors in Sanskrit and Commerce. Notice Dated 04-07-2017 
4450 Notice Public Notice Swarna Jayanti Quiz Contest. Notice Dated 04-07-2017 
4451 Notice Public Notice Voluntarily retirement of Smt. Bimla Vishnoi, Principal, Govt College Ateli (Mohindergarh). Notice Dated 03-07-2017 
4452 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary bills for July 2017 List of Non-Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 03-07-2017 
4453 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary bills for July 2017 list of Non-Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 03-07-2017 
4454 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following Assistant/Associate Professors stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 30-06-2017 
4455 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of Superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors will stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 30-06-2017 
4456 Notice Public Notice To Arrange Rate Contract for Laboratory Chemicals. Notice Dated 30-06-2017 
4457 Notice Public Notice Continuation of Evening shift in BA and B.Com Classes in Government College,Faridabad. Notice Dated 28-06-2017 
4458 Notice Public Notice Shifting of M.A(Economics) course from evening shift to morning shift from the session 2017-18 in Government College,Bhiwani. Notice Dated 28-06-2017 
4459 Notice Public Notice Implementation of 7th Pay Commission for non-teaching posts in all the Universities of the State. Notice Dated 27-06-2017 
4460 Notice Transfer Orders Notification - regarding redefining of territorial jurisdiction of the State Universities. Notice Dated 26-06-2017 
4461 Notice Public Notice Notifications - regarding redefining of territorial jurisdiction of the State Universities. Notice Dated 23-06-2017 
4462 Notice Public Notice Cancellation the orders of repatriation and posting of Sh. Ajit Singh, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 23-06-2017 
4463 Notice Public Notice Regarding Career Guidance and Counseling of Girls Students in Govt. College of Haryana. Notice Dated 23-06-2017 
4464 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre),HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Bio-Technology. Notice Dated 22-06-2017 
4465 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions of all Govt Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana State. Notice Dated 22-06-2017 
4466 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा के राजकीय महाविद्यालयों के प्राध्यापकों द्वारा पी.एच.डी शोध हेतु वेतन सहित लिए गए शैक्षिणिक अवकाश ( Study Leave with pay) में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार के बारे। Notice Dated 21-06-2017 
4467 Notice Public Notice Smt. Mridula Joshi, Principal shall stand retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 19-06-2017 
4468 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions in all Govt. Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana state. Notice Dated 19-06-2017 
4469 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College for Women, Mokhra (Rohtak) to Smt. Asha Ahlawat, Principal. Notice Dated 16-06-2017 
4470 Notice Public Notice Opening of new Government Colleges in the state. Notice Dated 15-06-2017 
4471 Notice Public Notice Loss to State Exchequer. Notice Dated 15-06-2017 
4472 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions in all Govt, Govt Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana state. Notice Dated 15-06-2017 
4473 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of statutory provisions for admissions enshrined in the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006 by Private Universities. Notice Dated 15-06-2017 
4474 Notice Public Notice Regarding celebration of 3rd International Yoga Day on 21st June 2017. Notice Dated 14-06-2017 
4475 Notice Public Notice Instruction regarding displaced extension lecturers. Notice Dated 13-06-2017 
4476 Notice Public Notice Regarding celebration of 3rd International Yoga Day on 21st June 2017. Notice Dated 12-06-2017 
4477 Notice Public Notice Regarding celebration of 3rd International Yoga Day on 21st June 2017. Notice Dated 12-06-2017 
4478 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt Colleges to the following principal. Notice Dated 08-06-2017 
4479 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in different subject. Notice Dated 08-06-2017 
4480 Notice Public Notice Completion of probation period of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 08-06-2017 
4481 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to the following Principals. Notice Dated 07-06-2017 
4482 Notice Public Notice Regarding category wise latest position of regular Class III employees (Dy. Supdt., Assistant, Clerk and Steno Typist, LA,JLA, Hostel Supdt. and Table Player) Notice Dated 07-06-2017 
4483 Notice Public Notice Re-employ the following Principals(Retired) of Govt Colleges to the post of Principals(College Cadre). Notice Dated 07-06-2017 
4484 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions If all Govt Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana state. Notice Dated 07-06-2017 
4485 Notice Public Notice Discontinuation of M.A English from the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 02-06-2017 
4486 Notice Public Notice Discontinuation of BCA from the academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 02-06-2017 
4487 Notice Public Notice Regarding HRMS (Human Resources and Management System). Notice Dated 01-06-2017 
4488 Notice Public Notice Regarding integration of Students from Jammu & Kashmir into mainstream. Notice Dated 01-06-2017 
4489 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary bills for June 2017 list of Non-Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 01-06-2017 
4490 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2017-18 (Non-recurring)- Human Resource Development of the Teacher and the Taught and the supporting Staff in the Government Colleges and Headquarter Human Resource Development of Teacher/Other staff in Colleges and Officers and other staff in the Directorate - ( Total amount 100.00 Lac). Notice Dated 30-05-2017 
4491 Notice Public Notice C,M Announcement No. 12385 dated 17.04.2016: Regarding up-gradation of Government College, Tigaon to that of Post Graduate Government Collge,Tiagon(Faridabad). Notice Dated 30-05-2017 
4492 Notice Public Notice Deputation of Smt. Amrit Sapra, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 29-05-2017 
4493 Notice Public Notice To make a new E-mail account. Notice Dated 29-05-2017 
4494 Notice Public Notice Regarding Induction Training Course to newly appointed Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 29-05-2017 
4495 Notice Public Notice Celebration of International Environment Day on 5th June 2017- Swachhata related activities reg. Notice Dated 26-05-2017 
4496 Notice Transfer Orders Attaining the age of superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors will retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 25-05-2017 
4497 Notice Public Notice Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University. Notice Dated 22-05-2017 
4498 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women, Pali (Mohindergarh) to Sh. Vinay Kumar, Principal. Notice Dated 22-05-2017 
4499 Notice Public Notice Regarding online migration certificates. Notice Dated 22-05-2017 
4500 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt colleges to the following principals. Notice Dated 19-05-2017 
4501 Notice Public Notice 31.12.2017 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्रध्यापक / सहायक प्रोफेसर वर्ग की प्रोविशनल वरिष्ठता सूचि पर आपत्ति मांगने बारे। Notice Dated 19-05-2017 
4502 Notice Transfer Orders Centralized On line admissions of all Govt Aide and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana state - Training schedule. Notice Dated 18-05-2017 
4503 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding reservation in respect of posts to be filled up on contract basis under Outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 18-05-2017 
4504 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of Budget/Funds under Placement Cell in Govt Colleges in the State of Haryana for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 18-05-2017 
4505 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions of all Govt Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana state - Training schedule. Notice Dated 18-05-2017 
4506 Notice Public Notice Principals Retired from Govt Service w.e.f 31.05.2017 Notice Dated 17-05-2017 
4507 Notice Public Notice Prevention of Alcholism and Substance Abuse. Notice Dated 16-05-2017 
4508 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions in all Colleges of the state. Notice Dated 16-05-2017 
4509 Notice Public Notice 01.09.1997 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्राध्यापक/ सहायक प्रोफेसर वर्ग की प्रोविशनल वरिष्ठता सूचि पर आपत्ति मांगने बारे। Notice Dated 16-05-2017 
4510 Notice Public Notice 01.12.2009 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्राध्यापक / सहायक प्रोफेसर वर्ग की प्रोविशनल वरिष्ठता सूचि पर आपत्ति मांगने पर। Notice Dated 16-05-2017 
4511 Notice Public Notice 01.01.2004 के आधार पर तैयार की गई प्राध्यापक / सहायक प्रोफेसर वर्ग की प्रोविशनल वरिष्टता सूचि पर आपत्ति मांगने बारे। Notice Dated 15-05-2017 
4512 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding nominations of faculty organizer and implementation of Spoken Tutorial Program in all lead colleges for next academic session 2017-18. Notice Dated 15-05-2017 
4513 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions of all Govt Aided and Self Financing Degree colleges in Haryana State. Notice Dated 15-05-2017 
4514 Notice Public Notice Directions for admissions and implementation of other statutory by all the Private Universities in Haryana State established under the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. Notice Dated 12-05-2017 
4515 Notice Public Notice Clarification regarding On-line admissions Government Aided Colleges and Self Financing Colleges in the State of Haryana. Notice Dated 12-05-2017 
4516 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2006 से 2009 तक की अवधि में सॉफ्ट स्किल स्कीम के तहत दी गई राशि का उपयोगिता प्रमाण पत्र भेजने बारे। Notice Dated 12-05-2017 
4517 Notice Public Notice Sh. Sumer Singh , Associate Professor charge-sheeted. Notice Dated 11-05-2017 
4518 Notice Public Notice Hiring of personnel against regular sanctioned posts under Part-II of State Outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 11-05-2017 
4519 Notice Public Notice CM No. 8936-CII of 2017 in COCP No. 3032 of 2016 Anurag Chahal and other Vs. Mahavir Singh, IAS and another and COCP No. 1058 of 2017. Ramjeet & others Vs. Sh. Mahavir Singh,IAS and another. Notice Dated 11-05-2017 
4520 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Computer Instructor, English, Language Lab Instructor and Computer Lab Attendant. Notice Dated 05-05-2017 
4521 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre),HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Different Subject. Notice Dated 05-05-2017 
4522 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा के राजकीय महाविद्यालयों के प्राध्यापकों द्वारा पी.एच.डी शोध हेतु वेतन सहित लिए गए शैक्षिणिक अवकाश ( Study Leave with pay) में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार के बारे। Notice Dated 05-05-2017 
4523 Notice Public Notice Regarding increase/decrease in seats, introduction / discontinuation of Job Oriented course and any other subjects. (Academic session 2017-18). Notice Dated 03-05-2017 
4524 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding All India Survey on Higher Education . Notice Dated 03-05-2017 
4525 Notice Public Notice Passing of Salary Bills. Notice Dated 02-05-2017 
4526 Notice Transfer Orders Administrative Excellence Training for the Principals of Higher Education. Notice Dated 01-05-2017 
4527 Notice Public Notice Application forwarded under section (63) of the Right to Information ACT,2005. Notice Dated 01-05-2017 
4528 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing bills for May,2017 list on Non-Govt aided colleges. Notice Dated 01-05-2017 
4529 Notice Public Notice Sanction to all the Principals of Govt College under the scheme "Human Resource Development of the teachers and the taught and the supporting staff in the Government Colleges and Headquarter". Notice Dated 01-05-2017 
4530 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College, Bhiwani to Smt. Manju Gautam. Notice Dated 01-05-2017 
4531 Notice Public Notice Principals retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 27-04-2017 
4532 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 27-04-2017 
4533 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Government College, Nangal Chaudhary. Notice Dated 25-04-2017 
4534 Notice Public Notice Minutes of Meeting of the Principal of Government Colleges held on 5th April, 2017 at 10.00 AM in Kisan Bhawan, Sector-14, Panchkula. Notice Dated 25-04-2017 
4535 Notice Public Notice Application transferred under Section 6(3) of Right to Information Act, 2005 case - Ajay Kumar. Notice Dated 25-04-2017 
4536 Notice Transfer Orders Transfer orders of Sh. Raj Pal, JLA. Notice Dated 25-04-2017 
4537 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Government College, Assandh. Notice Dated 25-04-2017 
4538 Notice Public Notice Total number of admitted students from jammu & kashmir state. Notice Dated 24-04-2017 
4539 Notice Public Notice Total number of admitted students from jammu & Kashmir State 2016-17. Notice Dated 24-04-2017 
4540 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions all Govt Aided and Self Financing degree college in Haryana state. Notice Dated 24-04-2017 
4541 Notice Public Notice Suspension of Sh. Yashpal Singh, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 24-04-2017 
4542 Notice Public Notice Recruitment by Selection from Non-SCS to State to State IAS cadre for the select list of 2016-A(Vacancy arisen between 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016). Notice Dated 24-04-2017 
4543 Notice Public Notice Current Duty charge to Smt. Sushil Narwal Associate Professor in political Science of Govt College Rohtak to the post of Principal in H.E.S-I Group 'A'. Notice Dated 21-04-2017 
4544 Notice Public Notice CM Grievance No. CMOFF/N/2017/024078-Vivek Balhara. Notice Dated 20-04-2017 
4545 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Functionality/Status report of Edusat. Notice Dated 19-04-2017 
4546 Notice Public Notice Clerks of Govt Colleges are hereby promoted to the post of Assistant. Notice Dated 18-04-2017 
4547 Notice Public Notice वरिष्ठ / प्रवरण एव पे-बैंड-4 वेतनमान मामले हेतु प्रमाण पात्र। Notice Dated 18-04-2017 
4548 Notice Public Notice Earned & Medical Leave to Ms. Anjoo Sen, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 18-04-2017 
4549 Notice Public Notice C.W.P No. 21836 of 2015 - Urmila Sharma and others Vs State of Haryana and another alomgwith CWP No. 5410 of 2016. Notice Dated 18-04-2017 
4550 Notice Public Notice Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the Welfare of Scheduled Caste Students pursuing Higher Education in Govt College during the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 17-04-2017 
4551 Notice Public Notice प्राचार्य के रिक्त पद का CURRENT DUTY CHARGE प्रदान करने बारे मामला। Notice Dated 11-04-2017 
4552 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College Barwala(Hisar) to Smt. Sunita Gupta. Notice Dated 11-04-2017 
4553 Notice Public Notice Administrative Excellence Training for the Principals of Higher Education. Notice Dated 10-04-2017 
4554 Notice Public Notice Interim orders in CWP No. 4693 of 2017 - Dr. Neetu versus State of Haryana others - compliance thereof. Notice Dated 07-04-2017 
4555 Notice Public Notice एन.एस.एस यूनिट्स को अप्रैल माह में सात दिवसीय विशेष शिविर लगाने की विशेष अनुमति प्रदान करने बारे। Notice Dated 07-04-2017 
4556 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding extension lecturers. Notice Dated 07-04-2017 
4557 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B:" in the subject of Music (Vocal). Notice Dated 06-04-2017 
4558 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre). Notice Dated 06-04-2017 
4559 Notice Public Notice Revision of curriculum and introduction of Choice Based Credit System(CBCS) at under graduate level by the State universities of the state. Notice Dated 06-04-2017 
4560 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre). Notice Dated 05-04-2017 
4561 Notice Public Notice Regarding to issue instruction to Principals of All Govt And Aided Colleges for reliving the staff for examination duty. Notice Dated 05-04-2017 
4562 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary bills for april 2017 list of Non-Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 01-04-2017 
4563 Notice Public Notice Charge of Govt Colleges to the Associate Professors to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 31-03-2017 
4564 Notice Public Notice Science Express Climate Action Special Train. Notice Dated 30-03-2017 
4565 Notice Public Notice वित्त विभाग से वित्त वर्ष 2016 -2017 के छात्रवृत्ति के अन्तिम तिमाही बिलो पर लगी 30% की रोक पर छूट प्रदान करने बारे। Notice Dated 30-03-2017 
4566 Notice Public Notice Minutes of Meeting of the Principals of Government Colleges held on 5th April, 2017 at 10.00 AM in Kisan Bhawan, Sector -14, Panchkula. Notice Dated 29-03-2017 
4567 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for Scheduled Caste Students perusing Higher Education (97) Providing of free books to Scheduled Caste Students in Govt. Colleges for the year 2016-17(Plan). Notice Dated 29-03-2017 
4568 Notice Public Notice Meeting of the principals of Government Colleges on 5th April, 2017 at 10.00 AM in Kisan Bhawan, Conference Hall, Sector-14, Panchkula. Notice Dated 29-03-2017 
4569 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for Scheduled Caste Students pursuing Higher Education (94) Stipends to all Schedules Caste Students in Govt Colleges during the year 2016-17(Plan). Notice Dated 29-03-2017 
4570 Notice Public Notice स्वैछिक सेवानिवृति प्रदान करने बारे मामला - डॉ. रवि प्रकाश आर्य , प्राचार्य ,राजकीय महाविद्यालय ,खरखौदा (सोनीपत ) . Notice Dated 28-03-2017 
4571 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2016-17 में सात दिवसीय एन.एस.एस कैम्प की अनुमति प्रदान करने बारे। Notice Dated 27-03-2017 
4572 Notice Public Notice Conduct the championship/tournaments under the "Sports Activity" Scheme for the year 2017-18. Notice Dated 27-03-2017 
4573 Notice Public Notice Application Transferred U/S 6(3) under Right to Information Act, 2005 - Rakesh. Notice Dated 22-03-2017 
4574 Notice Public Notice Regarding programmes / evemts to be held during Swarn Jayanti Year - Swarn Jayanti Youth Assembly Programme. Notice Dated 22-03-2017 
4575 Notice Public Notice Information regarding Meeting of the Principals of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 22-03-2017 
4576 Notice Public Notice Charge of Govt Colleges principal/Deputy Director to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-03-2017 
4577 Notice Public Notice Regarding Current Duty Charge. Notice Dated 21-03-2017 
4578 Notice Public Notice Current Duty Charge to the following Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges to the post of Principal/Deputy Director. Notice Dated 21-03-2017 
4579 Notice Public Notice Regarding Current Duty Charge. Notice Dated 21-03-2017 
4580 Notice Public Notice Regarding implementation of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System(AEBAS). Notice Dated 20-03-2017 
4581 Notice Public Notice E-mail address for correspondence with Director, Higher Education , Haryana, Panchkula. Notice Dated 20-03-2017 
4582 Notice Public Notice Grant the scale of Rs. 15600-39100+7000 G.P and Rs. 15600-39100+8000 to the following Assistant Professors of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 20-03-2017 
4583 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre). Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4584 Notice Transfer Orders Fresh Award of Haryana State Merit Scholarship on the basis of 10+2 held in March for the year 2016-17@Rs. 300/- P.M(Urban Girls) Fresh. Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4585 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for Scheduled Caste Students Caste in Govt. Colleges during the year 2016-17(Plan). Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4586 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for Scheduled Caste Students perusing Higher Education(97) Providing of free books to Scheduled Caste Students in Govt Colleges for the year 2016-17(Plan). Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4587 Notice Public Notice Stipend Scheme for Grand Children of Freedom Fighters for the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4588 Notice Public Notice Centralized On line admissions if all Govt Aided and Self Financing degree colleges in Haryana State. Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4589 Notice Public Notice Fresh Award of Haryana State Merit Scholarship on the basis of 10+2 held in March for the year 2016-17@Rs.300/- PM.M(Rural Boys) Fresh. Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4590 Notice Public Notice Fresh Award of Haryana State Merit Scholarship on the basis of 10+2 held in March for the year 2016-17@Rs.300/- PM.M(Rural Girls) Fresh. Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4591 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary Bills March 2017 list of Non-Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 17-03-2017 
4592 Notice Public Notice Fresh Award of Haryana State Merit Scholarship on the basis of 10+2 held in March for the year 2016-17@Rs/300/- P.M(Rural Girls) Fresh. Notice Dated 16-03-2017 
4593 Notice Public Notice Winter/Spring Adventure Camps at Manali for the girl/boy students of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 16-03-2017 
4594 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 15-03-2017 
4595 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt Colleges to the following Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 15-03-2017 
4596 Notice Public Notice Revised criteria for filling up of vacant sanctioned posts of Assistant Professors and Principals in Govt. Aided Private College of Haryana. Notice Dated 14-03-2017 
4597 Notice Public Notice Honorarium scheme for Educated Youth in lieu of 100 hours of work per month. Notice Dated 12-03-2017 
4598 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा के राजकीय कॉलेजो के प्राध्यापकों द्वारा पी.एच.डी शोध हेतु वेतन सहित लिए गए शैक्षिणिक अवकाश ( ) में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार के संबंध में। Notice Dated 10-03-2017 
4599 Notice Public Notice Revised criteria for filling up of vacant sanctioned posts of Assistant Professors and Principal in Govt Aided Private Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 10-03-2017 
4600 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt. Shalini Khurana, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 09-03-2017 
4601 Notice Transfer Orders Sh. Sunil Kumar to the post of clerk is posted at Govt College Birohar(Jhajjar) instead of GC Kanwali (Rewari). Notice Dated 09-03-2017 
4602 Notice Public Notice Required Data for online admission in Govt Aided Colleges. Notice Dated 07-03-2017 
4603 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Reeta Arora, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 06-03-2017 
4604 Notice Public Notice Sh. Prem Raj Assistant, Govt College Sidhrawali, Gurgaon is promoted to the post of Deputy Superintendent. Notice Dated 06-03-2017 
4605 Notice Public Notice Free Reliance Jio wi-Fi connectivity and set up in all Govt. Colleges of the State. Notice Dated 06-03-2017 
4606 Notice Public Notice Implementation of Government decision on pension and pension related matters-Revision of pension/family pension-documents regarding(7th CPC). Notice Dated 06-03-2017 
4607 Notice Public Notice Sh. Sunil Kumar Chowkidar, Govt College Nahar(Rewari) is hereby provisionally promoted as clerk. Notice Dated 03-03-2017 
4608 Notice Transfer Orders Child care leave to Smt. Payal Rani, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 02-03-2017 
4609 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Indu Sapra, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 02-03-2017 
4610 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B". Notice Dated 02-03-2017 
4611 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt Colleges to the following Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 28-02-2017 
4612 Notice Public Notice Principals posted in various Govt colleges are hereby allowed to draw annual increments. Notice Dated 28-02-2017 
4613 Notice Public Notice Sh. Ved Parkash Sheoran, Principal under Suspension. Notice Dated 28-02-2017 
4614 Notice Public Notice Regarding Workshop on Academic Audit. Notice Dated 27-02-2017 
4615 Notice Public Notice Attaining the Age of superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 27-02-2017 
4616 Notice Transfer Orders Instructions regarding remuneration to the persons delivering lectures on Extension basis. Notice Dated 25-02-2017 
4617 Notice Public Notice Place of posting of the following officials is re-allocated. Notice Dated 23-02-2017 
4618 Notice Public Notice Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Students 2016-17 (Renewal) Notice Dated 20-02-2017 
4619 Notice Public Notice Haryana State Merit Scholarship 2016-17(Renewal). Notice Dated 20-02-2017 
4620 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) HES II Group "B". Notice Dated 20-02-2017 
4621 Notice Public Notice Regarding Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2017-18 organized by Higher Education Department,Haryana. Notice Dated 18-02-2017 
4622 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding remuneration to the persons delivering lectures on Extension basis. Notice Dated 17-02-2017 
4623 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Sangeeta , Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 16-02-2017 
4624 Notice Public Notice Revised schedule of Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2016-17 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 16-02-2017 
4625 Notice Public Notice Issue of Notifications/Directions/Circulars etc. from the O/o Director Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 15-02-2017 
4626 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Meena Rani, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 15-02-2017 
4627 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Kompal, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 15-02-2017 
4628 Notice Public Notice Regarding Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2016-17 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 15-02-2017 
4629 Notice Public Notice Promotion of Group 'C' & 'D' working in field offices (Govt. Colleges) as clerk . Notice Dated 13-02-2017 
4630 Notice Public Notice Promotion of Group 'C' & 'D' working in field offices (Govt Colleges). Notice Dated 13-02-2017 
4631 Notice Public Notice Master training Workshop on 16.02.2017 at 11:00 am in Govt College, Sector-1 Panchkula. Notice Dated 13-02-2017 
4632 Notice Public Notice Purchase of various items for office use. Notice Dated 13-02-2017 
4633 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Kosli (Rewari) to Dr. Vivek Kumar. Notice Dated 13-02-2017 
4634 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Ankita Sharma, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 13-02-2017 
4635 Notice Public Notice Sh.Narender Kumar Assistant Professor in History under suspension with immediate effect. Notice Dated 09-02-2017 
4636 Notice Public Notice Resignation of Smt. Jyoti Sharan, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 09-02-2017 
4637 Notice Public Notice Purchase of various items for office use. Notice Dated 08-02-2017 
4638 Notice Public Notice Regarding Inter Collegiate State Tournament/Championship 2016-17 organized by Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 07-02-2017 
4639 Notice Public Notice Paternity leave to Sh. Gurnam Singh, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 07-02-2017 
4640 Notice Public Notice Installation of Sanitary Napkin Vending machines along with Incinerators in the colleges. Notice Dated 07-02-2017 
4641 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 21836 of 2015 Urmila sharma and others V/S State of Haryana and anothers along with CWP No.5410/2016. Notice Dated 03-02-2017 
4642 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College of Education, Bhiwani to Sh. Ved Parkash, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 03-02-2017 
4643 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt Colleges to the following Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 02-02-2017 
4644 Notice Public Notice Regarding send the nominations for SKOCH Award in 47th SKOCH Summit. Notice Dated 02-02-2017 
4645 Notice Public Notice पदोनत्ति के नियुक्ति स्थान में आंशिक संशोधन करते हुए श्री राजेंदर सिंह व श्री नरेंदर सिंह को निम्नानुसार नियुक्ति स्थान प्रदान किये जाते है। Notice Dated 31-01-2017 
4646 Notice Transfer Orders Attaining the age of superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 30-01-2017 
4647 Notice Transfer Orders Attaining the age of superannuation the Associate/Assistant Professors retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 30-01-2017 
4648 Notice Public Notice Laboratory Attendants are promoted to the post of Junior Lecture Assistant. Notice Dated 27-01-2017 
4649 Notice Public Notice Laboratory Attendant promoted to the post of Junior Lecture Assistant in the Pay matrix Level 4. Notice Dated 27-01-2017 
4650 Notice Public Notice Regarding Utilization Certificate of Grant in Aid. Notice Dated 27-01-2017 
4651 Notice Public Notice Block Year 2012-15 के लिए एल.टी.सी माड 103 में बजट अलॉट करने बारे। Notice Dated 27-01-2017 
4652 Notice Public Notice Workshop/Training on cashless transactions in Govt Colleges of the Distt. Panchkula, Ambala and Yamuna Nagar. Notice Dated 25-01-2017 
4653 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Poonam , Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 24-01-2017 
4654 Notice Public Notice Sanction to Smt. Sudesh Yadav, Associate Professor (History),Govt college for Girls, Sector 14 Gurgaon for withdrawal an amount. Notice Dated 23-01-2017 
4655 Notice Public Notice Regarding nominations for the course "Financial Procedures in Government (February 7-9,2017)" at HIPA Rohtak. Notice Dated 23-01-2017 
4656 Notice Public Notice Sanction to the following govt Colleges to organize State Level Seminar/Workshop on the subject motioned against the name of the college under the scheme "Human Resource Development of the Teacher an the Taught and the Supporting Staff in the Government Colleges and staff of the headquarter in the State of Haryana". Notice Dated 22-01-2017 
4657 Notice Public Notice Regarding participation of spirited girl student from State at National Women's Parliament(NWP) being held on February 10,11&12,2017 at Amaravati, Andhra Pardesh. Notice Dated 21-01-2017 
4658 Notice Public Notice Permission to apply for INDO-US Post Doctoral Fellowship case of Dr. Shilpi Gupta, Assistant Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 20-01-2017 
4659 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Archana , Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 20-01-2017 
4660 Notice Public Notice Regarding promoting cashless transactions - action taken. Notice Dated 19-01-2017 
4661 Notice Public Notice Organized State Level Seminar/Workshop under the scheme "Human Resource Development of the Teacher and the Taught and the Supporting Staff in the Government Colleges and staff of the headquarter in the state of Haryana." Notice Dated 19-01-2017 
4662 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा के राजकीय महाविद्यालयों के प्राध्यापकों द्वारा पी.एच.डी शोध हेतु वेतन सहित लिए गए शैक्षिणिक अवकाश ( Study Leave with pay) में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार के बारे। Notice Dated 18-01-2017 
4663 Notice Public Notice Regarding programmes/events to be held during Swarn Jayanti Year - Swarn Jayanti Youth Assembly Programme. Notice Dated 16-01-2017 
4664 Notice Public Notice Regarding permission for seven days NSS Camp. Notice Dated 16-01-2017 
4665 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Govt College for Girls, Sector 14 Gurgaon. Notice Dated 12-01-2017 
4666 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Naveeta Adlakha, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 12-01-2017 
4667 Notice Public Notice Revision of Rank Pay, Care Taker Allowances, Outfit Allowance, Annual Training Grant, Daily Allowance of ANO's, and Honorarium Allowance in respect of ANO'S. Notice Dated 12-01-2017 
4668 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre). Notice Dated 12-01-2017 
4669 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Ambala Cantt to Smt. Archna Passi. Notice Dated 12-01-2017 
4670 Notice Public Notice To check and verify the documents of newly selected candidates for the post of Assistant Professor(College Cadre). Notice Dated 12-01-2017 
4671 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Bir Inder Kaur, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 11-01-2017 
4672 Notice Public Notice Procurement of POS machines for Govt colleges and the O/o Director Higher Education, Haryana. Notice Dated 11-01-2017 
4673 Notice Public Notice Installation of Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines and Incinerators in all Govt Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 11-01-2017 
4674 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt. Sarita Sachdeva, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 11-01-2017 
4675 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College, Naraingarh(ambala) to Sh. Satpal Girotra, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 10-01-2017 
4676 Notice Transfer Orders Tentative Schedule of Legal Literacy Programme for the year 2016-2017. Notice Dated 10-01-2017 
4677 Notice Transfer Orders Regarding One Week In-Service Training Programme for Faculty Members of Government Colleges of Haryana on Teaching, Research, Academic Leadership and Governance. Notice Dated 10-01-2017 
4678 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College , Jatauli Haily Mandi to Smt. Manisha Choudhary. Notice Dated 10-01-2017 
4679 Notice Public Notice Additional Duty of Govt College, Jatauli Haily Mandi(Gurugram) to Smt. Manish Choudhary, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 10-01-2017 
4680 Notice Public Notice Dates for passing salary bills January 2017 list of Non-Govt aided Colleges. Notice Dated 10-01-2017 
4681 Notice Public Notice Deputation Order of Sh. Balbir Singh, Assistant. Notice Dated 10-01-2017 
4682 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of Botany. Notice Dated 09-01-2017 
4683 Notice Public Notice Appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre), HES-II Group "B" in the subject of History. Notice Dated 09-01-2017 
4684 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Dr. Nisha, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 09-01-2017 
4685 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Vaneeta Rani, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 09-01-2017 
4686 Notice Public Notice Approval of Proceedings of Selection of the Selection Committee held on 21.10.2016 for the post of Non-teaching staff. Notice Dated 09-01-2017 
4687 Notice Public Notice FIR दर्ज होने उपरान्त सुचना उपलब्ध करवाने बारे। Notice Dated 06-01-2017 
4688 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Geeta rani, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 06-01-2017 
4689 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Dr. Anju Chaudhary, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 04-01-2017 
4690 Notice Public Notice Celebration of every 25th January as 'National Voters Day'. Notice Dated 04-01-2017 
4691 Notice Public Notice Regarding seminars. Notice Dated 04-01-2017 
4692 Notice Public Notice National Sarasvati Mahotsav -2017 commencing from 28th Jan 2017 to 1st Feb 2017. Notice Dated 03-01-2017 
4693 Notice Public Notice Principals of Govt Colleges in the State of Haryana at District Level are hereby nominated as a nodal officer regarding hiring of personnel against regular sanctioned posts under Part-II of State Outsourcing Policy. Notice Dated 03-01-2017 
4694 Notice Public Notice वेब पोर्टल बारे। Notice Dated 03-01-2017 
4695 Notice Public Notice Budget allotment for Contractual Service(Plan). Notice Dated 03-01-2017 
4696 Notice Public Notice Notice regarding Permanent No Objection Certificate. Notice Dated 02-01-2017 
4697 Notice Public Notice Regarding - Training Programme on "Government Accounting and Finance for senior Officers(January 9-13,2017)" at HIPA Rohtak. Notice Dated 02-01-2017 
4698 Notice Public Notice Draft Transfer Policy in respect of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of Govt Colleges- Suggestions thereof. Notice Dated 30-12-2016 
4699 Notice Public Notice Dr. Anju Manocha join the parent place of posting with immediate effect. Notice Dated 30-12-2016 
4700 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of One month's salary in lieu of LTC for the block year 2012-15 for the year 2016-17 under Head 2202 General Education 03- University and Higher Education (Non-Plan). Notice Dated 29-12-2016 
4701 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of Salary of the Contractual Employees working on the vacant posts against the sanctioned posts for the year 2016-17 (under Head 2202 - General Education 03 University and Higher Education(Non Plan). Notice Dated 29-12-2016 
4702 Notice Public Notice Administrative approval for construction of the new building of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-12-2016 
4703 Notice Public Notice Regarding visit of field staff in the Directorate. Notice Dated 29-12-2016 
4704 Notice Public Notice Regarding visit of field staff in the Directorate. Notice Dated 29-12-2016 
4705 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation of Smt. Bimla Arora, Associate Professor.. Notice Dated 29-12-2016 
4706 Notice Public Notice Regarding filling up of post of Principals in Govt Aided Private Colleges. Notice Dated 29-12-2016 
4707 Notice Public Notice Policy Regarding appointment of Govt Nominees. Notice Dated 28-12-2016 
4708 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Kamlesh Sharma. Notice Dated 28-12-2016 
4709 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Gharaunda to Sh. Daljeet Singh. Notice Dated 27-12-2016 
4710 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Anjali. Notice Dated 27-12-2016 
4711 Notice Public Notice अनुसूचित जाती के छात्र -छात्राओं से दाखिले के समय फीस /फण्डस ने लेने बारे I Notice Dated 23-12-2016 
4712 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Anju Jindal. Notice Dated 22-12-2016 
4713 Notice Public Notice Order Regarding HRA. Notice Dated 22-12-2016 
4714 Notice Public Notice Regarding Attaining The Age of Superannuation the Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 22-12-2016 
4715 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt. Neelam. Notice Dated 22-12-2016 
4716 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Seema Agarwal. Notice Dated 21-12-2016 
4717 Notice Public Notice Suspension of Sh. Rajesh Kumar. Notice Dated 21-12-2016 
4718 Notice Public Notice Regarding transferring of loans portfolio to the banks. Notice Dated 20-12-2016 
4719 Notice Public Notice Permission to visit abroad Case of Ms. Kamla Chaudhary, Associate Professor in English. Notice Dated 20-12-2016 
4720 Notice Public Notice Sh.Rajesh Kumar HCS joined as joint Director 19.12.2016 Notice Dated 19-12-2016 
4721 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt. Neetu Sharma. Notice Dated 19-12-2016 
4722 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Harpreet Kaur Baweja. Notice Dated 15-12-2016 
4723 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person in academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 15-12-2016 
4724 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation Associate/Assistant Professors retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 15-12-2016 
4725 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Dr. Anita Rani. Notice Dated 14-12-2016 
4726 Notice Public Notice Free Reliance Jio Wi-Fi connectivity and set up in all Govt Colleges of the State. Notice Dated 13-12-2016 
4727 Notice Public Notice On Line Appointment with Director Higher Education Haryana. Notice Dated 13-12-2016 
4728 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Sampla(rohtak) to Dr. Asha Rani. Notice Dated 13-12-2016 
4729 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for Women Sampla (Rohtak) to Dr. Asha Rani. Notice Dated 13-12-2016 
4730 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt. Rachna Devi. Notice Dated 08-12-2016 
4731 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Mokhra(Rohtak) to Smt. Laxmi Beniwal Dalal. Notice Dated 08-12-2016 
4732 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Associate.Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 08-12-2016 
4733 Notice Public Notice Regarding HRMS (Human Resources and Management System). Notice Dated 08-12-2016 
4734 Notice Public Notice Promoting Menstrual Health of women and adolescent girls. Notice Dated 08-12-2016 
4735 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Naraingarh(Ambala) to Sh. Sudhir Ghai Notice Dated 08-12-2016 
4736 Notice Public Notice Sh.Vijay Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-12-2016 
4737 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Dr.Madhu. Notice Dated 07-12-2016 
4738 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा के राजकीय कॉलेजो के प्रध्यापको द्वारा पी.एच.डी. शोध हेतु वेतन सहित लिए गए शैक्षिणक अवकाश (Study Leave with Pay ) में व्यापत भ्रष्टाचार के संबंध में I Notice Dated 07-12-2016 
4739 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयों में कार्यरत 'एक्सटेंशन लेक्टरर्स ' को मानदेय का भुगतान करने बारे I Notice Dated 06-12-2016 
4740 Notice Public Notice Video conference by Hon'ble HRD Minister on Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan (Visaka) - Action Taken Report Notice Dated 06-12-2016 
4741 Notice Public Notice Video conference by Hon'ble HRD Minister on Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan(VISAKA) -Action Taken Report. Notice Dated 06-12-2016 
4742 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave To Mrs. Chitra Tanwar Notice Dated 06-12-2016 
4743 Notice Public Notice Policy Guidelines of engaging/re-engaging Computer Instructors and Computer Lab Attendants in Govt. Colleges for the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 05-12-2016 
4744 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Sunita Vasudeva, Clerk. Notice Dated 02-12-2016 
4745 Notice Public Notice Laboratory Attendants of Govt College Karnal are promoted to the post of Junior Lecture Assistant. Notice Dated 02-12-2016 
4746 Notice Public Notice Principals of Government Colleges retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 02-12-2016 
4747 Notice Public Notice Tentative Schedule of Legal Literacy Programme for the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 02-12-2016 
4748 Notice Public Notice Tentative Schedule of Legal Literacy Programme for the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 02-12-2016 
4749 Notice Public Notice Formation of Sports Policy of Higher Education Department, Haryana. Notice Dated 01-12-2016 
4750 Notice Public Notice Meeting with Deputy Commissioner or Sub Divisional Officer(Civil) by all NCC Associate NCC officersCare Takers and NSS Programmer Officers in all educational in Haryana State. Notice Dated 01-12-2016 
4751 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promoting cashless transactions - action taken. Notice Dated 30-11-2016 
4752 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Dr. Manju Sangwan. Notice Dated 30-11-2016 
4753 Notice Public Notice Salary Advance for the month of November 2016 to be paid to all employees of Group C & Notice Dated 29-11-2016 
4754 Notice Public Notice Dr. Sudhir Kumar Yadav, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 29-11-2016 
4755 Notice Public Notice Implementation of Human Resources Management System. Notice Dated 25-11-2016 
4756 Notice Public Notice Retirement Order Of Assistant/Associate Professor Notice Dated 25-11-2016 
4757 Notice Public Notice हरियाणा सरकार के सेवारत / पेंशनर्स तथा उन पर आश्रित परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए चिकित्सा प्रतिपूर्ति बिलों की अदायगि के सम्बन्ध में I Notice Dated 25-11-2016 
4758 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave To Dr. Seema Thakran. Notice Dated 24-11-2016 
4759 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Birjesh Brar. Notice Dated 23-11-2016 
4760 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Dubaldhan (jhajjar) to Smt. Rekha Malhotra. Notice Dated 23-11-2016 
4761 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of District Library Hisar to Sh. Madan Lal Goel. Notice Dated 21-11-2016 
4762 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of District Library Rohtak to Smt. Luxmi Dalal Notice Dated 21-11-2016 
4763 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave To smt. Sabina singh. Notice Dated 21-11-2016 
4764 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave To Smt. Daya Wati. Notice Dated 18-11-2016 
4765 Notice Public Notice Regarding the relieving of Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 17-11-2016 
4766 Notice Public Notice Regarding the relieving of Extension Lecturers. Notice Dated 17-11-2016 
4767 Notice Public Notice Incerement Of Smt.Neerja Malik Notice Dated 16-11-2016 
4768 Notice Public Notice Regarding Babu Jagjivan Ram All India Essay Competition Scheme. Notice Dated 10-11-2016 
4769 Notice Public Notice Regarding information on Lecturers engaged on Extension Basis during 2016-17. Notice Dated 10-11-2016 
4770 Notice Public Notice Regarding appointment of Nodal Officers on Web Portal of Online Admission. Notice Dated 10-11-2016 
4771 Notice Public Notice Regarding-Celebration of National Education Day on 11th November 2016. Notice Dated 10-11-2016 
4772 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयों में कार्यरत एक्सटेंशन लेक्चरर से सम्बन्धित सिविल रिट याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में जवाबदावा दायर करने , सुनवाई हेतु निश्चित तिथि पर माननीय न्यायालय से सुनवाई हेतु निश्चित तिथि पर माननीय न्यायालय में सुनवाई अटैंड करना व माननीय उच्च न्यायालय द्वारा दिए गए आदेशों की अनुपालना सुनिश्चित करने बारे I Notice Dated 10-11-2016 
4773 Notice Public Notice Grant the Pay Scale of 37400-67000+9000 G.P to the following Assistant Professors of Govt. colleges. Notice Dated 09-11-2016 
4774 Notice Public Notice Committee constituted to propose the Selection Criteria for the selection of Principals and Assistant Professors in Govt Aided Private Colleges. Notice Dated 08-11-2016 
4775 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Nahar(Rewari) to Sh. Pradeep Kumar Yadav. Notice Dated 07-11-2016 
4776 Notice Public Notice Opening of Govt College at Barota (Gohana) Sonepat. Notice Dated 04-11-2016 
4777 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt. Shano. Notice Dated 04-11-2016 
4778 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt.Rohini singla. Notice Dated 04-11-2016 
4779 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Smt. Vinay Yadav. Notice Dated 02-11-2016 
4780 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of D.B.G.Govt College Panipat to Smt. Shakuntala Nandal. Notice Dated 02-11-2016 
4781 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Alka Sharma. Notice Dated 27-10-2016 
4782 Notice Public Notice Regarding writing the annual confidential report of the Assistant/Associate Professors working in government colleges for the year 2015-16. Notice Dated 27-10-2016 
4783 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors stand retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 27-10-2016 
4784 Notice Public Notice To send the willingness of Associate Professors of Govt Colleges for the post of Deputy Director (Formerly known as Assistant Director Colleges) in the Directorate. Notice Dated 25-10-2016 
4785 Notice Public Notice Regarding HRMS (Human Resources and Management System) Notice Dated 25-10-2016 
4786 Notice Public Notice Associate/Assistant Professors retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 25-10-2016 
4787 Notice Public Notice Grant the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100+8000 G.P and Rs. 15600-39100+7000 to following Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-10-2016 
4788 Notice Public Notice Grant the scale of Rs. 15600-39100+8000G.P and Rs. 15600-39100+700 to the following Assistant Professors of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 24-10-2016 
4789 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Kiran Sarova, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 21-10-2016 
4790 Notice Public Notice Regarding HRMS(Human Resources and Management System) Notice Dated 21-10-2016 
4791 Notice Public Notice Nation Salutes Sardar Vallabhai Patel, the Unifier of India - Nation Wide Campaign of "Rashtriya Ekta Sapth" from October 31-November 6,2016. Notice Dated 20-10-2016 
4792 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave To Mrs. Niraj. Notice Dated 19-10-2016 
4793 Notice Public Notice Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Class IV Government employees during the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 17-10-2016 
4794 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Jassaur Kheri (Jhajjar) to Smt. Navneeta Sahni. Notice Dated 17-10-2016 
4795 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person in academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 17-10-2016 
4796 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Suman Hooda, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 17-10-2016 
4797 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College,Hisar to Dr. Madan lal Goyal, Associate Professors. Notice Dated 14-10-2016 
4798 Notice Public Notice Regarding Aadhar and Mobile Number Seeding in e-Billing. Notice Dated 14-10-2016 
4799 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for Women Ateli (Mahendergarh) to Sh. Rajesh Kumar Saini. Notice Dated 13-10-2016 
4800 Notice Public Notice Appointment of Sh. Kapendr Singh, Associate Professor in the Directorate of Higher Education. Notice Dated 13-10-2016 
4801 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects/Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f the Academic Session 2016-17. Notice Dated 05-10-2016 
4802 Notice Public Notice Maternity Leave to Smt. Ankita Sharma, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 05-10-2016 
4803 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Parvesh Kumari, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 05-10-2016 
4804 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person in academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 04-10-2016 
4805 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation Smt. Sarsij Siwach, Principal Retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 04-10-2016 
4806 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Israna(Panipat) to Smt. Shashi Bala. Notice Dated 03-10-2016 
4807 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College for Women, Bawni Khera(Bhiwani) to Dr. Raj Kumar. Notice Dated 29-09-2016 
4808 Notice Public Notice Regarding transferring of loans portfolio to the banks. Notice Dated 27-09-2016 
4809 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt. Richa Setia, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 27-09-2016 
4810 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women Bahadurgarh to Smt. Anita Gehlot. Notice Dated 26-09-2016 
4811 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Nagina (Mewat) to Sh. Jai Parkash, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 26-09-2016 
4812 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Adampur,(Hisar) to Sh. Krishan Singh Noonia, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 22-09-2016 
4813 Notice Public Notice Revised guidelines/Policy for grant of Minority Status to Minority Educational Institutional in Haryana. Notice Dated 22-09-2016 
4814 Notice Public Notice Revised guidelines/Policy for grant of Minority Status to Minority Educational Institutional in Haryana. Notice Dated 22-09-2016 
4815 Notice Public Notice महाविद्यालयों में दाखिले दिनांक 15.09.2016 के आधार पर सरकार द्वारा सवीकृत ग्रांट इन एड विषियो के टीचिंग पदों का वर्कलोड उपलब्ध करवाना I Notice Dated 22-09-2016 
4816 Notice Public Notice Engagement of Extension Lecturers in Govt Colleges for the academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 21-09-2016 
4817 Notice Public Notice Engagement of Extension Lecturers in Govt Colleges for the academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 21-09-2016 
4818 Notice Public Notice Guidance regarding sanctioning Child care leave to Women employees. Notice Dated 19-09-2016 
4819 Notice Public Notice On Line admissions in all Govt Colleges for academic session 2016-17 Leave in lieu of working on 07.07.2016. Notice Dated 19-09-2016 
4820 Notice Public Notice Engagement of Extension Lecturers in Govt Colleges for the academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 19-09-2016 
4821 Notice Public Notice Engagement of Extension Lecturers in Govt Colleges for the academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 19-09-2016 
4822 Notice Public Notice Guidance regarding sanctioning Child care leave to Women employees. Notice Dated 19-09-2016 
4823 Notice Public Notice Retirement of Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 19-09-2016 
4824 Notice Public Notice Child car leave to Smt. Neha Bishnoi, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 16-09-2016 
4825 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage resource person in academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 15-09-2016 
4826 Notice Public Notice Regarding interview for the post of State Liasion Officer(SLO) change of venue Office of Director Higher Education, Shiksha Sadan, Sector -5 Panchkula instead of Room No. 42, Seventh Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Sector-3 Chandigarh. Notice Dated 15-09-2016 
4827 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Power of Govt College Bherian (kurukshetra) To Sh. Joginder Singh. Notice Dated 15-09-2016 
4828 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave of Smt. Namita Assistant Professor, Mathematics. Notice Dated 14-09-2016 
4829 Notice Public Notice Regarding interview for the post of State Liasion Officer(SLO). Notice Dated 12-09-2016 
4830 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person in academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 09-09-2016 
4831 Notice Public Notice Child care leave to Smt.Neelam Mandal, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 09-09-2016 
4832 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Principal Govt College for Women, Madlauda(Panipat) to Smt. Saroj Ahlawat. Notice Dated 07-09-2016 
4833 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College, Bawal(Rewari) to Sh. Balbir Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-09-2016 
4834 Notice Public Notice Regarding Child Care Leave of Smt. Monica, Notice Dated 07-09-2016 
4835 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College,Jhajjar and GC,Matan Hail to Smt. Ranjeet Madan, Associate/Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 03-09-2016 
4836 Notice Public Notice Regarding giving additional charge of Principal Govt College for Women,Madlauda(panipat) to Smt. Saroj Ahlawat. Notice Dated 03-09-2016 
4837 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College,Sidhrawali(Gurgaon) to Dr.Rajender Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 03-09-2016 
4838 Notice Public Notice Call of nation wide strike on 02.09.2016. Notice Dated 02-09-2016 
4839 Notice Public Notice Child Care Leave to Mrs. Sunita chauhan. Notice Dated 31-08-2016 
4840 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following Associate/Assistant Professors retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 29-08-2016 
4841 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Principal, Govt College For Women Punhana (Mewat) to Smt. Sangeeta Sharma. Notice Dated 23-08-2016 
4842 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects/Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f the Academic session 5249-17. Notice Dated 19-08-2016 
4843 Notice Public Notice Annual Function of Student Legal Literacy Mission-2016 now to be held on 18.09.2016 (Sunday) at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. Notice Dated 16-08-2016 
4844 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects.Discontinuation of Subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f the Academic Session 2016-17. Notice Dated 12-08-2016 
4845 Notice Public Notice introduction of New subjects Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f. the Academic session2016-17. Notice Dated 11-08-2016 
4846 Notice Public Notice अनुबंद आधार पर पुस्तकालय में रखे गए रेस्ट्रोरेर की अवधि को आगे बढ़ाने बारे I Notice Dated 11-08-2016 
4847 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College for Women, Safidon(Jind) to Sh. Jai Narain Gehlawat, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 09-08-2016 
4848 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Safidon(Jind) to Dr. Sandep Kandhwal, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 08-08-2016 
4849 Notice Public Notice Regarding computer instructor and Lab Attendant joining in year 2016-17. Notice Dated 08-08-2016 
4850 Notice Public Notice Regarding engaging/re-engaging Language Lab Instructor on extension basis in Govt. Colleges only for the 1st and 2nd academic semester during the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 08-08-2016 
4851 Notice Public Notice Following Principals posted in various Govt Colleges are hereby allowed to draw annual increments in their respective grades. Notice Dated 02-08-2016 
4852 Notice Public Notice एम.फिल. / पी.एच.डी के एवज में दी जाने वाली अग्रिम वेतनवृद्धि को मूल वेतन में मर्ज करने बारे I Notice Dated 28-07-2016 
4853 Notice Public Notice Addition charge of GC Bahu to Sh. Mukesh Kumar, and Additional charge of GC Nahar to Sh. Rajbir Singh. Notice Dated 28-07-2016 
4854 Notice Public Notice Assessment of workload for the session 2016-17. Notice Dated 28-07-2016 
4855 Notice Public Notice Annual Increments to Principal Posted in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 28-07-2016 
4856 Notice Public Notice Assessment of Workload for the session 2016-17. Notice Dated 28-07-2016 
4857 Notice Public Notice Annual Function of Student Legal Literacy Mission 2016 now to be held on 18.09.2016 (Sunday) at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. Notice Dated 27-07-2016 
4858 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Rajiv Gandhi Govt College for Women ,Bhiwani to Dr. Suresh Kumari. Notice Dated 27-07-2016 
4859 Notice Public Notice Regarding Staff Statement. Notice Dated 26-07-2016 
4860 Notice Public Notice Reservation and Relaxtion to wards of Kashmiri migrants in Universities and Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 26-07-2016 
4861 Notice Public Notice Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt colleges. Notice Dated 25-07-2016 
4862 Notice Public Notice Regarding change in the name of Government College Bapauli. Notice Dated 22-07-2016 
4863 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Associate.Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 22-07-2016 
4864 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 22-07-2016 
4865 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Associate.Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 22-07-2016 
4866 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing powers of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 22-07-2016 
4867 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Rajiv Gandhi Govt College for Women Bhiwani to Dr. Sunita Yadav. Notice Dated 21-07-2016 
4868 Notice Public Notice Screening Committee Meeting for grant of Pay Band IV. Notice Dated 21-07-2016 
4869 Notice Public Notice Screening Committee Meeting for grant of Pay Band IV. Notice Dated 21-07-2016 
4870 Notice Public Notice वित्तीय वर्ष 2015-16 के पैंडिंग बिलों का भुगतान वित्तीय वर्ष 2016-17 के लिए प्राप्त बजट में से करने बारे I Notice Dated 20-07-2016 
4871 Notice Public Notice Regarding engaging of Resource Persons on lecture Basis for the academic Session 2016-17. Notice Dated 16-07-2016 
4872 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Naraingarh(Ambala) to Sh. Satpal Girotra. Notice Dated 11-07-2016 
4873 Notice Public Notice On Line admissions in all Govt Colleges for academic session 2016-17. Leave in lieu of working on 07.07.2016 Notice Dated 07-07-2016 
4874 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for women , Ambala City to Smt. Manju Pathak. Notice Dated 06-07-2016 
4875 Notice Public Notice Regarding engaging of resource persons on lecture basis for the academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4876 Notice Public Notice Regarding engaging of resource persons on lecture basis for the academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4877 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. College, Barwala(Panchkula) to Smt. Kamlesh Sharma. Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4878 Notice Public Notice Permission to visit abroad - Case of Smt. Sunidhi, Associate Professor in Chemistry. Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4879 Notice Public Notice Grant of maternity leave to female Computer Instructor and Computer Lab Attendants engaged in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4880 Notice Public Notice Grant of maternity leave to female Computer Instructor and Computer Lab Attendants engaged in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4881 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects/Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f the Academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4882 Notice Public Notice Allotment of budget for the year 2016-17 under Head "2202-General Education" 03-University and Higher Education(Plan). Notice Dated 01-07-2016 
4883 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to engage re-engage Computer Instructor and Computer Lab Attendants in Govt. Colleges for the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 30-06-2016 
4884 Notice Public Notice Retirement of Principal of Government Colleges. Notice Dated 30-06-2016 
4885 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Barwala(Hisar) to Dr. Bhupinder Singh Kundu. Notice Dated 28-06-2016 
4886 Notice Public Notice Granting the leave to Smt.Swati Jha. Notice Dated 24-06-2016 
4887 Notice Public Notice Regarding Competition of Creating RUSA Logo. Notice Dated 24-06-2016 
4888 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. College Sidhrawali(Gurgaon) to Sh. Raj Singh. Notice Dated 21-06-2016 
4889 Notice Public Notice Establishment of Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur (Rewari). Notice Dated 17-06-2016 
4890 Notice Public Notice Regarding Lt. Sh. Chander Bhan Sarot,Principal(Retd). Notice Dated 17-06-2016 
4891 Notice Public Notice Budget Estimate for the year 2016-17 under the Head 2058 Stationery Printing 101 Purchase and Supply of Stationery Stores (Non Plan) for the purchase of Paper, Stationery, Noting-Sheets & envelopes etc. Notice Dated 16-06-2016 
4892 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects/Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f. the Academic Session 2016-17.. Notice Dated 15-06-2016 
4893 Notice Public Notice Allotment of budget for the year 2016-2017 under Head 2202-General Education 03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 15-06-2016 
4894 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f the Academic Session 2016-17. Notice Dated 09-06-2016 
4895 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New subjects Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f. the Academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 09-06-2016 
4896 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects/Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f the Academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 09-06-2016 
4897 Notice Public Notice Introduction of New Subjects Discontinuation of subjects in Government Colleges of Haryana w.e.f the Academics Session 2016-17. Notice Dated 03-06-2016 
4898 Notice Public Notice Regarding transferring of loans portfolio to the banks. Notice Dated 01-06-2016 
4899 Notice Public Notice On Line admissions in all Govt Colleges for academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 31-05-2016 
4900 Notice Public Notice Review of last Principal meeting. Notice Dated 25-05-2016 
4901 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of budget for the year 2016-2017 under Head ,2202-General Education 03-Universify and H.tr_l.. Education (plan). Notice Dated 25-05-2016 
4902 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of budget for the year 2016-2017 under Head 2202-General Education 03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 25-05-2016 
4903 Notice Public Notice Regarding Examination Duty. Notice Dated 23-05-2016 
4904 Notice Public Notice Regarding increase/decrease in seats, introduction. Discontinuation of Job Oriented course and any other subjects (Academic Session 2016-17). Notice Dated 20-05-2016 
4905 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt Colleges to Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 20-05-2016 
4906 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Tigaon (Faridabad) to Dr.Sapna Nagpal. Notice Dated 20-05-2016 
4907 Notice Public Notice Permission to visit abroad Case of Dr. Gurinder kaur, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 19-05-2016 
4908 Notice Public Notice Retirement of Principal. Notice Dated 18-05-2016 
4909 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for Women Nangal Choudhary (Mahendargarh) to Sh. Shivtaj Singh. Notice Dated 17-05-2016 
4910 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Bherian((Kurukshetra) to Smt. Birender Kaur. Notice Dated 17-05-2016 
4911 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Budget Funds Under Placement Cell in Govt. Colleges in the state of Haryana for the year 2016-17. Notice Dated 16-05-2016 
4912 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Budget Funds Under Placement Cell in Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 16-05-2016 
4913 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for women, Narnaul to Dr. Mahavir Singh yadav. Notice Dated 13-05-2016 
4914 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of District Library Yamuna Nagar to Sh. Sunil Taneja. Notice Dated 12-05-2016 
4915 Notice Public Notice Meeting of the principals of Government Colleges on 20th may 2016 at 10.30 AM in Red Bishop 1st floor sector 1 Panchkula. Notice Dated 12-05-2016 
4916 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admissions in State Universities. Notice Dated 10-05-2016 
4917 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admissions in State Universities. Notice Dated 10-05-2016 
4918 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admissions in State Universities. Notice Dated 10-05-2016 
4919 Notice Public Notice Centralized Online Admissions in State Universities. Notice Dated 10-05-2016 
4920 Notice Public Notice Centralized On-line admissions in all Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 10-05-2016 
4921 Notice Public Notice Centralized On-line admission in all Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 10-05-2016 
4922 Notice Public Notice Seminar on Impact and Need of Assessment & Accreditation by NAAC. Notice Dated 10-05-2016 
4923 Notice Public Notice Sh. Devinder Kaushik , HCS Joined as Additional Director(Admn.) Higher Education. Notice Dated 06-05-2016 
4924 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College,Krishan Nagar to Dr.Sanjay Tanwar. Notice Dated 04-05-2016 
4925 Notice Public Notice Regarding supply of Utilization Certificate. Notice Dated 03-05-2016 
4926 Notice Public Notice Legal Literacy Clubs Competitions. Notice Dated 03-05-2016 
4927 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of District Library Hisar to Dr. M.S Manjhu. Notice Dated 02-05-2016 
4928 Notice Public Notice Assistant/Associate Professors Retired from the Govt Service. Notice Dated 29-04-2016 
4929 Notice Public Notice Assistant/Associate Professors Retired from the Govt Service. Notice Dated 29-04-2016 
4930 Notice Public Notice Vetting of reply of Court Cases. Notice Dated 29-04-2016 
4931 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of principal Govt College Hisar to Sh.D.K Vats. Notice Dated 27-04-2016 
4932 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt college Adampur (Hisar) to Sh. Rajender Kumar Notice Dated 27-04-2016 
4933 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Gharaunda(karnal) to Smt. Santosh Malik. Notice Dated 27-04-2016 
4934 Notice Public Notice Legal Literacy Clubs Competitions. Notice Dated 26-04-2016 
4935 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing powers of govt Colleges to Addition of present Duties. Notice Dated 26-04-2016 
4936 Notice Public Notice Regarding Utilization Certificate. Notice Dated 26-04-2016 
4937 Notice Public Notice Legal Literacy Clubs Competitions at District Level. Notice Dated 26-04-2016 
4938 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 12439 of 2012 titled as Kusum Bajaj Versus State of Haryana & others - Implementation of decision thereof. Notice Dated 25-04-2016 
4939 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotments of Funds. Notice Dated 22-04-2016 
4940 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of OE (Plan) for the year 2016-2017 under Head 2202 General Education 03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 22-04-2016 
4941 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of OE(Plan) for the year 2016-2017 under Head 2202-General Education-03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 22-04-2016 
4942 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of Salary for the year 2016-2017 under Head 2202-General Education-03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 22-04-2016 
4943 Notice Public Notice Incurring of expenditure under Plan/Non-Plan Schemes. Notice Dated 20-04-2016 
4944 Notice Public Notice Lal Bahadur Shastri National award for Excellence in Public Administration, Academics and Managements 2016. Notice Dated 11-04-2016 
4945 Notice Public Notice Screening Committee Meeting for grant of Pay Band IV. Notice Dated 06-04-2016 
4946 Notice Public Notice Screening Committee Meeting for grant of Pay Band IV. Notice Dated 06-04-2016 
4947 Notice Public Notice Screening Committee Meeting for grant of Pay Band IV Postponement thereof. Notice Dated 05-04-2016 
4948 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Birohar(Jhajjar) to Dr.Jagjeet Singh Mor. Notice Dated 05-04-2016 
4949 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 01-04-2016 
4950 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/ Resource persons से सम्भन्दित सिविल याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में जवाबदावा दायर करना व सुनवाई हेतु निस्चित तिथि पर सुनवाई अटैंड करना सुनिश्चित करने बारे I Notice Dated 01-04-2016 
4951 Notice Public Notice Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan) for creating universal accessibility in built environment transport system and ICT eco system. Notice Dated 30-03-2016 
4952 Notice Public Notice Screening Committee Meeting for grant of Pay Band IV. Notice Dated 29-03-2016 
4953 Notice Public Notice Regading Retirement of Principals from the Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 29-03-2016 
4954 Notice Public Notice Suspension order of Mr.Subhas Sapra, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 22-03-2016 
4955 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the Assistant/Associate Professors retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 18-03-2016 
4956 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Budget/Funds under Placement Cell in Govt Colleges in the state of Haryana for the year 2015-16 under the code no. 24-M&S. Notice Dated 18-03-2016 
4957 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for Women Narnaul(Mahendergarh) to Sh. Rajender Yadav. Notice Dated 16-03-2016 
4958 Notice Public Notice Regarding Academic Result. Notice Dated 10-03-2016 
4959 Notice Public Notice स्टेट लाईजन अधिकारी एन.एस.एस सेल उच्त्तर शिक्षा निदेशालय के पद पर नियुक्ति I Notice Dated 10-03-2016 
4960 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to engage resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 08-03-2016 
4961 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of Clerk. Notice Dated 03-03-2016 
4962 Notice Public Notice Regarding competitions to be organized during the year 2015-16, at SchoolCollege level, Block level, Divisional level and State level. Notice Dated 03-03-2016 
4963 Notice Public Notice Allotment of budget for the year 2015-2016 under Head 2202 General Education 03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 03-03-2016 
4964 Notice Public Notice Allotment of budget for the year 2015-2016 under Head 2202 General Education 03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 03-03-2016 
4965 Notice Public Notice Joining of Sh. Satish Kumar Singla HCS. Notice Dated 01-03-2016 
4966 Notice Public Notice Legal Literacy Clubs Competitions at District Level. Notice Dated 01-03-2016 
4967 Notice Public Notice Regarding DHE nominee on the Governing Body of Private Affiliated (Aided) Colleges in Haryana. Notice Dated 01-03-2016 
4968 Notice Public Notice Retirement of Sh. L.N. Sharma, Principal Govt College For Education Narnaul. Notice Dated 26-02-2016 
4969 Notice Public Notice Revised admission schedule for PG courses for admissions in the affiliated Colleges. Institutes for the Academic session 2016-17. Notice Dated 25-02-2016 
4970 Notice Public Notice Allotment of budget for the year 2015-2016 under Head 2202 General Education 03-University and Higher Education(Plan). Notice Dated 25-02-2016 
4971 Notice Public Notice Permission to organize NSS camp. Notice Dated 25-02-2016 
4972 Notice Public Notice Permission to organize seven days NSS Camp. Notice Dated 25-02-2016 
4973 Notice Public Notice Loss of Revenue in crores in rupees due to non deposit of one third fee in Govt. Treasury. Notice Dated 25-02-2016 
4974 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 24-02-2016 
4975 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation Assistant/Associate Professors retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 23-02-2016 
4976 Notice Public Notice Regarding Postpone of State Level Science Exhibition. Notice Dated 18-02-2016 
4977 Notice Public Notice E-Sanctioning of posts Notice Dated 18-02-2016 
4978 Notice Public Notice राजकीय महाविद्यालयों में SMI Scheme के तहत वर्ष 2015-16 में राशि देने बारे I Notice Dated 17-02-2016 
4979 Notice Public Notice Instructions regarding re-appropriation/diversion of fund request and submitting of bills in treasury in month of March. Notice Dated 10-02-2016 
4980 Notice Public Notice Suspension of Sh. Subhash Duggal. Notice Dated 10-02-2016 
4981 Notice Public Notice Guidelines regarding letter bearing even number dated 11.12.2015 issued w.r.t training of DDOs. Notice Dated 08-02-2016 
4982 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to Engage Additional Resource Person On Lecture Basis in Academic Session 2015-2016. Notice Dated 05-02-2016 
4983 Notice Public Notice Associate Professors to be Depute as Deputy Director. Notice Dated 05-02-2016 
4984 Notice Public Notice NAAC PEER TEAM visit of Govt. College of Education , Narnaul-Deputation of Staff. Notice Dated 05-02-2016 
4985 Notice Public Notice Principals of Government Colleges retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 02-02-2016 
4986 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of State Central Library, Ambala Cantt to Smt. Kamlesh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 01-02-2016 
4987 Notice Public Notice Regarding Training for Drawing and Disbursing Officers in order to avoid the possibilities of frauds and embezzlement. Notice Dated 01-02-2016 
4988 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of Clerk Steno-Typists to Assistant of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 29-01-2016 
4989 Notice Public Notice Appointment on Contractual Basis. Notice Dated 28-01-2016 
4990 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Sampla(Rohtak) to Sh. Kuldip Singh Dalal. Notice Dated 28-01-2016 
4991 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Siwani (Bhiwani) to Sh. Surender Singh. Notice Dated 28-01-2016 
4992 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Ambala Cantt to Smt. Kamlesh. Notice Dated 28-01-2016 
4993 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Assandh to Sh. Hansraj. Notice Dated 28-01-2016 
4994 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College Barwala(Hisar) to Sh. Anil Kumar. Notice Dated 28-01-2016 
4995 Notice Public Notice Assistant. Associate Professors stand retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 27-01-2016 
4996 Notice Public Notice Assistant/Associate Professors stand retired from Govt. Service. Notice Dated 27-01-2016 
4997 Notice Public Notice Regarding Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari (Amendment and Validation) Bill 2015. Notice Dated 13-01-2016 
4998 Notice Public Notice observance of 27th Road safety week from 10th to 16th January 2016. Notice Dated 13-01-2016 
4999 Notice Public Notice Regarding Utilization certificates for the year 2014-2015. Notice Dated 08-01-2016 
5000 Notice Public Notice Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt College for Women Sector 14 Gurgaon to Smt. Chetna Sehrawat. Notice Dated 08-01-2016 
5001 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Krishan Nagar (Mahendargarh) to Smt. Anita Tanwar. Notice Dated 07-01-2016 
5002 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Kosli(Rewari) to Ms. Anita Rathee,Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 01-01-2016 
5003 Notice Public Notice Regarding Information sought under Fake BPL Card by Mr. Dharminder Kumar Gupta C/o Sh. Yogesh Kumar Gupta, Under RTI Act 2005. Notice Dated 30-12-2015 
5004 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reservation and Relaxation to wards of Kashmiri migrants in Universities and Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 29-12-2015 
5005 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt. College Barwala (Panchkula) to Smt. Anita Singh. Notice Dated 28-12-2015 
5006 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principals of Govt. Colleges from govt. service w.e.f. 31/12/2015 on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 26-12-2015 
5007 Notice Public Notice Theme based Cleanliness Drive from 1st - 15th November 2015 as part of Swachh Bharat Mission. Notice Dated 24-12-2015 
5008 Notice Public Notice Regarding Unnat Bharat Abhiyan. Notice Dated 24-12-2015 
5009 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College,Kharkhara(Rewari) to Smt. Dayawati, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 24-12-2015 
5010 Notice Public Notice Charge of Govt College Narnaud to Sh.Janak Raj. Notice Dated 22-12-2015 
5011 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt College for Women, Sampla(Rohtak) to Dr. Rajesh Kumar. Notice Dated 22-12-2015 
5012 Notice Public Notice Regarding Associate/Assistant Professors Retirement. Notice Dated 22-12-2015 
5013 Notice Public Notice Regarding Setting up of District level committees for the celebrations of Gita Jayanti Mahotsava (19 to 21 December 2015) along with responsibilities duties. Notice Dated 18-12-2015 
5014 Notice Public Notice Allotment of budget for the year 2015-16 under Head "2202-General Education" 03-University and Higher Education(Plan). Notice Dated 15-12-2015 
5015 Notice Public Notice Regarding Increase in seats for M.Com-I . Notice Dated 11-12-2015 
5016 Notice Public Notice Regarding Reservation and Relaxation to wards of Kashmiri Migrants in Universities and Colleges of Haryana. Notice Dated 09-12-2015 
5017 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/Resource persons से सम्बंधित सिविल याचिकाओ में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय जवाबदावा दायर करना सुनिश्चित करने बारे I 01/12/2015 Notice Dated 01-12-2015 
5018 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principal of GCW Sampla (Rohtak). Notice Dated 30-11-2015 
5019 Notice Public Notice Department Inquiry Under Rule 7 of Haryana Civil Service against Smt. Sunita Dhankar. Notice Dated 30-11-2015 
5020 Notice Public Notice Regarding AssociateAssistant Professors appointed to exercise the Drawing & Disbursing Power of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 24-11-2015 
5021 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of the Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. Services on 30/11/2015. Notice Dated 23-11-2015 
5022 Notice Public Notice Regarding Grant the Pay Scale to Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 20-11-2015 
5023 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/ Resource persons से सम्बन्धित सिविल याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में जवाबदावा दायर करना सुनिश्चित करने बारे I Notice Dated 16-11-2015 
5024 Notice Public Notice Regarding to ensure he compliance of order of Hon'ble High Court passed in various CWPs w.r.t Extension Lecturers Resource Persons. Notice Dated 04-11-2015 
5025 Notice Public Notice Regarding to ensure the compliance of order of Hon'ble High Court passed in various CWPs w.r.t Extension Lecturers Resource Persons. Notice Dated 04-11-2015 
5026 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of budget for the year 2015-16. Notice Dated 03-11-2015 
5027 Notice Public Notice वर्ष 2015-16 में ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने बारे I Notice Dated 03-11-2015 
5028 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/ Resource persons से सम्बन्धित सिविल याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में जवाबदावा दायर करना सुनिश्चित करने बारे I Notice Dated 02-11-2015 
5029 Notice Public Notice Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Class IV Government employees during the Year 2015-16. Notice Dated 02-11-2015 
5030 Notice Public Notice Regarding Celebration of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Anniversary on 31st October 2015. Notice Dated 29-10-2015 
5031 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 28-10-2015 
5032 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principals from Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 26-10-2015 
5033 Notice Public Notice Appointed as Coordinating Officers for the Department. Notice Dated 26-10-2015 
5034 Notice Public Notice Block/urban local bodies/ Districts की दिनांक 28/29.10.2015 को होने वाली New Education Policy की मीटिंग से सम्बंधित I Notice Dated 26-10-2015 
5035 Notice Public Notice Regarding Pay Scale of Dr. S.D Sharma, Principal Govt. College Narnaul. Notice Dated 23-10-2015 
5036 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. College Siwani to Smt. Shakuntla Bamel. Notice Dated 21-10-2015 
5037 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women, Behal(Bhiwani) to Sh. Naresh Chander,Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 20-10-2015 
5038 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College ,Gohana to Smt. Saroj Malik, Associate Professsor. Notice Dated 20-10-2015 
5039 Notice Public Notice Regarding Extension Lecturer Resource Persons. Notice Dated 15-10-2015 
5040 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 14-10-2015 
5041 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt Colleges to the following Associate/Assistant Professors. Notice Dated 14-10-2015 
5042 Notice Public Notice Regarding Compliance in accordance with the order of Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 8 May 2009 (in Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009) in the matter of University of Kerala Vs. Councils, Principals, Colleges, Kerala, and others. Notice Dated 14-10-2015 
5043 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt College Satnali(Mahendargarh) to Sh. Arun Sangwan, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 09-10-2015 
5044 Notice Public Notice Regardin additional Charge of GC Nahar to Sh. srya Pal. Notice Dated 08-10-2015 
5045 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 08-10-2015 
5046 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/ Resource persons से सम्बन्धित सिविल याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में जवाबदावा दायर करना सुनिश्चित करने बारे I Notice Dated 08-10-2015 
5047 Notice Public Notice Regarding Entitlement of annual increment during the period of Child care leave. Notice Dated 07-10-2015 
5048 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College, Nangal Choudhary to Sh. Harlal Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-10-2015 
5049 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College ,Nangal Choudhary to Sh. Harlal Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-10-2015 
5050 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College nangal Choudhary to Sh. harlal Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-10-2015 
5051 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Nangal Choudhary to Sh. Harlal Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-10-2015 
5052 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College Nangal Choudhary to Sh. harlal Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-10-2015 
5053 Notice Public Notice Regarding to Grant The Scale of Rs. 12000-18300 to the following Assistant Professors of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 07-10-2015 
5054 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Sh. Sanandan, Principal GC Gohana (Sonipat) from Govt. Service w.e.f. 30/09/2015 on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 06-10-2015 
5055 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/ Resource persons से सम्बन्धित सिविल याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय में जवाबदावा दायर करना सुनिश्चित करने बारे I Notice Dated 05-10-2015 
5056 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 01-10-2015 
5057 Notice Public Notice Ex-post facto sanction is granted for running B.Com course w.e.f Academic session 2011-12 in Government College, Birohar(Jhajjar). Notice Dated 30-09-2015 
5058 Notice Public Notice Regarding Addition in Seat in M.Com Part-1 GCW Rewari. Notice Dated 30-09-2015 
5059 Notice Public Notice Regarding Attaining the age of superannuation of Assistant/Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-09-2015 
5060 Notice Public Notice Regarding Implementation of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System. Notice Dated 18-09-2015 
5061 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to visit abroad to Smt. Gurinder Kaur. Notice Dated 17-09-2015 
5062 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/ Resource persons से सम्बंधित सिविल याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय द्वारा दिए गए आदेशों के पालना सुनिश्चित करने के बारे I Notice Dated 16-09-2015 
5063 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to visit abroad of Dr. Rekha Sharma. Notice Dated 15-09-2015 
5064 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt. College Krishan Nagar to Sh. Sanjay Tanwar, and Govt. College Chhara (Jhajjar) to Sh. Meer Singh. Notice Dated 11-09-2015 
5065 Notice Public Notice S.N.E 2015-16(Plan) Scheme for "Augmentation of Laboratories" in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 11-09-2015 
5066 Notice Public Notice Regarding Drawing & Disbursing Powers of Govt. College for women,Narnaul to Sh. Mahavir Singh Yadav. Notice Dated 11-09-2015 
5067 Notice Public Notice Regarding to sent the Names of eligible and willing officials alongwith relevant records to Admn Branch. Notice Dated 10-09-2015 
5068 Notice Public Notice Regarding Nomination for Two weeks Training Programme on Enhancing Administrative Financial and Manegerial Skills. Notice Dated 08-09-2015 
5069 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Dronacharya Govt College, Gurgaon to Sh. Partap Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 07-09-2015 
5070 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 07-09-2015 
5071 Notice Public Notice Extension lecturer/ Resource persons से सम्बंधित याचिकाओं में माननीय उच्च न्यायालय द्वारा दिए गए आदेशों के पालना सुनिश्चित करने के बारे I Notice Dated 07-09-2015 
5072 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women, Ambala City to Smt. Manju Pathak, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 04-09-2015 
5073 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to visit Abroad Smt. Gurinder Kaur. Notice Dated 04-09-2015 
5074 Notice Public Notice आवेदन पत्र , अग्रेषित करने बारे मामला - Dr. Dhanpal Singh Saini, Associate Professor Mathematics. Notice Dated 28-08-2015 
5075 Notice Public Notice Regarding Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 27-08-2015 
5076 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 27-08-2015 
5077 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Additional 10% seats in M.Com Part-I at GC Ambala Cantt. Notice Dated 26-08-2015 
5078 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement of Assistant/Associate professors of Govt. College from Govt. Service due to attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 26-08-2015 
5079 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Additional l0% seats in M.Com part-I General Category. Notice Dated 26-08-2015 
5080 Notice Public Notice Regarding Additional Charge of Govt. College Nahar(Rewari) to Smt. Bimla Bishnoi. Notice Dated 25-08-2015 
5081 Notice Public Notice Permission to engage additional resource person on lecture basis in academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 21-08-2015 
5082 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Baund Kalan(Bhiwani) to Sh. Amit Chaudhary,Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 20-08-2015 
5083 Notice Public Notice Drawing and Disbursing Powers of Govt College Barwala(Panchkula) to Dr. Ram Kumar, Assistant Professor. Notice Dated 18-08-2015 
5084 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of One Additional Unit Of M.Com (80 Seats). Notice Dated 18-08-2015 
5085 Notice Public Notice Regarding Strengthening of Library Services in the Government Colleges -SNE for the Year 2015-16. Notice Dated 17-08-2015 
5086 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Chhachhruali( Yamuna nagar) to Dr. Sunil Taneja,Associate Professor. Notice Dated 11-08-2015 
5087 Notice Public Notice Appointment as Principal/Deputy Director Colleges H.E.S-I (Group-A). Notice Dated 10-08-2015 
5088 Notice Public Notice CWP No.15838 of 2015 Sarika Vs. State of Haryana & others. Notice Dated 07-08-2015 
5089 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of Additional 20 Seats in M.Com at GC Naraingarh. Notice Dated 04-08-2015 
5090 Notice Public Notice Regarding engaging of Resource persons on lecture basis in the academic session 2016-16. Notice Dated 03-08-2015 
5091 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate professors of govt. colleges from govt. service w.e.f. 31/07/2015 for attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 29-07-2015 
5092 Notice Public Notice Regarding engaging of resource person on lecture basis in the academic session 2015-2016. Notice Dated 24-07-2015 
5093 Notice Public Notice Regarding Engaging of resource person on lecture basis in the academic session 2015-2016. Notice Dated 21-07-2015 
5094 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotement of New Seats at GCW Badhra. Notice Dated 20-07-2015 
5095 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of New Seats in GC Satnali (Mahendergarh). Notice Dated 17-07-2015 
5096 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt Colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 17-07-2015 
5097 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of New Seats to GC Satnali (Mahendergarh), Notice Dated 17-07-2015 
5098 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of M.A Geography inGC Badli (Jhajjar). Notice Dated 13-07-2015 
5099 Notice Public Notice Regarding Newly Sanctioned 536 posts of Assistant professors. Notice Dated 10-07-2015 
5100 Notice Public Notice Regarding Discontinue M.Sc Physics in GC Sector-14 Gurgaon. Notice Dated 09-07-2015 
5101 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of MA Hindi and MA Poltical Science in GCW Narnaul. Notice Dated 09-07-2015 
5102 Notice Public Notice Regarding Starting of MA Hindi and MA Poltical Science in GCW Narnaul. Notice Dated 09-07-2015 
5103 Notice Public Notice Regarding Discontinuation of M.Sc Chemistry in GC Sirsa. Notice Dated 09-07-2015 
5104 Notice Public Notice Regarding Discontinue new P.G Course M.Sc Chemistry in GC Bhiwani. Notice Dated 09-07-2015 
5105 Notice Public Notice Regarding Increase in seats of B.Sc Ist (Non Medical) in GC Badli. Notice Dated 08-07-2015 
5106 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principal of Govt. Colleges from Govt. Services on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 30-06-2015 
5107 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introduction of M.Com in Govt. College Jagdishpura (Kaithal). Notice Dated 29-06-2015 
5108 Notice Public Notice Regarding Babu Jagjivan Ram All india Essay Competition 2015. Notice Dated 26-06-2015 
5109 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. College from govt. service due to attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 26-06-2015 
5110 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 22-06-2015 
5111 Notice Public Notice Regarding CWP No. 9300 of 2015 Menka & others Versus State of Haryana & others. Notice Dated 12-06-2015 
5112 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt college for Women,Bhodia Khera to Sh. Ved Parkash Arya, Principal. Notice Dated 06-06-2015 
5113 Notice Public Notice Admission Guidelines for Academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 04-06-2015 
5114 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of GCW Sirsa to Principal GNC Sirsa for Session 2015-16. Notice Dated 03-06-2015 
5115 Notice Public Notice Regarding Additional Charge of GCW Ateli to Principal GC Ateli. Notice Dated 03-06-2015 
5116 Notice Public Notice Regarding Issue of organizing blood donation camps at Various locations/offices of the State Government. Notice Dated 28-05-2015 
5117 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. Services. Notice Dated 28-05-2015 
5118 Notice Public Notice Policy Guidelines for engaging/re-engaging Computer Instructors and Computer Lab Attendants in Govt. Colleges for the year 2015-16. Notice Dated 27-05-2015 
5119 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 22-05-2015 
5120 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sports Activities. Notice Dated 22-05-2015 
5121 Notice Public Notice Regarding Leave salary of 300 days in favour of Sh. Shamsher Singh Ahlawat, GC Rohtak who retired on 28/02/2015. Notice Dated 12-05-2015 
5122 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt Colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-05-2015 
5123 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 08-05-2015 
5124 Notice Public Notice Admission Guidelines for the Academic Session 2015-16. Notice Dated 06-05-2015 
5125 Notice Public Notice Admission Guidelines for Academic session 2015-16. Notice Dated 06-05-2015 
5126 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 30-04-2015 
5127 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors from Govt. services w.e.f. 30/04/2015 on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 30-04-2015 
5128 Notice Public Notice Regarding Training of Principals, Other Staff members and students of Govt. Colleges for On Line admissions and fee deposits. Notice Dated 27-04-2015 
5129 Notice Public Notice Regarding On Line admissions for the Academic Session 2015-16 in Govt. Colleges of Haryana state. Notice Dated 24-04-2015 
5130 Notice Public Notice Regarding Sanction accorded under Rule 19.6. Notice Dated 24-04-2015 
5131 Notice Public Notice Regarding Broadband Connection under NMEICT project of MHRD Govt. of India. Notice Dated 23-04-2015 
5132 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introduction of Philosphy in GC Matak Majri indri Karnal. Notice Dated 22-04-2015 
5133 Notice Public Notice Regarding Regularization of services of H.E.S.-II Lecturers working on contractual basis. Notice Dated 17-04-2015 
5134 Notice Public Notice Regularisation of services of H.E.S-II Lecturers (College Cadre) working on contractual basis. Notice Dated 17-04-2015 
5135 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of funds for the payment of Salary for the year 2015-16. Notice Dated 16-04-2015 
5136 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of all Principals of Govt. Colleges on 28.04.2015 at 10.30 AM in Red Bishop, Sector-1 Panchkula. Notice Dated 16-04-2015 
5137 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Dr. B.R Ambedkar Govt college,Dabwali to Dr. Rakesh Wadhwa,Associate Professor. Notice Dated 15-04-2015 
5138 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 10-04-2015 
5139 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of Salary for the year 2015-16 under Head "2202- General Education-03-University and Higher Education(Plan). Notice Dated 10-04-2015 
5140 Notice Public Notice Allotment of funds for the payment of OE(Plan) for the year 2015-2016 under Head "2202-General Education-03-University and Higher Education (Plan). Notice Dated 10-04-2015 
5141 Notice Public Notice Regarding Meeting of the Principals of Govt. Colleges. Notice Dated 09-04-2015 
5142 Notice Public Notice Regarding allotment of additional funds for the payment of salary for the year 2015-16. Notice Dated 08-04-2015 
5143 Notice Public Notice Regarding Introduction of Commerce and Science stream in GC Matan Hali (Jhajjar). Notice Dated 08-04-2015 
5144 Notice Public Notice Regarding Allotment of funds for the payment of Salary for the year 2015-16. Notice Dated 08-04-2015 
5145 Notice Public Notice Grant of Extra Ordinary leave for the period from 10.07.2008 to 31.12.2009 in respect of Smt. Ankita Malik, Assistant Professor of English. Notice Dated 03-04-2015 
5146 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement of Principals of Govt. Colleges from govt. service w.e.f. 31/03/2015 on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 31-03-2015 
5147 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate Professors of Govt. Colleges from govt. services w.e.f.31/03/2015. Notice Dated 26-03-2015 
5148 Notice Public Notice Regarding Amendment in Haryana Education Code. Notice Dated 26-03-2015 
5149 Notice Public Notice Instructions Regarding re-appropriation / diversion of fund request and submitting of bills in treasury in month of March. Notice Dated 24-03-2015 
5150 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 20-03-2015 
5151 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Kharkhara, Distt Rewari to Sh. Inderjeet Singh, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 19-03-2015 
5152 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women, Mahendargarh to Sh. Jai Narain, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 17-03-2015 
5153 Notice Public Notice Registration of services of H.E.S-II Lecturers (College Cadre) working on contractual basis. Notice Dated 12-03-2015 
5154 Notice Public Notice Regarding Regularisation of services of H.E.S-II Lecturers (College Cadre) working on contractual basis. Notice Dated 12-03-2015 
5155 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt College Kanina(Mahendargarh) to Sh. P.K Yadav, Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-03-2015 
5156 Notice Public Notice Regarding Adjustment of Smt. Sunita Priyadarshini as Deputy Director at Headquarter. Notice Dated 09-03-2015 
5157 Notice Public Notice Regarding Payment of remuneration to Contractual Lecturers initially engaged on the basis of M.Phil Degree. Notice Dated 05-03-2015 
5158 Notice Public Notice Suspension period of Sh. Dharam Pal, Principal(retd) Govt College, Chhachhrouli (Yamunanagar) is treated as duty period. Notice Dated 02-03-2015 
5159 Notice Public Notice टाइप टेस्ट के बारे हिंदी व अंग्रेजी I Notice Dated 02-03-2015 
5160 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Principal of Govt. Colleges from govt. services w.e.f. 28/02/2015 on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 26-02-2015 
5161 Notice Public Notice Regarding retirement of Principal of GCW Ambala City w.e.f. 31/03/2015. Notice Dated 26-02-2015 
5162 Notice Public Notice Regarding Retirement of Assistant/Associate professors of govt. colleges from govt. service w.e.f. 28/02/2015 for attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 25-02-2015 
5163 Notice Public Notice Hostels Rules and Guidelines in Government Colleges. Notice Dated 24-02-2015 
5164 Notice Public Notice Hostel Rules and Guidelines for Government Colleges Notice Dated 24-02-2015 
5165 Notice Public Notice Regarding Promotion of Assistant of Govt. Colleges as Deputy Superintendent on temporary basis. Notice Dated 19-02-2015 
5166 Notice Public Notice Additional Charge of Govt College Tigaon(Faridabad) to Smt. Preeti Kapoor, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 18-02-2015 
5167 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt Colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-02-2015 
5168 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt Colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 11-02-2015 
5169 Notice Public Notice Order of Sh. Dharampal ,Principal, Govt College, Chhachhrouli. Notice Dated 09-02-2015 
5170 Notice Public Notice Regarding Voluntarily retirement of Smt. Usha Malik. Notice Dated 09-02-2015 
5171 Notice Public Notice Regarding Request for posting for completion of rural service after forgo her/his rural posting. Notice Dated 08-02-2015 
5172 Notice Public Notice असिस्टेंट / एसोसिएट प्रोफेसरो के 50/55 वर्ष की सेवा पूर्ण होने उपरान्त सेवावृद्धि मामला भेजने बारे मामला I 04.02.2015 Notice Dated 04-02-2015 
5173 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women, Rewari to Sh. Sudhir Kumar Yadav, Associate professor. Notice Dated 04-02-2015 
5174 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College Mandi Dabwali to Smt. Jitender Kaur, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 04-02-2015 
5175 Notice Public Notice Following Principals of Government Colleges retired from Govt Service on attaining the age of superannuation. Notice Dated 30-01-2015 
5176 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following Assistant/Associate Professors retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 29-01-2015 
5177 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following Assistant/Associate Professors retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 29-01-2015 
5178 Notice Public Notice Grant of Child Care leave to Women employees of Haryana. Notice Dated 27-01-2015 
5179 Notice Public Notice Regarding Additional Charge of Govt college Kanina(Mohindergarh). Notice Dated 16-01-2015 
5180 Notice Public Notice Regarding Additional Charge of Govt college Matanhail(Jhajjar). Notice Dated 16-01-2015 
5181 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt Colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 15-01-2015 
5182 Notice Public Notice सेवानिवृत होने वाले असिस्टेंट / एसोसिएट प्रोफेसरो बारे सूचना I Notice Dated 15-01-2015 
5183 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 13-01-2015 
5184 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of New Govt College Narnaud to be started w.e.f ensuing academic session 2013-14. Notice Dated 13-01-2015 
5185 Notice Public Notice To send the willingness of Associate Professors of Govt Colleges for the post of Dy. Director in the directorate. Notice Dated 12-01-2015 
5186 Notice Public Notice Regularization of services of H.E.S-II Lecturers (College Cadre) working on contractual basis. Notice Dated 07-01-2015 
5187 Notice Public Notice Meeting of the principals of Govt Colleges on 09.01.2015 & 10.01.2015 at 11.00 A.M in Red Bishop Sector -1 Panchkula.- Postponed thereof. Notice Dated 07-01-2015 
5188 Notice Public Notice Supplimentary Agenda for the meeting of the Principals of Govt colleges on 09.01.2015 at 11.00AM in Red Bishop Sector 1 Panchkula. Notice Dated 02-01-2015 
5189 Notice Public Notice Additional charges of Govt Colleges to the following Associate Professors. Notice Dated 31-12-2014 
5190 Notice Public Notice Grant of Child Care leave to Women employees of Haryana(Proforma). Notice Dated 31-12-2014 
5191 Notice Public Notice Regarding On-line admissions 2014. Notice Dated 30-12-2014 
5192 Notice Public Notice Amendment in departmental policy for rural service in the Higher Education Department. Notice Dated 23-12-2014 
5193 Notice Public Notice On promotion to the post of Principal, the pay of the following is fixed as per details. Notice Dated 22-12-2014 
5194 Notice Public Notice Meeting of the Principals of Govt Colleges on 10.01.2015 at 11.00 A.M in Red Bishop, Sector 1 Panchkula. Notice Dated 19-12-2014 
5195 Notice Public Notice CWP No. 11129 of 2014- Nirmal Boora & others Vs. State of Haryana and others. Notice Dated 18-12-2014 
5196 Notice Public Notice CWP No.8429 of 2014 - Jagmohinder Singh Rana & others Vs. State of Haryana and others. Notice Dated 18-12-2014 
5197 Notice Public Notice Digitalization of Beneficiaries Data in respect of Welfare Schemes. Notice Dated 17-12-2014 
5198 Notice Public Notice The College will remain closed from 18.12.2014 to 31.12.2014 due to winter vacation. Notice Dated 17-12-2014 
5199 Notice Public Notice Consolidated stipend scheme for the welfare of Scheduled Caste students pursuing Higher Education in Govt Colleges during the year 2014-15. Notice Dated 08-12-2014 
5200 Notice Public Notice Following Principals of Govt Colleges are hereby allowed to draw annual grade increment in their respective grades. Notice Dated 02-12-2014 
5201 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following Assistant/Associate Professors retired from Govt Service. Notice Dated 28-11-2014 
5202 Notice Public Notice Attaining the age of superannuation the following principals of Govt Colleges shall retired from Govt Service w.e.f 30.11.2014. Notice Dated 28-11-2014 
5203 Notice Public Notice On appointment as Principal, the pay of following is protected as per details given against their names. Notice Dated 20-11-2014 
5204 Notice Public Notice Grant of Pay Scale of Lab Attendants working in Govt Aided Private Colleges at par with their conterparts working in Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 17-11-2014 
5205 Notice Public Notice Grant the Scale of Rs. 15600-39100+8000 G.P and Rs. 15600-39100+7000 to the following Assistant Professors of Govt Colleges. Notice Dated 13-11-2014 
5206 Notice Public Notice Additional charge of Govt College for Women, Faridabad to Smt. Deepak Vinayak, Associate Professor. Notice Dated 12-11-2014 
5207 Notice Public Notice SLP (CC) No. 13901 of 2013 converted into SLP No. 26907 of 2013- State of Haryana Vs. Satyapal Yadav & another together with SLP No. 26908-11, 32259,34641,34643,64644,36488 of 2013,4766-67 of 2014,6240-6245 of 2014. Notice Dated 07-11-2014 
5208 Notice Public Notice Unique college ID and Employee ID. Notice Dated 05-11-2014 
5209 Notice Public Notice Regarding all Scholarship Scheme. Notice Dated 29-10-2014 
5210 Notice Public Notice CM No.7561 of 2015 in CWP No.3470/2015-Pardeep and others Vs. State of Haryana. Notice Dated 03-08-2014 
5211 Notice Public Notice Inquiry Report by Justice Iqbal Singh. Notice Dated 09-03-2013 
5212 Notice Public Notice GuidelinesInstuctions regarding execution of repair worksnew construction up to Rs.20.00 lac by the Principals of Govt Colleges under strengthening and Maintenance of Infrasturcture Scheme. Notice Dated 29-03-2012 
5213 Notice Public Notice Starting of new subjects and increasing the seats for the academic session 2008-09 in the colleges of excellence. Notice Dated 29-05-2008